Guys- I apologize in advance. This one is L O N G. I started working on it yesterday and just finished it tonight. But I really wanted to share these stories and photos.
On Saturday we decided that we needed to get out of the hotel room.
We didn’t plan well and ended up in the car, ready to go…at nap time. And no one had eaten. Oh…we also didn’t know where we were going. Way to go Team Howell!
I grabbed this book (that I carry with me) and decided we were going to Verona.
It’s amazing that we now live in a place that we can decide at the last moment to take a quick jaunt to a place like Verona.
Keeping it real moment: My children are having a tough time learning how to behave here. In America…I could take them ANYWHERE. And yes, there were meltdown moments, but not like we’ve had since we’ve been here.
We are still adjusting. And adjusting means not giving up. We talk to them regularly about what is appropriate. Yelling during riposo is NOT appropriate. Running around in restaurants is NOT appropriate. It never has been. Not sure why it’s happening here. We are the type of parents that leave if our children are misbehaving. We don’t think it’s cute. Or funny. And it absolutely stinks to have to leave places in Italy. Sigh.
I’m sure they can feel my stress over their behavior. Also, this is a BIG change for everyone. But we are working through it, and it’s getting better every single day. I am working on patience and just breathing. We did just move to another country, after all.
Side note over. Moving on.
Everyone behaved and had a really good time in Verona. 🙂
This is the door of a monastery that was built in the 8th century. Yes. EIGHTH. I still have a hard time wrapping my brain around this.
To start things off in Verona we got super touristy (why the heck not?) and visited Casa di Giulietta (Juliet’s house).
Y’all I’m a sucker for Romeo and Juliet. Sigh. Each time I just HOPE the ending will be different, even though I know it won’t.
And even though I know the account is fictional, I still got swept up in the romance of visiting “Juliet’s house”.
This is the street outside the casa.
And as you enter the tunnel to the courtyard, the walls are covered in scrawled love letters and grafitti.
When you enter the courtyard you can see Juliet’s balcony to the right:
and straight ahead you can see the wall of locks and letters to Juliet.
in the garden is a statue of Juliet. Everyone rubs her right breast for good luck. It’s a totally different color from her other breast.
after getting frisky with Juliet we headed down the street for gelato. Jimmy and I shared una pallina (one scoop) of mascarpone con fragola (mascarpone with strawberries). AMAZING.
Next we wandered to Piazza delle Erbe where we walked through the market and (in a truly magical Italy moment) the girls ran into a fountain. It was pure joy, I tell you.
A “not so magical but inappropriately hilarious” moment? Sadie finding an apron in the market. It had an anatomically correct rendering of David on the front. Including larger than life um….male genitalia?
Those saucy Italians. You should have seen Harper and Sadie’s faces. And Jimmy’s face. I had to turn around because I was laughing so hard I was sobbing.
Another thing we saw was this whale bone. Legend has it that the bone will fall if anyone who has never told a lie walks under it.
I was not concerned.
Harper was terrified.
Sadie? Was downright excited and not at all nervous.
Both girls were terrified for Cate and Lucy’s lives as they don’t really talk and therefore have not lied.
I said that I bet they’ve told some doozies in twinner talk. HA!
One thing we really enjoyed in Verona were the street performers.
This dude was dressed like a baby with a man face. I can’t really explain it but you can tell from my obnoxiously loud laughter that I thought it was hilarious.
Sidenote:Yes, I know Lucy is too old for a binkie. I’m totally defensive lady with her binkie. It drives me nuts. But I am proud to tell you that as of yesterday, it is in her bed all day and not in her mouth. BABY STEPS.
I kind of die when she says “NO YIKE IT” at the man baby at the end of the video. TEEHEE.
IMG 0582 from stephanie howell on Vimeo.
Y’all. I laugh so hard every time I watch that. I can’t help it.
The last thing we saw before we headed home was the Arina di Verona.
It took my breath away.
I got goosebumps as soon as we walked in. It was built in AD 30. I really can’t put into words the way my heart feels when I experience things like this.
The panoramic feature is pretty cool on my iPhone until it morphs people in the front of the photo and gets all freaky deaky.
But still…
As we drove away I snapped this photo.
Romeo and Juliet is being performed in the arena on my birthday at the end of this month.
I think a date night is in order, no?
I hope y’all are having a beautiful and blessed Monday.
Ciao Ciao (Bye Bye- the Howell girls favorite goodbye!)
ohhhhhhhhhhhh i love this.
and yes. i think you DESERVE that date night.
now to book myself a plane ticket so i can hang out with the girls while you’re on date night. :)))
Love you, your stories, your family. Ciao Bella. xo
Verona looks like a magical place and that video is priceless! I laughed out loud! It can turn any frown upside down!
I wrote on that wall in 1997!! I’m sure it has been covered a million times since then, but how cool to see Sadie’s hand there!
Love these posts! Living vicariously through you guys!
Keep at it mom! Consistency is hard in a new place and in your living arrangements!
On another note I saw that apron! In fact I had a very difficult time finding t shirts in Italy and Greece that weren’t “saucy”. Some were NASTY…. Not shirts my boys could wear ANYWHERE! I am sure you will have many lovely sites that will wipe away the memory of David’ s apron!
Beautiful! I am loving your posts and pictures.
And just to encourage you, do not stress about her binky … you probably aren’t but just to encourage you … you are going through all sorts if huge changes and keeping that constant with her isn’t a bad thing right now at all. Just like I was told that my babies would be potty trained eventually, I also knew they wouldn’t start
Kindergarten with a passie either. All in good time. 🙂
And keep posting!! 🙂
My grandma’s name was Verona Marie! So I’ve always wanted to go to Verona, and sigh, go to Juliet’s house!
I think you should definitely go back for date night, just perfect!
Laughing so hard right along with you! Poor Lucy.
Hi Stephanie
Glad all is going well with living in Italy. I truly enjoy your posts and love seeing Italy through your blog.
Loved the video and look forward to your next post.
Ciao Ciao.
WOW! So cool. Love these pictures so far and can’t wait to follow along more with your Italian adventure. What an awesome experience for you and your family.
LMBO!!! that video clip… hilarious!!
The photos.. amazing! It is so neat seeing Juliet’s place. Yes, a date night is a must.
You sound like me. I did the same things with my kids when they aren’t behaving. It is such a big adjustment moving to a different country.
Thanks for sharing. It is fun living vicariously through you. 🙂
Always excited to see when you have posted (I need to get a life)! Beautiful pictures – so fun for all of you! The girls look great! Sound like you handling everything very well!
you absolutely need to go see R&J on your birthday. i can’t imagine a better way to celebrate your first birthday in italy! 🙂
I am so thrilled for you and so jealous too!! I love your stories. Love, love, love them! I wouldn’t worry about the kids behavior. It is such a new world and culture there for them. Once you guys get settled in your home and they get a little more used to things, it will be fine. Keep the Italian culture and experiences coming..I’m loving it. I really hope you get a chance to visit other European countries as well. My dream is to travel to Germany in a few years. My husband’s family lives there. I just want my boys to be old enough to remember it all. Thanks so much!!
Fabulous!!!!! Loved the video, made me laugh, so cute, those Howell girls 🙂
Never apologize for a long post…this blog is the closest I’ll get to Italy in possibly forever, so I love every photo and every story! I have three teenagers, and I promise you, the binkie issue is not worth stressing over. It will all work out. We had a chronic thumb sucker that is successfully recovered!Enjoy all those crazy moments, and please share them with those of us who do so enjoy following your journey! Thanks!
I saw that apron in Amalfi! So funny!
Great photos! I’m dying for you to get to Rome!
Oh beautiful post, I feel like I’m touring Italy with yoU! 🙂 I just wish I was eating the pasta and drinking the wine with you too! LOL
Love these posts,please keep them coming! The video is hilarious! Sadie is so funny!She is turning into a beauty! Don’t worry about the binkie, she’ll give it up soon.
Love this post! Made me laugh. That video is great!
love this post:) Stephanie, I can’t imagine how hard it has been on your family to up and move across the world. I know you all get to experience amazing things and you are so so grateful for that but it will still take some time to adjust to life there. I’d be a cranky pants too if I had to live in a hotel with a family of six for weeks. on. end…. I bet you can’t wait to move! as for the binky my daughter had hers well into her 3rd year of life. Full blown conversations and still she had it and i could care less, i knew she’d give it up when she was ready. Now she’s a beautiful almost 14 yo young lady and she was not ruined. lol. I bet it is making your sweet girl feel extra safe in a whole new world. you my dear are not being judged if anything I think you amaze most with your grace and love.
You will make the transition and will have so many beautiful memories. I am enjoying seeing all of this through your eyes and appreciate being able to read your posts. Continued blessings to you and your family.
Vicariously visiting Italy via your blog. Thank you so much! Really makes me want to visit Italy!
Thanks so much for the ongoing tour of Italy! I’m enjoying it so much!
Magical…just magical!!! It’s so wonderful reading about all of your wonderful adventures. Enjoy and savor each and every moment…
No pressure, but I’m totally excited about 3 solid years of these kinds of posts! So fun! And as for the binkie, research has shown that the vast majority of kids give it up before graduating high school. Y’all just moved across the planet, let her have a binkie.
Wow, what a wonderful day. You absolutely must go and see Romeo and Juliet at that arena, it would be amazing. Thanks for the tour of Verona. It has really brightened up my day!
Love this post. Enjoy your bumpy ride.
Your post of another Howell family adventure in Italy brought a big smile to my day! Thank you for the gorgeous pictures, the keeping it real issues and that hilarious video. “don’t yike it” made my heart ache for my own little ones that are all grown up. Happy day to you and your sweet family!
Me too. Me too!
Love the post, thanks for the amazing picutres…. Keep making beautiful memories 🙂
My comment disappeared – not sure what happened. I’ll try again.
I love your updates and the longer the better. They always make me smile!
I am confused about one thing though . . . the street performers piled three high. How are they doing that? Is there a clear plexiglass structure with seats that I cannot see? So confused. :\
I was sitting at work reading the post giggling then I saw the little video and wet my pants!! OMG I love your whole family. I “no likey” big baby either lol Wonderful photos. Can’t wait for your birthday date night so we can see Romeo and Juliette also. Grace xoox
I love hearing the stories and seeing the photos, what an amazing time for you guys!!!
Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing!
When we moved to China last year our boys were 2 and 3. It took at least 2 weeks to get over jet lag and another month or so for our 3 year old to get back to his old behaving self. We were a bit worried at first because he was acting up and doing things he never did before. It all settled down and they got back to who they were before the move. Lots of patience and love and the belief this to will pass will help. Oh and wine didn’t hurt!!
You should have just seen Sophie’s face when I showed her the pic of Harper and the statue 🙂 so funny. Glad you are having such a beautiful special time together, I know it must be stressful at times, but what precious memories! We will be there next pcs , so get ready!! 😉 xo
This is one of my favorite Italian cities that I drive to again and again. Glad to see that you enjoyed it!
Thank you thank you thank you, it is such a joy to read your blog, loved the video and seeing Italy through your eyes. I know its a lot of work for you but we love it. Thanks again.
Totally love the sites and sounds. That video was hilarious!!!! Lucy girl I no yike it either. Can we say creepy! I love that the girls are taking it all in. You’re doing good mama.
Love being able to see Italy through your eyes! Thanks for continuing to share.
oh beautiful pictures and NO i wouldn’t like the baby man either!
Oh I have tears…LOL. And I agree with Lucy – I no yike it either…that’s kind of freaky! Ohhh, but to be near all that architecture and statues and the history…ohh I’d just sit and stare at it all day. I cannot wrap my head around it. Love hearing and seeing your stories 🙂 Are you getting to scrap much?
Wow, just WOW! And THIS -> “It’s amazing that we now live in a place that we can decide at the last moment to take a quick jaunt to a place like Verona” is SO TRUE and EXACTLY how we feel! Love following your adventures!
you’re laugh is the cutest thing ever! i sound like a bike horn lol so loving being able to have a peak into your experience