it’s hard to do a month of blog posts about things,people,and ideas i love…without mentioning DOILIES!
i have loved doilies ever since i was a little girl. i remember making valentines for my classmates out of paper doilies.
i have been buying and collecting them for years. i get questions fairly often about where i buy them, how to use them, etc…so i thought i’d do an entire blog post on the topic.
first,here are the doilies i have in my stash right now. under each photo i will share a source.
baking section at the grocery store
hand dyed doilies from my friend jamie
michael’s (with the seasonal valentine’s decor)
other places to snag doilies:
etsy (there are a zillion types)
dollar general (especially around easter)
junk shops/antique shops/secondhand stores
oriental trading (with valentine’s especially)
don’t judge me, but i take them off of soup plates at restaurants (under the bowl) and stick them in my purse. heheheee! it’s the first thing i do, so i can get them off the plate before they get food on them. jimmy rolls his eyes at me.
uses for doilies:
misting (you can either mist the doilies OR use them as a mask):
or you can simply use them as a design element (click on any to see full size):
you can also dye them (jamie used food coloring&water),
use them when wrapping gifts (kraft wrapping paper+doilies+twine&a shipping tag=my favorite)
fold them into fans or flowers,
cut them, use the borders,etc.
um, that was a lot of words about doiles. HA! hope you enjoyed it!
happy wednesday!
I think it’s pretty hilarious (and a little bit genius) that you take the doilies at restaurants. That totally made me laugh (as did the eye rolling….I see some of that in my future….)
ooh. thanks for sharing all the doily sources. you are too cute with the restaurant doilies. hehe
:)) I’am in love with doilies myself these days. Love all your layouts. Got some ideas for future projects π
I’m impressed that you eat at places that use doilies. I cannot think of the last time I saw one anywhere eating out.
The aqcuisition method for those doilies had me LOL at my desk at work…
I especially loved the rainbow colored doilies that you made for Sadie’s rainbow party!! Very cute!!!!!
Hahahah! Im in savannah…there are doilies everrrrywhere daaaarlin! :)))
Love this entry dedicated entirely to doilies! And I am definitely not judging… Dessert plates at fancy restaurants also usually have doilies, and lots of sushi restaurants do too (I usually ask the sushi places for a couple extra, because they bring out the sushi/tempura ON the doily so it dirties/oils it up) – I have no shame! π How do you dye it with the food coloring? Just soak it and let it dry?
I’m SO glad someone else takes doilies at restaurants!! Sometimes, I go to a particular pancake house just because I like their doily design so much. Thanks for making me feel like I’m not nuts!
YOU are the doily queen!
Great post!
you have inspired me to use more doilies on my layouts too. Although I am over in London so I have never been anywhere where they serve doilies at a restaurant….!
I love doilies too – but those Martha ones really caught my eye!
I love the doilies and I love your pages, but I am sitting here thinking what my boys might say if I put doilies on their pages or cards! Oh to have a sweet girl…maybe someday I will have a granddaughter. I can hope, right?
I adore doilies as well and am SO happy to hear that I’m not the only one who takes the doilies at restaurants to use later!! Why waste a good doilie?! HA!
I have some special ones and fabric ones that I just need to get over it and use them already!! Some of the fabric ones I’ve cut the centers out of and kept because once I stuck the doilie down on paper, you couldn’t see the center, so why not save it for later?! I’m such a nerd!
Thanks for sharing, love reading your blog!
I don’t use doilies nearly enough in my crafting. I should! I grew up with lovely doilies all around– my mother knows how to tat, and one year at my request, she tatted me a pink doily for my birthday. Someday soon, I hope that I’ll have a chance to learn how to tat from her!
p.s. taking the doily in the restaurant?! hilarious. and awesome!! I should do that myself– I never thought of it!!
what’s not to love about a doily? love them. and i love all your layouts using them too! one of my favorite garlands i’ve made is a doily garland (folded in half and machine stitched together with a brightly colored thread). xo
I am now on a mission to find doilies at restaurants and steal them for you. I’ll put a little label on the back with date and location. I wonder if you could collect stolen doilies from around the country? π
I giggled at taking from under soup plates. My husband would look at me like I have horns coming from my head if I did that. Maybe I should try…
I am always inspired by the ways you use doilies! Thanks for a wonderful post. I especially loved having another look at all of those beautiful layouts.
this? is an OUTSTANDING idea. hahahah!
I love doilies too. Love all those layouts you’ve shared and those cute banners. Those first doilies are awesome – never seen those type in Australia.
Love your stuff- as always… Now I have to figure out how to use doilies on boy pages. Or start scrapping more about me π
Like I have said before, whenever I see a lovely doily, I think of you…thanks for sharing π
My daughter and I both collect doiles from restaurants. SoHo Cafe on Liberty street has beautiful doilies and fabulous food:)
I love seeing all the doily layouts together. You are definitly the doily queen!! I love all the different ways to use them.
And then there are “metal” doilies too. π
Whenever I see doilies I think of you, have you got the PTI doily dies? They are great as well.
WOW WOW WOW I love this post, how fun they all look. The layouts are gorgeous all together like this showing off the doilies, beautiful job on them. The banners are especially my favorite.
Thanks for a whole post on this cuteness obsession of yours,lol love it!
Thank you so much for the doily inspiration! I can’t wait to use them on more than just layouts (:
I crown thee the Dioly Queen! Beautiful doily tiara placed on your head! Gosh…I’ve never seen so many varieties and your page examples are fabulous! I only have the crochet variety…some from Etsy and others from vintage shops. Have you seen the vintage doily banners people make on Etsy? Swoon! I should break down and buy one! I keep thinking that I could make one with the dozens of large lovely doilies I have. I’m too wimpy to cut them! Oh, the next time J rolls his eyes at you for stealing doilies under soup bowls, tell him you are just being environmentally aware, you’re supposed to reduce, reuse and recycle! π
i love doilies too! always look for them when i’m out and about…
Oh, I LOVE those Martha Stewart ones!
I love doilies too. Your layouts are beautiful and great inspiration for me to use more doilies on my pages! I’ve seen people use the small ones on their project life pages! I’m definitely going to have to start eating somewhere else besides McD’s!
I love that you take them from restaurants! That’s so something I would do. I only have boys so I’ve never felt like I could use doilies. But next time I’m at the dollar store, I just may pick some up! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful layouts….love how you folded those pink ones on the babes spread….my plan tomorrow is to spend some of the hubs moolah on doilies!!!! ;D
LOVE the doilies and it makes me want to send you some like a previous post!! What FUN! π We don’t go out much, but I will be on the lookout now!! Hee hee!
Ha! My husband were eating out just the other night. I ordered a side of salsa, and there under the bowl was a beautiful doily! I grabbed it, my husband said “for your scrapbook?”, and kindly tucked it into his pocket for me so it wouldn’t get wrecked!
I actually saw doilies in an antique store I frequent a few weeks ago and I thought of your layouts! What a great list π
fun to find other way to be useful with doilies!!
Stephanie – I laughed out loud at your post about taking doilies out from underneath soup etc….I do that too….i stay in lots of hotels and am always grabbing a bit of doily here and there….thanks so much for sharing. Sometimes I think I am the only wacky girl doing these things and then I see your posts….You always add joy to my day!!
oh, doilies… what’s not to like about them π I’ve put them around christmas lights this year and hung the ‘garland’ up in our living room. the decoration is there to stay π and taking them off of the restaurant plates? I am happy to hear I am not the only doily-crazy out there π
I was eating lunch with my sister yesterday and wanted SO badly to ask for the doily under her soup bowl!!! She was probably wondering why I kept staring at it?!? I restrained myself because she not a scrapper and wouldn’t understand :)…besides she already thinks I’m nuts, no need to reinforce the idea. I knew you could appreciate the moment!