i’m here in crazytown! between preparing for thanskgiving (my brother and sister in law arrive tomorrow morning),planning for cate and lucy’s second birthday on saturday, christmas planning, dress shopping for the holiday ball, preparing for my mom to come next week,taking care of the four chickies, and my job…well i’ve lost my marbles i think.
today i was convinced i lost my iphone. well, turns out it wasn’t lost. it was just wedged under my windshield wiper while i drove all over town.
so i’m here. but stretched in a million different directions. a million HAPPY directions, but too many nonetheless.
and blogging always soothes my soul, so i thought i’d say hi.
hi. π
i don’t know how much i’ll be around the next week or so, but i’ll try to sneak in here and there. i hope you all have a beautiful and BLESSED thanksgiving week.
i am so thankful for each of you and the encouragement, kindness, and love you’ve shown me.
Do we even want to know how your phone got there? ;P
Ouch where Iphone was found. Must was misplace while put girls in van.
Be Okay.. Enjoy the week with company in town, thanksgiving, girls’ 2nd Birthday.
Mom there soon, to help you out.
Awww, you look booooooo-ti-fuuuuuuuuulllllllll! Sounds like you’re super busy! Glad you found your phone, I know hat you must’ve felt like, ’cause I thought I lot my iphone last week and it was sheer panic here. Have a wonderful time with your family and a fun birthday party for Cate & Lucy:)
hi pretty girl !! have a lovely thanksgiving and so glad you found your phone π
How can you be in crazy town, and I’m in crazy town, yet we’re nowhere near each other???? Ha! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I can’t believe Cate and Lucy are already turning two. It seems like we just welcomed them into this wondramous world. They’re beautiful babies [as are their big sisters]. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!
the windshield wiper?!?! love it. that MUST have a story. π can’t wait to see what you pick out for the ball. we did ours here last weekend (or maybe the one before!) and had a great time! hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving…so glad you can share it with extended family!
Hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving too!
ok. i’m sorry. i just laughed my face off. wedged under the windshield wiper?! HOW in the WORLD did this happen? And why are we not best friends because I do stuff like this all the time!!
I cannot believe the twins are already two! Where does the time go? Wishing you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. π
what in the jose? π
hang in there
iPhone in windshield wiper? Oh, please do tell!
Take a moment to breathe and enjoy your family and visitors. Sounds kind of fun,CRAZY, but fun.
Lists. Breathe. Delegate. Let go of perfection (it already exists in the form of your family and God’s love for us all.) Happy Thanksgiving, Stephanie. π
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! Cannot wait to see pics of the babies’ 2nd birthday party!!!!
I must hear the windshield wiper story, please tell us when you have a chance.
Have a wonderful time with your family. Can’t wait to hear how the phone got there!!
Sitting in a hospital waiting room with my Dad who has terminal cancer, I opened Reeder and quickly thought I hope there’s a post from Stephanie, she always cheers me up and low and behold here you are, mega busy and still time to make me smile (stuck on the windscreen lol) and thank you for the reminder that we have a lot to be thankful for. Happy thanks giving to you. We don’t celebrate it here in the UK but I wish we did xx
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family. Bask in the busy, it is one of the bazillion things we have to be thankful for and at least it is never dull, right?
Love where you found your phone! I thought I was the only one who did crazy stuff like that (like when I “lost” my car keys in my car at the grocery store they ended up underneath the car seat… lol) Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
sounds like you have a lovely week with family planned, enjoy!! funny about the phone…
Oh Kirsteen-
Im so very sorry. Im sending you so much love and comfort.
That’s awesome!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all the Howells and extended family π xxxxxx
Happy Thanksgiving Stephanie!! Enjoy your family time!
Oh I know, life is just madness sometimes. Thank you for taking the time to post. Happy Thanksgiving Stephanie.
For someone who is currently residing in Crazytown, doing a gazillion things, and going in a gazillion directions, you sure are looking awesome. That’s not really fair, missy! π Happy, happy Thanksgiving to the Howells. xoxo
ha!…windshield wiper!!!…too funny. happy thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you. This made me laugh. A dear friend of mine once drove (on the highway no less) to another friend’s house only to discover her cordless phone still sitting on the bumper of her jeep. Miracle. :o)
oh. my. gosh. I just about died when I read about your phone. So so funny! That is my life on a daily basis so thanks for letting me know I’m not alone in doing crazy things!! π
How funny where you found your phone, that is what my sister does ALL THE TIME!! So happy you have your hubby home with you and family to spend the week with. Just breathe and enjoy the turkey and bday’s. Can’t wait to see pictures from all of it. Happy firsts in your new home, so excited for you!! LOVE AND HUGS!!
Happy Thanksgiving! Next year at this time, all will be different again.
Thank you π it means A LOT! x