as this week began,we said goodbye to j, he had a short business trip to make.
it never ceases to amaze me that whether he’s gone a year or a week, the girls miss him so much.
saying goodbye (she asked him if he was going to afghanistan with this look on her face…it broke my heart):
and it never ceases to amaze me how much j loves his girls. here’s a text he sent for bedtime:
and most of all, it never ceases to amaze me how EXCITED the girls get to welcome him home. they had MAJOR ants in their pants at the airport:
we haven’t gotten to spend much time together lately at all…and we are starting to feel the effects. so friday afternoon we met up at forsyth park for some quality time.
and if you’ve ever wondered how to spot us as a family, just look for this (note the humor and slight?? panic on my face):
or this:
or look for sadie, who is just a little bit crazy:
and look for jimmy rolling his eyes as harper,sadie, and i do things like this:
can you tell we are all REALLY good at amusing ourselves???
all lucy wanted to do was swing…
you know what i love about my family? how much we laugh and how much fun we have together. we aren’t perfect, but we laugh a LOT and really HARD. it’s the best.
and one more shot i caught…if you ever happen to see this parade of girls with a handsome man caught in the middle(and loving every moment of it)? yep.
that’s my family.
happy, happy monday.
hope it’s beautiful and blessed.