We decided to drive around and explore a little this weekend.Because honestly…why unpack when you can play?
We stumbled upon the Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge and promptly fell in love.
Next time we will wear proper footwear and I will have my DSLR. š
We wandered along the path down to the ocean.
Exploring all the way. The babies fell on their faces in the dirt several times (and found it HIGHLY hilarious). Lucy may or may not have eaten a few handfulls. YUM?!?!?!?
Please note their tummies in the photo above. Hahahah!
We had to pause several times along the way to explore and also to hug it out.
Did I mention I love Rhode Island? And that I can’t believe we are lucky enough to live here?And that I want to live here forever and ever and ever? ARE YOU LISTENING ARMY????
And then we headed back home. I can’t wait to go with just J. It’s a great place to run and also a great place to take a bottle of wine and have a picnic. And make out. I’m sorry, did I say that out loud?
In other news…this girl learned to ride her bike this weekend. Yes, she’s four…and yes she cannot STAND that Harper could ride a 2 wheeler and she couldn’t.
Also, I made this lasagna this weekend and it was SO GOOD. I could have eaten the entire dish myself. I’m not even kidding.
I love you Rhode Island. I’m so grateful for a new adventure, a new gift, and time together as a family.
And this house. I love this house. So glad we found it and get to “borrow it” for a year.
Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you have a productive and beautiful day.
You may change your mind when winter comes…unless it is like last year with no snow! Happy you love Newport! Hope that you will be teaching in the area and I get to meet you!
ive lived in sackets harbor,ny where its -35 in the winter. i can handle it. š
So wonderful to see you all getting settled in! You posts with pics of Cate and Luci always make me nostalgic for those fat cubby days in those romper outfits…..my twins Sierra and Sabrina are starting first grade this year. How I miss those times!
Great photos! LOVE! ANd I just love that Sadie is wearing Harper’s “old” dress! And hugging it out is always such a good idea … absolutely priceless photo!
love seeing your adventures š the dirty tummies picture is fabulous…such cuteness. and thanks for posting the link to the recipe; i saw the pic in my instagram feed and was instantly hungry. anything that combines caprese and lasagna has to be amazing! have a great week!
Looks beautiful, and also reminds me that I’m a mere 5 hour road trip away. Since I’m totally jealous that you & Gabby got to meet…maybe we should schedule our own meet up!
Oh then you can definitely handle it! Won’t get nearly that cold!
It honestly looks like heaven! Your house is amazing and on a beautiful “lot”. I would kill to be near water. Thinking of signing up when your year is over š
Oh me too!!! I wish my kids were little like that again!!
Steph, these photos are fabulous! I hope you get your wish and can set up permanent residency there!
Love. Love the pictures, love the dirty babies, love that house. What filter did you use for the hearts on the first photo? Thanks for sharing!
Pic Fx app!
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love the picture of the twins hugging-SO cute!!!!
Oh so sweet!!! I better not show B the picture of S riding her 2 wheeler or she will want to do the same!! Goooo Sadie go!! Sweet babies all covered in dirt!! Rhode Island dirt is MUCH better for making mud pies than is Savannah dirt!!!
lovely weekend.. yay, girls riding well!
Enjoy all you can have!!
At the moment I live in the South, which I LOVE, but I was born and raised in New England, MA to be exact, and yes RI is gorgeous, so is Maine, and CT, I do hope you get to be there longer, love that fact that J was there to see Sadie ride her bike, how special is that? š
…and then there are the hurricanes..no power for days, no water…however, I too left my heart in New England and fondly think of it often. (The drives to Vermont were amazing) We have discussed retiring in that part of the world. But it may depend on where the kids end up. One child is determined to attend college in California. And the oldest will be moving on to graduate school..somewhere. I keep dropping hints about Hawaii having a college or two…… New England is perfect for your children’s age group. Halloween is going to be a blast! And you will have to visit the Pilgrim’s rock for Thanksgiving.
Looks like a wonderful place….so happy for you all!
you really are blessed to be able
to see the states and live in different ones!
I would LOVE to do that!
RI looks beautiful and I so want to come visit you!
I am printing that lasagna recipe ASAP!
Gulf coast living has prepared me for hurricanes. š
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I just wanted to let you know that reading about your adventures always makes me smile. And my three girls love seeing what your girls are up to.
Beautiful! I am happy for you š
That lasagna looks so good! Did you use spicy sausage like the recipe says or modify it?
What great pics. I love the lighting in them and the special effects like the hearts. Congrats to Sadie for learning to ride her bike so early and how utterly wonderful that J was there for it.
I used sweet!
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Love this post. Gorgeous pics…
Lovely photos! Makes me want to visit RI!
Love the photos and your descriptions are always funny and sweet-all rolled into one!
There is nothing like watching your child learn to ride a two wheeler!! It is just so cool!!
Have a great day!
We loved Rhode Island when we were stationed there. It was so close to home (Portland, ME) and very beautiful. The winters can be brutal but youre an ARMY wife and you can handle it. The girls will LOVE the snow. So happy that you can make beautiful memories together in RI.
we did 2 years at fort drum,ny and i got to experience the *lovely* -35 degree winters. i hope im prepared! š xoxo
Thankful you are in a good place and are so happy! God is good.
Forgive me, I had to google Rhode Island, being from the other side of ‘the pond’ and all. Now I see, it looks beautiful. I look forward to seeing more of this beautiful area on your blog. So glad you are together as a family to experience it. x
Ok the baby’s legs are so cute in rompers….J’s legs are nice too…;0
Dirty babies are happy babies. love it!
RI looks AMAZING!!!! I am going to try the recipe this week…and how funny that it comes from a blog called Iowa Girl Eats…and I was born and raised in Iowa (but no longer living there)..how fitting:):)
Oh, you read Iowa Girl too! I just pinned that recipe and will put it on my list. Thanks for the reminder!
It looks like you had a great weekend and I just love that Sadie wanted to learn to ride her bike so as not to be outdone by her big sister. How cute!
LOVE LOVE these pictures and your love for your new home/state already. That is sooooo good to hear, how lucky for you to be there! Those babies are sweet and the biggies together are precious. How awesome all these pictures are, you captured real life while living it so well.
Hope you get to go back with your man, love what you said for this, YES OUT LOUD!! Made me laugh!
Yeah, Sadie1 What a wonderful accomplishment! Looks like you are settling in to Rhode Island life quite nicely!
Your exploring adventure sounds like a good time was had by all. How cute that the babies stopped to hug it out. LOL!
Way to go Sadie! WOO HOO!! Love the shot with J in the frame. Brings back sweet memories of my Dad doing just the same thing when we were learning to ride.
Love seeing little peeks of your neighborhood – which is gorgeous! What a great place for all of you. So glad you are loving it.
The recipe looks great! I’ve alreadycopied it down and will be making it this weekend with some of our garden tomatoes! Thanks for the link.
You HAVE to take the girls to Block Island, you’ll all love it!
Beautiful photos! They make me feel so peaceful. Thank you.
Aw love these photos. I love random adventures!
I love Rhode Island but definately not better than Georgia. Will enjoy reading your adventures with your family. Grace
Awesome post.
Love the photos. Makes me want to live in R.I. too!
Thanks again for sending so much scrapbooking love my way.
The response so far is really good.