first of all, thank you all SO much for your “welcome homes”,your “happy birthdays” and your sweet words of encouragement and love. i’ve said it once, i’ll continue to say it a million times…y ‘all are the best. the absolute best.
we’ve had a great week. it’s nice not having to WORRY. i can’t explain it. i sleep better. i smile more.
j is back at work (gotta love the army, no rest for the weary) and both of the bigs are now in school. i spend most of the day driving. both girls are in different schools on different sides of town. sadie is half day, harper is full day. so…yep, i drive.
this week in the howell house:
our very first ENTIRE family dinner. the babies were too small to do this before he left. this one’s blurry, but please look at j gulping his wine. hahahahah! makes me giggle every time.
barbies…can you see lucy and cate? love.
sadie’s first day of preschool. this was the one day j had off so it was perfect. he got to walk her in (she was SO excited) and then after we took her out for mac&cheese and hot chocolate (her two absolute favorite things).
family date at the splash park in ellis square- these pictures might possibly be the best photos EVER. especially the bottom one. hahahahhahahahhaha! oh my gosh, i’m laughing out loud. i swear. classic.
more harper back to school fashion. she makes me take a picture of her it’s so funny. i’m thinking it will make an awesome scrapbook page…
carpool line…i had to share this b/c this is one of my all time favorite photos of sadie. that nose!!!
birthday date night, i got to wear my new ann taylor loft dress (i worried i might never get to!) and dress up. we went to dinner at vic’s on the river and j surprised me with a new iPad. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! it might be the first time in 11 years together that he completely, utterly surprised me. no idea.
and now? i’m OBSESSED. big time.
so that’s the week in photos. free of worry. lots of smiles,blessings,and sheer relief.
happy friday, y’all!