He loves them with all of his heart. He tells them often how proud of them he is.Hearing that your daddy is proud of you…that is a wonderful feeling (whether you are 3 or 34).
He isn’t afraid for them to see him make mistakes. And when he does he says “i’m sorry”. He doesn’t hide his flaws from them.
He has a lot on his mind, but when he is here he is PRESENT.
He hugs them,kisses them,cuddles them. He expects a lot from them and is firm with them when he needs to be.
Every day he tells them their “specials” at bed time. These are things that make them special. His favorite things about them. And when he is not here, he texts them to me.
He leaves them notes, sends them emails and messages. He calls them on the phone if he can’t tell him he loves them in person.\
Every single day he is showing them (by example) the man they should aspire to find one day.
Kind,strong,brave,steady,selfless,true. He has never called me an ugly name. He has never spoken unkindly to me in front of the girls. He treats me,and makes me feel, like a gift. A rare jewel.
He is showing them that they deserve the best. That they should expect NO less.
He is teaching them self-confidence,grace,self-respect.
He rough houses with them, giggles with them, teaches them to play football,paints their toenails.
He is a superhero.
His love for them gives them courage and wings.
His love for them is like our father’s love for us. Pure.
It’s a beautiful thing to witness.