I have posted a lot about our travels, but the truth is we live in a pretty amazing town. There is so much for us to do right outside of our front door.
We live in downtown Vicenza (centro) in an apartment. Now, some people think this is nuts. Here most families choose to live farther out in smaller towns.
But we wanted to be right in the middle of all the action. So downtown it is. The apartment life is different, but we wanted different.
The best thing about living here is that we can walk to bakeries, restaurants, bars, florists, bread and cheese shops, bookstores, boutiques, gelato shops…I could go on and on.
We are just blocks away from Piazza dei Signori which means street performers,restaurants, statues, pigeons, amazing architecture,markets, festivals, and sitting under umbrellas drinking Spritz Aperol and Moscow Mules while the girls play.
It never ever ever gets old.
What does it sound like here? It sounds like cars zooming, bells ringing,ambulance sirens,music,and Italian conversation.
It smells like bread and flowers and smoke.
There are nuns and tourists and people who are madly in love and simply cannot keep their hands off of eachother. There are children everywhere.
There are motorbikes and bicycles careening wildly, students studying the architecture, and mothers scolding.
There are churches everywhere. And gelateries. No one is ever really in a hurry,even though they drive like they are. There are conversations everywhere, I often get sucked into a dozen as I walk to the store.
Everything is old. It’s actually quite amazing.
Next door is a health club. They have cardio classes until like 10 at night. If I have my windows open I can hear the bass thumping and the instructor shouting
Across the street is a conservatory. When my windows are open on that side of the apartment I can hear violins and other instruments.
You can walk from one side of town to the other. There are bridges and parks and so many statues.
One of our favorite things to do is walk to the piazza, have a drink, and then eat dinner at one of the restaurants.
After dinner we might eat some gelato while we listen to the accordian or violin players in the piazza.
What an adventure this is. Every day I get so excited to step out of my door and onto the street.
So who’s coming to visit?? 🙂
Danielle Taylor says
I’m sold! Italy has always been my dream place to visit and you are just making it seem more wonderful and beautiful and amazing!! I’ll be on the next flight lol!
Vickey E. says
Stephanie, if I never make it to Italy, at least I will have experienced it through your eyes with your beautiful photos and descriptive words. Thank you for the journey!
Vicky Wilbeck says
Thank you for giving us such a detailed description of your surroundings. It sounds magical and I couldn’t be happier for you! ♥ ((Hugs))
Sandra says
You write about what I love most about “MY” Italy – we are from Maniago/Pordenone – a bike ride to Aviano. I go to “be” there… the smell of Vespa/cigarettes/espresso in the Piazza…. the “noise” is music to me. Your blog and photos are an energy blast for my spirit! Grazie!
Jenny A says
Lovely Stephanie! Thanks for sharing all our family adventures! What a dream!!!
Tiffany says
Oh my gosh this is lovely. Breathtaking. I am praying God someday calls us to Italy ;). I could literally look at these pictures all day.
Mary R says
what an amazing adventure and opportunity for the girls!! I would love to come and visit and just sit back and take it all in.
Christine Campbell says
Oh what I wouldn’t give to be able to come and visit. There’s a contest on one of our radio stations right now….’go where you want with the wave…’ it’s a $10,000 trip that you win – you can go anywhere in the world…I’d be coming to see you guys!! 🙂
Does it still feel like you’re on vacation or does it feel like you live there yet?
tracy says
How about if I come and bring a printer as my carry on?!
Mary Beth says
Lovely images of a beautiful city. I think I see the beginnings of a scrappin’ project here….si? 😉
Sarah K says
Sign me up! I love living this dream vicariously through you and now I am sold on making my life long dream vacation of ITALY actually happen….someday. 🙂
Dana says
I think you made a great choice and am delighted to hear that you love it!
tara pollard pakosta says
love love love.
could never tire of it!
wish I could be there right now living this life!
amazing steph!
LOVE the idea of walking places and just enjoying the moments!
thanks for sharing!
northcarmen says
Wow — what a dreamy place to be living!! You are so blessed to have this opportunity!
CJ says
Oh Stephanie, wow, this is life indeed. A really good choice of where to live I think. Your ability to enjoy life is amazing. Your photos and words are wonderful. Thank you.
Linda E says
It looks absolutely beautiful! So glad you are enjoying this wonderful adventure!
Mariah says
You’re Instagrams are really amazing. Since you feel like you lost your mojo, I think you should make an Instagram book online and have it printed out. Just a thought.
pegg says
Such happy smiles and beautiful moments you have captured! I’m living vicariously through you!
Natasha W says
You and your children are so lucky to have this experience and we are lucky that you share it with us. Enjoy!
clippergirl says
Wouldn’t it be fun to all meet up there and have a crop fest!!!! Ah, a girl can dream 🙂
Sasha Farina says
what a beautiful place to live Steph. you’re so blessed!
Ronda Palazzari says
Thanks for sharing slices of your life with us. It is as beautiful as you are.
KateT says
Me, me, me I’ll come visit. bet I’d need to cardio class after all those gelatos!!!
Amanda S. says
I love that you are sharing so much about your experience living abroad in Italy. So many beautiful photos and this post? SO AWESOME. So many times we forget to write down what something smells or sounds like…. so easy to just show the photos. I can’t wait to see more photos, more pics and read more blog posts about your adventure! 🙂
Jonnelle says
Wow, so love this post, your description is amazing! You’re a fab writer, makes this ex-English teacher HAPpY!
Candy says
Would love to visit but fear it would be awkward… On account that we’ve never met. [You see, I’m quite hilarious, so I’m sure we’d get along smashingly.] I’m living vicariously through your Italian Adventure. A chance of a lifetime. Thank you so much for sharing. Oh. And thanks for being so real.
L S says
I just came across your blog randomly after I searched for “infant play groups downtown Vicenza” 🙂 are you still living downtown? I moved downtown 10 months ago and have a 4 month old. I’m also loving being in the mix, just looking for activities for the little guy.
Stephanie Howell says
Yes we do still live here! 2 years left, dreading leaving already! xo