roses//herbs//tulips//caprese//jasmine//poppies//sandals//cherries//amazing fruit//peonies
I wish I could describe the way it smells here right now. But there are no words. It’s how I imagine heaven must smell. A combination of jasmine and fresh fruit. Sigh. Can you all come visit?
So beautiful. I’m not sure how you will ever adapt to living back in the U.S. I mean we do have Sonic Happy Hours & Target’s, but we also have big, stupid, cover- the-landscape signs, interstates, and the need to move so dang fast…. I’m glad your family gets the chance to live in such a gorgeous place and experience a different culture, such an incredible experience. When you move back home, I hope you land in the South. I love the South! Sincerely an Arkansas Razorback… LOL 🙂
gorgeous pix wow! I can almost smell them!
I soooo wish I could come visit! thanks for sharing!
thanks for taking us on your adventures. this collage is so cool. exactly how i imagine italy, in reds and pinks.
Would love to lovely lady! Such gorgeous pictures. PL inspiration right there 🙂