After several weeks without our belongings, they finally arrived on Wednesday.
This was a strange move,to say the least. We have done countless moves, three of them cross country,and we’ve never had one like this. It was supposed to be a door to door move and we were told that it would be,but that’s not how it worked out.
Our things were packed,loaded, crated,put in a warehouse in Savannah,then put on a train,then put in a warehouse here,then picked up by a moving company.
It was a disaster. The interim moving company pretty much dropped everything we owned,shoved everything into tiny moving crates with no rhyme or reason,and didn’t close 2 of the crates all the way. It rained really hard here in RI recently. You see where this is going,don’t you?
Yes…two crates flooded. Bikes,mattresses,rugs,framed art…wet.
There aren’t many “things” I have an attachment to. But our dinner table is one of them. J and I picked it out together, it was old and solid and beautiful. It had a story before it came to us. And it’s had many stories since.
Birthday parties,goodbye dinners,welcome home dinners, family moments,tears,laughter…that table has seen it all. And it was dropped in transit. One of the corners is completely gone,as if a sledge hammer was taken to it.
Yes,things are only things,but that thing had a story dang it.
I won’t get into the rest of the details…lots of damage,ruin,and a few tears shed by me. We will photograph,file claims,and hopefully be reimbursed.
We have so much more than so many people. I know that. But I wish they would have had more respect for the things that are dear to us. That’s what it comes down to.
I’ve been busy unpacking and making this house a home.
Determined to keep things in perspective. I won’t say I’m not upset.I kind of want to punch someone. Just a little bit.But in reality it doesn’t matter.
Don’t get me wrong, they will pay.That sounds kind of like I’m in the mob or something. HAHAH! But I’m so grateful for what I do have. Telling myself that over and over and looking at my sweet girls. Whilst raging inside.
Much love, my dear friends. Have a beautiful and blessed weekend.
So totally understand your feelings. With so many moves while in the Corps we had some that were flawless and others not so much.
I think I was just spoiled. Our other 8 have gone so well (relatively)!
Oh Steph! That is just horrible and I would be flippin mad as well. I don’t handle people well when they don’t return respect to me. That is the biggest thing that I teach my children, RESPECT. It goes a long way! So sorry you are going through this!! I truly hope you get reimbursed for your things.
AMEN re:respect. xoxo
What a horrible experience! Don’t feel bad or excuse your feelings. The things you own are YOUR things and it would be hard for me if our personal belongings came damaged. They’re personal and they are our belongings. Each thing in our house holds memories, emotions, love… so its completely understandable if you’re upset that things got ruined. I hope everything works out and I am loving your home so far. Can’t wait to hear more about your new adventures.
thanks so much,friend.xoxo
It’s upsetting! And unnerving! I know you want to keep things in perspective, but allow yourself the normal reaction and emotions. Hopefully you’ll get a big fat check out of it and you’ll get to go SHOPPING!
OMG! You are a better woman then me…I would have had someones head on a platter… LOL I really don’t understand how some people can be so disrespectful with others belongings. If you hate your job so much then find another one…hire someone that has a least some decency to respect others belongings. My mom moved years ago out of her life long home into a condo, she had a beautiful buffet cabinet that had been my great grnadmothers (that was going to eventually end up in my home)…the movers damaged it (badley)and then actually said to her that maybe she should have just left it where it was and bought a newer model… SERIOUSLY!!! Ok…I’ll step off my soap box now. π I hope that you are at least able to replace your stuff and start some new memories with them. Have a great weekend! π
Sending you some hugs… It’s lovely to see the girls happy faces…. Hope you get everything sorted(i would be upset/angry too) and the house feels more like a home now you things have arrived.
In a major move my husband and I made, some of our things were left with family in “storage” until we could come back and get it. It was piled into a pick up, tarped (well enough, we thought), but when we got our possessions back, we found that pretty well ALL of my personal belongings were destroyed by water ( we were engaged at the time). That meant yearbooks, photo albums, my prized shoes…all wrecked. I was devastated. I put on a brave face for my husband, but it really crushed me. I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter, and I’ve gotten over it, but some of those things are irreplaceable. That’s what hurt the most. So–I completely understand where you’re coming from! I hope you get reimbursed and receive a heartfelt, satisfactory “sorry” from the moving company!!
my second thought…can’t share my first…at least you have LOTS of photos that document your belongings…one of the pluses of being a blogger!!!
Oh dear! We don’t have many pieces of furniture we are really attached to but there are two pieces which are dear to us, both coming from our grandparents. they too were damaged in the move and we claimed and got paid but it hurt all the same. So sorry that you had to wait so long to get your goods and then to see that there was damage. Get a cushion and give it a good punch (more if needed) and I’m sure you’ll feel a little better. Sending you and you whole family lots of love!
Oh forgot to saw, LOVE that pic of Lucy and Kate on the bed. Love those chubby legs!!!
I meant “say” not “saw”!!!! Really need to go back to school, my spelling is horrible!
Even under such circumstances, you truly are a better woman than me! I’d have titled this post something along the lines of “Heads Will Roll!” Instead, you concentrated on what was important: making this house a home. And in the grand scheme of things, any table that you all sit around and love will be the table you all remember.
But I’d STILL like to make them pay!!!
Man that sucks! I want to punch someone for you! Just a thought but do you think you can get some wood and somewhat DIY it back together?? Mandi at Vintage Revivals might be able to give you some tips. You can take pictures and send to her. That girl has done some beautiful stuff with furniture that has seen it’s better days. Go to her blog and email her. Praying that might work for you.
Great perspective……thanks for sharing your real life…sorry it’s a little too real during this move!
So sorry to hear about this Stephanie- That really is the pits!! We have yet to have more than a picture or two break, so I honestly can’t imagine that amt. of loss. On a brighter note, the pic of your big girlies in their bedroom is pushing me to revamp Mad/Em’s room.. To say that is over-flowing with dolls/blankets/doll accesories would be a HUGE understatement. Thanks for the motivation!
I feel for you! Most of our moves had been smooth until the last one. We were retiring from the Navy and these movers were horrible. I am totally surprised my stuff arrived cross-country. Good luck with the paper work. I always told my hubby that we would get “real” furniture when we retired because the pieces I bought ended up ruined in the multiple moves : (
Sorry to hear about your damage. Our worst move was an in town move from an apartment to base housing we had things stolen and damaged by the movers. Then one move they didn’t leave enough room on the truck, we were the last to be loaded and they ended up having to send another truck the next day to finish that was a mess.
It’s ok to be upset, yes things are things but the movers should be much more respectful and careful with other people’s belongings. Things aren’t cheap and cost to be replaced and some things can’t be replaced.
On the bright side your home looks great and the girls all seem happy.
Amen! I am in the Air Force and we just moved TWENTY MILES down the road (it is a PCS) and SO MUCH of our stuff was broken. I kept thinking…this is our life! Many of these things belonged to our grandparents who are here no longer…how could you? But, as you said, I do think about the things I still have- my husband and my cats and my health. Still, though, I am peeved!
Oh honey, I am so sorry!! They will pay, but I know it isn’t the same. π Stinking movers. ((HUGS)) I hope your weekend is much better!
i’m so sorry to hear about your table, I agree that it is the most important piece of furniture in a house, so much happens at the kitchen table. Having moved SO many times, I know how very scary it is to watch that moving truck drive away with your life…each time my hubs would say “there goes our stuff…” andhe’d look sad, I was always worried about photos, and of course my scrapbooks…I hope you do get $$ for your losses and can build new memories at a nice new table π
Sending you hugs. Having moved Internationally I feel your pain.
I am so sorry that happened and don’t feel bad for being upset. We just completed a big move and were very lucky to only have very minor damage to a few things. Some things are just irreplaceable not necessarily for its physical characteristics but because of the emotional ones and it is okay to mourn that. On a brighter side, I am sure that the girls will have lots of fun with all of the empty boxes!
Hopefully all your scrapbooks and photos made it through the move. So sorry about your losses. I know that’s a huge blow, especially after being without your things for so long.
When my husband’s family moved to Iceland (for the Navy), the ship carrying all their belonging sank. Everything from the furniture, to wedding albums, baby books…everything…on the bottom of the ocean. They had to start from scratch…in Iceland.
But over 30 years later, everything’s fine…and they’re still enjoying the things they bought in Iceland. =/
I feel you completely unfortunately. I’ll tell you a little story that will hopefully make you laugh. The last time we PCS’ed, oddly enough it was from Savannah. They never showed up the day before to check out our place to see what they needed. But we were asked if one of them could use our phone to call his PAROLE officer. We were told we had too many things & if they could have some of it. Things were stolen, things were THROWN in a box, things were broken. We filed a claim but in typical army fashion nothing was done about it. I thought you might get a kick out of the whole parole officer’s so pathetic it’s kind of…funny.
Heartbreaking! Everything in my house has meaning – I look at the rocking chair and don’t see a chair, but the many hours I sat rocking babies. Yes, it is just stuff, but stuff that a mother’s heart is attached to. (And men rarely understand it.) At least it is there and you can assess the damage, grieve your losses, and work your way past it. I remember in one of our moves as a child, losing a box of pictures. My mother still hasn’t gotten over that one.
I’m so sorry. I get this. I really do. Coming into Benning, the movers completely ruined my grandmother’s dining room table. Coming into Polk, the movers completely lost two dish barrels which contained all of my band awards from high school (I went on to major in music in college), my high school diploma (said high school has now closed so there’s no getting a replacement), and a lot of childhood things of mine. When we filed out last set of claims here in Pennsylvania, it was a relatively easy process. Take photos of the damage, get estimates for repairs or replacement, upload the photos, do the whole thing on-line and wait. We lost a chair and a desk in this last move, plus the box that contained the framed composite photos of the students I taught, and my conductor’s baton (all framed together). They paid us every cent we asked for. Step, I’m heartbroken for you. Truly. This hurts so much. I know they are just things, but they were YOUR things. And water damage just kills me. I can only imagine your tears. I am so, so sorry.
Yes, they are just things, but they are your things and they should have been treated with respect. I am upset for you. (((hugs)))
So loving Sadie and Harper’s room, btw!
That is so hard. Been there done that and it still makes ya mad even under grace.
What you have done so far looks cozy. Fingers crossed the claims porcess goes smoothly.
So sorry you had a bad experience. All our moves went relatively smoothly until we moved to Germany the second time. Transportation came to my parents house to pack some things i had there and I had already left. Long story short they packed my grandfather’s cedar chest that was given to he and my grandmother as a wedding gift. it was THE one thing i wanted from his house. They packer put a sticker on it and put it in the moving van. the inventory was signed and away it went. fast forward to Germany. items being delivered and no chest. somehow it never made it on the inventory sheet and it was missed when it was signed. talk about heart breaking! my dad called the moving company and they wouldn’t even question the packer. he called for 2 years periodically to check to see if it was found. no luck. and transportation couldn’t do anything about it since it wasn’t on the inventory. gosh. i am tearing up now just thinking about it. sooooo, i totally get the heartbreak associated with THINGS that have a story. hope your scrapbooks made it ok and that you are enjoying RI. i know you will love it there. xoxo
Oh I am so sorry to hear that! Even though they are just “things”, those “things” have memories and stories attached to them that can mean a lot.
We have this little end table that we bought before our children were born and it has teeth marks on the edges from when our twins (now 11) were teething-it’s just a “thing” but I’d be heartbroken if something happened to it.
Hang in there!
Oh my, not the ending to the moving story that you were hoping for. That’s horrible about your table, but if you decide to keep it, it now has a whole new story attached to it π
Also, just to make you feel a little better I will tell you that we lived with our furnishings (well, most of it) in storage for almost 6 years. We live with my folks after we had an apartment fire and since the house was already furnished there was no need for our stuff. We are still unpacking things to this day and cleaning soot off of them.
I am so sorry about it all Steph. It really sucks that when you intrust your belongings to the movers and this is what happens, i, probably would’ve cried first….then get really, freakin” mad! I hope you’ll be able to recover some costs………hugs!!! Your home is looking really looking like a home so far too!
I ma so sorry that happened to you! I know how stressful a big move can be! that was my main concern when we moved from nJ to WV..something getting broke! mainly my grandmother’s dining room furniture! thankfully, we had great movers and they did their job well! Hope you get it straightened out soon!
I’m sorry. I went through a similar experience and the same set of emotions. The movers act like what’s the big deal? And they tried to weasel out of everything. But I have more perspective on it today. None of it really mattered in the end. I’ve lost my emotional attachment to things and have a much greater emphasis on photos and experiences and just every minute I get to spend hanging out with my teenagers (since it is so rare these days). My brother, however, totally clings to all the old furniture of my parents. I see it as a noose around his neck. His house looks like a 60’s museum. Life is so much more, you know?
I’m sorry so many of your things got broken. It seems like people either have a really good move, or a disaster of a move. We have only had to move once so far, and that move went really well. This makes me nervous for the move we will have to make next summer. My mom passed away last winter, and now I have several pieces of her furniture. I might try to talk my husband into moving those pieces ourselves, but I’m not sure that is going to go over very well.
On a side note I couldn’t think of anything when you asked what people would like to see on this blog, but now I have come up with something. I haven’t read much of your archives so maybe it is in there, but I’d like to hear more about the military side of your life. Things you all have been through, and where things are going. How it has shaped your lives. You all seem to deal with this lifestyle so wonderfully. π
you are so sweet to keep perspective of what you have in relation to others in the world. HOWEVER, you get to upset. it is respect and sheer laziness and lack of integrity for people to treat others stuff like crap. i would cry too. lots. you will move forward and time will lessen the hurt of the table being ruined. it is just stuff but we are human and stuff has meaning sometimes. it’s ok. hugs!
I am so sorry to hear about this damaging move! Especially about the table. Tables symbolize a lot to so many of us. It is the gathering place. I hope you will be able to find some way to repair that corner of the table and let its story live on. BIG HUGE BOO HISS from me.
Our move from KS to GA was the most destructive one. Shouldn’t have been so tricky. Meanwhile, we’ve sent everything we own to Germany and back without damage to a single thing. Go figure.
You have fabulous perspective on this whole mess. And I’m loving seeing photographic evidence of your new home evolving. LOVE YOUR STYLE.
Oh that is reslly terrible, Im so sorry that happened to your things.
So sorry to hear this. I can’t even imagine how you feel having only moved from an apartment into the house we’ve been living in for 20 years.
Awww Steph, I’m so sorry!! The photos are adorable π Hang in there; HUGS!!!!
The tears and seething are completely understandable. It’s awful to think of your treasures being mistreated. Hope things get better as you settle in and make new memories with new things.
So sorry that happened! It sounds awful. I’m glad you’re able to keep perspective, but sorry it happened. Good luck getting it reimbursed.
Ahhh!!! This scares me so much because we are moving with a moving company for the very first time NEXT WEEK. I have no clue what to expect and I’ve been nervous enough! Now I’m terrified. Not your fault, Stephanie!! Love you to pieces and I’m so sorry for the yucky experience you had!
By the way, I absolutely MUST know where you got that gorgeous black & white bedspread that the twins are playing on. It is PERFECT!!!
I feel your anguish. This happened to us in 1984 and I still feel the pain. We did not have one flat surface upon which to eat. Had to go out and buy a porch table. Our 1500 pound wood stove arrived in pieces. In fact, the truck was FULL of pieces. Since it was a “company” move, everything was taken care of for us. The president of the moving company flew down to Delaware on a private plane that afternoon. I am sure heads were rolling!
Do not despair…..they actually found someone to reconstruct our dining room table.
But the sadness and aggravation was endless. It took so much work and so much time and so many phone calls to get it straightened out.
thanks sarah. i believe its either pottery barn or restoration hardware (from years ago)
Oh, Steph…I have nothing but understanding. I was fortunate that I didn’t lose everything important in my last move (have I said thank you for helping me out yet?), but I know how it is when you pack it up and purge everything but the special items. In the grand scheme of things, yes it’s just stuff, but I get you that it’s the table you bought together – that comforting piece of home that’s always at home. I get it. I just hope your insurance company gets it better than mine did. I know it doesn’t solve anything, but take a drive, find a loud angry song, and yell along…it will help get some of that rage out before you have to act like an adult. π
Oh Steph, I can completely understand your being mad. You have every right to be. It does boil down to respect. People need to have respect for other’s belongings. It is one thing I see less and less of in this world (respect). And it is sad. So sorry to hear your table and other things were damaged. I would be upset too, especially because of the sentimental value that your table/belongings had. I hope it all gets rectified.
UGH! Just so much worse because you’ve been waiting SO long for everything. “Our” table was taken out of someone’s trash by my grandfather…held meals for my father and his three brothers for YEARS, then served my brother, sister, and me when we were growing up, then it went back to my grandmother after my grandfather died, and THEN it became “mine” again when I got married…and now my sons are eating at the same table as their great grandfather and grandfather! I totally get it! Plus, with all your moves that table was an anchor. Good job being human (and being brave enough to show it) and keeping perspective. Need to acknowledge, feel, but not dwell. Hope the paperwork isn’t a SUPER nightmare.
I am so sorry and I know how you are feeling. The last military move my brother and Sis in law made some boxes were lost. After lots of time passed and filing claims they were reimbursed . However most of the things lost were sentimental things; pictures and ornaments the kids had made. Almost 2 years later she still thinks of things that never made it to their new home. I know you are thankful for the family being together so just continue Making new memories π
So sorry π but the pictures already show you’re working on establishing a beautiful new home!!! Love the pictures of the girls in their new surroundings! Please say the red cupboard you bought in savannah is ok?!?! I love that piece! Teehee
chipped and a shelf broken. π
Oh my Stephanie – I am so sorry (and shocked considering all the moves you’ve made) that that happened to you guys. I’m mad for you! Glad you are able to keep it in perspective but dang it I’d want to punch something too! Hoping the repairs go well…hugs xoxo
I completely understand Stephanie! You have a total right to be upset. Yes, things are just things…but some are sentimental…like the dining room table. We have lots of furnishings that are one-of-a-kind and handmade by my father. I also have a framed painting that my now deceased grandmother painted when she was in high school. If any of these things got damaged in a move, you better believe my head would be spinning. Much love and I am sorry you have deal with the headache. One the bright side though, it looks like the house is coming together!
well that just stinks! I can tell from your blog that you are not a complainer by any means and even though you are right in all that you say that is absolutely worth feeling miffed about – i hope your scrapbooks are safe!
I’m with you, girl – its good to rant and get it out. When we moved my Mom, they broke Hummels and opened every single zipper in every single purse/bag and she had a ton of them. What comes around goes around so I just figure they’ll get their due. But it made me seeth all the time I was opening boxes. PS there are still a few left!
Ugh, I’m so sorry!
Moving is SO stressful. I’m sorry you had such an awful time but try to look bigger pic at your sweet littles and all you’ve done to make the new house their new home, and chalk up the broken/wet stuff. I know it’s far easier said than done, but the good stuff is right there with you.
Stef. Keep everything that is broken, stained, ruined. I was told tP take a picture of the damaged items, and that would be proof enough of the damage. My movers packed open cans of soda in with my scrapbooking stuff, along with hair gloss… I think one box had an open bottle of ketchup. I took all the pictures, had the letter from the moving company saying that’s all I needed…. Please keep everything.
It is perfectly OK to be upset, these were things that were important to you. “Things” may just be things, but many of our things hold special memories, and though the memories cannot be lost or stolen, they are still dear to us. Hopefully if your table can’t be repaired, you and J can find another table together that will be the setting for many, many more happy family memories.
Oh man, I’m so sorry. That just sucks. No other word about it! I’ve done a few moves including a cross country move and we had one go that way. Not quite as bad as yours but I swear they just threw my stuff in crates with no padding. And I made them pay!! hehe They were repairing stuff for weeks, not to mention what they had to reimburse me for what they couldn’t fix. Even stole my husband’s bike! Ugh, hate that part about moving. But your daughters’ room looks mighty cute!!
May I ask where you purchased your daughters beds? Love them. And the cute good morning sunshine pillow case?
The beds were from an on post furniture store at fort benning I believe. I think the pillowcases are land of nod from a few years ago. Hope that helps!
Sent from my iPhone
I am so sorry about your table and other items, how awful for you. Yes, you should be upset, perfectly understandable and with good reason. I love love our table also and the kids know it’s special and will be here for all our lives and hope to pass it down to them if they want it.
The movers should always remember to take extra care with others personal belongings, each piece is special and has it’s own story. Hope you can find a beautiful replacement table and make new memories in this gorgeous house you have now.
Good luck on the rest of the unpacking and making it a home. The pictures are adorable, the kids are having fun and happy to see their stuff.
Sending you hugs, prayers, patience to get thru this ordeal.
That’s awful! I’m sorry that people were so careless with your belongings. I hope that you are able to get reimbursed for the losses and that you are able to find replacements that will fill the voids and be part of many happy memories to come!
I’m raging with and for you, Stephanie! So upsetting for you both. Go and punch a few pillows π
Your new house looks fabulous btw. I’m sure you’ll make lots of happy memories there…
Oh gosh, Steph {{{hugs}}} so sorry this happened. π Our personal belongings are only “just things” to other people. To us they are much more than that. I would be more than upset. And livid. You are a much better person than I, trying to keep things in perspective and showing gratitude. (Although I’m not surprised.)
I’m personally hoping for a little karma (in addition to restitution) to kick in where it needs to. Want me to go give it a kick start? π xoxo
That really is too bad – I feel for you. Reimbursement is nice, but it won’t bring your table back. People just don’t get it, do they? Just like all the homes you have lived in, the table holds memories, so hold on to those and make something (like some picture frames) out of the table that you can keep (if the table isn’t salvagable).
Girl, my heart hurts for you. I would be so mad, I would send the Mob after the boneheads that moved your stuff. I hope that you can find someone that can restore your precious pieces for you! Hugs to you!
Dog-gone-it… So sorry to hear… It’s frustrating when people don’t respect others! Well, you have a better attitude than I would. All will work out, it always does, but still. I wish you well and look forward to hearing about your new life in RI… Take care, God bless.
Ugh. That just plain stinks! Moving and adjusting to a new area can be stressful enough. Finding out your things have been ruined is so frustrating. I’d feel the exact same way. I have things in my home that mean the world to me. They are just things but sometimes looking at them makes me think of certain memories or people.
Good thing you scrapbook and are great at preserving memories. You may not have your table but have photos of your table.
oh, stephanie. i am SO sorry. how very frustrating, especially since door to door moves are supposed to go so smoothly! i know that the claims don’t replace what you lose…but i hope that you can find some replacements that are special too π big hugs, friend!
So sorry about your flood damage. Makes me think of the time our belongings got shipped from Alabama to Hawaii sitting through a month long dock strike, all with an open bottle of bleach dripping and eating away at he beautiful bookcase my sweet husband had built for me. Oh week, at least my baby girls and I could go to the beach and play in the sand during all that waiting! Good luck with your unpacking and enjoy your new home. Your girls are so sweet.
We had some good moves and a couple of BAD moves like you describe when we were in the AF. Thank goodness I was always a stickler with the inventory sheets. Our last was the worst. Our stuff had been in storage, they lost a roof in a storm, our stuff was wet, moldy, water soaked. We got our $$ but not without a hassle and not the same. So disturbing. We still had each other and our memories, so like you said, lucky for that. Best wishes for an easy settling in time. And enjoy your next year.
Oh, I’m so sorry that happened! I hope everything works out.
People working for moving companies and have no respect for people’s things is crazy and makes me angry!! I’m so sorry for your losses and that you now have to fight to get reimbursed then replace these important items. Yes, these items are just material but they were not the movers items so they should have been treated like they were made of porcelain. I get your anger and am angry for you! Praying it all gets resolved as quickly as possible.
Same exact story here. Well, not exact. We’re AF and our move was from TX to MD. BUT, we filed a HUGE claim and I’m sorry to say, three months later we finally settled for half what the company truly owes us. I certainly hope you aren’t dealing with Carlyle Van Lines. Though I’ve heard quite a few of the moving companies are crrrrrrap. It was a sucker punch b/c they didn’t wreck the stuff I expected(Ikea furniture that is easily replaced); they wrecked several antiques. They put a hole right in the back of my BRAND NEW couch. It goes on and on. And dealing with the movers, it’s like WE were the bad guys. As if we ASKED them to ruin our stuff. *sigh* End rant. Good luck!
Kami, you hit it on the head: RESPECT. There are so few (pardon this generalizing sermonette) people that respect others, respect their jobs, just respect in general. It is a horrific “me focused era” and it honestly scares me sometimes. Steph, losing things that you have loved and that symbolize love for you is not something you need to apologize for. I have read you twitters along the way and you have not been treated well. Hope things calm down for you.
I had the same issue when we moved two months ago. The moving company charged us $4500 to pack and move us thirty miles then completely ruined 5 pieces of our furniture. Including our piano, which has a very long history and is super special to me. It was a mess and I’m still trying to get it fixed. The moving company hired a furniture repairman to try and fix my items and I’m supposed to get them back this Friday. They also broke several retired Fiestaware pieces we got for our wedding and tore a hole in a canvas piece I had made for my son as an infant.
They tore up corners and walls in our old home and our new.. what a mess.
They had EXCELLENT feedback on Angies List.. there was no way to know they would be so careless with our things.
I really feel for you.. I know just what you’re going through.
HUGS! And btw, love the big girls room!
We had a Navy move go something like that. I agree that things are just things, but seriously! My wedding china took a direct hit, leaving just a plate or two intact. We were reimbursed $50, which is what a “set of dishes” was worth on their charts. Life goes on, but I still miss that china. I hope your claims go smoothly and love your positive attitude about the whole move.
Wow really hard to keep perspective when things like that happen.
Keep trying to keep it together… at least you’re trying.