sign from fisher kids
it might seem strange that the real housewives franchise got me thinking.
well, it always makes me think “are you kidding me?”
the women on that show are the epitome of tacky. foul-mouthed, gossipy, selfish, narcissistic, co-dependent.
wow, can you tell i have strong feelings on this? ha!
really…i’ve been watching this show for years and i don’t know why. i suppose it’s a good escape. a guilty pleasure.
but it’s gotten to the point that i can’t watch because it’s sad. they really need some perspective.
and this is what really got me thinking.
i need some perspective too. my girls do as well.
there are bigger, more important things in this life than begging for a toy at target in the dollar spot. or tattling on each other. or fighting over who’s turn it is to sit in the front of the bathtub.
there are more important things than me worrying about how dirty my house is. or caring about what other people say to me. there are bigger things than me wanting to get in shape.or getting caught up in worrying about j.
there are people out there who are sick. who have nothing. people who are lonely. people who don’t have anyone to love them…see that’s the thing. i have someone to love me. he’s gone, but i have him. so many people don’t.
yesterday i decided the howell girls need some perspective.
so i called around, and next week we are going to start volunteering.
i think it’s high time i teach my girls how to serve others. and how to serve our community.
once a week we will be helping others in some way.
here’s what we have so far.
– making drawings and cards for the elderly
– delivering meals on wheels
– sterling rides- taking the elderly to grocery shop or run errands (yes, i’m crazy. but there’s room in the minivan for one more person, so why not?)
-friday night bingo at a nursing home here in town
-contributing to the local food pantry
-arts and crafts at a senior center (do you see a theme here, i think the elderly would LOVE my girls and vice versa).
clearly there are lots more options, but this is what we have so far. having four kiddos under 6 greatly minimizes what we can do. ha!
i’m hoping this will teach us all to be grateful for what we have. i’m thinking this is a good thing. and i’m wondering why we didn’t do this much sooner?
i know why- b/c sometimes i don’t look beyond me. beyond us.
here’s to changing that.