So let’s get the obvious out of the way first.
I love it here.

I have eaten some of the best food and tasted some of the best wine that I’ve ever had. And I haven’t even tried the really good places yet.
The wine…the wine is amazing. And so much better than my favorite wines at home. I knew it would be, but still. It surprises me every time.
Now on to the stuff we can file under “keeping it real”.
Getting here with four kids seven and under was not the most fun part of the adventure. But it was so much better than I thought it would be.

As soon as the doors shut (not exaggerating here) on our first flight of two…Cate barfed all over J. Yep. We knew it was pretty much destined to happen, she’s barfy by nature. When she coughs, takes medicine, swallows water in the pool…she’s our delicate child. But we did not expect for it to happen so soon!
Luckily we were prepared with changes of clothes. And many barf bags.
And luckily that was it on the hurling front.
Honestly? The girls were troopers. They slept on almost the entire flight from Philadelphia to Venice.

They each had their own backpack full of entertainment. Everything from books to colors to stickers to an entire box of bandaids to stick on themselves. Yep, I did this. And yep this worked.

The flight from Philly to Venice? Was missing more than 100 people. Total answered prayer. Each girl got their own row to sleep. It couldn’t have worked out better.
I didn’t sleep a wink. Between Lucy rolling off of her seat (twice!) and the Italian man in front of me yelling all night long…I just gave up and watched movies.
We had a lot of baggage. But we have four kids. And we will be spending at least a month or two in this inn on post. And luckily J’s orders allowed us a lot of free bags.

This poor guy did not know what he was getting into when he offered to help.

shirts from here
Me not sleeping that first night has made the last couple of days a little rough. Not gonna lie. There’s some major jet lag going on over here.
And that translates to LOTS of whining and crying from the girls. Which I’m not so great at dealing with when I’m exhausted.
But I’m reminding myself to breathe. And be patient. And I am reminding myself that I’M TIRED IN ITALY!!!! Are you kidding me?
These first few days (weeks??) will be a bit odd. We are staying in the inn on post. Which looks like any other Army post anywhere I’ve ever been. And we won’t have a car until our van gets here from America.
Hence the lack of “Italian” photos. We have walked off post every night for dinner but have yet to make it downtown. I am hoping we will be able to take a taxi tonight.
It’s killing me to not be able to really immerse myself in Italy just yet.
Every night when we walk out of the gates I get unnaturally excited. The gelato is delicious. The Italian is spoken at lightning speed all around me like beautiful, animated poetry pouring over me… and I love just listening to it. The pasta is unlike pasta I’ve ever tasted. I already mentioned the wine…
Everything is older. And more colorful. And new to me.
And I am in love. Even though I’ve just met this country, I’m in love.
More soon, hopefully…
I’ve been anxiously awaiting an update!! You handled it like a champ (the flight)!
I love how you mentioned the Italian language. I adore it. I’m obsessed with it. Okay, I’m obsessed with Italy in general, but the language is music to my ears. I want to learn it, but my husband is insisting I get better at German first, since we live here. We PCS to Garmisch in 3 weeks (pack out next week, move in the following) and I will 3 hours closer to Italy than I am now – only 1.5 hours or less to the border!!!
Enjoy this period of transition. And the pasta. And the wine. And the language.
Love from one Army wife to another.
So glad you’re loving it. ENJOY.
Have you tried melatonin for the jet lag. Really helps in my humble opinion.
YAYYY!!!! A post from ITALY!!! I am simply dying to live through your adventures over the next few years!!! Italy is on the top of our list for future orders and I am beyond jealous that you are there! I’m sending lots of love, prayers and happiness your way!
PS – I feel like the girls have all grown up SO much over the last month?! H & S are turning into such little ladies!! XOXO
I cannot wait to hear more! It sounds lovely so far.
PS. The last time we flew the best thing I packed for my girls was a package of pipe-cleaners. They played with them for hours. Who knew?
PS: Good luck house hunting!!!
So glad you are falling in love with the country.. Hope you get some rest and start to feel good again! I would love to see photos of the post , out of curiousness on my part.. Cate sounds like me as a child , poor girl.. Have fun, can’t wait to see and read more of your adventures!! Xx
That’s EXACTLY how I feel (about moving to England)! It’s raining, but it’s RAINING IN EUROPE! I’m jet lagged, but I’m jet lagged IN EUROPE! I’m hot, but I’m hot IN EUROPE! It’s so awesome! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Buon divertimento!
I agree on the melatonin. Works wonders! So glad you are there and enjoying it! What a beautiful adventure that awaits you!,
We only spent 3 days in Italy on our European tour but I really do want to go back and spend more time there. I loved it too. Have fun and enjoy your time, can’t wait to see what lovely adventures you share.
It’s SUNNY in England! At least at the moment π
How fun! I can’t wait to get there in 2 weeks!! And taste as much wine as possible π
AHH!!! WOOHOO!! I am so happy you are happy. π
Sounds just lovely! Thank you so much for letting us live the adventure through you.
I’m so excited for you and happy to hear you all made it safe and sound even with the vomit and jet lag. You guys are all rock stars!
So glad you are enjoying your adventure. We lived in Italy for 3 years when my husband was stationed in Naples. Of all the places we’ve been to and can go to now Italy would win hands down! Everyone warned us of culture shock—did not have it at all but we did when we came back to the US! Enjoy the ride!!!
You and J are total rock stars for traveling internationally with the four beautiful Howell girls. Can’t.even.imagine #WimpyMomOfOneHere I’m not much of a wine drinker, but that plate of pasta looks delish. Hope you get caught up on sleep soon — that’s tough. I’ve never been overseas and just want to thank you, in advance, for letting us all travel vicariously with you. Big hugs from across the Atlantic! ~ Laura
Stephanie, I knew you would do great with the flight. Like I have said many times before you are a Great Army Wife and I admire you all the time. Also, it is going to be so much fun to get to experience Italy with y’all. I can’t wait:) Glad you and J. and the girls are all there and doing good.
Thank you so much for letting us come along on your big Italian adventure! I love reading your posts and can imagine being right there with ya..not in a creepy way though.
Whoot! You made it! Sounds crazy hard and amazingly fun at the same time. Hope the van gets there soon so you can entertain me FROM ITALY!
Welcome to England Melissa.
~ Kate ~
Welcome to Europe! Glad to have you here. I’ve been reading Dan Brown’s latest book lots of descriptive pieces in it about Italy, oh and the plague too, but that bits made up, I hope!
~ Kate ~
And you are young, still. I would last maybe two weeks and need to be home. You would think it would get easier with age, older kids, etc. But actually the home sickness does kick in after about a month for me. I want to be around my stuff, my grocery store, etc. And it gets worse if I get sick while traveling. I know it is age related. And I am so glad you can do all of this while you are younger (which is relative I know).
So glad that things went pretty smoothly getting there. Here’s to plenty of sleep the next couple days!
I’ve been looking forward to reading about your adventure!! thanks for the updates. i always love reading about your little family, just don’t ever really comment, lo!! sounds like y’all did great, despite a little bit of barfing, ha!! anyway, hope it only gets better for you guys and will anxiously be awaiting photos!!
yay! my dad was military and i lived in germany in high school and i distinctly remember thinking to myself: I’m in GERMANY!! This is going to be a fun few years.
It’s an amzing journey. I’m so glad you made it without too many issues.
I just wanted to say thanks for the box of band aids idea! That.Is.Awesome. We are leaving for a 22 hr road trip to FL this weekend, and I just put two boxes of bandaids on my shopping list. Mine make up any reason in the world that they might need a band aid. Like freckles. Perfect! SO glad you guys made it ok and are enjoying already!!
This is so fun living this adventure through you!! An adjustment indeed … I’ll be thinking of you all.
How exciting!!! Thanks for sharing your family adventures with us.
SO very glad you all arrived safe and sound and that you’re having a great time there!! Now I want some Gelato…ha π Looking forward to all the photos and news you’ll share on here π
Stephanie — que bella adventura! Or wow from down south in Georgia. Love keeping up with the Howells and your grand Italian adventure. You are so entertaining and the girls are all beautiful. Keep us posted and as usual, take LOTS of pictures. You’ll for sure want to scrapbook your Italian life. Hope you get rested and have the time of your life.
So excited to hear of this!!! My family always used to tell me that I would ONLY drink wine if I ever moved to Italy because it is so much better than everywhere else… Funny especially that I lived 20 min outside of Napa Valley growing up!!!
Take long naps, eat lots of Gelato and enjoy your wine!!!!
Just AWESOME! Happy for you, and to know that it went as well as you hoped for. Poor Cate… And I’m sure I speak for all of us, we look forward to more updates from your Italian adventure. Ciao Bella!
I’m so happy you all made it safe and sound. Get some sleep. Fingers crossed you get some wheels soon. Our family can’t wait to see more of the adventure.
I knew you’d love it! Hope you are able to immerse yourself in the real Italy soon and that you get some sleep and get rid of the jet lag.
Just wait until you get to go to the antique markets! And the wee ones speak in an accent, not just words but REAL Italian. Your hearts will melt! Good job on the change of clothes. MissEm was our barfer. Still is, come to think of it! Does J start to travel before you get a house?
I have been waiting for your post that you made it safe and sound… Yeah!
Enjoy every minute and be safe…God bless you all.
Love from OKC, Kathy
I am so envious. I have been to Italy and specifically Venice. The moment I stepped out of th train station, the view was breath taking. My favorite city ever.
Fabulous! I’m so happy for all of you.
We spent two weeks there with friends stationed where your sweet man is stationed. You must go to Vo while the wisteria is in bloom. Casual. Great place to hang outside and have a bottle of wine. Not too far from Vicenza. And when you get a night out for the two of you, try Longari (not sure of the spelling). Had the best dinner there. So many places to visit that are an easy train ride. Lucca and Siena come to mind…Florence was my favorite. Garmish was a great trip to Germany. Enjoy your time in Italy.
Oh my goodness I miss Vicenza! I’m so excited to relive the experience thru you over the next three years. I’m assuming you have ate at the place just outside the main gate… those guys were great friends during our years there. I can’t wait to see what has changed and what has stayed the same over the years.
cannot wait to hear more!
glad you are all there safely!
You have an absolutely wonderful attitude about this adventure that awaits you in Italy! Next step? Sign up for a language class or hire a private tutor. Knowing just a bit of the language makes a huge difference in the quality of your time in Italy.
Wait till you eat their pizzas, and taste the things they do to their melanzane: you’re in cook’s heaven!
I am so excited for you and trying not to be jealous. Wow, dreams coming true. I pray you have the best of times
Stay CALM and enjoy! π
Your posts and photos are killing me. Lee and I went to Italy and Austria for our ten year anniversary and I’ve said every since that I want to live there. Forever. And ever. I am so excited to follow along with you guys as you experience this journey. I know it will be hard, and home sickness will set in, but what an adventure you’re having and what memories for your girls. I am jealous…in a totally healthy and righteous way, of course! π
If I can offer one piece of advice? Sometime in the next three years, please go to Hallstatt, Austria. It’s an hour and a half south of Salzberg and it is hands down the most amazing place I’ve ever been to in my life. I dream about it and hope to be able to take my kids there someday. For now, though, I’m going to live viacriously through you all! Big hugs! I hope the jet lag works it’s way out soon so you can fully dive into your grande Italian adventure. Eat some bruschetta for me…and drink some wine!
Oooooohhhh…I want to go back.
Oh I loved reading this! I am so glad the trip over went (relatively) well. Please keep sharing here and on instagram! Especially pictures of the yummy food you’re eating over there!
Congrats on making it to Italy!! Bags traveling free is the BEST part of military orders! π
Oh man, what an adventure your family is on!!!
I enjoy reading your blog, I have 3 little girls and am a single mum, they are hard work…but I read your blog and think you are super mum with 4 girls! How wonderful to be in Italy, what a huge adventure for you all, keep posting about it, I really enjoy all of your posts. I live in sunny Queensland Australia!
My grandfather was Italian and I have never been….Im loving hearing your stories. XXX
Have you adjust to your new time zone? π
I see you’ve tasted spaghetti carbonara. They are my fav too. I suggest to eat fish, near the Venice lagoon is really good! And sweets of all kind!
Have a good time in Italy!