me: sadie! put your patience panties on!
sadie: {smirking} ummmm, i don’t have those here. they must be in the boxes
me: uhhh….{thinking to self-“well played,sadie.well played.”}
side note: does she NOT look like a mini-jimmy here? it’s freaking me out.
oohhh snap!!! she def got you there 🙂
she ALWAYS gets me. i wish i could have seen my face. HAHAH.
Oh my goodness, that Sadie’s expressions crack me up. Quick witted too!
a dangerous combination!!! 🙂
That is hilarious! kids today are too smart! My soon-to-be-3 year old told my husband to “Change the clock!” when he was told it was time for bed 🙂
BAHAHAHHA! Those are those moments when you are supposed to act stern…but i have to turn my face to hide my smile!!
Very well played Sadie!
🙂 happy wednesday,debbie!
So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you better figure out how to get 2 steps ahead by the time this one is in grade school 😉
can you IMAGINE her as a teenageer? #terrifying
Oh snap … this made me laugh out loud!!! Thanks for starting my day with a smile.
hahah, you are welcome heather! happy wednesday. 🙂 xoxo
Oh my goodness!! I love it!! Sadie is hysterical!! My Sadie cracks me up too…one day in conversation she asked why I get to do something and I said “because I’m the mom”. Sadie says to me “but I’m the next mom”. I just about died. What a moment.
Sadies must naturally be comics. HEE
LOL!!! totally reminds me of my 7 year old at that age! always trying to negotiate and make us laugh to get out of a sticky situation! i will never forget the day that he cried when we were trying to get him to ride the short bus to preschool and he yelled “but you told me to never go with strangers and i don’t know this creepy old guy!!” gotta love them! and yes, she is a total mini j in that pic!
creepy! hahahahah
That really is a dangerous combination!!! 🙂 Oh Steph, I love the expression on her face!! She’s got that one down pat! 🙂
i know,i know. sigh. 🙂
Uh-oh, you’re in trouble with Sadie! If that’s how quick with a response she is NOW? Imagine when she’s, oh, 15???!!!
This mere thought chills me to the bone.
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Gorgeous!!!! And SMART. Woman, you are in TROUBLE!!!! (mine is like that too although I might be biased – haaa!)
That is sooooo funny! She is amazing! LOVE that face!Yep you’ll have to watch out cause she is smart! Hope you get your stuff soon!
Me too! Happy Wednesday Lilith!
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OMG! I was reading this at work (shhhh!) and totally just LOLed sooo loud! Love her!
Ha! Hope you didnt get any weird looks!!!
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Oh my goodness. She is so quick-witted. That made me laugh out loud!
me too. that stinker. 🙂
Oh bless that is priceless. You will have to put that photo up on a pin board when she turns 18.
What a smart cookie she is!!! LOL, I can’t believe your stuff is still in Savannah – I’d be having an anxiety attack by now – you’re much more patient than I am 🙂
not a dang thing i can do about it. 🙂
i whole-heartedly concur. 🙂
Totally loved her reply and she So looks like your hubby in this pic…didn’t see it before but so do now ! I try not to smile with the things the boys say too 🙂 but sometimes you can’t help it can you.
Its the chin!!!
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a picture is worth a thousand words…but, GOOD GOSH, thank you for including words because they are hysterical! i like to imagine i was a lot like Sadie when i was a kid, witty and quick on my feet. 🙂
I think I may have awakened the boy sleeping on the couch with this one. Well played, indeed Sadie! I wish I’d written down the many funny things my kids said. I just didn’t have the mind of a scrapbooker back then.
God bless you when that girl becomes a teenager!! LOL!
“Patience panties!” Oh my word, I love that!
Ha ha ha! Smarty pants. And I love that face. I see that one a lot around here….
That is awesome. You are in so much trouble when she is a teenager!
LOL, awesomeness. I’d probably tell her you thought they were already on and start looking and tickling her. 🙂
So hilarious!!! And I was thinking the exact same thing… much she resembles J…..this is such a priceless shot, how on earth did you capture it? This you have to scrap for SURE,
LOL…Well played indeed;) and she certainly does look just like her daddy here:)
I just love how she seems to be hiding behind her daddy, Her Protector!
cute and clever
oh my gosh! Patience panties…hilarious!!! I need to find me some of those too! 😉
LOL! TOO cute! And I’m sure exactly how you all feel at the moment! Hoping they arrive soon!
too cute! That comment would be something my 5 yr old would say!! How is it the little ones are too smart for our own good sometimes?? LOL
Oh my look at that face! lol How do you not just wet your pants laughing after that comment and expression? I love your Blog you are so creative and your kids stories make me cry with laughter and stories when your husband was at war or surprised your Harper with flowers at the door just made me make my own ugly face and cry! I look forward to the “snow” adventures in RI! haha I could just imagine your little fashionista and your Sadie when they see all the snow that falls there! Enjoy and thank you for making me laugh. Grace
LMAO! She’s genius!!! She does look very much like Jimmy in this photo!
ooh! She’s going to be so much fun when she’s a teenager! Love all of her faces!
fun…thats one way to put it. 🙂 HA!
aw, thank you SO much grace!
she KNOWS she is a genius. that is the problem. HA!
That is hilarious! Definitely well played!! I gotta say, i look forward to reading your blog everyday. I know that it is always going to make me chuckle out loud or at the least make me smile 🙂 You my Blog version of Ellen DeGeneres.
Love that face! My second daughter was like that too…she’s 13 now and very sweet, and your Sadie will be as well.
She is so smart and quick, love that face! I don’t know how you are managing without y our things. 🙁
Thank you for making my husband laugh out loud…..your stories and pictures really crack me up. What a great job you are doing.
Don’t always comment but I’m always here, loving your posts, Gotta love the funnies from the mouths of babes, right?
thanks so much for stopping by today,sar!
thank you! and you are welcome! hahah!
we are being CREATIVE!!! xoxo
sadie has a MAJORLY sweet side! 🙂
ally-that is a HUGE compliment. thank you so much!
i dont know,but its so true!
thank you!
me TOO! xoox
thanks kate! happy thursday. 3
so so true. 🙂
thanks es! xoxo
verrrry furtively.ahhaha
hahaha love that!
uh huh…trouble,right?xoxo
i need MINE today.hahaha! xoxo
hopefully shell still have the sweet side that balances the spunk! 🙂
i have a feeling ill look back on these and laugh so hard one day. and maybe cry,too. :)xoxo
so what are you like now? the same? i think she will make an AWESOME adult. 🙂 xoxo
still witty and quick on my feet. 😉 she will be. you’re doing an AWESOME job with all your girls! (and sisters really are the best :))
thanks valerie. :)xo
haha. I love that you thought to yourself, “well played.” Sometimes the things my four year old says to me leave me blinking at her, because that’s all i can do. when did they start getting so smart ?!?!?!
Aw love it when you capture all vary expression of your girls!!
i know right? i also often think touche.
thank you jennifer! 3
Ha ha. Sadie=1, Stephanie=0. 😉 Any word on when the boxes (containing the patience panties and more) might be arriving?
no word. boo HISS!
O my word that girl is TOO MUCH!!! That is SO hilarious!!
Oops sorry, mispelled Lucy’s name….typing with my big thumb on the ipad doesn’t help…LOL;)
That is so fabulously awesome! lol!