in 2012 i will remember that my children are a reflection of me.
that when they are kind, speak gently, or even say something really funny… that is in part a reflection of me.
but the same goes for when they use an impatient tone, when they give sass, and when they aren't nice. sometimes i hear myself in something they say at these moments…and i need to remember that.
eight little eyes are always watching me.
resolute to pause and breathe before snapping, resolute that i will remember they are little and they are learning.
resolute to play more. i mean really play. STOP cleaning,fussing,worrying…and get down on the floor and
i will hold them more. i know there are two of them, but i will take time (MAKE time) to hold them more.
this year i will pray for a gentle spirit with them.
i will not pray for patience because then i get tested. hahaha!
this year i'm resolute that i will ENJOY the ride.
no more trying to survive and get through the ride without going insane.
i will REMEMBER the ride this year.
and above all, i am resolute that i will remind myself each and every day…
i might be frustrated, i might be tired. i might be lost some days. i might lose focus, i might cry.
but in the grand scheme of things these moments are a blink of the eye.
i will hold on tight this year.