you hear a lot…a LOT of things when you have twins.

a lot of really kind and encouraging things…and a lot of WEIRD and not so kind things.
actually, i don’t know if it’s the twin thing
or the “four girls five and under” thing…but i hear MANY things when we are out and about.
but by far my favorite (and the most baffling i think) is
“are they twins???”
sometimes this is totally understandable as it’s coming from people that i can tell are pretty sure they ARE twins, but don’t want to assume. i remember feeling this way before i had kids, as i knew NOTHING about babies and their ages and would just ask “how old are they?”.
totally understandable.
but what really makes me giggle is when i hear “are they twins?”
from someone who has children. and it’s even funnier when they look SO SURPRISED when i smile and say yes.
at the store from a nice lady in the dairy section. “how old are they?”
me: “they turned one on thanksgiving!”
her: “WHAT??? both turned one? are they TWINS???”
me: “uhhhhh yes?”

i know that lucy is the chunk of the pair and i know that they don’t look identical (though some people who don’t see them everyday think they do).
but they are about the same size, and look SO MUCH alike.
what else could they be?
sometimes i want to say something like
“oh no, this one is 3 months older!! she came out a little bit earlier and her sister hung out in the womb”
“this one is 13 months and this one is 14 months, no they aren’t twins!!!”
but i don’t. i smile and answer their questions b/c i love getting stopped. but it’s SO funny to me.

kind of like when i heard “do they all have the same daddy?” and i pointed at cate and said “all except that one!!!” .
or when the guy at urgent care(incredulously) said “are they ALL yours???” and i shrugged and looked confused and said “uhhhh i’m not sure?”.
or the lady that said “you know what causes that right?”
and i said “YES! I DO! AND IT’S MY FAVORITE!!!” hahaha!
you’ve got to laugh. or i swear you will cry.
there’s no other option! i love being on the go with my girls. we go everywhere, all five of us. target, the mall, the grocery store, you name it we go.
even when i hear “do you run a daycare?”…
and even when we are walking through the grocery store and i hear “your hands are full” for the 12th time (true story). i just grin and say thank you. arent’ they GREAT?
or (also a true story) i hold a baby out and say “want one? i have an extra!”.HA!
are they twins?
why yes. yes they are.