I feel that I’ve perhaps gotten pretty complacent about the army life.
It’s very regimented and after 5 years, pretty automatic.
But this evening at 5 p.m. (or 1700;)) I was driving onto post when something gave me pause.
Let me tell you about Retreat.
“Retreat” (“To The Colors”) is A bugle call played at 5 P.M. during the daily ceremony of lowering the flag to mark the official end of the workday..
At the first note of “Retreat” soldiers stand at attention, and at the first note of “To The Colors” render a salute if in uniform, civilians place your hand over your heart.
I saw a long line of cars stopped and outside of each car
stood a soldier at attention.
saluting the flag.
Nothing moved except for the american flag blowing in the wind.
It was beautiful…I got goosebumps.
And that doesn’t happen very often.
I’m usually annoyed with the Army.
It can be a pain to ever get anything done, get a doctor’s appointment,
you never see your husband, you have to accept that the army is the “other woman”,
and you rarely have a choice in where you will be in one year,
let alone ten.
But tonight I remembered how proud I am of Jimmy.
And of anyone else that does what he does.
I’m not trying to make a political statement
or anything of the sort.
I’m just proud.
Just had to say that.