we had two insanely terrifying monsters…
i mean,this is the stuff of nightmares y’all. avert your eyes if you scare easily.
see??? they even scared themselves!
we also had a prim and proper dorothy…
and a not so prim and proper batgirl.
will someone please tell me what sadie is doing in the photo to the right?
actually, i’m not sure i even want to know. but i will tell you that every single time i look at it i laugh uncontrollably.
hope your weekend was awesome…mine was. i currently have NO voice due to laughing so hard and talking so much.
good times. 🙂
see y’all tomorrow!
I’m betting she is grabbing/letting go of her bucket strap with her hand… at least that is what i hope she is doing!! Sheis gangsta
They are all adorable!
OMG – I just laughed out load at work – that is the funnest picture I have seen in a while – thanks for making my day
i love them.
sooooooooooooooooooo much.
Those are for sure the scariest monsters I have ever seen!! 🙂 No.. Actually, they are SO darn cute!!! I love Dorothy and Bat Girl too!! That last photo made me giggle!!! I needed the chuckle. Thank you!! 🙂
Love love love all of the costumes!! Bailey of course pointed out that she and Sadie have the same pumpkin trick-or-treat basket!! And I asked her what she thought Sadie was doing in that picture – she simply said “Being funny.” So there you go! Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too funny! I think maybe she wants to be a rapper?
ha! i almost spit out my coffee:) love that last photo…just a little “gangsta style”:)hee/hee
“‘Sup. It’s Halloween-Yo.” LOL. Oh, Sadie. That girl cracks me up. 🙂
Harper is the PERFECT Dorothy! I love her dress! And the girls look SUPER cute as those little monsters. Yes, quite ferocious indeed. 😉
The first thing I thought of was that she was channeling her inner Michael Jackson ;o) She is so funny!!!
Thanks for sharing that last photo – I haven’t laughed at a photo like that in a while. All your girls are priceless and way too cute.
Your little girls make the cutest monsters! Love Harper and Sadies costumes too. My oldest was Dorthy at that age too. Sadie’s pose,… my girls make that pose when they dance and try to be cool. Funny!!
Too. Stinkin’. Cute! Wow, your Halloweens for the next few years are going to be EPIC, I can tell. Love the costumes!
Very cute kiddos!! Such great costumes!!
Is that Sadies version of the “SUCK IT” pose?
Those costumes are adorable on Lucy and Cate and Harper looks like a living Doll!
I just looove your girls…they are so cute,and Sadie so funny.
I snorted when I saw that last one. 🙂 She looks like she’s crumping!
OMGosh Stephanie!! Absolutely priceless!!! I don’t always comment
but I always love seenng pics of the girlies, they always make me
Beth!!!! Its so great to hear from you!! Xoxox
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It’s Sadie Jackson~ LOL!! I’d watch that gril, if I were you! 😉
The little girls are – to die for cute!!
So freakin’ funny!
Your monsters are so adorable I can’t stand it!!! LOVE!!! and such great costumes for Harper and Sadie! So glad you had fun in CT – wish I could have gone! Looking forward to DD’ing with you at Gossamer………welcome home!
Lol, too funny, looks like Dear Sadie is influenced by the late Michael Jackson, hilarious…love all of their costumes.
wowo these pictures are GREAT and well miss Sadie, you are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo funny 🙂
So cute… Love the little monsters, love your shoes Dorothy and batgirl gotta love your personality! Thanks for making my day brighter.
She is singing “baby got back” of course. Duh. 🙂
Oh goodness…that made my day!! I think she is channeling her inner Michael Jackson!!! Thank you for sharing! Oh… And I’m totally jealous of your Scrapbooking weekend!! House still standing!??? 🙂
OMG I love your babies. Sadie is doing the Michael Jackson thriller dance.
Hahaha. That picture of Sadie immediately made me crack up laughing. :o) Your kiddos look adorable. Mine were a dragon and a chicken. Nice warm costumes for the chilly Michigan Halloween night.
My vote is Gangsta too…and if I was drinking my coffee I would have spit it out also 🙂 You might need to save that one for her senior yearbook 🙂 Thanks for sharing the pics-always love looking at them!
Sadie is just doing a little gangnam style dancin’!!
Great pics 🙂
I giggled at the “not so prim and proper” Sadie next to Harper, but totally lost it on that last one. That Sadie is a character! Hahahaha. The littles are the most precious scary monsters evah!
your girls look absolutely adorable in their costumes!
looks like a crotch grab… gaga style. lol
Ohh, how cute are they?!?!? They look absolutely adorable and what fun they must have had dressing up.
Your children… they slay me. Every single one of your kids, hands down, makes the.best.facial.expressions.
I think they are both doing the Gangnam Style dance in the photo on the right
Funny, adorable Halloween!!
definitely a case of ants in pants! Looks like you had a great time!
Oh my! That photo of Sadie on the right….I am still laughing! Kids can be so funny!
hillarious!!! love those funny faces. i think yall should have at least one more sweet baby <3 😉
Clearly Sadie is channeling her inner Michael Jackson and is about to execute a perfect crotch grab dance move! Also, I am laughing so hard right now at that photo. Thank you for that.
Love the photos. Perhaps Sadie is dancing “Gangnam Style” 🙂