Here is what i found in my bed after a looooong shower this morning:

could they BE any cuter?
and then harper said
“happy mudders DAY!”
and suddenly i forgot that yesterday i wanted to murder her for the screaming and the
and the “HARPER DO IT”
and i forgot about the fact that sadie isn’t really sleeping any more and
that she won’t let anyone hold her but me
and that she won’t take a bottle or binkie
and that she NEVER lets me
and that most days I don’t get a shower and i will probably NEVER take long baths again.
I forgot all those things.
And I was happy.
Because these 2 made me a mommy.
And they made me kinder and more patient and LESS selfish…
well, they made me ME.
and i was looking for who I was for a long time:

i love my girls.
and hey, remind me of that next time i want to lock myself in the closet,ha!
i hope you are having a beautiful day…and hey! speaking of which…
last night i looked at my sitemeter and realized there are ALOT of you reading.
and most of you don’t ever say anything.
Now, i don’t do this for the comments. I do it as a sort of therapy..
and also to inspire, and be inspired by the connections i form.
I can’t form connections if you don’t say Hi!!
I promise, i’ll never make you de-lurk again ;).
so tell me, how are you? WHO are you???
Love to you all!!!