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Hey y’all! I wanted to pop in and do a homeschool update with you. But more than that, I wanted to share a program that I really honestly believe is LIFE CHANGING. Truly.
Let me give you a little background. I brought my girls home because they are struggling readers. Or, as I’ve learned to call them, developing readers. I had some possible dyslexia concerns with Lucy but mainly I was just heartbroken watching them struggle and watching them begin to believe they were failures.
Like I have talked about before…I’m a former second grade teacher and I went into this entire experience of homeschooling totally terrified. I wanted to make sure to choose the right curriculum and I wanted, more than anything, to make the girls believe they are readers.
Right after I made the decision to homeschool I started listening to the Read Aloud Revival Podcast. One particular episode caught my interest and it was Episode 13. Sarah interviewed Marie Rippel from All About Learning Press. If you click on the Episode number I’ve linked it for you if you’d like to listen. Marie spoke about reading in a way that had me nodding my head along with her words. And then she shared the story of her son and his battle with severe dyslexia and how she developed a reading (and spelling) curriculum based on the Orton Gillingham approach. When she mentioned it was multisensory I decided that this was something I wanted to order for the girls.
The program is called All About Reading and I can tell you with 100 percent confidence that it is already changing our lives.
Before I ordered the curriculum I made sure to give the girls the online placement tests. We decided to order level 2.
I got the curriculum really quickly. You get a teacher book, student books, letter tiles and magnets, flashcards, stickers, student readers, and a free app.
This program is described as one the teaches through a logical sequence that leaves no gaps in the learning process. And I agree. After about five lessons I just saw things CLICK for the girls. And it was absolutely amazing.
Each day we do a lesson. It’s usually comprised of:
Reviewing certain word flash cards
Building new words with tiles and talking about how the word is built and how to decipher it.
Playing a fun interactive game that comes in the workbook
Reading words and phrases together
Read alouds.
Some days are lessons, some days are basically just reading and decoding a story together in the primer.
One day I just saw the light come on in their eyes. And I totally, completely cried. Here are a few videos from that day:
Tears.Mind you, these are girls that were telling me WEEKS ago that they are horrible readers and that they would never learn. I believe in this program SO MUCH.
Multisensory approach
Logical sequence, each lesson builds on the one before it
Minimal prep time
Well made materials
The steps are SIMPLE and make sense.
The girls learn how words are truly build and they UNDERSTAND words vs. memorizing them
Initial prep was a pain in the rear. Tearing apart all of the letters and putting magnets on them, tearing apart and sorting the flashcards, etc.
If you are the parent of a reader who needs an extra something in order for reading to click, then I urge you to order this program right now. It’s something you can easily do at home every afternoon/evening. You do NOT have to be a homeschooling parent to order this curriculum. I have seen my two struggling/developing readers transform using these lessons. It’s the biggest gift I could have imagined!
If you have any questions, ask away!
I’ll answer in the comments.
Hurray! Great job, Lucy & Cate & Stephanie! 🙂
So happy for you and your girls. I read your post awhile back that you were homeschooling and have thought about you a lot the last couple of months wondering how you all were doing.