the girls had their very first soccer game last week. yes, they are on the same team :).
this makes for some very…um…interesting moments?
so let me offer you a quick flashback. harper has only played soccer once before. she was three. and it went like this:
well, it went back and forth between that and her yelling “DO I LOOK ASHION???” during games. i guess you could say it wasn’t really her “thing”.
so i suppose i expected something similar this time. she hasn’t really been that interested at practices. she does what she’s asked to do, but she isn’t overly excited about it or anything of the sort.
sadie,on the other hand…sadie has been very gung ho. i think it’s a good way for her to get out her energy/agression. the problem is that it’s her first time ever playing. she’s still getting the hang of it.but she has such a big desire to learn.
she is SO HARD on herself. she gets so frustrated that she doesn’t pick everything up on the very first try. i keep telling her i’m proud of her and that she should just have fun…but sister has a competitive streak a mile wide.
especially when it comes to harper.
as i mentioned, last week was their first game. here’s where the title of this post comes into play.
she was fast and focused and driven. she was at the front of the pack and the coach kept her in the entire time. and what is that LOOK on her face? is she growling?!?!?!?
what happened to my girly “i don’t want to get dirty” girl? what happened to my “YUCK I’M ALL SWEATY” girl?
and then at the very end of the game? she scored a goal!!! you should have seen her face. i sure wish her daddy was there to see it.
i didn’t take any photos of her scoring b/c i was experiencing it. i didn’t want to miss a moment so i didn’t have the camera over my face.
but when i recovered from my shock i grabbed the camera from around my neck and snapped this photo of sadie’s immediate reaction.
i don’t think i have to caption this photo, i think you can decipher her look yourself. if looks could kill. sibling rivalry much?
and yes, we did talk about how it wasn’t nice to not be happy for her sister. and we also talked about how she’d have her moment, too. and she did…she got the ball away from someone on the other team and dribbled it for a second. the cheers were deafening!
but wow, just wow.that kid is something else.
and harper? she was something else too. you could have knocked me over with a feather. i never ever would have guessed she’d play like that.
reminds me of a certain 16 year old who had never played a sport in her life, a 16 year old that picked up a lacrosse stick and was really really good. my mom says she’d never even seen me run. 🙂 and i ended up being all-state! 🙂
it’s funny how we see unexpected reflections of ourselves in our children.
hope your weekend was beautiful!
go harper…and sadie that girl, she still has a lot to learn I am sure, but nothing really is better than a bit of sibling rivelry! it will only make her more determined!
(and I know it isn’t spelled correctly but I am too lazy to look)
Way to go, Harper! And I literally laughed out loud at the pic of Sadie. I’m looking forward to other soccer stories. 🙂
Oh my goodness the photos, love them!! That pic of Sadie is priceless. Such sweet, sweet girls 🙂
That’s so awesome!! I am so much like Sadie it’s not even funny. I was the exact same way when I was the younger sister and my older sister was so good at things that I wanted to be good at. But eventually I found things that I was good at that weren’t her thing. It all comes out in the wash, as my grandmother says…
oh my, I am sooo laughing at the photo of Sadie, she’s so adorable!! happy they had a good time playing soccer, it definitely one of those competitive type sports 🙂
Wow — go, Harper!!! You rocked it! 🙂 And Miss Sadie, the look on your face is the face of every younger sibling in the world. You, too, will have your time in the sun.
Awww…you’re a Soccer Mom! Love it! Have fun!
Rhonda 🙂
Best photo of Sadie.
When I scrolled down to see the photo of Sadie, I totally BURST out laughing….my girls looked at me like I was insane! Couldn’t help myself! The pics of Harper with the “growl” face are equally adorable. Glad you got to take in every second of her goal!! Priceless!
oh, I laughed out loud at this! Aw Sadie, hahaha!
Love these stories, and my prissy, hates to swear old sounds just like Harper. Your tale has given me hope there is a chance my girl might like sorts too!
ack! I meant hates to SWEAT five year old! darn ipad…
Way to go Harper! And oh my lord, sitting her laughing my head off at Sadie’s picture…priceless! Somehow I think her goal will not be to far in the future. How fun!
Haha! That one photo is hilarious! You captured some really wonderful moments here:) Hope you had a great weekend! ~ Brooke
I love the pics. And I’m so glad to hear that you took the time to experience the moment instead of having a camera over your face. I tend to miss photo ops, because I’m experiencing. I always harbor a tinge of guilt/regret about that.
LOL, crack me up! I guess it goes to show to keep your mind open about who and what your kids can do! 🙂
OH, that is SOOOOO cool! Go Harper! And yay for Sadie for taking away the ball! Oh, how I wish I could watch them! How fun!
Can’t wait till we can put Hattie in soccer… just over 2 years to go? I can’t wait! 😉 LOL.
Congrats to both of them! Oh my, that face of Sadie’s! What a great capture. That rivalry will probably motivate her more to go get ’em. So glad you were able to enjoy it all.
Oh my word! That picture of Sadie is just hilarious. It actually made me laugh out loud.
I almost spit out my coffee when I saw the picture of Sadie’s face. Sooooooooo funny. Thanks for sharing, I always look forward to seeing pictures of the girls. Love your naritive too.
Huge laughs here! Too funny to see Sadie’s face/reaction and to here about Harper’s incredible transformation from princess to pro soccer player! What a day, huh? Thanks for sharing!
That picture of Sadie really made me laugh.
OMG! I laughed my ass off when I got to that picture of Sadie! That is so cute, funny, etc – Holy if looks could kill!!!!!!! Harper looks like a pro in those pics!!!
glad that it was both a triumphant & teachable moment for all of you. 🙂 and sadie sure looks cute with her matching headband!
and this is only the beginning! there will be a ‘first” second match, and a third one. At least Sadie is wearing a MATCHing headband, quite ‘ashionable!
that photo of Sadie is so hilarious! it seriously made me lol 🙂 priceless timing Stephanie!
Yep, busted out laughing over here too. Poor Sadie. Meanwhile … hooray for Harper!!!
That is so funny! That is my 14 yr. old exactly! If her 12 yr. old sister scores a goal, she gets so mad.
The look on Sadie’s face is priceless!! I’m sorry but I can see her father in her there! Congratulations to Harper for her goal.
LOOK at her little face. 🙂 LOL!!!!
yay Harper! that’s just so awesome!
and sadie girl, you will get there, you are so awesome!!!
I love her little soft, but tough spirit!
These are some great memories Steph! Love these pictures! Harper really does look like a pro; you would never know she was not “that interested”. And Sadie… she is looking pretty intense! The fact that she can steal the ball and dribble it means she is fast on Harper’s heels. Is Harper as competitive with Sadie? None of my kids really did much in the way of sports. Probably because we didn’t really push them – my hubby is not a sports nut and we are all more into arts than sports, but I love to watch them and sometimes I wish my kids were into sports… for about a minute 🙂 Treasure these moments – I know your kids will!
Way to go Harper!! and Sadie’s face is priceless, but so Sadie.
It is so funny that I am reading this post right now as we (my husband, middle daughter 16 yrs and I) were having a conversation (discussion, argument whatever!) a few moments before about what we/she should do this year as far as the sport of her choice now for 12 years. She is a cheerleader and does highschool and all stars, the team she made for all stars this year we are not sure about so we have some decisions to make and they are not easy.
Glad to see the girls are liking soccer so far!
Thanks for sharing!
I totally busted out laughing when I saw Sadie’s picture. Having 2 girls, I know very well that face. So funny!!!!!
when she gets older she is gonna love that picture! my sister is 1 1/2 years younger than me. we were competitive with everything. it’s a good thing tho, they will challenge each other, compliment each other, help each other.