up today, favorite moments of 2012.
i have to warn you this one is LONG. i just couldn’t choose.
it’s times like these that i’m so grateful for a blog. i had forgotten about so many of these things until i looked back.
here we go!
february- throwing sadie a rainbow themed birthday party
march- the big girls planning and throwing me an anniversary dinner when j was deployed for our 9th wedding anniversary
march-accepting a job with MME
march- savannah st. patrick’s day parade
march-harper learning to ride her bike
april-getting to skype with j on a deployment for the first time ever!
may-finding an awesome house in RI
may- throwing harper a pottery party
may-harper unexpectedly being a soccer beast
june- throwing a savannah summer porch party with my bestie
june-running the savannah mile with the girls
july-meeting my favorite author
july- j coming home
july- jimmy’s change of command
july-overnight getaway with j
july-my amazing friends surprising me with a goodbye party
end of july-moving to rhode island and meeting AMAZING friends along the way
like the feketes:
and laura and charlie:
august-october-a million happy moments of simply being together
october-j’s 10 year west point reunion. seeing my best friend and finally meeting someone i adore!
october-apple picking for the first time
november- the babies turn two
december-holiday ball
december-our very first snow as a family
A year seems like it flies by but when you look back at it this way,
you realize how rich and full and blessed life really is.
can’t wait to see what you share.
link below!
I heard you on the Paperclipping roundtable and thought I’d check out your blog. What a nice family! Thanks for sharing and especially enjoyed your favorites from 2012. I’m working on a Life List (originally from http://www.jennymeyerson.com/) with specific things for 2013. And, I’m also putting together a Life Lived List of the things I’ve already done–something to give me perspective when I’m discouraged about Life List. I guess it’s that time of year. But, it is inspiring to see your photos and stories. I don’t blog, at least yet…maybe someday. I work full time in IT so I feel pretty good if I can do other stuff and still take photos, tell stories and get some scrapbooking pages done. ;-)BTW, I think MME rocks!
Great memories Steph. I hope to meet you one day. We would be fast friends. Xo have a great new year.
What a great post, it inspired me to do a round up of 2012! Lovely pictures. Thank you 🙂
No blog to share, but wishing you all a happy and healthy new year in 2013! 😉
so awesome!
I tried to do a review yesterday, but it wasn’t in order, I was all over the place with mine.
wish I had gone in order!
You had some GREAT memories, wow! what an AMAZING life!
you are so blessed!!!
and well deserved!
Loved this retrospective, what a wonderful year!
Love this! Definitely some special moments. Must look back through my photos and see what I can come up with.
hope that 2013 will be as eventful and happy as 2012 for all of you!