here’s the anatomy of a twin photo shoot.
hmm. i think i’ll sit them over here in the grass and quickly snap a photo before one of them moves or eats something.
wait a second…why is lucy looking at me like that?
hmm. okay. i think i’ll move them over in the doorway. there’s better light there and they like to sit there when i open the door.
what the heck are they looking at? what could possibly be down there?
HELLO??? MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB!! MAMAMAMAMAMAMA! lalalaallala (all of this while dancing)
first lucy looks at me for a second:
then cate looks at me for a second (whilst doing some sort of acrobatic maneuver):
now neither one of them have interest in me whatsoever (squeaking sophie the giraffe over my head)
oh, for the love. now they are climbing each other.
okay. let’s try the yard again.
and i’m done.
so. adorable.
I love their eyebrows!! Kinda Jack nicholson-pointy at the tops!! Very cool,
they’re so so beautiful!
ha ha . love love. Girls’ expressions.
Thank for make my day! Sweet!
too funny!
Oh my word, these two babies are SO divine!Lucy is sure a mini Sadie.
It looks as if you still have glorious weather; in Glasgow, Scotland, the weather is bbrrrrr!! Enjoy every minute of autumn (fall!).
Love Love Love these photos!! Thanks for sharing smiles this morning!! 🙂
Made me laugh this morning…I have 20 month old twins and this totally happens to me EVERY time I try to get a “good” picture of the two of them. Except my daughter is usually crying or screaming because that’s her new favorite move every time I sit her brother next to her! Lovely! Maybe I’ll get a decent picture of the two of them before the age of 5?!?!? good luck at your next photo shoot. Have a great day!!
They are just sooooo precious!
OMG, priceless. They are playin’ their mama. Photoshoots with my preteen and teen boys are almost as tough! The outtakes are the best!
Lucy is def channeling Sadie! They’re both just too cute! I hope you get some the photos you are wanting soon.
I need to learn to type and compose sentences better. The last one should say: I hope you get the photos you are wanting soon.
goodness they are cuties!!!
So funny !!!!
OMG I thought I was going to die laughing….so cute and so funny. You’re right…Lucy DOES look like Sadie when she makes that face! Too funny.
Too funny! Lucy does look like Sadie, and Kate like Harper! How cute! This is the age I would always have to take my boys to get professional pics done – so I could position them as someone else snapped them! It’s impossible to do it yourself!
Don’t feel bad! My girls are 8, 12 and 14 and they can’t sit still or look at the camera at the same time either. And my 14 yr. old gives me the same dirty looks! I tell my girls they were easier to photograph between the ages of 3-8 than they are now! I think girls just cannot sit still no matter how young or old they are! Your girls are beautiful!
haha this made me laugh after a rough night! But now I’m kind of dreading the twins becoming mobile- at least it will be funny!
It is crazy but SO fun!
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Such wonderful faces! So CUTE they are!
I’m reliving all the great albeit exhausting photoshoots I had with my twin girls 5 yrs ago…gosh I miss their chubby squishiness.
Thanks for the chuckle. Your girls are gorgeous and you’re hilarious.
Haha, way too cute. Your commentaries always make me laugh.
Oh this brings back memories of my babies! Trying to pose them and snap a picture before one took off, pooped their pants, or pulled someone’s hair!
Oh my gosh Steph!!! That is soo funny!
so cute, My sister and i were exactly like that in our pictures too!
Oh man- this is SO FUNNY! 🙂 They are so cute.
bwahahaha your mini Sadie is SO hilarious. I love the faces that BOTH of them make!!!!
this. is. awesome. Thanks for the bright spot in my morning.
SO funny. If it makes you feel better, my kids are 7 and 4 and it’s basically the same for me 😉
they are so expressive! i think i’d just kiss their cheeks all day long!
So funny and cute!!! 🙂
Oh my! Adorable and she definitely looks like a mini Sadie….cuteness!
Thanks for the laugh Steph – have been up since 4am w/ my twinsies and needed that. Hilerious and I think you will treasure the photos all the same.
that is so sadie!
oh my, thanks for the smile!!
Bahahaha!!!! Thanks for the laugh today!! The twins are more and more beautiful all the time!
Such great pictures, Stephanie! Funny how my 16 and 13-year-olds act the same way when the camera comes out!!!
they are darling!!
AWESOME! I love the pictures and your hilarious descriptions. Very real! (And very cute:)
That is so funny!!! Priceless photos!
HA! I’m crying I’m laughing so hard right now! The thing is, you got really great shots of them!!!!
Love this! Hilarious and completely true to life! 🙂
That. Is serious funny. And omigosh, that IS a Sadie look!!!!
your babies have the most animated faces 🙂
OH My this is too cute…made me chuckle outloud…so adorable. thank you for sharing your adorable family with us.
Oh my, it IS mini Sadie!!!
They’re both adorable!
Are you kidding me??? They are GORGEOUS!! And hilarious!! I am so happy I found your blog, Stephanie! 🙂 I can’t wait to read more!!
hahaha!! Beautiful photo shoot though. I also think you’ll treasure it even more than had they cooperated!
Craking me up!!!
Maybe you didn’t get what you were after, but this sure made me laugh!
Ha Ha.. I actually laughed out loud at that post. My eldest son asked me what I was looking at!!! Hilarious!!
These pics are adorable! I was just laughing out loud by the time you were finished – partly from picturing you 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
These are GREAT pictures! What more could you want? 🙂
Rolling on the floor laughing head off! This made my day! Thanks for sharing!
hilarious! my brother had twin boys who are two….I have many many outtake pictures. good luck when they learn to walk-haha!
seriously, my boys are a handful right now, but they are so sweet with each other and i love them both like crazy!
thanks for sharing your pictures!
Hahaha! I’m right there with you. I’ve just resigned myself to the fact that I’m going to have more out takes than good posed pictures. Ah, such the life with twins. 🙂
Lucy is a gal after my own heart…
LOL! A mini Sadie in the making!!! Too cute.
Hahaahha! My twin girls are 8-I so know what you are going through! Just wait till they start wreatling and knocking each other over every time you want to take a photo! Now they will pose for me individually sometimes, but it’s still hard to get them together!
This post is hilarious! It would make an awesome scrapbook page…truly the memories to look back on! I have the worst time photographing my son! We have none of those stellar Susan Weinroth face shoots with huge twinkling eyes! He HATES the camera! You pull it out and he starts to hide or have a fit! He’s okay if it’s candid shots when he doesn’t know the camera’s on him and he’s so absorbed in something he forgets to freak!;) I just do my best and scrap the best ones.
I just had to pop in to tell you how many times you’ve made me chuckle today with this blow by blow account! Just love it!!
Oh Steph, these made me chuckle. I thought the same thing when I saw the first photo of Lucy.. she looks like Sadie, making that face! Then I saw the 2nd one and really giggled!! I needed that.. thank you.. They are so darn cute!!!
And for the record… my 23 and 13 yr old daughters STILL give me looks like that! LOL Still chuckling over here.. I can just picture you with your blow by blow description.
This is so funny! The “smalls” are spitting images of the “bigs”. Happy fall Stephanie 🙂
Hi Stephanie! What happened to the link that was on your page to see all of your scrapbook pages on the Two Peas in a Bucket site? I can’t find it and I can’t find your projects on the site! Please help!
Here you go!!
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oh love this…and yes I do believe you have a mini Sadie in the making!! LOL
Thanks for taking the time to post and share this wonderful
Pic. Lucy does really look like mini Sadie. You
Have have both of them to take pic together, it could be fun!
My first thought “Oh, there is a “Sadie” in the making. Love it! Hugs Ketena
Thanks so much!! I need some inspiration!
Oh no it’s not working! Keeps taking the whole url but then jumping right to main page.
Just search for harpersmama. Or go to studio calico, my member gallery (stephanie howell) has more stuff in it there!
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Hee hee hee! I love it!
they are ridiculously cute!!!! love all the pics u put up of all your beautiful children.
I am cracking up laughing at this post! Too too cute!
If I may offer a word of advice… take as many photos of them NOW before they are mobile. The best pics I have of my twins together are from when they couldn’t run away.
Thank you so much for the Laugh! As the big sister of twins I totally understand. It doesn’t get much easier when they are 19 either.
That is so funny and I can understand the frustration. I am a schools photographer here in England and taking family and sibling photos can often be challenging, especially when little ones are involved! You’d think it would be simple to get them to look at the camera at the same time and smile – not always!
hilarious! so is your commentary