how does it feel to love him? yeah…that's a tricky one.
you see,it feels like my safe place. you know when a storm is raging outside? thunder and lighting and torrential downpours? and you are inside under a down quilt with your favorite book?
that's how it feels to love him.
but it's also terrifying and uncertain. it's not constant. it's not usual. it's anything but usual.
how does it feel to love him?
it feels natural. like i was born to do it. born to be his wife. to hold his hand, to bear his children and his last name.
it feels prickly. uneasy. like an ill-fitting coat i can't wait to shed. the being apart. the fear. it feels uneasy.
how does it feel to love him?
like i'm the luckiest girl in the world.
some days it feels like i don't know if i can do it. i worry. i fret. i miss him terribly.
when i am getting ready for him to go it is excruciating. it's the worst part. i say terrible things, act grumpy, get mad for NO conceivable reason. it's a defense mechanism, you see. it's what i do. i see it coming and i despise it…but i do it regardless. seven deployments,coming up on eight, and i STILL do it.
how does it feel to love him?
it feels like a gift.
like a precious gift. one that isn't guaranteed to last forever.but what is? all i can do is cherish it. cherish our time and love him with every fibre of my being.
how does it feel to love him?
like a privelege.
an honor.
and for him to love me in return? makes this life worth living. it makes this life beautiful. he has giving me this life i never thought i would lead. but oh how i love it.
that's the way i choose to look at it. the way i chooose to interpret it.
right now i'm in a weird place. teetering on the edge of "can i do this?" and "i am GOING to do this". dealing with a lot of emotions. writing these words is like a salve to my heart and my fears.
i am his and he is mine. and it is a gift.
I love all your posts, Stephanie, and this one is extra special. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us. That’s an honor. All of us Lynches are praying for you guys! 🙂
I *heart* your posts to read..
Be strong, wink with your family!!
(((hugs))) from one military wife to another. Just ((hugs)). And thanks for your beautiful words. I am so happy for the love you have been blessed with, and the love you bless the world with. God is good.
Love, Fontaine
Gosh! You get me EVERY time!!! I absolutely love your posts….the are so true and heartfelt. I swear Stephanie, you need to write a book!!!!
Hooray for love in all its joys and sorrows and hugs to you all.
You and J have an incredible love. Thank you for sharing it with us. Whenever you write posts like this, I always want to be able to do the same, but I don’t seem to find the words. Or at least when I try, I’m not satisfied with what I put down on paper. Your words are almost as beautiful as you and J (and the girls, of course!).
Beautifully said!! You have such a way with words! You will make it, however hard it may be. You have before and you will again. He’ll be home again one day soon for you all are what I’m sure he lives and strives for above anything else in the world. {HUGS}
You are such a beautiful couple – inside and out. Thanks for sharing part of your world with us.
Thinking of you, Steph. I am sure it is hard to see him leave. Like Tami said, he will be home again. Stay safe, Jimmy!!! Hugs to all of you!!!
Love the feeling you put into your posts, makes my heart warm, be strong honey xxx
I’m not a militaty wife but an Air Force brat who endured many godbyes to my dad in all those years. I certainly understand the defense mechanisms in place now. I had a wonderful role model in my mom who was the strongest woman ever. Growing up I felt she could do anything. You are being that same role model for your 4 little chicks.
Big hugs!!!
I need to proofread better— should say military… I hope all the school work I have done in the last 3 hours does not have a bunch of typpos.
So honest. Thanks for sharing this with us. Makes me a bit more appreciative of the time I have with the hubs.
Your posts are always so touching! Thank you for being a wonderful military wife and supporting a wondeful military man. My first thoughts were this: you’ve done it before and you’ll do it again. Not that it will be any easier, but you’ll just do it. If it helps at all, as a fan of yours, I am sad when J has to leave you and the girls as well. My heart aches. But you 5 women are far stronger than I will ever be and that cannot be the worst thing. My heart is with you all. And your blogosphere will be here to support you through it.
you two are such a beautiful example of what love is to your girls.
love that photo.
and you. xo.
aww girl, you sure like to make me cry, fabulous post and i really hope J reads this 🙂
such beautiful, honest, and raw words as you are preparing for this deployment. sending you love and prayers and cheering your whole family on!!!!
You are SO strong and so is your love. Saying a prayer for you and your family that you will find comfort and peace through this difficult time.
BEAUTIFUL post!! you ARE strong and you ARE doing this!! the picture of you and j is just lovely!! 🙂
hugs and love, sweet friend!! xo
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read! Wow. Thank you both!!!
You have me crying this morning. What a beautiful post. May God bless you all and give you the strength you need every day.
Your comment made me cry too. What a wonderful mom you have:)
Your life and mine are so very different but they lead us to many of the same feelings with regard to our relationships with the men that we love. Thanks for expressing so beautifully what it’s like to love someone when that love comes with pain too – and more importantly, why it’s worth it for the right man. Never question your strength – courage isn’t not being scared. It’s forging on even when you are scared. And you have done plenty of that…that is strength.
Well said and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your life with us. God bless you as you begin yet another journey. It will be difficult, but you have what it takes.
beautiful post, steph.
beautiful words, beautiful picture.
Love your honesty about this. You are an amazing woman! Will be praying for all of you during this time preparing for his deployment and your time apart.
Thinking of you. Hang in there and I hope Jimmy comes home quickly.
Love it! So many different emotions in loving our Military Men!! ((HUGS)) Have a beautiful day, Stephanie!!!
I left a comment on facebook last night for this post, but I wanted to leave you another one!
I just wanted to tell you THANK You again to your family and all the other military families for your HUGE sacrifice. Your daily struggles and life without your guy have got to be so very hard and I wanted to let you know I appreciate you and what you do to keep the home going and celebrating who your hubby is, because without women like YOU our men wouldn’t have anyone to fight for….THANK YOU!
also, I am so proud of all you do, how you are just yourself and yet, so vulnerable. never change.
Beautiful, straight from the heart touching everyone else’s heart. Merci!
Hang in there….hang in there.
this post has brought tears, I can’t imagine what I would be like to have my husband coming and going…it must be hard but you are so lucky to have him, he looks like such a kind and good man, he will be okay, not only do you pray for him while he’s gone, the rest of us do too 🙂 oxox
you are so strong and i look forward to seeing what you do with this deployment… from scrapping, to fitness, to the best glass of wine… smoooch..
I love the raw ho esty of your post. I have the utmost respect for what you manage to achieve while your husband is deployed. I will keep you n my thoughts as you triumph over the tough time apart.
Such a beautiful post…the photo of the two of you is breath taking. You speak the truth and that is why we love you so {{{HUGS}}}
Your words about loving your husband melt my heart.
Thanks for sharing
Beautifully written! Hugs Chica, you are one powerful woman! 🙂
hugs and prayers to you and yours Steph xoxo
Just beautifully written piece, Stephanie, so much feeling, so much from the heart and so honest. Sometimes I read mushy stuff from blogs and I think: Oh yeh, sure thing!!
I love this picture of a gorgeous and strong, young couple.
Beautiful photo & beautiful honest post. Of course, you can do this, you are Wonder Woman. Praying for you all & Jimmy’s safety.
Beautiful. I am feeling some of the same things – my husband works and lives in a different city during the week, and is only home on weekends. Saying goodbye is terribly hard!
Just nice. You inspire me.
I love this post. Yes, I love all the scrapbooking posts but I can find those in lots of other places…i love your blog because of your beautiful raw emotion and pure honesty- i love seeing your family for everything it gives you and for what you put into it. It gives me something to hope for when the times comes for me to start a family, and its one of my favourite parts of my day reading it 🙂
i am sad for you and jimmy and your precious family right now. just plain sad. my heart squeezes and aches when i look at that lovely photo. thinking of you both with the warmest regards…
*teared up – you strong woman. you hang in there.
You are the epitome of strength and vulnerability. It is what makes you a truly special individual and is why you were chosen for Jay and why he was chosen for you. May you both continue to be blessed. You have many of us out here praying for you 🙂
ugh…was thinking “J” and wrote how it sounds (“Jay”)…sorry for the mistake ~ yeesh!
This is so beautiful to read!
Thinking about how you are a tough and wonderful girl! Big hugs to you 🙂
Aww. LOVE that photo. LOVE your love story. Hope you can feel all the LOVE and SUPPORT coming your way. Hugs and continued blessings to all of you. xoxo
How cute is it that you typed ‘Howe’ instead of ‘how’.
what a beautiful testimony of the love you two share. such heartfelt words steph…thanks for sharing them. thinking of you two as you prepare for this next deployment. you’re in our prayers.
the love you two share is so precious.
wonderful, wonderful post. xo.
I love your real life posts – love is hard, beautiful, challenging, and so worth it – that’s life with my man and I wouldn’t change it – I thank God for it and him. Thanks for sharing with us.
God bless you and your beautiful family Stephanie! I don’t know how the 6 of you can handle with that again and again. you are all heroes. xoxo
Your beautiful, strong and brave….. Thank you for all your family does for us. (all of you!)
prayers :0)
Absolutely beautiful words. You are such an amazing writer, it makes me horribly jealous! Honestly, whenever I read your deeply compassionate posts about Jimmy, it makes me nicer to my own husband. I think “aw…look how much Steph loves him. I really should be sweeter. ” So, keep the good words comin’. 🙂
What a beautiful way you have with words! I will pray for your family – together and while J is gone on this deployment. You are a strong and very loved woman and you CAN do this! I hope you have that photo of you and J as your desktop background – you look lovely!
I am praying for you and your family, girl! Y’all are so beautiful and your words are so inspiring!