i've been on a creative bender this week. ๐
wheels spinning, plans being made, ideas forming.
i've decided i want to do a special blog series for the month of february.
a month of "love lists". things i love (interpreted in all different sorts of ways).
february is, after all, my favorite month. and valentine's day is my favorite holiday.
pink,red,sparkle,lace,hearts,doilies,love…what's not to love for a girly girl like me?
so i decided i'll celebrate it in style.
with new posts all month long. projects,giveaways, favorite things, decor, style, journaling ideas,product ideas, you name it.
i asked for ideas about what you guys might like to see on my facebook page and i got some awesome ideas.
do you have anything you'd like to see? anything you don't want to see?
i'd love to hear. i'm SO excited and hope you will be too!
have a beautiful,blessed weekend.