you know the moments. everything is going along beautifully. you feel like you have all your ducks in a row, all the balls in the air..
and then something happens to remind you just how overwhelmed, how sleep-deprived you really are?
it might be something little. finding the OJ in the pantry. your glasses in the refrigerator. starting the coffee without a filter.
or something bigger. almost leaving the house without a shirt on. oh yes, that was me yesterday. can you imagine me driving down the highway with my nursing bra on? that paints a pretty picture. let’s be honest. these days, there’s not much reason to put a shirt on. the babies eat all the time! hahaha!
or it can be something really big.
yesterday i got everyone dressed, packed the diaper bag, got everyone fed and in the car. drove 45 minutes to the babies 2 week appointment, and when i got close to Fort Stewart, I realized I didn’t have my wallet.
To get on an army post you have to have a form of ID. The Hospital is on an army post.
Next available appointment? Dec 21.
I called Jimmy, crying and feeling really sorry for myself. I got mad at myself for a minute. I think it’s important as mothers to have those moments. Mini pity parties, I call them. They only have to last a few minutes.
Then I pulled myself together and figured it out. I called the lactation consultant and I’m going to visit her on Monday to get them weighed. The rest of it can wait.
But oh, did I feel like I was losing my ever-loving mind.
I came home (babies both screaming all the way, mind you), fed the babies and got them to sleep, got the big girls into their room for quiet rest time, and I scrapped.
I decided, just for a moment, to ignore the dirty dishes in the sink. To leave all of the clean clothes on the floor in a pile for a bit longer. To forget about mopping the sticky syrup floor for a bit longer.
Making things makes me feel better. And today? Is a new day. Two whole days with Jimmy home to help. I couldn’t be happier! And next time?
I’ll make sure I have the #*#$*#($* wallet.
happy saturday!