ahem…i’m sorry…LOBSTAH rolls. geez. 🙂
today we ate our 2nd set of lobster rolls this week.this time we tried the ones from here.
anyone want to take bets on how many we will eat this year? j says 50. i’m thinking that might be a tad conservative. 🙂
p.s. still working my way through responding to each comment on the last post. y’all are AMAZING.
p.p.s. still no household goods. found out today that all of our worldly posessions are crated and sitting in a warehouse…
in savannah.
so there’s that.
but who cares, we’ve got lobstah rolls.
Is “wicked” still used in Rhode Island? It was the very first “adverb” (???) I learned when I went to college in Providence. Everything was “wicked” something…
That is one of our favorite places too!
You owe it to society to discover the perfect lobster roll. This will take many trips. You must try lobster mac n cheese as well. Oh, and less desirable but sooo worth bragging rights, see if you can find lobster ice cream near you – lobster puree, sea salt and ice cream base. It is very, um, unusual. get a small scoop and each of you can sample it, have camera ready to capture facial expressions, post to blog. Thank me later! 🙂
That looks wonderful!
um, i just threw up in my mouth a little teensy bit. EWWWWWWW
Oh how I miss New England food! And New England in general. You all are going to have a great year. If you’re looking for a small road trip in the fall try Berkshire County in western Massachusetts. You won’t be disappointed 🙂
And it wouldn’t be a PCS without something happening to give you a great story to tell! Hope those HHG get to you soon!
thank you so much for the rec,shannon!
want. to. eat. that. NOW!
Looks delish!
Hope you get your house goods soon.
Yum! We just came back from having seafood along the wharf downtown (Boston), it was a lovely night for it.
p.s. also remember that when you get sprinkles on your ice cream we call them ‘jimmies’ up here. Appropriate, no? ;D
Head to The Shack in Jamestown, right on water and great rolls. In the fall and spring check out restaurant week in Newport. Great way to try the more expensive restaurants for cheaper.
You have such a great attitude! My favourite all-time post is Harper and Sadie singing Carly Rae Jepson Call Me Maybe! They are such little stars! Here’s hoping your worldly goods get delivered soon!
Oh, my goodness! My mouth is watering!!
I hope they get your things to you asap. How are you managing without anything? I’d fire your movers lol. Enjoy!
You are in seafood heaven -seriously all up and down the New England Coast – and I love that you already have the accent “lobstah” 🙂
p.s. now ya gotta try some chowdah 🙂
You’ve got a seriously awesome attitude for someone who has none of her worldly possessions about her! In New England parlance, that makes you “wicked pissah” which means, roughly, “really cool.” (Don’t ask.) Incidentally, there are also places that sell lobster-flavored popcorn.
1 lobster toll/week in NE = 52 minimum per person. Have a great time. If your girls are into the “princesses and castles”, check out this real castle not to far from you.
Sorry about the mixup above. try this link instead:
Oh holy jealousness…I used to travel to Portland for work…and we would go get lobster rolls for lunch! Yummo!!!!!
I’m formerly from WI (now in MA) and can’t BELIEVE that I went without lobster rolls for 27 years!!! I have done my best to make up for that!!
And lobster mac and cheese – hellooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!
That looks so good! And I don’t even like lobster! LOL. (I know, I know. I’m a freak. Whatever.) OMG… you just totally reminded me!! I forgot to tell you about our favorite seafood place!! GAAAH! How could I forget?!?! LOL.
AnyWHO… Harbourside Lobstermania (we just call it Harbourside). It’s RIGHT on the water in East Greenwich, and oh my yum! Swordfish is my absolute favorite fish, and theirs is wonderful! Jeremy LOVED the stuffed shrimp and crab though. Oh, that place is amazing. Go during off-times because otherwise, it’s a MADHOUSE and SOOOO hard to find parking. Grrr. :-p LOL.
And poo on worldly things. :-p Tee hee. When I first moved to Austin, I was without my stuff (save what fit in my Toyota Corolla… 😉 ) for four months, and it was the best four months without all the crap! LOL. I would have been happy with less clothes and more scrapbooking stuff though… HA! 😀
Lobster, oooh how I love lobster. I am a purest, boiled and dipped in butter. Sigh. I love New England, we have the mountains, the sea and wonderful sea food. Excuse me… wicked awesome sea food.
The absence of wordly goods makes for a great excuse to live in your bathing suits, eat frozen fruit bars,and curl up your toes in the sand after chasing the waves and boogy boarding.
By the way you absolutely have to go to Absolutely Everything in Topsfield, MA. Scrapping and more… oh my. Back to Rhody, the Newport Jazz Festival, the Newport Folk Festival… Fort Adams State Park looking out at the bridge and bay… LOL I sound more excited for you than you probably at this point. 😉
Lobster rolls sound goooooood. You’re so LUCKY!
You should also try Flo’s Clam Shack on Wave Avenue in Middletown (across from the Atlantic Beach Club (ABC)). I guess Savannah really didn’t want you to leave!! You should have GREAT beach weather this week, so rinse out those suits and hit the beach!!
we ate at flos our first night here, it was awesome. oh,and everyone has a suit but me. BOOOOO
That looks so yummy (minus the fries for me cause I can’t eat anything deapfried!). Hope you’ll get your goods soon!
i just laughed out loud and dry heaved simultaneously. you are awesome,mrs.mcgarry.
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Stephanie Howell harpersmama8@gmail.com wrote:
i just laughed out loud and dry heaved synonymously. you are awesome,mrs.mcgarry.
i don’t know.but when i think of NE i think of “wicked”. i think it’s the jimmy fallon SNL skit. ha!
it was! 🙂
i want one for breakfast today. is that wrong?
me too. thanks so much for stopping by! xoxo
jimmies=all kinds of awesomeness. hahhah! can’t wait to explore boston. 🙂 xoxo
the shack. added to the bucket list. thanks so much!
bahahah! that song is a huge hit at our house. big hugs,friend!
me too!
the army picks the movers,not us. boooo. we are using our imaginations LOTS. 🙂
LOVE seafood. so excited about this year!
portland is the first place i’ve ever had a lobster roll. and i’ve been dreaming of them since!
oh my deliciousness.
yeah, it’s hard with four kids though.haha
no.we are equal in our excitement! xoxo
come visit!! 🙂 xoxo
me toooooo. 🙂 thanks for stopping by today,lilith!
I guess you can be comforted in the fact that the army paid for the move, so at least you aren’t out any more money. It still must be so frustrating though, it’s hard enough to move without missing all of your stuff. Good luck and in the mean time enjoy more lobster for me too!
oh. my. word. that makes my mouth water (and I literally JUST finished eating a big-for-me breakfast). I’ve only had lobstah rolls once in my life (in Maine), and it was a glorious experience. I hope to get some again someday 🙂 YUM. Eat one for me 😉
i will have MANY for you. 🙂 🙂
very comforted. 😉 im not complaining…its just another adventure.
This would be the perfect time to read one of those Minimalist Living books! lol. Like the 100 Things book. 😉 Granted, I still think “craft supplies” is 1 single thing. lol.
awesome. I’ll help you reach 50, no prob! 🙂
Our last pack out was late also. We finally drove to the base and picked it up. If Illinois had fresh lobster rolls we could have stayed home. LOL.
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I wholeheartedly concur!!
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I hope you enjoy RI! Check out the grocery stores as lobster can be had for as little as $3.99/lb and they will (lots of times!) cook it for you! Newport is fabulous!
I saw in another comment reply that the carousel from yesterday’s post was in Cary, NC- we used to live right down the street from that park, the same carousel I got motion sick on while pregnant with my first child. Love that park! Did you take the girls on the train too?
yes! that stinkin carousel is SO fast. cate dry heaved and i got cross-eyed! hahaha
Welcome to New England! I do so love a good lobster roll! Or a full on lobster dinner, for that matter! LOL! SO sorry your stuff is not where you are! I really do hope that clears up soon!!! But for now, enjoy this beautiful weather now that the humidity seems to have cleared for a few days, eat lots of lobster, and go tot he beach! Come to think of it…I’d like to do all of that, myself! LOL!
You need to come to MAINE for lobster rolls!
Welcome to New England!
I love reading about your wonderful family!!!
welcome to NE sweets, I love me some lobstah, since I am from wistah (worcester, ma) and need lobstah to be happy…I miss my seafood now that we are in the south 🙁 enjoy!!
I’m thinking there are bonuses to these crated warehoused belongings..
like lobstah roles
and chevron ottoman type things from Marshalls 🙂
thanks laurie!
the first lobster roll i ever had was in portland when i was 19 and ive been dreaming of it since. 🙂
great tip,rhonda! thank you so much!
sounds PERFECT. xoxo
I just saw the comment about Absolutely Everything – that is my LSS!!! It is fabulous – Kate does a really great job. You really must take a drive up one day!
um these look amazing. me thinks i want to visit you guys in new england! 🙂
I just saw the comment about Absolutely Everything – that is my LSS!! It is a fabulous store – Kate does a really good job. You really should drive up some day!
come on!!!
its on the to do list!
I’d be in heaven. That’s one place I would love to live. So far the army has sent us to LA, KS, and GA. I saw these yellow and gray thank you cards at Target and thought of you.
yellow and gray TY cards? sounds like a target wish list item. ha!
Being from Maine you could actually get Lobster rolls at McDonald’s. Cant say how they taste because I dont eat seafood. I hope you enjoy RI as much as we did when we were stationed there as newlyweds. Make sure to go to Yankee Candle factory in MA (if you like candles). Also take the T into Boston and walk Fanieul Hall with the girls. Keep the photos coming, because us New Englanders that live else where, really love them!
hmmm. not sure id be into the mc ds version! thank you so much for the recs!
Haa! I just had my first lobstah roll about a month ago in Boston! The meat had the best texture and a light flavor, mmmm. And we had Chilean Sea Bass that was crispy in the outside then melted like butter in your mouth. You can tell I was really into the seafood 🙂
if you haven’t gotten sick of seafood yet, we really like Evelyn’s Drive-In in Tiverton (it was on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives!) followed by ice cream at Grey’s down the street at Four Corners.