Studio Calico Blog Blitz!
Welcome to the Studio Calico Blog Blitz! Today we are celebrating the three new releases (Take Note,Abroad,and Classic Calico Vol.2) by sharing new projects!
I especially love the Take Note collection. Florals, bows, LULLABY THICKERS (yes i’m yelling)…it’s just very “me”.
Here’s what I came up with. 🙂
studio calico take note collection-
studio calico abroad collection-
crate paper pretty party brads
prima rhinestones
sometimes i wish
Sometimes I wish I was five.
Okay, I don’t want to be five, but sometimes I wish I still had the heart of a five year old. Pure and joyful…and unconcerned what everyone else is thinking.
Able to get up on a bench in the middle of the mall (wearing a tiara no less) and dance like a maniac. Limbs flailing, smile beaming.
What must it be like to not be self-conscious at all? To be able to quite simply do what makes you happy. No complications, no what-ifs, no i-probably-shouldn’t-do-thats.
If you are five it’s still cool to stand outside of your mom’s car in the carpool line and wave and blow kisses. It’s perfectly acceptable to run by the car grinning and blowing even more kisses.
When you are five head to toe pink is a major fashion statement. In fact…the more pink the better! Mixing patterns is awesome. Flowers, butterflies…you name it.
Five year olds become best friends immediately. No “should I talk to her” no “does she like me”. Just a simple I like her and she makes me happy so she’s my bestie.
It is such a gift to view life through her eyes. She reminds me what it’s really all about. She reminds me that all the other stuff doesn’t really matter. Every day is an adventure, every cookie is the best cookie ever. Her heart is right there…on her pink sleeve for everyone to see.
Gosh, I wish I could live like that. 🙂
Happy Good Friday sweet friends.xxo
My Mind’s Eye Blog Hop!

So today is my first big project for My Mind’s Eye. A blog hop! I’m so glad you found your way here, I had a blast putting this together and I am thrilled that so many amazing women agreed to join in.
Today is all about celebrating the new My Mind’s Eye blog. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m pretty proud of it. What do you think? I want to thank the fabulous Jen Allyson for helping me design the blog. She’s amazing. 🙂
MME is also celebrating our foray into social media. Twitter,FB,Pinterest…you name it. I’m committed to being accessible and present and so excited to share my love of MME. Have I mentioned how thrilled I am about this new job?
I am. I’m having FUN. I’m challenged, busy, and happy.
I wanted to share a layout I made with lots of MME goodies. My first official layout since accepting the job!

It’s not difficult to make something you love with products that are just so beautiful.
Speaking of products, how about a giveaway? Today I’m giving away a set of Indie Chic girl brads.Love these. I’ve seen them in person and they are fabulous.
These are from one of the three new mid-releases. I will be showing you all of the new products on the MME blog this week.
If you’d like a chance to win these fun brads, leave a comment on this post by Sunday,April 8. I will draw and post a winner April 9.
Next in the hop is Studio Calico!
And if you have lost your way, here’s a list of all of the blogs. Each stop has a giveaway and a new product sneak!
Thanks SO much for stopping by today. I hope you are enjoying the hop!
See y’all soon!
the sweetest thing
The girls were so excited that yesterday was our wedding anniversary. They decided that we should have a "feast". How could I say no to that? 🙂
Truth be told, I was feeling a teensy bit sad inside and I needed this idea.
After I got H from school, we headed to Fresh Market. By the way, if you've never pushed one baby in a stroller,pulled another one in a cart, and wrangled a 4 year old and 5 year old whilst at Fresh Market…well let's just say it's quite the experience. Those aisles do NOT have much wriggle room.
But I digress…
So S said we needed FLOWERS! I agreed and we scooped up some yellow tulips.
Harper said we needed FEAST food. So we picked up salmon and veggies (for me) and empanadas and mashed potatoes for them (yes totally random but I let them choose!).
I said we needed to have a TOAST! So I found a bottle of sparkling apple cider.
When we got home we fed the babies and put them down and got to work.
Harper chose a tablecloth (please note the random burro motif she chose in the photo above), Sadie helped me arrange the tulips. I poured the cider and set the table and we sat down to eat.
I swear to you I'm teary right now. I know this is silly but y'all…my heart was so full at that moment. We snapped a photo with the timer (note the Bible the phone was balanced on, ha!) and said a toast. I said a prayer about how thankful I am for their daddy and how much I love him…
And then H+S said they had something for me. They both stared right at me and sang
"Happy Anniversary to YOU
Happy Anniversary to YOU
Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy
Happy Anniversary to YOU!"
And I was overwhelmed with gratitude. And joy. And sadness.
And quietly in my heart I heard these words.
"we must be doing something right".
Lots of times I don't feel that way. Most times I don't feel that way. Most times I'm tired and wondering what I'm doing. But gosh, when something like that happens…I just know we are all going to be okay.
You see, they save me. They don't know it but they do. On days where I'm lonely, and missing him,and tired…they love on me extra.
Their sweet smiles and the way their hair smells saves me.
Now remind me of this later today when they are fighting over how they both want to be Dorothy ON HALLOWEEN IN SEVEN MONTHS.
Remind me of this when one of the babies throws my toothbrush in the toilet.
Happy Friday,y'all.