How is it even possible to say something that simultaneously embarrasses and disgusts an 18 month old?
Is she rolling her eyes?
Can't you just hear her thinking "Oh puhhhhhleeeeeze".
And also, why are my girls all so facially expressive? I love it. Four big personalities make life pretty fun.
Happy Wednesday y'all!
heehee… that’s such a cute photo 🙂
Adorable! 🙂
oh my goodness, so cute!!
Oh that bottom lip is adorable!!
Your girls do make the cutest/funniest faces! So cute!!
haha. mini sadie.
So adorable! And I can’t believe how much hair she has! Still waiting for the hair of my almost 4-year-old to grow thicker!
Hands.Full. (and yes, I agree you have the most expressive kids around)
LOL…me thinks little sister has been taking some lessons from Sadie girl. hehehe
lol — the thought bubble above her head would say, “Oh, Mom. . . ” Too funny.
Sooooo cute. She’s just practicing for when she is a pre-teen and teenager. ;0)
So..I’m strolling through my google reader and this photo pops up and I am INSTANTLY smiling! She is too cute! Your girls really do have SUPER expressive faces and I love that you are so good at capturing them on camera!
They all are just too stinkin’ adorable!
Total cuteness! 🙂
So cute! I’d agree on the facial expressions, my daughter is the same! Keeps us laughing!
Oh I just love this picture! So adorable!
I cannot wait for the expressions our baby makes, your girlies are so cute!
Heehee, that’s adorable. My daughter will be 4 next week and is a champion eye-roller. Unfortunately, she probably learned it from me. 🙂
🙂 The apple doesn’t fall from the tree… lol
You are a great Mom.
OMG!! Cutest thing ever!!!
Haha! I get many expressions from my 11 month old girls. How do they learn such things so early?!
So cute! I love all of her hair. It makes her look older. I didn’t realize she was just 18 months old. That is a great picture!! They don’t outgrow the embarassment over what their parents say. My 14 yr. old is so embarrassed over everything, it’s so funny!
Soooo cute!
heheheheh! I love this post 🙂 As I was looking at the picture, I was thinking “How funny and expressive are all the howell girls” <3
xoxo, Bea
Love it! Thanks for making me smile! Believe me, the eye rolling isn’t half as cute when they are teenagers!
seriously hilarious! looks like she’s “SO DONE” with whatever drama is going on! LOL
What a sweet little angel!
Oh My Goodness!! I was just thinking this today as my 19, 16 and 10 year old “GIRLS” are all home for the summer……what do I do with ALL of their personalities (they have more than one between them all!!) but they are all girls and they are SO MUCH FUN!! And they make my world go around just as much as they make my world CRAZY!! and so I will go with it and survive. Oh My!!
Your girls are so stinking ADORABLE….and you will also survive and we will never want to change anything for the life of us!
Oh to be surrounded by this much cuteness (x4) day in and day out. Not sure how you stand it … 😉
that is sooooo stinkin’ cute!!!
And uhm, what DID you say? Broccoli is yummie? I am a little airplane?
Adorable! Aren’t kids just so fun?! My youngest just turned 13 months last week and her personality is changing and becoming so much more fun every day. I have 4 girls, too, the oldest is almost 8 and the youngest is my 13mo old. Life is for sure never dull around our house!