I've got a new layout up on the MME blog today. I've been working hard over there …won't you head on over for more photos and details ?
I know I don't do many military pages so i thought it was high time I changed that.
Making this one gave me comfort yesterday and (dare I say it?) made me want to make more pages!
Thank you for every word of encouragement and love that you've shared…every prayer you've said,every email and message you've sent. You guys are the absolute best.
Fabulous layout, lots of ideas for my hubby’s military pictures now.
J’s military career is definitely worth showcasing! Beautiful layout.
Great layout, perfect title!!
Great layout! The colors are beautiful.
Beautiful layout!
lovely page.
prayers for your sweet family.
I don’t know how you feel , because I am not married , especially not to a hero like your husband. But I do understand the bond you have, my bf went home to Germany for 2 months, and only two months, but it showed me how strong a person has to be in order to maintain that bond without be close with each other. There is a quote I really like, I jacked it off of a wall along the Westside highway in NYC a couple of summers ago. “Closeness has nothing to do with distance” I think it speaks a thousand words in situations like this.
You are so lucky to have your very own hero! Happy to see a little scrappy mojo 🙂
Glad to see this beautiful layout on your blog. Dare I speak for your other readers when I say that by getting to know J through your creativity, J has become a hero to us as well.
Awesome layout … you pulled such a beautiful thought and sentiment out of such a trying time! Great inspiration on both counts! {Emotional and layout design!}
love it, what a handsome guy you have there, I can see why you miss him so much 🙂 you are doing a fab job over at MME, I really look forward to seeing the blog each day!
This page is adorable! What is your die you used for banner at the bottom?
it is a banner sticker (border sticker) from MME!
Glad to hear you a bit more chipper today. Love your layout and the photos! Just lovely. I’m so glad it stirred up your creative juices!
I love this!! So beautiful.
Stunning LO! I always like when you do a military LO. Very humbling and inspiring to see what you and your family goes through, for the rest of us. I can feel your strength and courage coming right off this LO.
Love this layout! And it’s beautiful how much you adore J!
I admire your strength and faith and am praying for you. Tuesday night our music minister and wife came to visit us and mentioned that their daughter, Meredith, had gone to the funeral of a Ranger that day, who’s wife was her best friend at college at Mary Hardin Baylor last year. I said that it sounded like the people I’d been praying for and I came in and checked your blog and it was the same names. They had not met her yet, so I printed it off for them. It was neat that two people in the little town of Burkburnett, TX were praying for the same family, but learned about it in different ways. The power of prayer is very meaningful to us right now because my husband was surprisingly diagnosed with terminal cancer a month ago, but unlike the Higgins, we are getting ready to celebrate our 55th anniversary in June and have had such a wonderful life together. 26 of those years were spent in the AF Chaplaincy, so we know a little bit about your deployments, but not nearly as much as you do. Blessings
yes, I agree, you DEFINITELY need more military layouts, it’s such a big part of who you are, your family is and of course celebrating that hunky awesome hubby of yours!
I am sooooo PROUD of you, taking care of YOu and the girls and doing what you do!
i absolutely love this page stephanie♥ you definitely should do more pages of this very large aspect of your life, what a blessing those pages would be for the girls too
this is AWESOME!
I love that quote, “the journey with you is worth every step”…….lovely layout, looks like your mojo is back! Still sending you hugs and prayers your way!
Love it!
LOVE this layout Stephanie! I think you should definitely do more! This might just be what you need to bring you out of your funk 🙂
What a beautiful layout! I love the colours and it’s a lovely tribute to your husband. 🙂
love love love.
He is a HERO to all of us Steph! Hugs, Prayers and Sweet Thoughts are still coming your way!!!
Hey Stephanie- I don’t comment too much anymore…more of a lurker these days. But just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I’ve followed your blog through many deployments and know that you are so strong and handle things with such grace. Your girls are so lucky to have such great role models for parents!! Wishing you peace.
Beautiful layout! I’ve been thinking about you Stephanie. Hang in there. You are so brave and strong and beautiful. Your blog is a bright spot in my day. You write from your heart and that is why you are so loved by so many. Kiss those beautiful girls for me! I wish I lived by you and could come over with my girls for a play date. I know they’d all get along famously. Plus I’d just love to give you a hug right now. 🙂
love this!! please thank your husband for me… big hugs ~rachel