it’s been a while since i’ve shared photos of the babies/twinners (bahaha) and talked about what they are up to.
these photos are from a while back at the corn maze. i never shared them and i wanted to today.
so…i know everyone thinks they have the cutest baby in the world. but honest to blog I DO. i have the cutest babies in the entire universe. and that is a fact.
i mean…just look at them!
they are HILARIOUS. and wild. they are into everything. they climb and throw and destroy. they are baby godzillas.
they can destroy our home in 10 seconds flat. and they do so on a daily (hourly?) basis.
they love snacks.
and bath time.
and elmo. they love each other so much.
unless they are beating each other up. yes. they are like the 2 stooges. face slapping,tackling,hair pulling, licking. it is out of control.
they have insane amounts of hair. crazy hair.
i tie it in tiny topknots every morning. cate somehow has a ratted birds nest in the back of her hair in the same spot every single day.
their favorite words are NO and CWY(color). they like to point and yell no at us in surround sound. it’s pretty awesome. not.
they are picky and stubborn. they don’t talk much so i usually can’t figure out what they are mad about. but they get MAD.
they say “sheshe” and “cake” for lucy and cate.
they freak out if we separate them. i once tried to take ONE baby to the grocery store and an epic meltdown ensued. i took both. if cate wakes up from nap first, i take her downstairs and she spends the entire time walking around with a furrowed brow,tilted head,and puzzled facial expression saying “sheshe? sheshe?”.
they think that they can do everything themselves. and they do not like you telling them otherwise.
they like to clean up clean up (deedup deedup) with a baby wipe. they will go full “cinderelley” and wipe the floor all day. they also like to throw random things in the trash. which is helpful. π
they love music and dancing.
and their big sisters.
they like to kiss you on the lips while holding your face in their little hands.
they can throw themselves to the floor, limbs flailing,angrily screaming,limp noodling…like nothing i’ve ever seen before.
and in one week from tomorrow they will be two.
how did that happen? y’all i can’t even tell you how much i love them. they are so precious. our lives have been so changed by them. they are exhausting and beautiful.
i love you cate and lucy.
ooo their hair is so wild. I just love it.
totally adorable
What precious little ones! Never a dull moment, right?
They are growing sooooo fast!!! 2??? I don’t know how that happened because I am pretty sure we were just looking at baby pics. Love the “sheshe” and “cake” made my day. Thanks for sharing Steph!!!
how are they that close to TWO???????????????????????????????
good golly.
i love them, i do.
i want to hug them right now.
love you guys.
Cate sure likes to hug Lucy! Soooo sweet!!!And yes, you may just have the cutest babies in the universe!! π
wow 2 already. they are adorable. you have the best posts:)
So precious how much they love each other. They are absolutely adorable!
they are adorable!!! i have 3 grandkids born within 4 months and now they are turning 4….have had such joy watching them play and grow up together!!
That.was,awesome. Brought back MANY memories of when our triplets were small. Oh, yeah……lol There is NO way it’s been two years now?? They should be like 10 months old, right? right??? Love the memories that you have captured in this post. Beautiful.
two?! TWO??? WHAT ON EARTH!?? I feel like just yesterday they were born and then turning ONE! Thank you for sharing your sweet babies. I just love their cute little outfits and Howell expressions! xox
My own experience as a mother has taught me thing. I LOVE all those things you described. You are letting them be THEM. You are a nuturing and caring mother that doesnt want a child that has to fit in a box. Is it crazy? yes. Is it insane? absolutely. You are going to easily have the most well adjusted teenagers/young adults because you roll with the day. They, on the other hand…will be so comfortable with themselves as they grow. Kudos to you, friend.
Yes you do have the cutest babies ever! Their personalities just shine through in your photos.
2 already? Wow.
Such a sweet post…thanks for sharing!
Sister love is awesome!
You do have cute kids. And you should get a mom medal for having not only twins but four girls total.
Cute pictures! That’s pretty neat that they like to be together all the time. Hopefully that means they will want to be in the same activities when they get older. I feel like a bus service from 3:00 until 9:00 five days a week suffling three kids to activities. Why do our kids have to grow up so fast? I do think toddlers are so adorable.
Gosh, they are precious! They are of course beautiful but they are soooo cute too!
awww what a sweet post, they are just sooo adorable, with fabulous hair! I love the twin connection that they have, so sweet!
so fun to watch your girls grow up! i’ve been reading your blog for years & it really is wonderful to see. thanks for sharing with us =)
I’m having the same reaction. TWO??? Already? Wow! They sure are growing fast but there’s no doubt they are absolutely adorable!
Love it… Can’t believe Everett is almost Two too… He totally loves cleaning with baby wipes, and putting things in the garbage too. He loves to feed the cats, which drives us crazy! He does not do the tantrums though.. when he gets MAD he does what we call his Yoga. Head down, bum straight up in the air supported by his feet and he starts doing deep breathing till he calms himself down. It’s crazy, but so much nicer than screaming noodles… sorry π lol.
I can’t take them, every time I look at them I laugh and smile!!! Q said “If we have twins, they better be like these two!” HAHAH!
two already?!!! love watching them grow with you steph!
My twins turn 18 next week. When everyone tells you that time flies by, believe them.
I have to agree….they are the cutest:) they are the “i could just eat em up” cutest! I love hearing and seeing the twin connenction they have, absoluteley wonderful. They make me smile every time i visit your blog, as do your older girls. I have two girls, 22 & 24 and so miss the age of your girls. Thank you for sharing so much with us.
Just had to say you are one awesome Momma! Not only does your love shine through in photos but the words you write for these little girls to read much later in life are beautiful!
Not to mention your post and photos cracked me up π
Love it! My kids have an Aunty Cate (Aunty Cake) and an Aunty Vicki (Aunty Bickie)
Our bickies in Australia are the equivalent of your cookies I think. Apparently the aunties think it’s because they are so sweet!!!
Yes, you do have the cutest babies ever! I frequently oooh and ahhhh over them and show pics/vids to my husband.
Thanks for sharing them with us.
Beautiful blog post that I’m sure they’ll treasure one day!! Photos of your twinners always makes me smile π
They are adorable!
Love this post , it made me smile and remember to appreciate my wild ones good and not so angelic behaviour cause he is special even if he can be challenging and oh so stubborn.
I can’t believe they will be 2 in a week. They were just babies who couldn’t even crawl! And you do have the cutest sweetest babies I’m the world. I am absolutely obsessed with them. Happy early birthday and I love you Cate and Lucy!
They are just too cute!!!!
2!?! Really?? Are you sure?? You are so right, cutest babies in the universe!!
Your girls are wonderful and you are wonderful to share your life in such a honest and LOVING way.
they ARE so adorable! their faces and expressions crack me up!
AHHHHH!! So much cuteness in those two bodies π I have loved watching them grow up into toddlers!
They are absolutely adorable and its been great watching them grow up…2 years!!! where has the time gorn…..the Biggies are also very cute. Thanks for sharing your life with us
they are just so darn sweet!!!
I love all the pictures of them, beautiful girls!
I love seeing their relationship develop!
Reminds me of my girls so much except mine aren’t twins,
they just think they are π
they are going to love to look back and see this post!
your girls are sooooo adorably cute! i love when you post about them…
Just curious…do they have any sort of communication between the two of them that you don’t understand?
Stephanie, this is so sweet. As a ‘stranger’ your words and pics make me ‘love’ them too! lol Thanks for sharing all the little things about your little girls. I soooo loved the part about holding your face as they kiss you…one of my fave memories is when my middle guy, who wasn’t a big kisser, did the same thing to me on the swings. A memory I’ll cherish forever…oh, need to scrap that one! π
They are so beautiful! I can’t believe they are almost two. Seems like yesterday when they were born.
XOXOXOXOXOXOOXXXXOOOOO. I love smooshy, squishy posts like this from a Mama.
They ARE they cutest, seriously!! Can’t believe they’re going to be two – wasn’t Harper two just yesterday??? xx