How in the world are they almost a year and a half old?
Y’all…I know I am biased but they are so so precious. They giggle and kiss and dance all day long. I am just absolutely in love with them. Their favorite thing to do right now is kiss.
They start about a foot away from me and say “nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnUH!” and on the UH they give me a big smackeroo on the mouth. They smooch and hug each other all day long.
Also they pull hair and slap each other all day long. That’s not so nice. We are working on “BEING SOFT”.
They make a mess everywhere. Anything they can reach they WILL pick up and move. I just found a box of quinoa in the bathtub.
The other day i found one of my flats in my shower. They hide in one of the kitchen cabinets and think it is hilarous.
Baby proofing? Has taken on a WHOLE new meaning with these two.
They also love bath time. The splashing and giggling is out of control during baths. I swear I’m going to have to start wearing a raincoat. HA!
Is hilarious. She is tiny (but she has quite the belly) and her hair is curly. She is the quieter of the two,but she loves to interact. If anyone smiles in her direction, she is SO engaged.
She loves making exaggerated facial expressions. Her favorite is her “OH!” face (see above). She makes it any time she is excited, or any time she does something wrong. It makes me laugh every single time.
She doesn’t take a binkie but she does this thing we call “monkey mouth”. She sucks on her tongue when she’s tired or doesn’t feel well.
She loves bananas,crackers,and sweet potatoes. She runs really fast with one arm swinging and she dances by not moving her body,but holding her arms up in the air and making her “oh” face.
Is about 3 lbs bigger than Cate. She loves to eat and moans the whole time she does (AHAHA). She loves blueberries,cheese,strawberries,crackers and whatever I am eating. She is such a beggar!
She gets DOWN when she dances. Literally. Girlfriend bounces so deep her diaper hits the floor.
She says “UH OH” in the most perfect way when she makes a mess or does something naughty.
If i don’t put her hair in a top pony she can’t see a thing through her mop top and will run into walls.
She talks a LOT. She is the verbal one. Her favorite words right now are: UH OH, Sadie, cracker,cheese,cookie,ni night,mama,dada,harper,car,bye bye bath
She still loves her binkie.
The other thing that they are way into right now is saying “cheeeeeeese!”. Here’s a video of them right now.Y’all I love them so much I can’t take it. Twins are just so much fun.
Happy Tuesday friends. Hope it’s beautiful and blessed.
cheese from stephanie howell on Vimeo.