I had someone ask on Twitter if it was time for a Blog Your Heart (thanks Smitha!) and I realized…oh POOP- when is the last time I did a Blog Your Heart?
And I don't even know. The intent was for it to be the last day of the month but somewhere along the way I stopped doing it.
So today I'm doing it.
Here is the idea behind BYH:
1.Blog whatever is on your heart. It can be serious,silly,angry,happy,blunt,ridiculous. It can be ANYTHING but it has to be authentic (yes,there's that dang buzz word…but to be fair I've been a proponent of authenticity for a long time). The post can be long or short, doesn't matter.
2.No judging. No snarky comments, no making fun, no passive agressive digs. If you are goingto read the blogs linked in the comments, don't be mean.
3. If you play along- link in the comments. I always read and comment on every single blog and alot of you do. I've noticed a cool community of women that grows out of these posts.
Here goes.
1.I am getting that perturbed feeling I get leading up to Memorial Day. I'm already seeing the tweets,the ads,etc. about Memorial Day being "the kick off for summer!!!" the "biggest party" etc. I can't deal with it. I get that most people aren't in the military lifestyle. I get that. I don't expect them to be. But the blatant…I don't know miseducation? ignorance? on Memorial Day makes my stomach ache. I've made a choice that I have to stay away from the internet this year. It may sound harsh,but it's the way i feel. Memorial day is MORE than a picture of the beach and a post about the party you are going to. I'm sorry,but it is.
I get that it is a party for most. Heck,many of my amazing army wife friends are having BBQs. I am not asking people to be gloomy and depressed all day. I am not asking people to not have fun. The basic lack of awareness just makes my stomach hurt. I know this is a personal issue…it most likely always will be to me.
2.I fell off the TurboFire wagon.Sigh. Sick kids,migraines,laziness….I have a million excuses but the fact is I stopped. And I strongly dislike myself for it. So today I start. I'm not saying I won't lose track again…but I'm not giving in to the giving up.
3.I have a love/hate relationship with scrapbooking right now. I love the process (sometimes),hate what I make. It's been like that since J left. I only have time for assignments lately. I stopped Project Life completely. I have all this great stuff and I never use it. I got burned out on the competitiveness and self-promotion I saw. I am not into that and it made me lose track on WHY I create. In July my official obligations are over. I plan to get back to my roots and why I did this in the first place.
4.My mom comes next week. I have never been more grateful or more ready for a helping pair of hands. I've felt "on the verge" lately. On the verge of crying, screaming, saying I CAN'T DO THIS. I want to have FUN with my girls. No worry, no what should i be doing,no guilt. I am ready to play and my mom is the master of that.
5.This past weekend we had a senior leader's forum. I was part of a small group that had one on one conversation with Annie McChrystal and Lisa Faris (among others). It was amazing,inspiring…pinch me wonderful. We had this forum that we will never have again. A chance to ask,admit,wonder anything…and get feedback from amazing leaders. To say it was a rare gift is an understatement.
6.I miss blogging. I am happier and more me when I blog. I am committed to taking time for me again, getting up earlier than the girls again…and blogging. It is therapy that I need and not doing it has worn me down. It's important to me and I need to make time for it.
7. I LOVE my job at MME.It is great being creative and using a part of my brain for someone other than my children. It has been so good for my morale and that is something I didn't expect.
Whew- I guess I needed to do one of these posts! If you are reading today,please say hi. These are always very vulnerable posts to do, but I feel better when I do and many of you can identify.
If you BYH today, feel free to snag the graphic but (as always) link back here.
Have a beautiful day, my friends.