maggie holmes winner
Happy Thanksgiving eve to you! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class. It looks really great!
what a year. (x2)
a year ago i gave birth to two baby girls. one was 6 lbs. 4 oz. and we named her Lucy Claire. one was 4 lbs 12 oz. and we named her Catherine Bennett.
i was scared. i didn’t know how i was going to handle two babies.
i didn’t know how i was going to handle four children under five.
one year ago they wheeled me into the operating room and i didn’t know what to expect. i certainly didn’t expect to deliver two babies in three pushes! i certainly didn’t expect to not even know i was in labor (the babies were so big, i ALWAYS felt like i was having contractions!!). i certainly didn’t expect to have no pain or recovery after the delivery. i think God knew i’d need my strength,ha!
a year ago jimmy and i had a quiet thanksgiving in a hospital room as we looked at our two daughters…marveled over them…and talked in hushed tones about the future.
everything about them, EVERYTHING…has been unexpected. from the moment they told us they saw two heartbeats…everything has been a adventure.
they have turned our worlds upside down.
they have taught us all more than we ever could have known.
and i NEVER could have anticipated how FUN this would be. watching them together is a blessing. it is so interesting, and wild, and exhausting, and funny, and scary, and did i mention exhausting?
i became a better mother this year. i became more patient, more loving, more able to just soak it all in.
they are my “gentle reminders” from God. my reminders that i am not in charge. i am not the one that knows what is in store.
they are proof that WE CAN. every time we think we CAN’T handle something as a family, we do. they are proof that we are stronger, better than we think.
they are beautiful. they are wild. they are EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING. they have taught me that my love can MULTIPLY. my love has not been divided. i now love four little girls with more love than i knew i had.
they are our saving graces.
happy birthday, cate.
happy birthday, lucy.
thank you for lighting our lives and filling our hearts.
holiday confessions
i don't even know where our christmas decorations are, they aren't remotely close to coming out of the attic and being put up.
my stockings aren't hung by the chimney with care…there are still pumpkins on my mantel.
i have NO plans for our thanksgiving meal. more than likely we will end up buying something pre-made from fresh market.
i have dreams of bucking tradition and eating out. 🙂
the babies turn one on thursday, i don't have their cakes yet or know where i am getting them.
i just got their birthday presents yesterday.
i'm not doing a december daily, i never have.
i don't have christmas dresses for the girls nor do i have any idea when or if i'll be getting them.
i haven't bought any christmas gifts.
we don't have a photo of all six of us (except for one in the hospital a year ago) so i'm not sure if i'll be doing christmas cards.
i haven't played any christmas music yet (i don't even know that i love christmas music all that much).
i have the ranger ball coming up on dec. 3. i don't have a dress yet, don't have a hair appointment or nail appointment. i don't know when to look for a dress with four kids under five with me all the time.
and here's the big confession? i'm feeling a tiny bit inferior this year.
but that tiny part of me is overshadowed by the part of me that's okay with it. i'm proud we are making it in the day to day.
my girls are happy and healthy, we are all together, we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. SO much more than SO many people.
i HAVE a family, I don't need a photo to show me that. christmas is in your heart, not in the stuff. the babies will be okay and won't even know what their cakes look like. i HAVE healthy baby girls that are turning ONE. what a gift! the girls can wear their dresses from last year. jimmy is home again this year, safe with us again for one more year.
it's so easy to get caught up in the have-nots isn't it? the things we don't have or haven't done. when in reality, none of it matters.
perspective is something i'm constantly trying to give myself.
i think today we need to find an angel tree. or give a kiva loan. i need to concentrate less on me and more on others.
the rest? is just the fun stuff. it's not the meat and bones of what life is all about.
the rest will just come together.
isn't it silly what i tend to get caught up in? after looking at this list all typed up…all i could think is WHO CARES?
happy tis the season, y'all!
strong bonds
**first, i want to take a second to say THANK YOU to all of you that tried to help me figure out my technological issues :). i guess it was just a glitch…i was just worried that i had done something to erase your feeds to my blog b/c i'd been playing around in reader. thank you!!**
so this weekend we packed up the car and headed to st. augustine, FL for a strong bonds marriage and family retreat.
collages made using iphone and diptic
i am so grateful that the army is still investing the money (b/c i know it's very tight for them these days) to send ranger families to retreats where they can spend quality family time, one on one marriage time, and learn how to work on and improve their marriages.
no mater how fireproof you think your marriage is, no matter how much you think you know…this quality time and this instruction is INVALUABLE. and sitting in that huge room with that many amazing couples and talking about how to survive deployment…well it brought tears to my eyes. i am so grateful to be amongst the people we are amongst here. so humbled.
i feel like we came home exhilarated and eager to communicate better, encourage better, love better. and that is a priceless gift. so thank you uncle sam.
on this same note…i have a new friend named beth kingston.she stumbled on my blog and emailed me b/c it turns out we have a LOT in common. not only is she very involved in the crafty world (she works for xyron) but she is also married to a ranger. we have been the same places several times and have JUST missed each other :). we are hoping to be the same place when we move this summer, which would be fabulous b/c i just know i adore her. to make a long story even longer…she wrote a blog post that i identify with more than any blog post i've ever read. PLEASE take the time to read it. whether you are a military spouse or want to know how it feels…go read it.
have a beautiful monday.