How about some stinkeye to start your weekend off right?
Thank you so much to all of you for undertstanding my last post and where I was coming from.
I'm certainly not going anwywhere…I'll continue to blog about life and share funny stories. And hopefully MANY more layouts soon.
I will continue having a blast working over at the MME blog, where I can share beautiful layouts,cards,and projects by some of the best designers around. I'm much happier sharing other's inspiration as opposed to feeling pressure to regularly create it myself. I'm finding great fulfillment through that.
I'm right where I want and need to be.
Love it. Cate on the left, Lucy on the right?
hahah, close!! Lucy is giving the stinkeye π
Lucy is reminding me a little of Sadie….and I LOVE Sadie! Hee!
This photo slays me:) Seriously…i miss this age!
love this picture. and oh, the piggy tale on top of their heads…too much cuteness, how do you handle it all π ?!?!?
Oh how cute are they?!
HA! I literally laughed-out-loud at my desk here at work. That pic is too cute for words, and the ATTITUDE! Love it!
Ha! Your girls have the best facial expressions, and you do such a great job of catching them!! Thanks for sharing. They are adorable!
Hahaha. That is the best stinkeye picture ever! SO adorable.
Hilarious! I just love seeing pics of your girls. They are beyond precious . . . even when giving the stinkeye! π
I love the stinkeye picture and am so happy that you are enjoying working for MME because they are awsome and so are you!!!
this pic could totally go viral. it’s hilarious!
Ha, that stinkeye is brown eyed version of the blue eyed one that I see everyday. Makes my heart hurt, it is so full of love. You have beautiful girls (the ones that aren’t in the picture are most definitely included).
LOL! Best picture ever!
Oh my lord…this is absolutely priceless…cracking up!!
OMG they are the cutest!! I want twins!! π
That is some serious stinkeye..but oh so adorable. I check into your life a couple times a week and it always brings me joy and a burst of chuckle when I see the strong personalites of your beautiful girls:) Wish I could do i all over again, my two girls are 21 and 23!!
Love the picture. Thanks for sharing.
Little Sadie for sure! Thanks for sharing so much.
Loooooooooove that pic!!!
OMG this is seriously adorable. LOVE!! Way to keep a mama on her toes π
ha ha ha … did someone jokingly threaten to eat her cookie?! Cate seems to think it’s hilarious π
Your sweet babies make me smile. They all are just too precious.
LOL!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing. π
I think Lucy & Sadie must be the best of friends!
Thanks for bringing a smile to my Sunday morning. I check in a couple times a week and am always glad I did. I appreciate your previous post. I don’t know how you handle so much with the grace that you do. I am certainly not on any teams or have the stress of military life but I could relate to so much of what you wrote. Thanks always for sharing.
Those are some amazing little girls..the looks they give are priceless. And Stephanie…your sharing is amazing too..just keep doing what you are doing..
I love “the look”! Kids just love to do that to us, but we can get them back by taking pictures! I am also overwhelmed with so much scrapbook stuff! and I haven’t bought much in a couple years. I got so much more scrapbooking done before my oldest started school. Ever since she started school (and now all three are in school) the homework, activities, etc. I have no time for anything anymore. I really want to get back to it though. I love reading your blog and seeing your beautiful layouts!
thanks for the smile, how cute!!
so cute!!!!! Love this… that Lucy?
Oh I could take stinkeye any day when it comes in such a cute package!! Adorable and hilarious! They just crack. me. up.
Totally get what you meant by the previous post too – just scrap for yourself – like you always do and it will be just perfect – you’ve taught us that! Enjoy it because we enjoy your work and i don’t give a flying fig if someone deems it “the current style” or not – I like what I like and your style I like (although if i tried to pull off a bow like you do it would look sad…really sad LOL π
Love that face.
LOL! The first thing I thought of was ‘what you talkin bout Willis!”
This picture makes me laugh! So cute!