notebook by May Designs for Blue Sky , word charm by Make a Pretty Life, necklace by Ali Edwards
I have always loved the concept of One Little WordⓇ. I think it is enlightening, encouraging, and empowering. It holds me accountable and keeps me on track. Do I always talk about the word year round? No. Have I always shared it with you guys? Probably not. ffBut I totally believe in this idea and I have loved it since Ali came up with it.
I went back and forth on what I wanted my word to be this year. I thought about bloom. You know, like the name of this blog…Bloom Where You’re Planted. It’s always been my mantra. No matter where we go, no matter what the mission is, no matter how foreign and tough the soil may be, we grow roots and bloom.
But I have another mantra. It’s the less classy, more real version of bloom where you’re planted.
Embrace the suck.
If you know anything about me at all, you’ve probably picked up on the fact that I’m totally a glass half full kind of gal. I choose happiness when there is a choice. I don’t like to complain, whine, or be negative.
But let’s be real.
The life of a military family (or the life of ANY family, y’all. I’m just speaking about what I know personally) isn’t all perfect, all great, all happy, or easy all of the time. There are challenges. And struggles.
During our time in VA we’ve had unlimited family time. We see J every morning and night. He helps me bathe Cora and get through bedtime in one piece (which with 5 littles is no laughing matter). We have endless “date nights” where we order Indian food and watch our favorite Netflix show of the moment. He answers his phone and he responds to texts. We have long, lazy weekends and he sees every single game, recital, and class play. We have gotten used to seeing his handsome face.
This summer that will all change. New state, new home, new school, new friends, new job, new expecations.
Don’t get me wrong. I KNOW Alaska is going to be an amazing, beautiful adventure. I know we will bloom. I know God always has bigger plans than any we could ever imagine and I know that we end up starting over and loving every new place we go.
I will also be embracing the suck. Watching my girls leave their friends. Leaving a dear friend I love and a gym that has become home to me. Leaving a school we love and leaving the idea of having family within a driving distance.
Leaving behind guaranteed family time and a two year break where we were out of a traditional military life. No FRG, no mandatory fun, no goodbyes, no going on post, no fishhbowl environment. On the flip side, I’ve so missed the support system and a community of women that just…”get it”.
J will assume battalion command this June and he is so ready for it. He is going to ROCK it. In my eyes, there’s no better leader than J. I can’t wait to see him shine. But man….I’ll miss that face.
Here’s to 2018.
Embracing the suck.
Embracing change.
Embracing the unknown.
Embracing Alaska.
Embracing goodbye, hello, and see you later.
Embracing growth for our family and adventure.
I love how you embrace new adventures and the unknown! I love having roots firmly planted! I don’t do moves easily. That said….every move we have made in our 47 yr marriage has gifted me with new best friends, fun times with new groups, exciting adventures in a new locale. I wouldn’t trade any of this for those entrenched roots! Besides, look at all the Christmas cards I get to address!!!
If you only knew how much I admire you. I think you are so brave and such a strong woman. A great role model for your girls.