thanks for saying hi, jennifer! i hope you have a wonderful wednesday!
Becky Msays
Always read your blog and follow on Twitter. My world is helping my teenager deal with the effects of her concussion and the frustration that comes with it. Love watching your girls grow
Definitely still a reader here 🙂
As for us, car shopping after a tree fell on our minivan in a huge storm :-O
Just grateful no one was hurt!
And getting ready for Halloween 🙂
I’m still reading! Love seeing your photos and the way you capture those beautiful girls’ personalities.
I’m hanging out with my daughter and (while she naps) gearing up to paint the laundry room and downstairs 1/2 bath in our house! So excited to be rid of the bright yellow and fluorescent lime green (respectively).
Still reading and loving the pictures/posts. Keep it up.
Jennifer McNeelysays
Still reading – though I don’t comment often. Love your blog and your kids faces. In my world – waiting for radiation after breast cancer treatment, just got home from Disney World, trying to unpack and clean my house:) Meeting a friend for coffee today who is going through the same life struggle. Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Of COURSE I’m still reading! And enjoying every smile, furrowed brow, bun and pout from your adorable four! And what a beautiful home!!! Love your blog; won’t be going anywhere anytime soon!!!
I am still reading! I love stopping by! My world right now is full of house organizing (as an Air Force wife you would think I would be much better at unpacking/house decorating/organizing) as we have been in our new home for 2 months. Thankfully, my husband retires soon and we bought our home with the intentions of staying here for a loooooong time!
love that picture of harper in the leaves. gorgeous. right now, we are enjoying the colors of the season (my favorite) and i’m wishing it would last a little bit longer. such a magical time. 🙂 looking forward to the first “unplanned” weekend in a while.
I always love reading your blog and I think the picture of Harper w/ the leaves and the secrets are my favs. I just finished reading the new Lee Childs book and it was okay. Not my favorite of his.
thank you, friend!!! i agree…why does fall go by so fast? 🙁 and im also looking forward to an unplanned weekend. i will be out of town the next weekend, and j will be gone the one after that. must make this weekend count! 🙂 xoxo
I stop in on your blog every day even though I don’t always comment. I enjoy reading your posts very much and it’s just wonderful to see how the girls are growing. Thanks for opening your life to us! My life is exciting and really busy now that I’ve become the new certified scrapbooking instructor at my local Michael’s store. I’m finding it a bit of a challenge to balance 1 full-time job, a part-time job, a husband, a child and the house but I’m absolutely loving that I’m finally able to actually work in the scrapping world. Just wish I had a maid, oh and maybe even a cook. Now, wouldn’t that be nice, huh?
love reading your blog and being able to keep up with y’all no matter where you are. 🙂 but, i have to confess i’m super jealous of your Fall pics and weather. you KNOW we’re not getting that here! 😉 PS–how do you get the sunlight spots in your instagram pics?! love them and can’t figure out how to do it.
Hey gorgeous!!!! I sure miss you guys. 🙁
The bokeh is an app called PicFX. The bokeh options are under the light tab. Hope that helps!
Emily Bsays
Hi Hi Hi Stephanie!!! Of course I’m still reading 🙂 I am convinced that one day our military paths will cross and I’ll get to hug you and your sweet babies in person rather than through the internet!! In our world we’re eating up our last real “fall” for the next few years, trying to figure out our first military move (I need to email you a few more questions) and spend time with family and friends before leaving Virginia! Lots of love and hugs to you and your sweet chickies! (PS – How BEAUTIFUL is Harper in the “Discovering Fall” photo… STUNNING)
I am TOTALLY loving all of your pics!!!! Yhe girls are growing so quickly and I thank you for sharing with all of us!!! Life is grand and I am enjoying my most favorite time of the year ( with the exception of Christmas)!!!!!
I love reading your blog. And I would so want to stay in that house forever too! It looks like a postcard! 🙂 Around here I’m writing, writing, writing for multiple deadlines. We are teaching some valuable lessons about not following the crowd just to have friends (in 2nd grade!). We are wearing shorts again for a short warm up this season. And I am baking a bit too, which I love. Overall, life is good!
Still here & jealous of the beautiful fall you’re experiencing up there! Have fun! Not much going on here, but looking forward to sharing a big secret at the end of this week!
Good morning Stephanie! This is such a sweet post, I love the furrowed brow and pouts pics!! 🙂 In my household of 2, we’re getting ready to take a trip to Israel in the spring with our church, and since I just want to tell someone… we are planning to start a family when we get back!!!! OK, I just had to get that out of my system!! Thanks for your blog, maybe I start to think, if you can do it with 4 little ones, why can’t I manage just a 1 for now?? 🙂
Oooooh, how exciting! That sounds so intriguing! 🙂 xoxo
Susan McGrannsays
Love your old house. I would love to see more photos of the inside. I live in an old cape cod (1930’s) that I just love.
Your photos always bring a smile to my face.
Of course,I’m reading everyday! Love seeing the girls in their everyday! The photo of Harper & the leaves is mag-cover worthy! It’s beautiful. Busy getting ready for friends to visit next weekend. Their son plays soccer for a college in FA & he’s playing in Savannah. Never been to a college soccer game. Hope to sneak a walk on the beach in this afternoon!
Hey Heather! So glad you commented today. 🙂 Have a beautiful day.xo
Sharon Osbornsays
Good Morning Stephanie! My beautiful town of Wenatchee,WA. is finally clear of smoke from lightning fires in our hills. Don’t know if you heard of what was happening. Our air quality was up to 900 for almost the whole month of September. We actually walked around with masks on! Continue to read your blog every morning with my first cup of coffee-watching your family grow 🙂 Blessings!
Oh, Sharon…that is horrible and terrifying. 🙁 So glad things are looking up,friend.xoxo
Jennifer H.says
Still reading and following on facebook. I love your blog and your honesty. I also love the pictures of H in the falling leaves and the secrets one. Having girls is just wonderful if you ask me. (I have 3 myself all under the age of 4) As far as my world goes we are still unpacking from a move and this week end we plan on going to a Pumpkin patch with our 4 year old and 3 year old. It will be their first time going so I can not wait. Hope you have a great Wednesday.
It sounds like wed be great friends,we have verrrrrry similar lives! 🙂 xoxo
Misty Msays
Look forward to your posts as I seem to always be able to relate in some sort of way…you are always so uplifting with your words and inspiring with your paper-crafting & home decor. Thanks so much for sharing your life…the good, the bad & the ugly…thanks for being YOU!!! Have a blessed day 🙂
Thank YOU for your kindness today, Misty! I hope you have a fabulously wonderful day. 🙂 xoxo
Melissa D.says
Love your photos, particularly the one of your sweet girls sharing a secret. Adorable! I’ve been scrap booking and cleaning up my flooded laundry room and storage area due to a plumbers error! It needed to be cleaned out anyway is what I keep telling myself. I so enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful day!
Oh man…floods are the WORST. So sorry, hope its all back to normal soon! xoxo
heather R.says
I am always reading this beautiful story you call life. Keep doing what you are doing because it sucks me in every morning 🙂
Let’s see- we are trying to fit in every possible fall activity we can on the weekends. We are completing homework packets,crockpot cooking, decorating our home,,playing,dancing,scrapbooking….. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Hump Day:)
Jess Larsensays
Still stalking your blog daily 😉 It’s usually the first one I visit! Have a great day, Stephanie.
still reading – love reading and seeing all your adventures in your new state 🙂
Looks like you are really enjoying your first real autumn! I just raked and baked 13 bags of leaves for pick up today – with more to come. But it is my favourite season and it’s my birthday month, too.
P.S. What are the twins’ eye colours? Brown like H? Ae S’s eyes hazel? Young children’s faces and their eyes are so expressive. 😉
I’m more of a blurker 😉 but I read and try to comment! Happening in my world? Watching my crazy monsters grow into a preschooler and a toddler, visiting family while my H is away at training, and preparing for 3 weeks alone with my husband! We haven’t had alone time in two years, since we got to Fort Hood, so our family is going to keep the kids while we go on a cruise then spend some time alone before coming to visit the family for Christmas. It is going to be Heavenly:). I hope you guys continue to do well and enjoy your time together!
awww i LOVE my blurkers. hahahah! and THREE WEEKS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? can you tell by my yelling that i am horribly jealous?? xoxo
Hi! I’m still reading, just busy and tired all the time with my return to school. Which means less scrappy time, too. Boo. Love seeing your pictures and reading your posts, it makes me want to visit RI!!
Hey Laura! Hope you catch up on sleep (and creative time) soon! xoxo
Sharon McDavidsays
Stephanie, you know I am still reading. It is an everyday thing:) Love your pictures and your house is so cute…you are in a beautiful area. Love your layouts also..always have. Have a good day..
Hi there! I am super busy with my 7.5 month old daughter and trying to scrapbook all the pics I take of her 🙂 I am a full-time Mama and love every single minute of it. Life is good in Kansas! I am a faithful follower of your blog and love seeing pictures of your gorgeous family. I simply cannot wait to see your December Daily and to get my hands on the Gossamer Blue kit. You are a huge scrapbook inspiration for me and I appreciate all that you share on your blog. Thank you Stephanie!!
Those pics are amazing!!! You girls are the sweetest. I’m running after my 4 guys seeing they don’t get into mischief. Just got a window repaired that Robin broke when throwing stones and I can hear a fight going on now. Off to referee
Both rooms are going to be a muted, pale aqua (“Enamelware”, which is a Martha Stewart color), and I’m planning to add wide horizontal stripes in a ever-so-slightly darker aqua (“Artesian Well”) in the bathroom 🙂 I’m so excited!!
That picture of Harper and the leaves? Perfection.
And the secrets? Perfection.
Love the baby buns.
Love your photos.
I want to live in your house – it looks like perfection too.
And Hi! 🙂
That house is so perfect!! Well we have lots of pouts here as well. Here is a tidbit about having twins to share with you….. when they get to school age, say Kindergarten like my two, and one gets sick and the other has to go to school without their twin —–> complete heartbreak!! We went through that this week and wow did that really open up my eyes to how strong their bond is! It was so sweet and emotional for all. Thankfully my twins have a fantastic teacher who kindly emailed me to tell me that my sweet Kierra had sad eyes and tears a few times, but received lots of hugs from her teacher. And Karter (the one who had pink eye and had to stay home), was so lost without his sister. He just sat and pouted all day long!! It is such a joy to have twins to say the least, seriously precious!!! Anyways, just thought I would share since you totally get what I am saying. 🙂
I am not a military wife or mom, but my Dad (RIP) did serve in WWII, my father-in-law was Army, Brother-in-law Vietnam, nephew , etc. Anyway….I love reading about you and your girls….they crack me up! It is awesome that you can share your life with the rest of us. I just redid my craftroom and now need to get it organized and usable!! I love to make cards and all sorts of crafts from magnetic boards to headbands to wreaths to just about anything! Thanks for sharing!
Oh Steph, I always read your blog. If I don’t catch your posts on FB, I catch them via email. Cute cute photos!!! What am I up to? Varnishing. Varnishing new molding and two new windows we just replaced in our house. (2 down/10 more to go) Hopefully, my varnish dries.. it may be cool out, but it is humid. Want to come help??? 🙂
Sheila McGowansays
YES!!!!! Still reading!!!!! I have been super busy with my 3 kids. We are just recovering from our “birthday season” at our house. We all have new clothes, toys and games. Ate plenty of cake. We are coming into a new school routine. I have a preschooler this year and it was a hard adjustment for him. But he is starting to make friends, so drop off is becoming much easier. Why do kids have to break our hearts sometimes???
It looks like your enjoying your time on the east coast. Love seeing the area through your outings. Have a great day!
Tan Li Tengsays
Hello hello Stephanie and girls! Oh gosh love your autumn photos! It’s so beautiful. I am busy preparing a Halloween Party after looking at your house decoration with lots of pumpkins . Looking forward to see more of your blog posts!!!
Of course I still read -sorry I read and run….and man, I’d love to live in that house forever, too. In my world? It’s raining (what else does it do in Seattle 9 months out of the year?), I just dropped my hubby at the airport for a golf trip to AZ, I’m going to try not to spoil my 13yo too much while Daddy is out of town, get caught up at work, and hopefully…..clean out my scrap room this weekend! And yes, there is something wrong with that picture – why wasn’t I invited to sunny Arizona?!!?? Long story….
Kami- That is SO darn sweet!!! The other day I tried to take Cate to the grocery store alone and Lucy FLIPPED out. They were both crying so hard I ended up taking both of them!
I love the furrowed brow!
so so sweet! love the secrets one too.
Love that you are pulling out your camera more.
I need to pull out my big camera more often.
My lenses aren’t working very well, I have to focus manually,
so I need to get them both repaired.
It’s a cold fall day here and we aren’t doing too much.
I just started a little journal of things to be thankful for.
I need to focus on the little things as much as I can!
Love your blog and I am so happy to read new posts from you,
they brighten my day.
Lilith-HA!! I was thinking of you the other day and how if my life seems nuts, I cant imagine how WILD it is with four *boys*! hahah! xoxo
Thanks for asking those of us who lurk out in the blogosphere to stand up and shout back. I don’t normally comment on the blogs I peek at periodically, but for some reason your post inspired me to write a little today.
I stumbled upon your blog somehow {I think maybe Google Reader’s “similar blog” feature??} and your honesty, love for your family and your cute girls just touched my heart. I finally decided just to subscribe to your feed through Reader. I’ve enjoyed watching your transition to the NE, and seeing how the girls grow every day in grace and beauty. You have a blessed little family – and I feel privileged that you share the ups, downs and in betweens of military life with others who don’t share that experience.
I myself am trying to enjoy the little moments of joy God gives me as they come … the smell of fall, the last glorious colors, leaves, bonfires, sunshine, a fall rainstorm, diet coke with real lime, etc. This past weekend I went to a Marian Conference (I’m Catholic) and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities it provided – a long quiet solitary drive up north through forests of shining deciduous tree leaves and green conifers, a deep bathtub and a beautiful scenic view in which I could pray my Rosary! God is so good – and usually I’m moving too quickly to enjoy these little gifts he gives me. I’m grateful for the grace of stopping to notice them.
Have a delightful rest of the week! God bless you and your family.
Heather Vsays
I am busy with classwork (I graduate with my second degree this coming May) and wishing I had time to scrapbook. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! I love the one of Harper with the leaves – did you just throw the leaves in the air to get the shot? They surround her perfectly! I think I will have to try something similar this weekend.
Teresa Ssays
Today, I am finally back in my craft room after what feels like forever! I just received some new Crate paper, Dear Lizzy and OA so I want to create with them, but first I have to finish sewing some cute Halloween mini buntings to clear my desk. You see, we just finished Fall field work here. I have been working the grain harvest driving a huge tractor and graincart thru fields unloading grain into semi’s for the first time ever in my life! Actually I never thought I would ever do it! Seriously! I have been married 18 years to a farmer and never drove a tractor till this year! It is kind of stressful, because if you miss and dump beans or corn on the ground you have alot of shoveling to do and you definitely don’t want to forget to put the auger down and hit something. My hubs is Field Manager and runs the combine for a lawyer who farms 6,000+ acres scattered across a whole county and to be done before Halloween is pretty rare. Most years it’s around Thanksgiving or has even been as late as Dec. 17th., we call those the nightmare years. It’s just so dry here in MN, that we even started the first week of Sept. He felt bad that the dust bowl winds we had in May transplanted a chemical used to kill weeds in the cornfields into our pumpkin patch and killed off alot of our pumpkins I decorate and sell, so he asked me if I wanted to drive the grain cart for extra money. He just left out how hard it can be on the body, lots of bouncing around trying to keep up and no time for much else and I only work part of the time, he works 16+ hr days for weeks on end. The kids are 13 and 16 so they can easily be home for a time after school by themselves. We took breaks for Football games for our youngest until he got a stress fracture, and yes, my 16 year old daughter prefers to be home alot. I think your Harper is alot like she was at that age. She was never into chasing the boys either and prefers not to go to parties at 16 if she is unsure of what is going to be happening, definitely not a crowd follower, but being at a small school it makes you worry as a mom. She works hard to stay on the High Honor Roll, loves photography, animals and cowgirl boots. Actually my kids prefer to hang out with the barnyard crew and take pictures with the cows. I think it’s all how you raise them and I think you are doing a wonderful job with your girls and I am so happy J can spend alot of time home with all of you this year. Farming is similar to the military as far as being away from home alot and it can be a very dangerous job (I’ve known a few who have died from augers and being buried in bins) I worry alot on the very late nights, with the planting, spraying, digging, and harvesting. It was hard when the kids were little because they didn’t see dad for weeks on end unless it rained. I remember a Halloween carving party we had with three little cousins, it had rained, Brian came home very tired from the field, crashed for hours on the couch with 5 noisy kids running around, nothing could wake him, too funny! I think in 15 years of trick or treating he was able to go twice. This is our first year of no trick or treating, Mitch thinks he’s too old now to go, boo! What both of our husbands do for a living, helping to PROTECT and FEED the world is hard and dangerous work in my eyes and they make alot of family sacrifices! I know, enough already! Have a blessed weekend, we are going to carve pumpkins as a family and head out of town shopping! And by the way I do love your house! I want to add a wrap around porch to the farmhouse we live in!!!
Naomi ricesays
Still reading:) about to adopt a baby due this Friday!!! Sooo I’ve been nesting! Love your sweet girls and love reading and seeing pictures of your creativity! It inspires me! Naomi
I do not mean to ever miss one of your posts as you start my days with a smile and a warm heart.Being the mother of four grown children and five grandchildren my life is not as busy as it used to be, but I still dont seem to be able to get everything I want to do done. lol Thank you for sharing your world.I think I like the secrets photo best….
<3 it all!!! fall in Iowa is warm & wet this year, taking all the park days we can, slowly getting back into blogging myself, cutting out the blogs I don't read but have on my list, YOU are STAYING!!!
A BABY! oh, my heart is so very happy for you! congratulations a million times over. Not flesh of my flesh Nor bone of my bone But
still miraculously my own Never forget for a single minute You didn t
grow under my heart But in it. My favorite quote…it was hanging on my wall as a child!
GORGEOUS! Please share photos when you are done, Id love to see!
Hi Stephanie! Yup still reading, love your blog, marvelling at how big the girls are getting! It is late Spring here in NZ and we are looking forward to warm sunny days after a long wet winter! Enjoy your fall and most of all Thanksgiving – I so wish we celebrated that holiday here, I have much to be thankful for!
Hi Stephanie,
Recognise pouts and secrets. I am in Paris right with my two girls for our autumn break, yes again! We loved it so much during the summer. Right now it is a girls’ thing, daddy had to work. Today they gaped at the size of the Mona Lisa, so small, and thought it highly overrated. And shivered at the sight of a real mummy without all the mummy things that usually envelop it. And right now they’re cutting out self-made dolls and dresses, because we had to travel light (by train), and couldn’t bring any toys. x Kate
Susan Koppsays
I have a morning routine and you are in it LOL! I get up, pour a cuppa coffee, read the email and then go to my favorite blogs and read. I may not post much but I always go away from here with a smile or at the very least a provoking thought. Thanks
Of course I am still reading and enjoying every picture too. This year Fall means finishing our kitchen remodel (backsplash went in today, grout tomorrow then good-bye contractors!) and a fresh coat of paint on the first floor. (Hope DH can get it done quickly!) Busy at work and helping my son with college applications. Watched my son march in the New York City Columbus Day parade. Bittersweet since it was his last but the band placed first in the competition. Hoping everything is back in my kitchen before Thanksgiving which I am hosting and is (YIKES!) less than a month away!
I’m absolutely still reading;) Tho I’m hoping to cut my screen time some after seeing Becky Higgins post yest (the video). It got me thinking…again! I’ve been more down (and fatigued!) lately – dr decided I def have SADS – I think it’s prob pretty common here in the NW with the rain and grey. I’m so curious what the weather is like in RI – if it’s real similar to here. I’m originally from South Dakota and apparently my brain is just used to more light;) But believe me seeing your adorable furrowed brows, messy buns and the gorgeous bigs is major sunshine in my days. Nevermind the most awesome scrapping!! LOVE! I also struggle with thyroid disease so lots of awesome hormone issues going on with this girl and my super awesome supportive husband and 4 kids (so yeah my 9 yr old daughter looks to be starting her own hormonal journey – ugh.). I absolutely love your blog and love seeing the country through it. Hoping we can go to the west coast next summer. Have ALWAY wanted to check it out. Thanks for your lovely posts, keep them coming. And I’m so happy J is home with you this year. So happy!
stephanie b.says
I love these kinds of posts and I love seeing that you got the DSLR out! Great pictures! Around my way we’re being lazy… 🙂
whoa. cate looks so old! how did this happen?! 😉
love the picture of harper!
Always loved the New England fall season, miss it now living in the Carolinas ! Thank you for sharing your family with us. Always leave with a smile after enjoying your photos!
Krista Nashsays
Always reading. Still a fave blog!
Hello Steph! Hope you had a wonderful day! I am crocheting beanies/hats my new obsession, I just don’t know what to do with them all.
I can’t believe how big the “littles” are getting! We (my daughters and I) have loved watching all your girls grow. They wish that you lived closer so they could babysit! :0)
Have a great week!
:0) Natalie
Erin R.says
Always reading. We are spending every opportunity enjoying being together at home, since life is crazy busy right now and we are trying to simplify a little bit.
Your blog always makes me want to have children immediately! My world these days consists of work, scrapping, bible study and enjoying life! And enjoying ‘boot’ weather (yay fall)!!!
Trust me, I read this blog every day as long as you have posted. Love your blog!
the PaperTemptress
HI STEPHANIE, I am still reading and enjoying the pictures and stories of your family! I loved military life with my soldier and two little girls and every place we lived was great from Alabama to Hawaii to Washington state. We were so fortunate to serve during a time of peace. Soooo, I am loving getting ready for a card making party for Operation Write Home.-Such a great cause! I hope to have 500+ cards for the first box to ship out!
Enjoy this moment in time and look forward to all the good ones to come!
I can’t tell you how much I look forward to pictures of you and the family. They usually crack me up, but sometimes tear up as well (because they are so precious)! Thanks for keeping us “in the loop” with the girls.
Amy Ksays
Absolutely still reading – love your posts! Sorry, I have been slacking in commenting department lately.
As always, the photos of your girls are adorable and full of personality! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Love reading your blog. You and Chuck Swindoll make my day. Bless you and yours! k
trish- what a great cause. 3 thank you so much for your comment!
Carol in the Land of Ozsays
Stephanie–love reading your blog and watching your little girls blossom. They do grow up and then you get to do what I did this weekend. We went to our college homecoming–one son attends college there. It was a very picturesque fall day, school colors are orange and black so lots available right now for tailgate parties. Enjoy them while they are young–but it is good when they are grown too. Going to another college game (the other son’s school) in two weeks. I think as long as we bring food and drink they will keep inviting us to come and join them! It is so wonderful. I wish I knew how to attach a thumbnail pic to this comment?
yes still reading….every time you post it goes straight to my email…and it’s one of my fav emails 🙂
nothing exciting here…looking forward to the cooler temps arriving this afternoon to push the 80 degree temps away…oh and getting my hair cut/colored today!
I know in my heart I will probably miss the babies more than ever but right now I’m so excited. I feel like I’m a kid waiting for a Disney trip!
Of course still reading because I love keeping up with the Howells! As usual, all these photos are gorgeous and that house is postcard picture perfect. I am finishing up prep work on a small box of cards for Operation Write Home too, and I must say that part of the reason why is because of you (and J too). I think you gave me the inspiration and push I needed to finally get started.
My birthday is Monday, so this weekend I’m starting the party. Ha! Going out for Mexican & Margaritas – woot! Also planning to cook a favorite yummy dish and maybe bake a little treat too. Then, of course, it’s Halloween. I hope I bought enough candy. It’s our first year here, so not sure how many will come. Also feeling a little torn – next door has a fabulous Halloween display. We thought of our little box of things and decided it would be embarrassing in comparison. Now I feel like something would be better than nothing. Sigh. Apparently, it’s a sign of my age: loads of indecision the older I get!
Enjoy your weekend!! xoxo
Jill M.says
Reading as always.!:)You have such a way with words and really inspire me to put things in perspective. I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and just trying to figure things out. Would be interested in your and Jimmy’s point of view. I know you probably try to stay away from posting about politics, but as a family that serves this country there is no opinion I think is more valuable. Thanks for all that you do
Ooh new cuts and color always make me feel like a new woman!!! Xoxo
Sent from my iPhone
Lynn Lynnsays
I have 4 boys and they all play football!:) We are right in the middle of Playoff season!!! I love watching my boys play football because they love it!!:) The pictures of your girls are so awesome!!
Still reading here too and enjoying seeing your adorable girls, said the mom of three boys! This week is full of work, 6 full days! But next weekend I am going on a scrappy retreat with my scrap buddies! 3 1/2 days of scrapping bliss!
Kim S.says
of course we’re still reading! just enjoying this awesome fall weather, trying to adjust to working more, balancing it all and keeping my sanity. looking forward to a scrap day on 11/3. can’t wait!
Most certainly still reading though usually from my app on my phone. Today is a rare day on my actual computer. We are preparing for a deployment, snuggling our 8 week old little man and enjoying fall and snow….
Awesome photos Steph!!! This is my birthday weekend – yes I get a weekend LOL. Tomorrow I go out to supper at Swiss Chalet with my mom, sisters, grandparents and my besties. 🙂 Sunday I go out to my Dad’s for supper after an awesome day of Scrapbooking at a crop over west – I should be working on the lanterns for my sister’s wedding but I need to get some cards done – it’ll depend on what I pack up tomorrow night 🙂 Have a great weekend hun!!!
definitely still reading. So busy here my youngest has just got his drivers licence so i am spending my time stressing and no doubt getting grey hairs, he also has been short listed to cook in a comp in New Zealand so of course we will have to go and watch (he will be representing Aus and there will be a team from the US, UK, Hong Kong and NZ) sorry proud mamma.(hes an apprentice chef) sorry digressing as usual. Our summer is starting here so its BBQ and pool time and yes diet time need to fit into my bathers. Heaps more but i wont bore you.
Still reading!! Home from an amazing trip to Irelans with 3000+ pictures to weed through and decide which to scrap, still have to unpack and organize my new apartment since I’ve been here 3 months already!, looking forward to dinner and a play tonight with a good friend, and excitedly waiting for the holidays!
Hi Stephanie! I love this cute post and your kids are always so stinking cute. We’re doing much the same as you except the messy buns are mine and the furrowed brows are my husband’s (from so much school work). Lol. We are doing ILE as well in KS and so wishing we didn’t have to move so soon either. We are knee deep in Halloween and bracing myself from the busyness of the holidays starting with Halloween and a birthday boy next week.
its going by SO fast isnt it? its nuts! do you guys know the stultz family? james and julie? take care! xoxo
No I don’t. I’ll keep an ear out for them. There are so many students here it’s still hard to get to meet everyone, especially when our daily routines are very established already!
Still reading every day. I really enjoy the Howell adventures. I don’t often comment but thought I would today. I am very excited as we are waiting for the arrival of our first grandchild-he is due tomorrow. A Hallowe’en baby…..hopefully he won’t be a monster! Not sure I am ready to be a grandmother but will love having a new baby around that I can hand back when the going gets tough. Glad you are safe and sound . Keep doing what you do. X
great to hear from you deborah! what a BLESSED time. thank you so much for commenting…sending big love! xoxo
Still reading!!! Not always immediately though. The girls are all adorable and my youngest is almost the same age as Cate and Lucy. As for my world… Busy, just found out we have a surprise on the way next summer!! Oh boy this is gonna be fun. Good luck w your BIg Picture Class!
Always reading your blog, loving your photos, envying the scrapbooking and enjoying the writing-as always! 🙂
thanks for saying hi, jennifer! i hope you have a wonderful wednesday!
Always read your blog and follow on Twitter. My world is helping my teenager deal with the effects of her concussion and the frustration that comes with it. Love watching your girls grow
Definitely still a reader here 🙂
As for us, car shopping after a tree fell on our minivan in a huge storm :-O
Just grateful no one was hurt!
And getting ready for Halloween 🙂
I’m still reading! Love seeing your photos and the way you capture those beautiful girls’ personalities.
I’m hanging out with my daughter and (while she naps) gearing up to paint the laundry room and downstairs 1/2 bath in our house! So excited to be rid of the bright yellow and fluorescent lime green (respectively).
Still reading and loving the pictures/posts. Keep it up.
Still reading – though I don’t comment often. Love your blog and your kids faces. In my world – waiting for radiation after breast cancer treatment, just got home from Disney World, trying to unpack and clean my house:) Meeting a friend for coffee today who is going through the same life struggle. Hope you have a wonderful day!!
bee still this BB’s heart! Love & hugs to all! Can’t wait to bee there!
Of COURSE I’m still reading! And enjoying every smile, furrowed brow, bun and pout from your adorable four! And what a beautiful home!!! Love your blog; won’t be going anywhere anytime soon!!!
I am still reading! I love stopping by! My world right now is full of house organizing (as an Air Force wife you would think I would be much better at unpacking/house decorating/organizing) as we have been in our new home for 2 months. Thankfully, my husband retires soon and we bought our home with the intentions of staying here for a loooooong time!
love that picture of harper in the leaves. gorgeous. right now, we are enjoying the colors of the season (my favorite) and i’m wishing it would last a little bit longer. such a magical time. 🙂 looking forward to the first “unplanned” weekend in a while.
I always love reading your blog and I think the picture of Harper w/ the leaves and the secrets are my favs. I just finished reading the new Lee Childs book and it was okay. Not my favorite of his.
thank you, friend!!! i agree…why does fall go by so fast? 🙁 and im also looking forward to an unplanned weekend. i will be out of town the next weekend, and j will be gone the one after that. must make this weekend count! 🙂 xoxo
thank you hanna! i am looking for a good book right now. any recs?
Still reading and enjoying it!!
It never gets easier,does it? 🙂 Good luck in your new happily ever after!!!
Hey Evelyn! Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much,Krys! Hope your week is going well! xo
I stop in on your blog every day even though I don’t always comment. I enjoy reading your posts very much and it’s just wonderful to see how the girls are growing. Thanks for opening your life to us! My life is exciting and really busy now that I’ve become the new certified scrapbooking instructor at my local Michael’s store. I’m finding it a bit of a challenge to balance 1 full-time job, a part-time job, a husband, a child and the house but I’m absolutely loving that I’m finally able to actually work in the scrapping world. Just wish I had a maid, oh and maybe even a cook. Now, wouldn’t that be nice, huh?
we cant wait to see you either!!!
Sending you hugs,love,and strength Jennifer. xoxo
Yes! and a driver! hahah! Congratulations on your new job, that is awesome!!
Thanks Sherrie. 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
OOOH fun! Theres nothing better than new paint! What colors did you choose?
Oh my goodness! So glad you are okay! xo
love reading your blog and being able to keep up with y’all no matter where you are. 🙂 but, i have to confess i’m super jealous of your Fall pics and weather. you KNOW we’re not getting that here! 😉 PS–how do you get the sunlight spots in your instagram pics?! love them and can’t figure out how to do it.
Hey gorgeous!!!! I sure miss you guys. 🙁
The bokeh is an app called PicFX. The bokeh options are under the light tab. Hope that helps!
Hi Hi Hi Stephanie!!! Of course I’m still reading 🙂 I am convinced that one day our military paths will cross and I’ll get to hug you and your sweet babies in person rather than through the internet!! In our world we’re eating up our last real “fall” for the next few years, trying to figure out our first military move (I need to email you a few more questions) and spend time with family and friends before leaving Virginia! Lots of love and hugs to you and your sweet chickies! (PS – How BEAUTIFUL is Harper in the “Discovering Fall” photo… STUNNING)
I am TOTALLY loving all of your pics!!!! Yhe girls are growing so quickly and I thank you for sharing with all of us!!! Life is grand and I am enjoying my most favorite time of the year ( with the exception of Christmas)!!!!!
I love reading your blog. And I would so want to stay in that house forever too! It looks like a postcard! 🙂 Around here I’m writing, writing, writing for multiple deadlines. We are teaching some valuable lessons about not following the crowd just to have friends (in 2nd grade!). We are wearing shorts again for a short warm up this season. And I am baking a bit too, which I love. Overall, life is good!
Still here & jealous of the beautiful fall you’re experiencing up there! Have fun! Not much going on here, but looking forward to sharing a big secret at the end of this week!
i wish you could stay there forever too! <3
Good morning Stephanie! This is such a sweet post, I love the furrowed brow and pouts pics!! 🙂 In my household of 2, we’re getting ready to take a trip to Israel in the spring with our church, and since I just want to tell someone… we are planning to start a family when we get back!!!! OK, I just had to get that out of my system!! Thanks for your blog, maybe I start to think, if you can do it with 4 little ones, why can’t I manage just a 1 for now?? 🙂
its magical, i tell you! 🙂 xoxo
you can TOTALLY do it. what a wonderful, wonderful time for yall. 3 xoxo
Hey sunshine! Email me any questions anytime! And I HAVE to meet you + your wonderful mama one day.
Hey Alissa! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your kind words! Happy Wednesday! xoxo
Oooooh, how exciting! That sounds so intriguing! 🙂 xoxo
Love your old house. I would love to see more photos of the inside. I live in an old cape cod (1930’s) that I just love.
Your photos always bring a smile to my face.
Of course,I’m reading everyday! Love seeing the girls in their everyday! The photo of Harper & the leaves is mag-cover worthy! It’s beautiful. Busy getting ready for friends to visit next weekend. Their son plays soccer for a college in FA & he’s playing in Savannah. Never been to a college soccer game. Hope to sneak a walk on the beach in this afternoon!
That is SUCH an important lesson,isnt it? Good luck with all of your deadlines! xoxo
Still reading! I might not comment too much. However love these pictures + the type, so crisp & clean!!
Id love to share the inside,too…but the only lens I have is a 50 mm fixed lens and thats not good. I will work on it!
Man, I miss Savannah. Miss you too, Ginny! xoxo
Hey Heather! So glad you commented today. 🙂 Have a beautiful day.xo
Good Morning Stephanie! My beautiful town of Wenatchee,WA. is finally clear of smoke from lightning fires in our hills. Don’t know if you heard of what was happening. Our air quality was up to 900 for almost the whole month of September. We actually walked around with masks on! Continue to read your blog every morning with my first cup of coffee-watching your family grow 🙂 Blessings!
Oh, Sharon…that is horrible and terrifying. 🙁 So glad things are looking up,friend.xoxo
Still reading and following on facebook. I love your blog and your honesty. I also love the pictures of H in the falling leaves and the secrets one. Having girls is just wonderful if you ask me. (I have 3 myself all under the age of 4) As far as my world goes we are still unpacking from a move and this week end we plan on going to a Pumpkin patch with our 4 year old and 3 year old. It will be their first time going so I can not wait. Hope you have a great Wednesday.
It sounds like wed be great friends,we have verrrrrry similar lives! 🙂 xoxo
Look forward to your posts as I seem to always be able to relate in some sort of way…you are always so uplifting with your words and inspiring with your paper-crafting & home decor. Thanks so much for sharing your life…the good, the bad & the ugly…thanks for being YOU!!! Have a blessed day 🙂
Thank YOU for your kindness today, Misty! I hope you have a fabulously wonderful day. 🙂 xoxo
Love your photos, particularly the one of your sweet girls sharing a secret. Adorable! I’ve been scrap booking and cleaning up my flooded laundry room and storage area due to a plumbers error! It needed to be cleaned out anyway is what I keep telling myself. I so enjoy your blog. Have a wonderful day!
Oh man…floods are the WORST. So sorry, hope its all back to normal soon! xoxo
I am always reading this beautiful story you call life. Keep doing what you are doing because it sucks me in every morning 🙂
Let’s see- we are trying to fit in every possible fall activity we can on the weekends. We are completing homework packets,crockpot cooking, decorating our home,,playing,dancing,scrapbooking….. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy Hump Day:)
Still stalking your blog daily 😉 It’s usually the first one I visit! Have a great day, Stephanie.
still reading – love reading and seeing all your adventures in your new state 🙂
thats how i feel about weekends. man,they go by in a blink of an eye dont they? big hugs.xo
Awwwww,thanks Miss Jess. xoxo
Hey Lefa! Thanks for stopping by,friend!xo
Looks like you are really enjoying your first real autumn! I just raked and baked 13 bags of leaves for pick up today – with more to come. But it is my favourite season and it’s my birthday month, too.
P.S. What are the twins’ eye colours? Brown like H? Ae S’s eyes hazel? Young children’s faces and their eyes are so expressive. 😉
I’m more of a blurker 😉 but I read and try to comment! Happening in my world? Watching my crazy monsters grow into a preschooler and a toddler, visiting family while my H is away at training, and preparing for 3 weeks alone with my husband! We haven’t had alone time in two years, since we got to Fort Hood, so our family is going to keep the kids while we go on a cruise then spend some time alone before coming to visit the family for Christmas. It is going to be Heavenly:). I hope you guys continue to do well and enjoy your time together!
they are similar to sadies color! grayish green! raking leaves=yuck. 🙂 xoxo
awww i LOVE my blurkers. hahahah! and THREE WEEKS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? can you tell by my yelling that i am horribly jealous?? xoxo
Hi! I’m still reading, just busy and tired all the time with my return to school. Which means less scrappy time, too. Boo. Love seeing your pictures and reading your posts, it makes me want to visit RI!!
Hey Laura! Hope you catch up on sleep (and creative time) soon! xoxo
Stephanie, you know I am still reading. It is an everyday thing:) Love your pictures and your house is so cute…you are in a beautiful area. Love your layouts also..always have. Have a good day..
Hi there! I am super busy with my 7.5 month old daughter and trying to scrapbook all the pics I take of her 🙂 I am a full-time Mama and love every single minute of it. Life is good in Kansas! I am a faithful follower of your blog and love seeing pictures of your gorgeous family. I simply cannot wait to see your December Daily and to get my hands on the Gossamer Blue kit. You are a huge scrapbook inspiration for me and I appreciate all that you share on your blog. Thank you Stephanie!!
So glad to hear you are doing the class, Im so excited! Its wonderful to hear from you today, happy Wednesday Jill!
Hey Miss Sharon! Have a beautiful day! xoxo
Those pics are amazing!!! You girls are the sweetest. I’m running after my 4 guys seeing they don’t get into mischief. Just got a window repaired that Robin broke when throwing stones and I can hear a fight going on now. Off to referee
Both rooms are going to be a muted, pale aqua (“Enamelware”, which is a Martha Stewart color), and I’m planning to add wide horizontal stripes in a ever-so-slightly darker aqua (“Artesian Well”) in the bathroom 🙂 I’m so excited!!
That picture of Harper and the leaves? Perfection.
And the secrets? Perfection.
Love the baby buns.
Love your photos.
I want to live in your house – it looks like perfection too.
And Hi! 🙂
That house is so perfect!! Well we have lots of pouts here as well. Here is a tidbit about having twins to share with you….. when they get to school age, say Kindergarten like my two, and one gets sick and the other has to go to school without their twin —–> complete heartbreak!! We went through that this week and wow did that really open up my eyes to how strong their bond is! It was so sweet and emotional for all. Thankfully my twins have a fantastic teacher who kindly emailed me to tell me that my sweet Kierra had sad eyes and tears a few times, but received lots of hugs from her teacher. And Karter (the one who had pink eye and had to stay home), was so lost without his sister. He just sat and pouted all day long!! It is such a joy to have twins to say the least, seriously precious!!! Anyways, just thought I would share since you totally get what I am saying. 🙂
I am not a military wife or mom, but my Dad (RIP) did serve in WWII, my father-in-law was Army, Brother-in-law Vietnam, nephew , etc. Anyway….I love reading about you and your girls….they crack me up! It is awesome that you can share your life with the rest of us. I just redid my craftroom and now need to get it organized and usable!! I love to make cards and all sorts of crafts from magnetic boards to headbands to wreaths to just about anything! Thanks for sharing!
Oh Steph, I always read your blog. If I don’t catch your posts on FB, I catch them via email. Cute cute photos!!! What am I up to? Varnishing. Varnishing new molding and two new windows we just replaced in our house. (2 down/10 more to go) Hopefully, my varnish dries.. it may be cool out, but it is humid. Want to come help??? 🙂
YES!!!!! Still reading!!!!! I have been super busy with my 3 kids. We are just recovering from our “birthday season” at our house. We all have new clothes, toys and games. Ate plenty of cake. We are coming into a new school routine. I have a preschooler this year and it was a hard adjustment for him. But he is starting to make friends, so drop off is becoming much easier. Why do kids have to break our hearts sometimes???
It looks like your enjoying your time on the east coast. Love seeing the area through your outings. Have a great day!
Hello hello Stephanie and girls! Oh gosh love your autumn photos! It’s so beautiful. I am busy preparing a Halloween Party after looking at your house decoration with lots of pumpkins . Looking forward to see more of your blog posts!!!
love your blog, love your kind heart ! it is great how you edited these photos and title here: do you use photoshop for that??
Of course I still read -sorry I read and run….and man, I’d love to live in that house forever, too. In my world? It’s raining (what else does it do in Seattle 9 months out of the year?), I just dropped my hubby at the airport for a golf trip to AZ, I’m going to try not to spoil my 13yo too much while Daddy is out of town, get caught up at work, and hopefully…..clean out my scrap room this weekend! And yes, there is something wrong with that picture – why wasn’t I invited to sunny Arizona?!!?? Long story….
hey sophie! im so happy to hear from you today! yes, i used pse for the photos!
hey kirsten! its been seattle-ish here lately, reminds us of our time in WA. gray and misty. 🙂 hope you have a great day! xoxo
Hello Tan! Make sure to share photos, Id love to see! xoxo
Sheila- being a mom is beautiful and heartbreaking all at once isnt it? And cake? MMM! xoxo
um, i love you…but no.hahahaha! happy wednesday! xo
Hey Julie! Its great to hear from you today! I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Wednesday 🙂
Kami- That is SO darn sweet!!! The other day I tried to take Cate to the grocery store alone and Lucy FLIPPED out. They were both crying so hard I ended up taking both of them!
Hey love! Wish you could visit! Go scoop up Gabby and come see me. 🙂 xoxo
I love the furrowed brow!
so so sweet! love the secrets one too.
Love that you are pulling out your camera more.
I need to pull out my big camera more often.
My lenses aren’t working very well, I have to focus manually,
so I need to get them both repaired.
It’s a cold fall day here and we aren’t doing too much.
I just started a little journal of things to be thankful for.
I need to focus on the little things as much as I can!
Love your blog and I am so happy to read new posts from you,
they brighten my day.
Lilith-HA!! I was thinking of you the other day and how if my life seems nuts, I cant imagine how WILD it is with four *boys*! hahah! xoxo
Thanks for asking those of us who lurk out in the blogosphere to stand up and shout back. I don’t normally comment on the blogs I peek at periodically, but for some reason your post inspired me to write a little today.
I stumbled upon your blog somehow {I think maybe Google Reader’s “similar blog” feature??} and your honesty, love for your family and your cute girls just touched my heart. I finally decided just to subscribe to your feed through Reader. I’ve enjoyed watching your transition to the NE, and seeing how the girls grow every day in grace and beauty. You have a blessed little family – and I feel privileged that you share the ups, downs and in betweens of military life with others who don’t share that experience.
I myself am trying to enjoy the little moments of joy God gives me as they come … the smell of fall, the last glorious colors, leaves, bonfires, sunshine, a fall rainstorm, diet coke with real lime, etc. This past weekend I went to a Marian Conference (I’m Catholic) and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities it provided – a long quiet solitary drive up north through forests of shining deciduous tree leaves and green conifers, a deep bathtub and a beautiful scenic view in which I could pray my Rosary! God is so good – and usually I’m moving too quickly to enjoy these little gifts he gives me. I’m grateful for the grace of stopping to notice them.
Have a delightful rest of the week! God bless you and your family.
I am busy with classwork (I graduate with my second degree this coming May) and wishing I had time to scrapbook. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! I love the one of Harper with the leaves – did you just throw the leaves in the air to get the shot? They surround her perfectly! I think I will have to try something similar this weekend.
Today, I am finally back in my craft room after what feels like forever! I just received some new Crate paper, Dear Lizzy and OA so I want to create with them, but first I have to finish sewing some cute Halloween mini buntings to clear my desk. You see, we just finished Fall field work here. I have been working the grain harvest driving a huge tractor and graincart thru fields unloading grain into semi’s for the first time ever in my life! Actually I never thought I would ever do it! Seriously! I have been married 18 years to a farmer and never drove a tractor till this year! It is kind of stressful, because if you miss and dump beans or corn on the ground you have alot of shoveling to do and you definitely don’t want to forget to put the auger down and hit something. My hubs is Field Manager and runs the combine for a lawyer who farms 6,000+ acres scattered across a whole county and to be done before Halloween is pretty rare. Most years it’s around Thanksgiving or has even been as late as Dec. 17th., we call those the nightmare years. It’s just so dry here in MN, that we even started the first week of Sept. He felt bad that the dust bowl winds we had in May transplanted a chemical used to kill weeds in the cornfields into our pumpkin patch and killed off alot of our pumpkins I decorate and sell, so he asked me if I wanted to drive the grain cart for extra money. He just left out how hard it can be on the body, lots of bouncing around trying to keep up and no time for much else and I only work part of the time, he works 16+ hr days for weeks on end. The kids are 13 and 16 so they can easily be home for a time after school by themselves. We took breaks for Football games for our youngest until he got a stress fracture, and yes, my 16 year old daughter prefers to be home alot. I think your Harper is alot like she was at that age. She was never into chasing the boys either and prefers not to go to parties at 16 if she is unsure of what is going to be happening, definitely not a crowd follower, but being at a small school it makes you worry as a mom. She works hard to stay on the High Honor Roll, loves photography, animals and cowgirl boots. Actually my kids prefer to hang out with the barnyard crew and take pictures with the cows. I think it’s all how you raise them and I think you are doing a wonderful job with your girls and I am so happy J can spend alot of time home with all of you this year. Farming is similar to the military as far as being away from home alot and it can be a very dangerous job (I’ve known a few who have died from augers and being buried in bins) I worry alot on the very late nights, with the planting, spraying, digging, and harvesting. It was hard when the kids were little because they didn’t see dad for weeks on end unless it rained. I remember a Halloween carving party we had with three little cousins, it had rained, Brian came home very tired from the field, crashed for hours on the couch with 5 noisy kids running around, nothing could wake him, too funny! I think in 15 years of trick or treating he was able to go twice. This is our first year of no trick or treating, Mitch thinks he’s too old now to go, boo! What both of our husbands do for a living, helping to PROTECT and FEED the world is hard and dangerous work in my eyes and they make alot of family sacrifices! I know, enough already! Have a blessed weekend, we are going to carve pumpkins as a family and head out of town shopping! And by the way I do love your house! I want to add a wrap around porch to the farmhouse we live in!!!
Still reading:) about to adopt a baby due this Friday!!! Sooo I’ve been nesting! Love your sweet girls and love reading and seeing pictures of your creativity! It inspires me! Naomi
I do not mean to ever miss one of your posts as you start my days with a smile and a warm heart.Being the mother of four grown children and five grandchildren my life is not as busy as it used to be, but I still dont seem to be able to get everything I want to do done. lol Thank you for sharing your world.I think I like the secrets photo best….
i LOVE these photos.
so so so much.
<3 it all!!! fall in Iowa is warm & wet this year, taking all the park days we can, slowly getting back into blogging myself, cutting out the blogs I don't read but have on my list, YOU are STAYING!!!
wow, thank you kim! have a great (dry??) day!xo
love YOU!
Sandy-thank you so much! have a wonderful, blessed day!
i think of you and pray for your darling family constantly. xoxo
what a BEAUTIFUL comment. thank you so very much for taking the time to type it. and its wonderful to meet you! xoxo
A BABY! oh, my heart is so very happy for you! congratulations a million times over. Not flesh of my flesh Nor bone of my bone But
still miraculously my own Never forget for a single minute You didn t
grow under my heart But in it. My favorite quote…it was hanging on my wall as a child!
GORGEOUS! Please share photos when you are done, Id love to see!
Hi Stephanie! Yup still reading, love your blog, marvelling at how big the girls are getting! It is late Spring here in NZ and we are looking forward to warm sunny days after a long wet winter! Enjoy your fall and most of all Thanksgiving – I so wish we celebrated that holiday here, I have much to be thankful for!
Hi Stephanie,
Recognise pouts and secrets. I am in Paris right with my two girls for our autumn break, yes again! We loved it so much during the summer. Right now it is a girls’ thing, daddy had to work. Today they gaped at the size of the Mona Lisa, so small, and thought it highly overrated. And shivered at the sight of a real mummy without all the mummy things that usually envelop it. And right now they’re cutting out self-made dolls and dresses, because we had to travel light (by train), and couldn’t bring any toys. x Kate
I have a morning routine and you are in it LOL! I get up, pour a cuppa coffee, read the email and then go to my favorite blogs and read. I may not post much but I always go away from here with a smile or at the very least a provoking thought. Thanks
You’re house is gorgeous. As are your babies.
Of course I am still reading and enjoying every picture too. This year Fall means finishing our kitchen remodel (backsplash went in today, grout tomorrow then good-bye contractors!) and a fresh coat of paint on the first floor. (Hope DH can get it done quickly!) Busy at work and helping my son with college applications. Watched my son march in the New York City Columbus Day parade. Bittersweet since it was his last but the band placed first in the competition. Hoping everything is back in my kitchen before Thanksgiving which I am hosting and is (YIKES!) less than a month away!
I’m absolutely still reading;) Tho I’m hoping to cut my screen time some after seeing Becky Higgins post yest (the video). It got me thinking…again! I’ve been more down (and fatigued!) lately – dr decided I def have SADS – I think it’s prob pretty common here in the NW with the rain and grey. I’m so curious what the weather is like in RI – if it’s real similar to here. I’m originally from South Dakota and apparently my brain is just used to more light;) But believe me seeing your adorable furrowed brows, messy buns and the gorgeous bigs is major sunshine in my days. Nevermind the most awesome scrapping!! LOVE! I also struggle with thyroid disease so lots of awesome hormone issues going on with this girl and my super awesome supportive husband and 4 kids (so yeah my 9 yr old daughter looks to be starting her own hormonal journey – ugh.). I absolutely love your blog and love seeing the country through it. Hoping we can go to the west coast next summer. Have ALWAY wanted to check it out. Thanks for your lovely posts, keep them coming. And I’m so happy J is home with you this year. So happy!
I love these kinds of posts and I love seeing that you got the DSLR out! Great pictures! Around my way we’re being lazy… 🙂
whoa. cate looks so old! how did this happen?! 😉
love the picture of harper!
Always loved the New England fall season, miss it now living in the Carolinas ! Thank you for sharing your family with us. Always leave with a smile after enjoying your photos!
Always reading. Still a fave blog!
Hello Steph! Hope you had a wonderful day! I am crocheting beanies/hats my new obsession, I just don’t know what to do with them all.
I can’t believe how big the “littles” are getting! We (my daughters and I) have loved watching all your girls grow. They wish that you lived closer so they could babysit! :0)
Have a great week!
:0) Natalie
Always reading. We are spending every opportunity enjoying being together at home, since life is crazy busy right now and we are trying to simplify a little bit.
Your blog always makes me want to have children immediately! My world these days consists of work, scrapping, bible study and enjoying life! And enjoying ‘boot’ weather (yay fall)!!!
Trust me, I read this blog every day as long as you have posted. Love your blog!
the PaperTemptress
HI STEPHANIE, I am still reading and enjoying the pictures and stories of your family! I loved military life with my soldier and two little girls and every place we lived was great from Alabama to Hawaii to Washington state. We were so fortunate to serve during a time of peace. Soooo, I am loving getting ready for a card making party for Operation Write Home.-Such a great cause! I hope to have 500+ cards for the first box to ship out!
Enjoy this moment in time and look forward to all the good ones to come!
I can’t tell you how much I look forward to pictures of you and the family. They usually crack me up, but sometimes tear up as well (because they are so precious)! Thanks for keeping us “in the loop” with the girls.
Absolutely still reading – love your posts! Sorry, I have been slacking in commenting department lately.
As always, the photos of your girls are adorable and full of personality! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Love reading your blog. You and Chuck Swindoll make my day. Bless you and yours! k
Your blog is the ONLY one I read regularly! We are in Tampa now. I am trying to re-enter the work force after 10 years – YIKES!
thank you sweet sonya. miss your pretty face!xoxo
right back at you. thank you so much 🙂 xoo
have a great day,amy!
thanks for your sweet comment,claudia! happy thursday. 🙂 xoxo
trish- what a great cause. 3 thank you so much for your comment!
Stephanie–love reading your blog and watching your little girls blossom. They do grow up and then you get to do what I did this weekend. We went to our college homecoming–one son attends college there. It was a very picturesque fall day, school colors are orange and black so lots available right now for tailgate parties. Enjoy them while they are young–but it is good when they are grown too. Going to another college game (the other son’s school) in two weeks. I think as long as we bring food and drink they will keep inviting us to come and join them! It is so wonderful. I wish I knew how to attach a thumbnail pic to this comment?
She threw them in the air, yes. Lucky shot. 🙂 Good luck with school! xoxo
what a great story/comment. i loved reading this. farming is HARD work. sending my gratitude and love to you guys! xoxo
Sara- I hope the sunshine comes SOON! xoxo
Kate- PARIS! what a treat. living vicariously through you.xoxo
you are awesome,susan. big hugs and much love!
thank you so much amanda! xoo
your life sounds so full and happy. love that. thanks for stopping by,linda!
loved that video on beckys blog. i am going to subscribe to that magazine asap. hope you are feeling better soon,sweet friend.xoxo
lazy sounds heavenly. 🙂 xoxo
i dont KNOW! what in the world is going on? xoxo
thank you so much helen! happy thursday! xoxo
thanks krista! have a lovely day! xoxo
i wish so too! and i also wish i could crochet! xoxo
love this. happy thursday.xo
sounds absolutely perfect! xoxo
thank you so much patricia! hope you have an awesome thursday! xxo
yes still reading….every time you post it goes straight to my email…and it’s one of my fav emails 🙂
nothing exciting here…looking forward to the cooler temps arriving this afternoon to push the 80 degree temps away…oh and getting my hair cut/colored today!
I know in my heart I will probably miss the babies more than ever but right now I’m so excited. I feel like I’m a kid waiting for a Disney trip!
Of course still reading because I love keeping up with the Howells! As usual, all these photos are gorgeous and that house is postcard picture perfect. I am finishing up prep work on a small box of cards for Operation Write Home too, and I must say that part of the reason why is because of you (and J too). I think you gave me the inspiration and push I needed to finally get started.
My birthday is Monday, so this weekend I’m starting the party. Ha! Going out for Mexican & Margaritas – woot! Also planning to cook a favorite yummy dish and maybe bake a little treat too. Then, of course, it’s Halloween. I hope I bought enough candy. It’s our first year here, so not sure how many will come. Also feeling a little torn – next door has a fabulous Halloween display. We thought of our little box of things and decided it would be embarrassing in comparison. Now I feel like something would be better than nothing. Sigh. Apparently, it’s a sign of my age: loads of indecision the older I get!
Enjoy your weekend!! xoxo
Reading as always.!:)You have such a way with words and really inspire me to put things in perspective. I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and just trying to figure things out. Would be interested in your and Jimmy’s point of view. I know you probably try to stay away from posting about politics, but as a family that serves this country there is no opinion I think is more valuable. Thanks for all that you do
I think its a safe bet that I wont ever discuss politics. 🙂 but thank you so much for your comment and your sweet words!! Xoxo
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That sounds absolutely heavenly!!! Xoxo
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Ooh new cuts and color always make me feel like a new woman!!! Xoxo
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I have 4 boys and they all play football!:) We are right in the middle of Playoff season!!! I love watching my boys play football because they love it!!:) The pictures of your girls are so awesome!!
Still reading here too and enjoying seeing your adorable girls, said the mom of three boys! This week is full of work, 6 full days! But next weekend I am going on a scrappy retreat with my scrap buddies! 3 1/2 days of scrapping bliss!
of course we’re still reading! just enjoying this awesome fall weather, trying to adjust to working more, balancing it all and keeping my sanity. looking forward to a scrap day on 11/3. can’t wait!
Most certainly still reading though usually from my app on my phone. Today is a rare day on my actual computer. We are preparing for a deployment, snuggling our 8 week old little man and enjoying fall and snow….
Hey miss Annie!
Sending you love. I know youll make every second count. Xoxo
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Have fun at your scrap day…and thanks so much for your comment!! Xoxox
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Woohoo!! Have FUN!!
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Oh my goodness, I love that!! Total opposite to my world. Hahhaha!!
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I want Mexican and margaritas!!!! So jealous! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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Awesome photos Steph!!! This is my birthday weekend – yes I get a weekend LOL. Tomorrow I go out to supper at Swiss Chalet with my mom, sisters, grandparents and my besties. 🙂 Sunday I go out to my Dad’s for supper after an awesome day of Scrapbooking at a crop over west – I should be working on the lanterns for my sister’s wedding but I need to get some cards done – it’ll depend on what I pack up tomorrow night 🙂 Have a great weekend hun!!!
definitely still reading. So busy here my youngest has just got his drivers licence so i am spending my time stressing and no doubt getting grey hairs, he also has been short listed to cook in a comp in New Zealand so of course we will have to go and watch (he will be representing Aus and there will be a team from the US, UK, Hong Kong and NZ) sorry proud mamma.(hes an apprentice chef) sorry digressing as usual. Our summer is starting here so its BBQ and pool time and yes diet time need to fit into my bathers. Heaps more but i wont bore you.
Still reading!! Home from an amazing trip to Irelans with 3000+ pictures to weed through and decide which to scrap, still have to unpack and organize my new apartment since I’ve been here 3 months already!, looking forward to dinner and a play tonight with a good friend, and excitedly waiting for the holidays!
Hi Stephanie! I love this cute post and your kids are always so stinking cute. We’re doing much the same as you except the messy buns are mine and the furrowed brows are my husband’s (from so much school work). Lol. We are doing ILE as well in KS and so wishing we didn’t have to move so soon either. We are knee deep in Halloween and bracing myself from the busyness of the holidays starting with Halloween and a birthday boy next week.
happy birthday!!! xoxo
you SHOULD be proud!!! and id have gray hairs too!!! thanks for your comment,friend! xoxo
where did you go? thank you SO much for stopping by, Miss Tinka! xoxo
its going by SO fast isnt it? its nuts! do you guys know the stultz family? james and julie? take care! xoxo
No I don’t. I’ll keep an ear out for them. There are so many students here it’s still hard to get to meet everyone, especially when our daily routines are very established already!
Still reading every day. I really enjoy the Howell adventures. I don’t often comment but thought I would today. I am very excited as we are waiting for the arrival of our first grandchild-he is due tomorrow. A Hallowe’en baby…..hopefully he won’t be a monster! Not sure I am ready to be a grandmother but will love having a new baby around that I can hand back when the going gets tough. Glad you are safe and sound . Keep doing what you do. X
great to hear from you deborah! what a BLESSED time. thank you so much for commenting…sending big love! xoxo
Still reading!!! Not always immediately though. The girls are all adorable and my youngest is almost the same age as Cate and Lucy. As for my world… Busy, just found out we have a surprise on the way next summer!! Oh boy this is gonna be fun. Good luck w your BIg Picture Class!