i just still can’t get over how different they look.
how different they are.
one tan and brunette (or brew-nut as she calls it), one fair and platinum blonde.
one verbal, one physical.
one who is always wanting to do the fair, nice thing, and one who is always wanting to do the funniest/sneakiest/wildest thing.
one who can play (with her imagination as her only playmate) for hours. one who i have never, to this day, seen entertained by anything for longer than ten minutes.
one tattletale, one hair-puller.
one snuggler, one touch-me not.
two who love me with all of their hearts. two who God made to fit perfectly into our little family. two who make my hair gray. two who make my heart so full it aches.
two who drive me to drink. just kidding. kind of.
but my gosh, they are beautiful. and they are so precious to me.
hope your Easter was happy. and that you were with the ones you love.