photo of cupcakes from back in the day bakery- these have nothing to do with the post but i do NOT like photo-less posts. haha!
i'm curious. i'm curious who reads this blog. what type of person.
are you a paper crafter? do you craft at all? are you a mom? are you a woman? where do you live? why do you read this blog?
i'm very curious.
oh, i know…i know…we blog for US and no one else.
well goodness,that's true in some ways i suppose…but why would i have a public blog if that was 110% true?
i also enjoy the community and quite frankly (when j is gone as much as he is) companionship this blog creates.
i notice that on the giveaways lots of you come out.
i notice that now and then i'll get a comment from someone saying they've read for years but never comment.
there are many of you (jennifer,tara,shannon) that always comment.♡
lots of times i hear that you want to comment but feel like i'd never read it. i have read every single comment on every single post over the years. and responded to any question. of course i read them. why have comments if i don't read them?:) 🙂
sometimes posts on layouts (those posts take forever to write but i love sharing layouts and think that you probably like to see links for the products) but get the fewest comments.
and before i get a snarky comment…i don't base my self worth on comments or praise. but i think about all of you when i blog.
back when i first started blogging i was very different. i look back and gosh, i complained a lot more. gosh, i was more dependant on comments than i should have been. ew. old blog me kind of annoys me. but it's a learning curve i think…wouldn't you say?
it's funny. i see lots of message board posts saying that blogs should be for scrapbook layouts and that people want more layouts. but i swear those posts are the ones i don't think anyone is interested in on my blog!
why am i asking this? why do i care?
well, first of all, i'm curious. and second, i'm working on some fun posts for february…and i'm debating what i should include.
the emotional posts are worth the work b/c they are my therapy.HA!
but i'm not sure about the craft posts. i think this blog a personal blog,mom blog,army wife blog,home decor blog,but is it a craft blog anymore? hmm. deeeeeeeeeeep thoughts. HA!
so i'm asking.
who are you? why do you read? what makes you tick?
and also i want to say thank you. thank you for reading. thank you for being so encouraging. and thank you for being you!
i hope you all have a beautiful and blessed tuesday!
I read b/c I love listening to your kids stories (b/c they are SO like mine minus the TWINS!) I also love to scrapbook but don’t do it nearly often enough and you motivate me. But also b/c I met you, you gave me your blog and let’s face it I’m a blog stalker. HAHA!
Hi Steph!!! Don’t change a thing! I read your blog everyday! I have it delivered to my inbox so I don’t miss and entry!!!! I am a mom, a crafter/scrapbooker…..and I get inspiration from all your posts! keep it coming!
I love the crafting (I scrapbook) and all of the family stuff- I am a mom to 2 boys. I wouldn’t change a thing!
I read, but often do not comment. I’m 26 and I scrapbook. No kids. While I think your girls are adorable and the stories are cute, I come here for the crafts (and because I recently moved to GA and love love love Savannah). I enjoy the personal stuff on your blog, but for me, it’s the layouts I like. Okay…I guess I really like the pictures of the twins. Omg cheeks! ahaha
I am a single, middle aged, full-time working woman. I love to scrapbook, too. I love reading your blog because you are so authentic. I love seeing how your family is growing. I also have shared some of your posts with my sisters and ask if they can relate. :0) Please keep writing and sharing what you want to share. Look forward to whatever your present.
i read because i love you and your chickies!
my favorites are the ones about your family life. because that’s me.
you do everything beautifully– your pages, your craft posts, your day-to-day life posts.
I am definitely guilty of not commenting much but I do read your blog all the time. I am a scrapbooker and a mom so I read your blog for both momma posts and crafty posts. I discovered you through scrapbooking and am so inspired by your work. I also have a little girl Harper’s age so I can relate to a lot of what you post:)
i’m your regular blog reader, enjoy reading your posts on my way to work. its always so interesting, always inspiring and also so fun esp the posts with photos of your children. personally im a scrapbooker so that’s how i came by your blog. i live in Singapore, a small island in Asia. not married yet but soon so reading about your family life, about your kids, it always makes me look forward to my own family life in 3 years plus time. (: thanks for being so open and sincere to share all the time! p.s i follow your instagram too ;p
I love reading your blog, I love the openness and honesty you have. Those are the posts I always read and usually comment on, your life posts. I am a scrapbooker, and I love seeing your layouts, but usually just glance through at the photos…whatever path you choose for your blog, I will still be a follower and be inspired.
I must say I found this blog when I was getting into scrapbooking, I was reading blogs everyday and stumbled across yours. I was hooked, I think then (maybe 3 years ago?) there was more scrapbooking layouts. That being said I LOVE this blog! I have told all my friends about it. I remember waiting up (being in Australia) because I was waiting to find out if you had given birth to the girls yet 🙂 (Yes I know kinda stalker-ish) I feel like I know you though I never meet you. I read this blog as it makes me happy, as a mother of 5 I can relate to your little stories, the funny, crazy, loving moments that you share. And I must say it is now the scrapbooking posts that I glanced at and don’t read word for word. Don’t change a thing, your inspirational and love being able to have a glimpse into your life!
I am a loyal reader of your blog. I am a woman, mother, paper crafter, pinner, vintage decor lover. I normally don’t comment because I figure you’ve got enough to do. I will make it a point from now on.
p.s. I LOVE when you post layouts! =)
I am a mom, a paper crafter, a blogger ( ) a part=time photographer, a mom of 2 special needs kids who I foster from a drug background, a wife to a lovely but lazy man, an only child of a single mom who is my best friend and we spend every weekday together as she helps me mind my kids, I work part-time for a training company, I have a wonderful DD who is 15 doing her exams (stress!!), I am nurotic, A+type personality, can’t sit still, can’t relax, try hard, and take too much on, Project life-ing, speak before I think, fortright, honest and too emotional for words!…. Did I forget to breath??? Oh and I live in Ireland!
I am a mom, wife, scrapbooker,crafter, etc… I love reading your blog because you are an inspiration. You are a great mama, I can tell you love your hubby and your kiddo’s. You aren’t afraid to share what is on your mind. I love your personality, you are you, and I see that in your blog. You don’t hold back and to me, that makes you REAL! I am dying for your February stuff to show up. Crafts, Yes, please share! 🙂
I came across your blog because of crafting, specifically scrapbooking. I have stayed for your point of view, stories, photos, and your honesty. I absolutely love your scrapbooking posts but that is not the only reason why I come here. I do like seeing photos you post one week pop up again in a LO. I know you don’t post as much scrapbooking as you did previously but I don’t think it would be the same without it. That being said that would not deter me from stopping by. When it comes down to it we don’t have much in common, besides our fondness for a glass of wine at the end of a stressful day, but I think that your life is one that is filled with things that I can relate to, or one day hope to experience so I think that really grabs me.
Oh my goodness, please keep the craft posts! LOL.
That’s how I initially found you… because I loved your work. I love all of your posts, though. I don’t comment very much, but that’s only because I have such a huge blog roll… commenting on all of the posts I read would take an immense amount of time away from my family.
I’m a busy mom and crafter just like you. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for February!
Hi Steph
I’m a regular reader – first time commenter, all the way from Australia! I found your blog through scrapbooking originally but have continued to read as I love the way you say it like it is and love reading about you and your girls . You seem like the kind of person I’d be great friends with if I ever met. Please don’t change – i love your blog just the way it is!
I love your sense of humor, the pics you share of your girls, and just catching up on what’s going on with you. Your layouts are great, but since I have little to NO interest in scrapbooking, it matters little to me how often you post on scrapbooking!
I read because you tell it like it is and “keep it real”….the strength you find when J is away is inspiring to me…my husband works overseas and I have two small boys…I’m a scrapbooker/stamper/crafter ans although our scrapbooking styles are nothing alike, I love your layouts….keep doing what you’re doing- I love it! (LouiseB from Australia)
Hi Steph, I’m 36, divorced, no kids, living a creative life in Poland. I’m a lighthouse lover.
I follow your blog via RSS for about 2 years now… really enjoy what you do, it appeals so real to me, you as a person – a mom, a wife, a crafter, a crazy gal and so on… and your sense of humor speaks to me so much! 😀 As a scrapbooker I find a wonderful inspiration in your LOs, they touch the core of scrapbooking, thank you for that.
This is the first time I comment (I’m a total lurker) but I have been reading your blog for quite some time now (your on my google reader list). I’m a mom (two girls), wife, laywer and a scrapbooker. I work fulltime outside of the Home. I’m in Europe (Iceland) Your blog is one of my fav. I love your stories/thoughts. I love the scrapbooking/craft side too. You really inspire me in so many ways.
Hi! I love your blog and the whole mix of content. I’m 30, a scrapbooker and due with our first this June (yay!!!). Your honest and emotional posts always get me, and I love the posts about your adorable and hilarious kiddos, too. And I LOVE your crafting posts… I hope you don’t do away with those! Your blog is authentic and multidimensional, I believe because you are, too. I wouldn’t change a thing, unless it no longer makes your heart happy.
I love your layouts! I don’t comment all the time, mostly because I read your blog in google reader so I have to click over to comment, but I can tell you that many of your layouts are tagged in my reader for inspiration.
I found your blog through scrapbooking but have come to love all of it. I am a stay at home mom and a military wife.
Hi Steph. I’m a UK mum, crafter and great-aunt to twin boys. I probably found my way here from May Flaum’s blog and I visit often because so much of your blog’s content is relevant to my life.
I really appreciate my ‘blog friends’ I love my family and local friends but it’s my blog friends that I speak to every single day.
** Kate **
YES i love your craft posts!!!!! please keep doing them! that is how i found your blog and fell in love with it! i love how i see your blog posts and layouts merge together. often i we see an amazing post here and a few days later a layout that corresponds to the post. you have inspried me to use my blog as a tool in my scrapbooking (as in it’s a form of scrapbooking– and i use it as a resource of my memories). i have to say what i love about your blog is that it’s not ALL craft posts, but all posts ARE a part of memorykeeping. does that make sense? its real and raw. i love reading and enjoy each and every post!!! xoxoxo
Why do I read your blog? I read your blog because you are honest with your feelings — and that is very rare these days. All around me I hear women telling me how everything is perfect in their lives…and it makes me feel like a failure. I read your blog because I miss my kiddos being little — mine are teens and let me tell you, some days I just want to go back when the parenting was mostly physical and not heart-wrenching emotional. I read your blog because I am amazed at how crafty you are and how you make time for crafting because it is part of you. Too often I feel guilty for taking time for me. Anyway, too long of a comment but I felt I must.
I read everything you post and tend to comment more on the emotional posts for some reason, but I loooooove your layouts. I’m in my 40’s, wife, Mom to a 7-year-old daughter, scrapbooker.
i am a mom, card maker, craft lover and more. i’ve read your blog the past couple of years, but have only commented a handful of times. probably because i simply do not have time comment on all the blogs i read. i probably would have never come across your blog if it weren’t for you scrapbooking…i remember that’s how i found you. i love the mix of things you talk about here.
I originally came to your blog b/c of a “blogging your heart” type of post. I am also a military wife, mom to 2 girls (10&13), and currently a SAHM. I love your layouts, but I really love your story! You are real. That keeps me coming back! 😉 I blog too and it is super therapeutic for me as I like to share the ups & downs of raising a daughter with autism. I definitely keep it real!
Thanks for continuing to share your life!
56 year old, mom, grandma, wife, sister, daughter, aunt, friend.
my dad and husband both army men, so i have been in an army man lover my entire life, literally!
paper crafter. love the beach.
read your blog for your crafting inspiration, your stories, your love of family and because you use words like snarky and stink eye. love them. 🙂
you’re the real deal. that’s lovely.
thank you for your inspirations and for sharing.
Good Morning! I read your blog as a fellow mom with all girls 🙂 I love your perspective on life, mothering and your Faith in God. I consider myself a little crafty, but I would say the posts I am the most drawn to are the ones where you share about your life and personal experiences. I hope you have a great rest of your week! P.S. I loved your post from yesterday!!
I originally found you through Studio Calico and came to look at your scrapbooking projects. Over the years, I’ve come to know you and your family and enjoy reading about your personal life. I grew up as a navy brat and I enjoy and can relate to your experience as a military wife. I find the blogs that I enjoy the most are ones where the blogger writes from the heart and talks about what is important to them. If you enjoy writing your blog, that will come through and readers will continue to return because you are genuine and not trying to be something that you aren’t.
Hey, Stephanie! It’s Vicky from Angleton, TX. I read your blog for so many reasons. I started reading years ago because I love your layouts especially the journaling because it spoke from the heart. You are able to capture in words exactly what I feel about my kids and you do it without rambling on and on in circles like I do. HA! You are a beautiful writer. And so, I kept coming back because I enjoyed reading your blog posts. And, of course, once we get to know your family a little bit, we are hooked. I love to read/watch videos of your kiddos because they are beyond precious and always make me smile. I have boy/girl twins that will be 8-years old in July. I get to relive some of those special baby/toddler moments through your kids – the special moments I trudged through because I was so overwhelmed. I don’t know how many times I have told my hubby I wish we lived near you so I could help out. 🙂 BTW: I think you are doing an AMAZING job with your kiddos. I have shared your blog at times with my husband, my mom, my dad and mother-in-law. It truly is a special place. I also come back because of Jimmy. He is a wonderful example and reminder of how great it is to be an American. He helps keep me grounded and thankful. Have a blessed day, sweet girl!
I’m a mom, a wife, a teacher, a crafter-when I find the time! 😉 I love reading your blog. I have subscribed in google reader so I get to see all your new posts and enjoy each one. I comment sometimes, but I’m always appreciative of each new post. I enjoy your realistic perspective, and your awesome creativity! 🙂 I look forward to lots of February posts! 🙂 I truly find you a blessing and hope you know what a blessing you are! 🙂
I read because you first inspired me through SC and then I fell in love with your girls and their fun quirks (I have the same differences only with boys!) and now because I need to keep up with all of your action! And yes, I’m one of the “read for years and never comment” people! Keep up the fun! And thanks for adding some sparkle to my day!
I’m a 33 year old Mom, Wife, & Scrapbooker! I LOVE reading your blog for inspiration!!! Thank you!
Hi Steph, I am a 32 year old Mummy to a 3 year old boy with a bump on the way (due 19th August). I work part-time as an elearning officer in a unversity and live in Scotland, UK. I read your blog mainly because I am a scrapbooker and discovered it through scrapping but I subscribe because I like your style, I like the way you write and what you write about.
Hi Stephanie. I’m a 30 year old speech language pathologist and sometimes scrapbooker, and I read every day! I live in Georgia by way of Waco, so I was drawn in when I realized we had those two places in common. I absolutely enjoy reading the stories about your girls, and I love seeing your crafty and scrapbooking posts. And I’ve been looking forward to your February love series since you announced it!
I’ve been following your blog for at least 5 years and commented only a few times. :] I found your blog through scrapbooking, but now even though I don’t scrapbook anymore, I still love to come and read. I’m a mom and have 2 young girls. I love all your posts!
Hi, I’m also a scrapbooker from Hungary (Europe), have a daughter (5), and love your blog both for the LOs and the everyday posts. I admire your honesty and your style, like your super fotos about your family, but I’ve found you thanks to scrapbooking. I often find inspiration in your LOs (thanks for that !), but I also like to read about your everyday life. It’s good to know that I’m not the only mother who has not only ups, but also downs. And yes – I do not really comment, because I think you have quite a lot to do even without my comments 🙂 Keep on logging on whatever pleases you ! You’re doing a great job !
Good Morning Stephanie. 🙂 What a nice post to start my morning off with! I am a single 25yr old, working full time as a nanny. She is just a few days younger than your twins and it is so fun to see different milestones she hits right after yours. I don’t scrapbook but love seeing what you write on your layouts. It intrigues me, this idea of writing down your children’s story in such beautiful ways. I read through RSS so it’s hard to comment. But I love when I do because you always comment back. I don’t remember what brought me to your blog it was so long ago but your’s is one I always look forward to reading! Keep up the good work!
I’m 27, not married, no kids and not really a scrap booker but I am crafty. So basically on paper were the exact opposite, other than the crafty part. 😉
I really enjoy reading your blog because I think you have such an interesting point of view. You have a sense of humor but it’s portrayed in a very graceful and thoughtful way. In a lot of ways I love reading your blog because I just think you’re a tough lady that has chosen to have a great, honest attitude about life and that is something to admire. I also love seeing pictures and hearing stories about your adorable children. I am so excited to start a family some day. I hope you’ll still be blogging then! Oh and of course you are a totally talented scrap booker. Love seeing your work!
I read your blog everyday! I have just turned 50-ugh and am raising my 3 yr old great niece. I swear her and Sadie were separated at birth. They don’t look alike, but their actions and faces are identical. I love your scrapbook pages too. Please don’t change your blog. I love it!
Hello from Sweden! I’m a scrapbooking twin mom and I initially just read your blog because of the scrapbooking pages. I love your style. But I really love your stories about your family as well. Don’t change a thing!
No just US I read you in France (and my english is really unperfect !!!). I discovered you by the scrap but I follow you every post (but no comments …) because first i like your scrap, it’s fresh ! and i love you pictures ! i like how you discuss of your life !! So I’m just a french scrapbooker/photographer (in unprofessional) who like take 10 minutes of her time for read your blog !! So don’t stop 😉 !!!
I love it all! I love the mix of topics … I love the s rap book pages (why I started reading!) but I love the stories and the authentic you. 🙂
I’m sitting here trying to remember when & how I started following your blog. I think it was around the time H arrived, and back then I was scrapbooking ALL THE TIME. Right now I’m a 42 year old full time mom of teen boys(the oldest just got his driver’s license!), and wife to a chemical engineer and I also work part-time as a PA. I still scrapbook on occasion, but I’ve started knitting thanks to a close friend & joined a book club!! YIKES, life is busy! So here’s what I LOVE about your blog:
I get my girl fix! HaHa… the frilly girl stuff & pink parties & tutus! The stories of life with girls simply cracks me up.
Although I don’t scrapbook your style, I love looking at your layouts. Your journaling amazes me, and it sometimes kickstarts me into action. Scrapping Sunday is plenty for me.
I miss the “flea market” trips, but with twins I’ll let that go:-)
Happy Tuesday~
I’m Andi.. been here for ‘years’. Have gone through some serious life changes … I am now on the road to becoming single (after 16 years of marriage), living in a cute three bedroom house, co-parenting with my significant ex to a a 14 year old dd and soon to be 13 year old son (ex is 7 miles down the same road – we live in a very rural area). After being a stay at home ranch wife, I went back to work full time, last July. Then moved out in October… and I am on the road to starting over … because my marriage was not to ‘my best friend’ or even someone that loved me. Why am I here? I love scrap booking and paper crafting and capturing those sweet moments that prove ‘life really is good’ despite the curve balls and crud we get bogged down in – inside of our heads… and I love your humor! I snort when I laugh.. and love it when I find someone else that falls into that category as well. hugs… see what happens when you ask????
I’ll try to keep this short (lol)
I am a 40 year old mom of two whose husband travels A LOT and is home only on weekends for long periods of time. So to an extent, I can empathize with trying to parent on your own. I have gotten a lot of good tips from you on surviving it 🙂 Especially traveling alone with kids!
I know it’s not quite the same as having a dh off at war. And so it makes me appreciate our circumstance so much more. And it keeps the complaints in my life down. Because even though I know as mama’s we shouldn’t compare, on the rougher days I find myself saying “if steph h. can do it with four kids and a husband who doesn’t come home at all for long stretches of time, then I have no reason to complain” 🙂
Another reason I read, I used to be a preschool and kindergarten teacher. Love your posts where you talk about your teaching days. Especially the recent one with letters from a former student. Brought back fun memories and I actually shared some of my former student letters with my kids which they love.
I am a scrapbooker, so that is mainly how I found your blog. Through Studio Calico from when I was subbing.
I do love your scrapbook posts and have been inspired to scraplift ideas from you before, so don’t stop those posts please 🙂
Anyway, I am not much of a commenter on blogs where people get lots of comments. Especially if I don’t know them IRL. I sometimes feel like it’s all been said and I really don’t have anything to add. But sometimes I do. So I will comment here and there. It’s not because I don’t think you read them, but because I just feel redundant I guess 🙂
Just one more thing. I really do love your posts that encourage moms to be supportive of each other! I think that is so important. It’s not about being in a competition but holding each other up. Especially on those rougher days 🙂
Hi Stephanie. I’m a regular reader of yours but usually just lurk, rarely comment. I am a single mom, physician and paper crafter. Your daughter Sadie reminds me SO much of my own daughter, both in looks and temperament, but mine is grown now. I enjoy your take of life, motherhood, and scrappy goodness. I live in Texas and get a charge out of seeing all the places the Howell family moves to! Thank you for bringing a little slice of your life my way. Celeste.
I think I originally found your blog from TwoPeas around the time your twins were born. I love your writing, love watching your girls grow up because I have a 2 year old DD. Honestly I enjoy watching how you do it, often alone, with 4!
I am a mom of three and a scrap booker. I live in Kentucky and read your blog regularly. You do a great job with those four beautiful girls of yours! Have a good day.
I’m Monica. I live in the midwest. I am a mom to two boys. I am a scrapbooker and I started following your blog after you were on Paperclipping Roundtable. Your layout posts are my favorites. I pin your layouts all the time. And I know other do too! Check out this link to see how many people pin your layouts
I do like hearing about your life too. My husband has deployed several times as a civilian contractor. Not the same! But I can relate to the back home side of things. Missing him, and being a mom all by yourself. You are one of the few blogs that I always read.
I know how nice it is to get comments and how frustrating it is to work on a post and have none. And yet, knowing that, I still rarely comment. Thank you for the reminder! I commit to commenting more often on posts I enjoy, both here and elsewhere. 🙂
Have a wonderful Monday!
Hi Stephanie! I love your blog and found you through the Paperclipping Roundtable – your blog was a pick of the week – and I’ve been hooked ever since.
I’m a work-from-home-mom of 2 little boys (10 mos and 4 yrs). I’m a Canadian and pretty jealous of your Savannah weather. (we’re getting 10 cms of snow today. *sigh*)I am mainly a scrapbooker but I do other crafts when the mood strikes.
I visit your blog daily. I come for the stories, the layouts and because you are so funny. I love your perspective on parenting and just life. You make me smile all the time – that’s probably why I keep coming back.
keep doing what you’re doing!
I enjoy reading your blog everyday! Don’t change anything — I love the mix you have of everything, including crafting. I have learned so much from you about the military and military families and I am so thankful for that!
And reading about your girls and especially the twins brings back so many wonderful memories of my kids when they were smaller. I consider you a friend!
Love you Steph!
I read all your posts…I paper craft and I’m a Mom, I try to decorate and I have days just like you. I like hearing about ALL your posts…and was looking forward to the project life posts too and how you are going to record life while J’s absent. You make me laugh and sometimes cry. Isn’t that just a sign of the best blog? I love your honesty, and your humor, your funny photos and the paper inspiration. Keep on blogging!!
Hi Stephanie! I have read your blog for the longest time(when Sadie was just a baby, I think) but very rarely comment. There are a lot of things that make me come back…I love your scrapping style, and how you are true to the way you want to do it, rather than trying to embrace every new trick and technique. I often relate to your army wife talk, not because my hubby is in the military, but he works away from us on an isolated mine site, underground and dealing with explosives…and the emotions that I feel when he flies out seem to be similar to when J goes away. I don’t ever watch your home movies…I feel a bit uncomfortable about them? I love seeing your flea market finds, and other crafting bits and pieces that you make. I understand some of the reasons why you blog…and as much as I think I blog just for me, I love the interaction and support from others, especially when my husband is away and I’m doing the single parent thing. I have 3 kids, but my youngest is almost eight 🙂
I’m a scrapbooker, cardmaker, quilter and fabric lover from Perth, Western Australia…
You make me smile! I started reading your blog after a friend of mine (who is an awesome scrapbooker) told me about you. I was an avid scrapper, but then had another babe, so I just kind of lost all my mojo for awhile. With her special needs issues, I haven’t been able to scrap for so long. I am just getting back into it…(project life) so, besides that, I am an Army wife…(which I know you know) LOL! I am a Mom…a very proud Mom… and I am a woman. A friend, a sister…who loves lipgloss, and high heels…and who loves hot pink toe nails! XOXO~I read you because you are real girlfriend! You don’t claim to be perfect, you juggle children…being an Army wife…being a crafter…all beautifully and with class! I like everything you write.
I am a scrapbooker. I am a wife to a man that carries a weapon for his job (not as dangerous as your army man, but it connects for me). I am a mom of boys (thus why I love reading about your pile of beautiful girls). I am a chick with snarky thoughts and love when someone else actually says them out loud like I do. And I visit to hear you talk of your everyday life, to see your beautiful girls grow and recall my own childhood, to see someone else who isn’t afraid to be real… well and my weakness for handsome men covered in girls – makes my heart tender. Thank you for being you. I don’t comment all the time, but please know I read and laugh far more often than I would without you. (hugs)
Hi. I subscribe to your blog because I find it interesting. I initially found you through someone else’s (I can’t remember whose though). I am married and have a wonderful two year old daughter. I like to read your posts because they make me feel better about some of my own parenting (ie. I did something right or something new to try) and also because I’m curious about how you manage with 4 kids! I only have 1 and a full time career and feel as though some days I’m failing at both! Ha! I like the craft posts but I do like some diversity – for instance I just bought the e-book (The No Brainer Wardrobe) because you liked it so much. I mostly scrapbook and even though your style is very different from mine I enjoy seeing what you’ve done. So please keep on doing what your doing and know that we appreciate all your craftiness!
I read because I love to see the crafts and scrapbook pages you share, and because I love how honest and open you are. It’s nice. Please keep sharing your scrapbook-related posts!
I’m a avid blog reader for your blog all the way from Singapore!!! I’m 19 going 20, still a student and I love love love reading all your post, be it from you ranting about how you feel, sharing with us about how wonderful, pretty and adorable your girls are. How you don’t give up when time are bad and it actually encourage me to be stronger as a teenager and as a person not only that, you also make me appreciate things/life better and of cause how can I forget your layouts. How simple your layout would be but yet it so fantastic! I wasn’t a scapbook-er when I first visited your blog but now, slowing picking up scrapbooking. You inspire me in lots of way! <3
I am a soon to be 45 year old wife and stay at home Mom of two girls (one 16 and one 8 year old). My husband is retired USAF and we live in Georgia. I honestly can not remember how I found your blog but it was through scrapbooking. I always read but rarely comment but when I knew we were making a trip to Savannah I emailed you for help and you were right there with A great list! Thank you so much! We had a wonderful time. I have saved your list as our oldest made All-State Chorus and we will all be there the end of February to watch her have fun and enjoy Savannah as a family. Both I and my girls love reading your blog and my girls love your girls! Thanks for being you always and being real about everything! I will read anything you post!
There are many reasons I read your blog. If I had to narrow it down, I especially look forward to the layouts. They are so inspirational and fun. I like that the pages usually focus on the photos and memories, rather than just the supplies or techniques. The fact that you also share those real life mommy moments is an added bonus. I usually don’t comment, but since I am a mommy myself, I often nod and smile along as I read these posts. Thank you.
i’m still reading your blog from when you lived in waco! i’m a mom now, but i wasn’t when i started reading…i like to think i’m a little creative, but honestly my scrapbooking has changed quite a bit since having a baby…so i do love seeing your layouts and i *think* about traditionally scrapbooking again someday (i mainly do project life right now)! but i LOVE your cute/funny stories about your life as a mom and things the girls do and say! i think moms of toddlers like knowing they are not alone in the rollercoaster of child raising 😉
Stephanie, I am a wife, a mother of three grown children, mimi to six grandchildren and owner of one crazy cat. You know how I ran onto your blog because I mention it frequently. It is the first thing I read every morning. Without fail:) Anyway, I always love to read about you and your girls. You know, we have actually watched Cate and Lucy change through the year from little babies to little toddlers. When I started reading your blog H and S were pretty small. However, I do miss, really miss, seeing your layouts and knowing what products you used. I have learned a lot from looking at your layouts and I have also used them a lot for ideas for my own layouts. So, pleeeeeeeeeease keep posting scrapbook layouts and ideas. Oh, and last but not least, I really like when you show things you have done in your,keep everything going pretty much the same..more lo’s please.
This is honestly my favorite blog, and the first one I go to everyday. I am a married mother of four boys age 3 to 14. I read your blog for a few reasons. 1. I love your girls and I admire you as a mother. I identify with you. Your love for them, your worries, the fun you guys have together, the rough days. You are a great mom. 2. I am an aspiring photographer and I know you are going to laugh but your pictures are always gorgeous! 3. The military aspect. I don’t know a single person in the military. When I read your blog I feel like I am looking into a window to what that world is like. I learn from it. Thank you to your family, from my family. 3. I am not a scrapbooker, I’m a little bit of a crafter. I get inspiration from your posts on things like the girls’ birthday parties, play time, home decorating. 4. Sorry for saying this but girl your husband is hot! I may have a mini crush on him. You are a lucky lady! That is about it. I hope you run your blog however makes you happy in the future regardless of what your readers want. Because every post should be about what is on your heart and what you are wanting to share.
I’m a crafter, yes originally why I started following your blog. But I’m a mom (of twins too!!!) and I also love a sneak into your daily lives. I know by your blog your a great mom and I love the funny stories, the honesty that sometimes its hard. Love seeing preschool projects too. Love your decorating. Gosh, I almost feel like a stalker – LOL.
I read because I have a J who is also in the military, who also leaves and I get lonely… I read because I am a mom and I love that you keep it real… I read because, when you keep it real, I too can relate. I read because I may… Or may NOT (kinda embarassed to admit) that I scraplift.. But when I have LOADS of laundry to do, bottles and sippy cups to wash, two boys who need to be fed and bathed, I may not have much creativity in my in the wee hours of the night. I read because I enjoy your posts.. I read because if you can do it with 4 girls while your J is serving our country, I need to pick up my big girl panties and quit complaining and DO WHAT I HAVE TO DO when my J is gone… (and I only have 2 boys age 3 & 1) i read because you give me inspiration… In life and in craft. Thank you!!!
I often read your posts, but don’t always comment (if I commented on every blog I read, I’d never leave my computer!)
I read your blog because I love the way you tell stories about your family and life. I love your writing “voice” – you’re eloquently honest.
I scrapbook, but my style is a lot simpler than yours. I am crafty though, so feel free to include some crafty things for Feb 🙂
Oh, and for the record, I am an Australian military wife without any kids currently living in Malaysia. How’s that for global 😉
I started reading for the craft posts, as I adore your scrap style. But I’ve found myself anxious to see what is going on with you and your family just as much as I am anxious for your scrapbook layouts! So, I’m in it for the long haul with you, for crafts and kids and life and anything else you wish to comment on! Thank you for such a great blog 🙂
I found your blog right before the littles were born. I love it. Keep up the great work!
I am a mom. I have 2 kids, my daughter is engaged to a wonderful guy(they live 5 hours away) and my son is active duty Army stationed at Fort Bliss, TX and is being deployed to Afghanistan in June. I collect more scrapbooking supplies than I use. I am also an ex-Army ex-wife. I totally relate to the craziness and also rewarding task of being a single mom during a deployment. Keep smiling!
Good morning from Canada,
I enjoy reading your blog. I especially like that the blog is alive with lots of posts and a wide variety of entertaining material. I am most interested in looking at scrapbooking projects and I think you are very talented. I like that you don’t overthink it and still create awesome things. Reading other blogs, I normally skip over the personal stuff but you are the exception. I like your writing style, straight from the heart. I always get sucked into your beautiful family’s stories! You are a very good storyteller and those girls are absolutely adorable. You are one of the few bloggers that I feel I know as I “friend”. I am positive that if I ever met you, you would be the same as the person we read on your blog. You are genuine. Be proud of that.
I first found you through Studio Calico. I’ve never subscribed to them, but I liked your style. My sister is an army wife, so I enjoyed hearing your perspective on that. I’m a mom to four boys, so it also interests me to hear about the life of a mom to girls! I am a scrapbooker and a card maker, so I fall into that category as well. Keep it up, Stephanie!
I am a mum of older children, I am a paper crafter, I’m from Perth, Australia and I have read your blog for years. Why! Because I love your posts, I love to follow your journey, (I’m nosey), I love your crafting style, I love seeing the everyday things in people’s lives from another country, I have great respect and admiration for anyone in the military family, oh my list could go on and on. I don’t comment all the time and I actually never comment on giveaways as I feel postage would be too much to Aus, and if I ever get to the USA I am coming to meet you.
Hi! I found your blog through the SC blog. I’m a scrapbooker and I’m on the messageboards there a bit too. I really like all of your posts not just the scrappy ones! I’m a mom also except to 2 boys. I love when you post about being a mom too becuase it’s honest and often very hilarious.
You’ve had a couple of posts about people asking you if your kids are twins and how you do it with so many kids and I can even relate to that sometimes. My boys are adopted and some of the questions I get make me want to scream.
A lot of times I read your posts and I wish I could call you so I can vent! Keep posting and have a great day! =)
Hello! I’ve never commented before, but I read every entry. I am a mom of 4, 3 girls 14 years, 12, 7 and 1 4 year old boy. I scrapbook. I love seeing your pages! You are such a great scrapbooker/crafter. I also love the family posts, they make me see my house is not the only 4 kid crazy house:) Please keep your blog the same, I love everything about it! Thanks, Brandy
Hi Stephanie, I love reading all of your posts, the crafty ones, the venting ones, the photos of your gorgeous family, everything just as it is.
I am a 40 something Mom of older kids, work from home and a digi scrapbooker and memory keeper. Reading what your girls are like reminds me of my children at that age and is often the beginning of a reminisce trip for me. I am so one of those women who would say “are they twins?” because I am terrible at making small talk and that would be an opening line.
I am someone who pops in and reads often but doesn’t often comment purely because you get so many comments I didn’t think it would make a difference but I think I will make sure I comment in future! I love reading your blog as you have a gift for putting things down in writing, I love your sense of humour and how much you love your husband and girls and OMGosh you just have the cutest little girls ever! Your blog posts make me smile, laugh and I have even shed a tear a few times! I love your layouts and their easy style and I admire you and think you are quite a superwoman actually, (I think I would be a gibbering mess if my husband was away alot and I only have two kids! lol) four very loved, happy kids, a husband who is often away and you still manage to squeeze some scrapbooking in there and do things like make beautiful parties for your children, I wish I could be so organised! Reading your posts always makes me want to hug my husband and be a better mother to my kids 🙂
I’ve been a reader for about a year now and love your blog. As a navy wife, mom, and crafter I love all of your posts. My vote is “be you!” that’s what we come here to read! 🙂 if you haaaaad to add something maybe a home tour or home decor post? I love those.
I mainly read because I love scrapbooking. I have scraplifted from you on more than one occasion! I am a full-time mommy of two boys and a nursing student. I love blogs that inspire and make me appreciate the small things in life – your blog does that for me.
41 – married for 20 years this year – momma to four beautiful boys – ages 14, 11, 8 and 6. Read your blog…because you make me smile…so many times what you write is exactly what is in my heart. Makes me realize I’m not alone in my thoughts…so community. Love watching your girls grow. Love seeing the SC sneak peeks and your style. So…I love hearing about your family and I love your crafty posts!
I am a wife and a mom to one girl. I am a Christian who lives in the Cleveland area. I am (in theory) a scrapbooker, though it’s been years since I’ve done it with any regularity. I do like to do craft projects with my daughter. I’ve been following your blog for years, and I used to enjoy the posts about your layouts, but since I don’t scrapbook much anymore, I usually just skim over those ones now. I usually skip your giveaway posts altogether. I just enjoy reading about your day to day life and your take on things because of your transparency. I feel like I can relate. Your blog gives me the sense that you are being you and not trying to put on a show here for your readers. I appreciate that. I do miss your flea market finds posts, though I can’t imagine you strolling through many flea markets these days with four girls in tow, but if anyone could do it, I think it would be you. I love your blog and am so glad that you find a way to continue posting regulary. I would miss it so much if you decided to stop writing. I wish you and your family all the best. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
i read for the whole enchilada!! 😉
i love it all! you, your girls, your scrappiness, your creativity, your humble sharing of your life.
i know i missed something, but you get it…
i think your blog is stephanie’s blog and you share what your heart tell you to share!
i admit most of the time i don’t comment b/c i read your posts via twitter links. BUT today i made an effort to go to the computer, send you some love and say continue to do what you do…sharing the life that you live and love!!
have a blessed day, friend! xoxo
I first visited because of your beautiful layouts, and stayed because I fell in love with your blog and writing style. I love all your posts, but I know I’m a rare commenter. I just a housewife who currently lives in Georgia, but my husband’s new job is moving us to Mountain View, CA in just 3 weeks.
Hi Stephanie, i love to read your blog and look at the photo’s.
I’m married without childeren, but i work at a daycare centre with kids from 10 weeks until the move on to the next group when they are 2 years old.
We have 9 kids in the group so it can be very hectic.
I do mostly cross stitching now , sometimes i make some scrapbookpages or cards.
I’m from the Netherlands and love all the things you write about.
HUgs Yvon.
Hi Stephanie, I first started reading your blog because I admire your scrapbooking and love to see your layouts. But I also admire your honesty, positive attitude and I very much enjoy reading of your everyday life. Your life is so different from mine! I’m married mom of two boys, work full time and we live in Finland 🙂 (And I’m a scrapbooker too.) I wish you’ll continue your blog a it is now: fun, real, mix of this and that… that’s how life is!
I don’t remember how I cam across your blog. I’m a crafter, but not a scrapbooker. I primarly stuck around for your more personal posts. Someone I loved very much was deployed when I came across your blog, and it helped to read. I love the way you write and have so much respect for the life you lead (army wife, mom of 4, crafter, and still awesome…). Not to mention, your girls are PRECIOUS!
I read your blog every morning with my coffee & have since Sadie was a baby in Waco. Please don’t change a thing. I love seeing your layouts & crafty projects. I love the funny stories about the chickies’ antics & the stories that tug at my heart.
I like reading your blog because you seem more honest than most. Your craft posts are inspiring (although so not me) and I like knowing that there is someone out there who values the escape of art/crafts as much as I have come to. I also once dated a West Point fella, so I feel as though reading your blog is sometimes a glimpse down the path less traveled.
I read all the time, but inferquently comment. I’m not sure where I found your blog (I know it was before I started “really” scrapbooking), but I love the creativity and sincerity. You were my introduction to SC as well, and now I’m hooked! I’m not as dilligent about crafting as I could/should be, but it’s an nice outlet for me. The layout posts and Scrappy Sundays are SO helpful to me – I love that you give tutorials and products used. I really try to model your layouts because I find them so wonderful, and those help me a ton. I only wish I could do as much with a 12×12 sheet of paper as you! I also follow you on Instagram, because your pictures of your girls and the captions make me laugh :). I live in Wisconsin (via Chicago), recent college grad in betweeen schooling right now (scraping has replaced homework, woo!). Looking forward to the February posts.
I am a 30 year old mother of 2, scrapbooker, runner, and regular blog reader. I “met” you through Noell Hyman almost 4 years ago and have always enjoyed your posts. I like that you are honest and don’t ever try to paint some unattainable perfect life picture. You are REAL and that is what keeps your blog readers here year after year. I love your scrapbooking style and am waiting on pins and needles to take a class from you-wasn’t there something in the works with BPC? On your craft posts, I like when you explain a special technique or something unique that you did or used, but I don’t necessarily look for the product links. I just like to see the layout and then pin it for future inspiration!! I have used quite a few of your “basic designs” over and over again.
I also take a lot of parenting tips from you. You help me to remember what is truly important in life. Just continue to be YOU and ignore those random snarky comments you receive sometimes 🙂
I have been a follower for a couple year now and I’d say I read your blog for all the reasons you stated. I got here because of the scrapbooking and I love seeing what you create. I also come here for the fun stories about your family and like it when you post what it’s ‘really’ like as a mom (I have a 5 and 3 yr old). I like posts that make me laugh. Like those photos of S with the tree branch. heehee. It also doesn’t hurt that you had an absolutely adorable family (all of you! although the chubby twins are my personal faves) so it’s enjoyable to see pictures. As for commenting, for some reason it sometimes feels strange to comment since you don’t know me at all, so unless I have a question or a really compelling comment and want to show support, I keep it to myself as to not be that ‘freaky person you don’t know who comments all the time’. And I never comment on the giveaways — those are actually my least favorite because I never win anything but it’s nice to be introduced to small businesses that I might be interested in supporting and buying from. I am pretty much addicted to your blog — as soon as I see it on the Facebook feed I go directly to Google Reader (your blog is the first in my long, long list of blogs on Reader) to get my daily fix. 🙂 Keep doing what you are doing. I’m enjoying it!
Honestly I never remember how I got started (other than it was definitely steered here because of scrapping) . . .only why I stay. I love the inspiration I find here, but if I were to cut back on virtual inspiration (as well I should–what’s that saying about spending time on Pinterest is not actually creating 🙂 I would still come here because I feel like family now. I would miss hearing updates on the chickies, and I want to hear about Rhode Island and real family time. When I don’t comment, it is because I don’t feel I have anything new to add to the conversation. (except this time I’m breaking that rule 🙂 Anyway, I love visiting you every day.
hi stephanie. i have five girls (my younger two are twins)…been with my husband for 21 years (who works long hours 6 days a week). i work from home in indiana. i read your blog because i feel like i can relate to you in so many ways. i love your sc layouts because it inspires me to do so much more with my kits. don’t change a thing…because i love reading your blog!
Hey there, My name is Lisa and I live in Texas, I have posted every now and then, I have been reading your blog for many years, I love reading your blog, you post great stuff, and i like that you don’t post the picture perfect family, we all have quirks, you amaze me, 4 kids!! wow! I look forward to each day and to see all the cute pictures. I love the paper crafting stuff that you show, its perfect the way it is, no changes necessary. just keep posting. ha!! hugs and thanks for all of the smiles
Hi! I am 31 years old, married to a man in the Army, am the step-mom to a 13 year old boy, and pregnant with my first child. I am also a crafter, so I love to see your layouts, but I think I love your family life posts the most. Being an Army wife myself (although I never think of myself that way) I love when you post about military life. My husband has only had one year long deployment since we got married and his job on base is pretty much a regular 9-5 type job. He does leave every now and then for a week or two of training, and your blog reminds me not to get my panties in bunch about it cause he could be gone a lot more. Thank you for the perspective and keep on keeping on!
Guess I’m more of a lurker…but I read your blog daily and hope you keep it as it is. I’m a grandma and love reading about your children (my grandson is a lot like your Sadie) and family. I scrapbook and love your creations.I do enter your contests, even won once!, but I read your blog because it makes me happy. Hopefully it makes you happy too.
Well you KNOW who I am!
I LOVE your blog!
I love your heart! I love your scrappy posts BIG TIME!
do NOT stop posting those!
I LOVE mostly pictures of your kids and your posts from the heart, because of course, I can relate to those.
I love your blog because you are real, honest, and someone I admire and adore.
and those 4 little girls, they melt my heart!
I really LOVE every single thing you post. DO what
makes you HAPPY~
I am an Arkansas mom of two little girls, ages 3(will be 4 in March) and 2 (just turned 2 in October). I am also pregnant with our third, we do not know what it is is yet. I found your blog because I am also a scrapbooker.
This may sound a little freakish or stalkerish (I don’t think that’s a word but I’m going with it) but when I first found your blog I had to go back a read all of your past post. It took me a few days but the blogs that I follow on a regular basis, that’s what I do. I feel like if I start in the beginning with them I really know the person much better.
I have also been through a deployment (Army) so I relate to you on the Army side too. I did not have kids at the time of the deployment but I was married. I appreciate what your husband does for our country.
What keeps me coming back? I come back each day to check your blog because I feel like you are real on your blog and not just some overly perfect woman in this perfect world that only you and your family live in. I love the posts that you tell us exactly how your live is. I also come back everyday because your Sadie girl is so much like my 3 year old its not even funny.
I would like to add that I love your blog and wouldn’t
change a thing. Ok maybe one thing more pictures of the girls.
Hi Stephanie,
I read your posts mainly because of your honesty and your humorous accounts about motherhood. Also, I am a mom of twin boys, 9 months old, so I read your backlog stories of your twins so I know what to look forward to in the coming months. Your scrapbook pages is what drew me in but your honesty is what keeps me coming back. Your blog is one of four that I follow daily. I think you are absolutely an amazing person, mother, and wife and I wish I knew you personally. You remind me to appreciate al the good in the world.
Hi Steph, this is Renee. I use to work for Jenni Bowlin and became a huge fan or your talent, your humor, your honesty and honestly (cuz you wanted honest,right?) I loved the relationship you shared of you and your husband. (quite easy on the eyes when reading, but you know that!) I was divorced and unhappy when I began reading. Crazy to say, your posts about your husband confirmed my belief in the happily ever after just enough for me to do some serious makeover work on my goals in life. I am now a full time working mom with a wonderful man in my life. I read because you keep it real. And I love it. I laugh out loud, I cry and I get inspired. Keep doing what makes you happy. Love it all!
I’m one of those people who follow tons of blogs for inspiration but don’t comment all that much. I’m a scrapbooker and found you over at Studio Calico. I absolutely LOVE your work so I started following your blog so that when you post new pages, I can be in awe of them. 😉
I would love to be able to comment more but I just don’t always have enough time! Most mornings I sit down and go through my blog reader and when things catch my eye, I click on them. I look through the post, make notes if there’s something that person has done that I’d like to try, save sketches if I see those, etc…but I really only comment about half the time. Sad but true. It doesn’t in ANY way mean that I don’t enjoy that person’s blog or work, it’s just that I have to make myself get through what I want to do and get OFF of the computer. Otherwise, I’d never clean or scrap anything, lol!
– April
Hello Stephanie!! I read your blog everyday!!! It is my morning time for me. I enjoy everything about your blog, the pictures of the girls, your mommy moments, your wife moments, your craftiness, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!! I am a paper scrapbooker, i have one little one, well he is not as little as i make him sound, he is 7 but he will always be little to me, lol Just keep the amazing posts coming!!!! God Bless you and yours!!!!Lena
I read your blog because you are a fellow army wife who scraps 😀 And I like your style. Not to mention your kids are adorable. Simple.
I love reading about your crazy days as a mom, because we all have them. I am potty training my daughter and some days I feel like one more accident might send me over the edge. As a mom of 5, I love reading your blog and knowing that I am not the only one having crazy days. I also love your layouts. Please keep posting them. I really love how tenderly you write about your family. Thank you for sharing.
Stephanie, I am a 31 year old mom of a toddler. I don’t comment much, since i view your entries via google reader. I originally followed your blog for crafty inspiration, but it’s your posts about your kids that I find the most fulfilling/meaningful. The funny face photos of Sadie crack me up, and your posts about Harper growing up remind me to hug my toddler more often than not. 🙂 I would hate to see you stop crafting your layouts (I love seeing them!) but you should do what works for you! Thank you for sharing yourself with the world through your blog. 🙂
Hi Stephanie – i comment on your non-scrapbook related posts because I feel like we’re having some sort of conversation and I feel the need to interject something. i don’t comment as much on your layout posts because I am usually so very inspired by them that I am quickly getting out my supplies to scrap-lift :). I made it a resolution last year to try and make a comment on every blog that I read, because I blog for the very same reasons you do – i like personal interaction. keep on keeping on. and those crafty posts are quite inspirational – even if I don’t always say so!
Well, I started to read you because of the whole scrapbooking thing. But I must say it’s your Mommy and Army wife posts that I enjoy the most because they are so real and easy to relate to (I have 4 also but all boys here). I still love to peak at your layouts but they are not as relate-able to me… you know, the 4 boy thing here. I love the layouts that you post that are about you and J because I would really like to do more memory keeping in general about our married life, not just about our kiddos. Keep posting it all because you have a big admirer here in PA. I can’t wait to see how you like your move to the northeast!
I am a scrapbooking, Chicago mom of 2 under 2…I love your layouts..don’t take them away..and I love reading your mommy thoghts…cause I usually feel the same, like right now I am typing one handed while holding my 4 month old and just noticed my 20 month old trying to fee her cheerios to the cat!
The reason I read your blog is because I relate to you and the feelings you express. Your kids are adorable and you are a great photographer. Your relationship with J. reminds me that there ARE good men who value their family and their wives–it gives me hope what I’m looking for really can exist. *hugs* Just keep doing what you do.
I’m a stay at home mom with 2 great kids. I found your blog via Studio Calico. I read your blog because I love reading your posts about kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love scrapbooking too. I am doing PL this year also, but I really appreciate how you are able to stay positive even though things are sometimes hard. We all feel that way sometimes(like every day!) and it’s nice to see how you’ve put that into words. I’ve only commented a couple of times, mostly when I felt like others might be snarky, sort of to let you know that the snarky ones are the minority and your blog readers have your back. Know what I mean? So I guess I read your blog kinda for everything. Keep up the good work! Loved your Daydream Believer gallery at SC!
Hi Stephanie- I stumbled upon your blog about a month ago. I love it! I am a stay at home mom in CT. I love your style,creativeness, and the way you make everyday happenings sound so interesting. Your creative writings are like a good book I can’t put down. I look forward to every post. I have 2 daughters and love to scrapbook. You have great ideas and please continue doing what your doing!
Hi Stephanie, Yes I am a crafter, a scrapbooker and a mom. I am also a substitute elementary teacher, live in New England, and have a large extended family. My core unit is just me, my husband, and my 5 year old boy. I do come to your blog for scrapping inspiration as I do also keep scrapbooks for my son recording the everyday moments I don’t want to forget. But I also come to your blog to see that we do share everyday struggles as moms. You make me feel human when you express that you had a “bad day”. I’m so glad you keep your blog, and I’m looking forward to your special February craftiness!
Hi Stephanie, I’m a scrapbooker with two sons who are 20 and 18 (in 2 weeks). I look forward to your blog every single day and it is because of the variety and because you keep it real. I love your layout posts, I love funny stories about the girls, I love funny videos of the girls, I love when you speak from your heart about whatever is on your mind. I am guilty of hardly ever commenting but I do absolutely read your blog every day.
I live in Flower Mound, TX and even though I’m older than you (49) I think we’d be great friends if we knew each other. Does it help that I only feel 35-ish? lol
Why? So many reasons! I found you originally for scrapbooking but then it just went from there. I like how you keep me grounded when I forget what J is doing and all his coworkers – I have never been close to anyone in service and I admire him, his coworkers and you and the family for being so supportive. I am a grammy so the kids are big to me too – my favorite is “it’s a lady, no it’s a man” – just hilarious! We also share a love for vintage Christmas ornaments, I wish I had my mom’s. You seem to be so down to earth and enjoying your life with your family – I wish I could be the person to help you in the grocery or at the car when you have the kids! Keep on doing what you do – I enjoy and look for updates daily.
Who am I? Deep questions indeed! I am a mom of four small people, just like you. My husband does not deploy but he works long hours, so I relate to parenting four children often on my own. I am a crafter and I love seeing your layouts. I would be sad if they went away. I enjoy the emotional posts because they remind me of my own blessings and challenges. Thank you for always sharing so much.
Hi! I am a 33 year old wife, mom of a kindergarten boy, and I live in Atlanta. I read your blog b/c I like your writing style and what you write about. I do scrapbook and am a subscriber to SC, so I do love your LOs and the scrappy crafty goodness that you post. I also like hearing about what’s going on in your life, with being an Army wife and mom to 4 adorable kids. Your life is different than mine in so many ways but you always come across as relatable and down to earth. I enjoy reading all your posts – the funny things in your life, the struggles/honesty when you write, crafts, and most importantly – how much you LOVE your family.
are you a paper crafter? YES
do you craft at all? YES
are you a mom? YES (two beautiful girls 5 and 15 months)
are you a woman? YES
where do you live? midwest (Missouri)
why do you read this blog?
I started out reading because you are a paper crafter so DO NOT stop those posts. I read them all and like the mix of life and scrapbooking. I wouldn’t’ change much just keep on doing what makes YOU happy!
You know I’ve been reading for quite a while. Depending on how crazy things are {kids, work, life} I rarely have time to comment.
I’m a mom of 2 {one with different needs – learning to hate the term “special needs.”} Wife of 11 years to my awesome, sexy husband. Owner of a small business – photography. Scrapbooker when I have time.
Love your blog even though I rarely get the chance to show it. Thanks!
I started following you because my DD is a scrapper and kept sharing pics of your chickies. I follow you because you are real. No fake smiles and tales, you are raw through the good and not so good days. Keep it real and share the scrapping because I love seeing the chicklets grow.
I love your posts! I think the emotional ones move me (and others) to comment more bcz I feel a connection to you. I still enjoy the crafty ones, but I’m less likely to click through from google reader to say something about them. (Even though I like them and read them).
I read your blog nearly everyday-why? I guess because I feel a connection, both in the things you share about your life and in your crafting style! I’m a “career-Navy” wife, have 4 boys, including a set of twins. While my boys are mostly grown up now, I relish the stories and pics of your sweet family. I love your honesty with how hard it is to be separated from your soldier-man, how tough some days can be to be a single parent, and yet how much you love all of it!
I enjoy your craft/scrapbook posts – you’ve influenced some of my current pages especially in the way you journal – Anyways, keep doin’ what you’re doing!
I was a paper crafter first, then moved to digi-scrapping, and now I do both. I live in Nashville 🙂 I read partially because I LOVE the gorgeous layouts you post (love your style, girl), but also because your girls just make me smile, and I love how you handle motherhood. It inspires me. <3
I have been reading your blog for a few years now and am guilty of hardly ever commenting. As another reader put it, it’s not that I don’t think you read them, I just feel someone as popular as you must have a bazillion comments and whatever I have to say doesn’t really add anything to the mix. I also read in my Google reader, and rarely click out to visit the blog itself.
But man, do I read. I always always read your posts first. I am 26, married, no kids, work full-time as a college Spanish instructor and am a crafter/cardmaker/wanna-be scrapbooker. I keep coming back because I identify with you. You are strong, honest, inspiring, kind, funny, with a beautiful family, and always try to see the up side of things–and whether it be through heart posts, layouts, home projects or pictures of the girls, your blog reflects you in so many ways. I read because of you and the eloquent, humorous, honest writer that you are, so keep doing what makes YOU happy and I am certain that your readers will follow. I know I will. 🙂
Hi Stephanie!! I am a regular reader, but am guilty of not commenting very often. I think that I found your blog through 2peas. I am a Mom and a paper scrapbooker. Your scrappy posts inspire me to keep true to my own “style”.
I read your posts because they make me giggle – your girls crack me up!! (and Fulgy & What the Jose? are words now regularly used around my house).
I love seeing your flea market finds – that’s something I wish I could do more!
I love how honest you are about your life in general – I’ve participated in your Blog your Heart challenge.
And, your posts about “army wife life” made me more appreciative of all of our servicemen and women, even though I’m from Canada.
Thank – you for sharing yourself with us!
I am a momma to 3. 1 girl. Love to scrap. Love your blog. 4 girls! Yours is the first I read everyday. Every day. For the layouts. For the silliness. For the tears. Love it all.
I’m a mom to two crazy girls (4 and 16 months) who works full time and crafts part time. I have been following your blog for several months now, and love it. It’s honest, funny, a little irreverent, and amazing creativity wise. I’ve commented here and there, and I truly mean to comment more often, but I often read on my iphone and it’s hard to write meaningful commentary on that when there’s a kid attached to your leg. I really do love to see layouts (and would also love to see more of your project life album). It’s interesting because thinking back most of the posts I’ve commented on haven’t been artwork posts…they’ve been the personal, funny things. I came for the art, I stayed for the stories. I still love the art and find it so inspiring, so please don’t stop showing us layouts!
I am a mom, wife, daughter, scrapbooker, part-time (substitute) teacher, wine-lover…we have all that in common. I found your blog years ago, when Sadie was a baby, through SC. I read becasue you are so authentic and you make me laugh and cry about motherhood and I feel like we could be fast friends. I have commented and even asked you a question or two through email, which you kindly replied and answered. I enjoy looking at the layouts, but don’t really follow the links for the supplies (just being honest). I do LOVE when you list your favorite new products or the things you turn to all of the time. I also love posts about your scrap space. Don’t change a thing and if your blog ever goes away I’ll be so sad!
Hi Steph, I’m Jenn. I ‘m not a mom. I am a scrapbooker. I love the variety of your blog. Your stories are awesome. I also love your scrapbook pages. I love both and don’t change a thing! I would also love to see your project life because I think those books are awesome, even if its not completely exciting every week. I don’t comment much, but I love your blog! Hopefully I will be a mom soon and then maybe I will love it even more!!! 😉
I read it all. Don’t change a thing. Just say’n. You are stuck with me. (Hope that’s okay with you…) And I’ll say it again, if we lived closer, I totally feel like we’d be friends! Enjoy your babies and your day!
I am chuckling at all the reading you have to do now, because you asked!!!!! I receive your blog via google reader and read every post that comes. Love the family posts, love the layouts and crafty posts, also really love the pics of decorating. My daughter loves to watch the babies in videos you post!!! I am a fellow military wife, move a lot, miss my husband when he has to be gone, parent solo a lot of the time (even when he is in town) and “connect” with you on many levels. Because we know how hard it is, our family prays for your family and values the sacrifice you make for the sake of others. Your blog is a favorite on my blogroll. Cheering you on as you prep for the new assignment location (it’s a fun one for sure). Looking forward to the posts that are to come! Have a blessed day!
P.S. LOVE the current blog design
Hi Steph….I am a mom, a woman, a scrapbooker and a crafter. I absolutely love your blog and love how open and honest your are about everything. I feel like I have met you IRL and your girls and absolutely adorable!!!!! Those cheeks!!! I have a five year old daughter who does so many of the same things your girls do. To a degree I know what you mean about deployment (my brother is in the Army and he is currently serving in Afghanistan). He resides in TN so I don’t see him often but we are very close; so this deployment is somewhat tough on me. Nothing think you however. I totally appreciate what your husband does for our country. Sometimes I wish I had four girls and could stay with them all day. {{{HUGS}}}
I LOVE reading your blog, everything about it, please don’t change a thing! I love hearing about your life, your kiddos, your feelings, all of it! The videos of the girls crack me up, the pix of the twins are always cute, the layout are always awesome. I don’t think I could pick a favorite thing. I’m a scrapper, no kiddos for now and I live in the great big state of Texas.
I’m a 29 yr old mom of two (3, 8 mos) from St Louis, MO. I’ve been reading regularly since you were about 7 mos pregnant with the twins. I don’t scrapbook and to honest I tend to scroll on the scrappy posts but I do enjoy peeking at your finished layout, you’re very good at it, it’s just not me. I just find the way you look at everyday situations to be very inspiring and your honesty on not being perfect helps me to not feel so bad when I have dishes in the sink or lose my cool with my son. Keep up the good work, I think you are great!!
I read your blog everyday, first on my list, I love seeing pictures of your beautiful family, reading the stories of what goes on in your life, love your house, your layouts, everything about this blog. Thanks so much for sharing your life on this blog!
Hi Stephanie,
I read your blog everyday through my google reader. I believe I found it when several bloggers offered a link saying, “You have to read this!”
So I did – and it was about the time that J was overseas, he was in Time magazine, and you were taking care of Harper and Sadie all by yourself. I cried when reading your posts. They were so emotional and real.
While I first started reading because of this wife/mother/woman connection to you, I kept coming back because you’re just darn funny, your kids are adorable, AND you’re crafty. And – my kids are now preteens, and I’ll never get to hold their little baby fat bodies again…and although I don’t want to deal w/ the diaper/tantrum days again, I love a little vicariously through you because I remember how precious those moments were, moments that I won’t get back.
Sorry that you don’t get as much love for your layout posts, because I know that you put so much time and care into those posts. I need to come out of reader more often and comment.
I do appreciate everything you put out here, and whatever you decide to share, I’ll be here reading!
Thank you!
Houston, TX
First off, I truly enjoy your blog and hope you don’t change much. I enjoy the stories about your kiddos, real life day to day stuff and your crafty endeavors too. You inspire me to have more patience but help me understand that some days we just need to hide in the bathroom for a while. It’s nice to know I’m not alone when the challenging days hit.
I am a 30 something sahm with 2 boys and 1 precious little one on the way. I enjoy crafting when I can fit it in. I am also a military spouse.
I found your blog through scrapbooking, but I put it on my blog roll because of your personal stories. You are honest and funny and I like that your twins are ahead of mine so I can expect what’s coming!! I like that with your scrapping and your parenting you don’t pretend to be perfect like some other blogs out there, but instead let us in on the dirty details. And because of that, yours is one of the most beautiful blogs I read!
step mama to 4 kiddies. i love reading your family stories, your baby stories and all your funny stuff. and i do LOVE your scrap/crafty posts. i’m not a crafter so i don’t need the links etc, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing what you have created. it’s one of my favorite things! don’t stop those steph!! 🙂
I started following because of your scrapbook layouts, and still definitely enjoy looking at those the most.
Your stories about your kids also make me chuckle.
I find your blog real, authentic, funny, touching and more – about family, life, decor, crafting. I think that you are right – your blog is much more than a scrapbooking blog. [I’m not a scrapbooker – more a cardmaker & paper hoarder.] TFS and please keep blogging however you like!
I’m a regular reader, although not a regular commenter. 🙂 I am a wife/mom/scrapbooker who loves seeing your layouts and hearing about your kids. The stories either make me laugh or cry and the layouts are inspiring. I love your blog with the mix that it has now. Hope you have a great day!
Fun post! I am a scrapbooker and found you on 2Peas! I LOVE your blog because you seem like such a fun person. I love that you blog most every day instead of a few times a month like my other favorite scrappers do. I only read a few blogs, so I love frequent updates. I live near Pgh.,PA but am originally from MD (near Annapolis!). I got a degree in Psychology then got my law degree. I passed the bar and had my first child a few years later and have been a SAHM since 1997! I love how your children (especially Harper) remind me of my kids (especially my oldest). I also have all girls (8, 12 and 14). It’s fun to read the funny things your girls do and remember my girls doing the same thing not too long ago! Don’t let people scare you by saying just wait until the girls are teens. My girls are energetic, but well behaved and are much less dramatic than when they were toddlers. They are easy going and laid back as our their friends. I think parents of girls get the easy part when the girls are teens! I love to read! Mostly love books about women’s friendships. I love when you give book recommendations too. Sorry this is all one paragraph. I didn’t know if you could have seperate paragraphs on comments!
I’m a single, never married, no kids, woman who found your blog around the beginning of it. I found the blog through a scrapbooking link but fell in love with it because of the daily life you talk about. I was with you when you had two small kids and had to say goodbye to J when he was sent overseas, I looked forward to seeing you take down those paper rings each month. I love your scrapbooking style and am in awe of what you can come up with (and may be a little jealous of some of the supplies you have!). But honestly, I would miss the everyday stuff more than I would the crafting. I love that you’ve invited us in to your family and you show us the good and the bad. I’ve shared some of your pictures and anecdotes with my Mom to give her a smile. Anytime I heard of an American (I’m Canadian) soldier being hurt or killed I would pray, “Please not Jimmy.” I would love to meet your family in person one day and give each of you a hug, I have an emotional investment in the Howell clan! I could go on but this is already so long, sorry about that.
Hi Stephanie! My name is Courtney. I’m a wife, homeschooling mother of three. I read your blog because I like you. If I didn’t I wouldn’t read. I have never once thought geez…I wish she wouldn’t post that, or I wish she would post this…or she complains too much. It’s your blog. It’s who you are and I enjoy reading it. Keep on doing what you are doing because I really enjoy the honesty that you put into your words. God bless!
Hi Stephanie,
My name is Tara 🙂 and I am a paper crafter. Working hard at getting better everyday because I’m passionate about it. Why do I read your blog? Because you inspire me. As a papercrafter foremost, that is how I came to know of you after all. Secondly, I admire the Mom you are to 4 little girls while your husband is away a lot doing one of the most honorable things one can do – and thirdly? You’re funny. A perfect combination! Love hearing the stories about your daughters and their “fashion outfit” dilemmas. So, if you’re taking a poll, my vote is to keep doing exactly what you’re doing – and that includes the crafty stuff!
I read your blog everyday & I am 41. I came through studio calico blog & have stayed because of your funny remarks & sincere way you live your life. I have 2 boys & scrapbook a lot of masculine/sports type pages. I have a scrapbook all about me & get a lot of ideas about prettying up my pages from your layouts. So, from a mommy of 2 young boys don’t leave out the girly, butterfly, soft colored layouts. I believe my children need to know what their mommy was like when they were young, how life has evolved. I wouldn’t trade in my boys but please do not stop putting layouts on your blog. They are pure eye candy for me.
I only read if your Twitter posts say something that draws me in, which is pretty often, but probably not every post. I’m a crafter, but not a scrapbooker. I’m a wife, but not a mom.
Emotional posts draw me in because I can relate or learn from. They are sometimes the hardest to write, but more people want to read them than a supermom glowing report that only make someone jealous who doesn’t have that glowing life (I’m not trying to say you do that, I’m speaking generally). And, of course, I love giveaways. 🙂
Hey Stephanie! I read your blog b/c I enjoy a good ol’ genuine blog. It’s seems I have come across a lot of blogs that just don’t seem real and honest. I think you and your posts are fantastic!
I come here for all of it. I don’t comment much, but I do read. I don’t think the lack of comments on your scrapbooking/craft posts are an indication that people don’t want that. I just think a personal post tends to spur more comments but that does not mean one is more viewed or enjoyed than the other. Many times your personal posts trigger a discussion or you have left a question. The scrapbooking/craft posts speak for themselves and don’t typically require questions because you have all the supplies listed.
hi steph!
i came to your blog because i was first in love with your scrapping layouts (still am!). then i saw you as a super cool mama who loves her husband and family and little life and that keeps me coming back. i just love to hear about your everyday stories so thank you for sharing them! i secretly think of harper every time i hear the words ‘flea market’! haha! “fee farket”! 😉 you remind me of someone i would befriend if i knew you ‘in real life’!
i am a 28yr. old girl who lives in CT and gets scrappy whenever she can [i usually have to take days off to do it, though!]. my bf drives a race car from march-october so my free time is seriously limited during those weekends! we also just adopted a dog we found on the side of road. it’s a quiet little life but i love it and would not trade it for the world! 🙂 *
Sorry, I forgot to answer the rest of your questions. I am a mother of two boys (ages 5 and 7); I am a wife of fifteen years; I am a business owner (outpatient orthopedic therapists); I am a scrapbooker; I am 43; I live in Nebraska.
Hi Stephanie! I’ve been a reader for quite some time and love the variety of posts. I love the scrap stuff, especially the ones of late. I love the funny ones, the honest ones, all of them. I’m 28, single, live in a small town in northern CA, near Yosemite. I work as a physical therapist and a swim coach. I am crafty but find it hard to find the time to scrap as often as I would like, & let’s not discuss the lack of other things such as going to the gym or cleaning. I love my life though, crazy busy and all. My family reminds me of yours. Mom is creative. SAHM… Dad was always gone, it’s did get better when we got older, but also I am one of 4 daughters… I’m #2. (yeah Sadie!) I think you are doing a fantastic job raising ur girls & not losing yourself in it all. Keep on keeping on & thanks for sharing your life!
wow, you’ll be reading comments into the night with this post…lol…I read because I am a SAHM like you, just me and the little one and I like to have someone to relate too, like to hear your experiences, and I love to see your layouts, or any other crafting that you do. I am a scrapper, I do post mostly layouts on my blog, and it’s opposite for me, my layouts or cards get comments, but anything about my life, kids, baking, etc. I usually don’t get a single comment on that stuff…funny isn’t it? Keep blogging Steph, I am reading and enjoying it 🙂
i’m a momma of 4, our 4th was born 2wks before your twins.. i’m a scrapbooker, photographer, creative soul who is trying to keep the balance of chaos and bliss at this time in my life.. when i find myself insane because my husband has been working out of state for a week or two i find myself repeatedly saying “i would make a horrible army wife!” … love that you are so real and that you are able to put yourself out there.. with your emotions and your talents… (from oregon)
I am a working mom from the Midlands UK and read your blog because its honest and funny and inspiring. I initially started to read (stalk, in a non creepy way) because of your scrapbooking, which I still love and look forward to. But now its the whole package, family, babies, life in general. Don’t stop doing what your doing. By the amount of comments it looks like we would miss you. God bless x
I read because I like your scrapbook pages. And because I’m totally enamored with your children. And because I think you’re fun! I wouldn’t stop reading if you stopped your scrapbook posts, but it’s what got me here in the first place. Especially since I’m not a mommy, I don’t really relate to the mommy posts other than saying “Man, I’m sure that’ rough for her” or “I should file that one away for future reference”.
I am a 60 year old woman who papercrafts (where I first started reading about you) and loves all crafts, design and anything artsy. What has kept me reading your blog all of these years (since Harper was little) is the way you can draw in the reader with your REAL heart and your geneorsity in sharing your life and that of your family. I can’t tell you how many times I would hold my breath waiting to hear that Jimmy made it back in one piece from his many deployments. Having a son in the Navy who has been in Kuwait and Iraq I would pay particular attention to the news daily with the list of those lost and pray I didn’t see Jimmy’s name on it and prayed daily for both of our heros.
You keep it real and I appreciate that so much. I don’t often comment but I will tell you that I am here daily receiving inspiration, a laugh or smile to help me along in my day. Thanks so much for being an open book and being real.
Sweet Stephanie…..where do I start with they “why’s” as to why I read your blog. To start with, you are one of the most real, truest, kindest, most honest people I have ever “met”. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and I admire you for that. I see a lot of me in you so I guess that’s a big reason why. I don’t know how many times I’ve read your post, and your words have reflected exactly how I was feeling. Secondly, Harper and my oldest, Ayleigh, seem to very similar in personality so enjoy hearing her stories. Sadie, reminds me alot of my younger sister as well. SO I see my family in yours somewhat. Thirdly, I am emotionally attached to you all and this amazes me considering I’ve never “met” you. The emotional journey’s you go on, with your children, with J being gone and even when he’s there. I’m invested in you and your family. While he was away on his last deployment, my heart was in my mouth every time I opened your page, praying and hoping that he was ok. You do that to me. I care about what happens to you and yours. I feel like if our paths ever crossed, that we would be friends. As for the craftiness, I love seeing your pages. I am a wanna-be scrapbooking Mum. I wish I could get organized to do it more, but right now, that’s not happening. So I get to live vicariously through you and others. So I hope that answers your questions. I am right up the road too in Baxley, GA and was so excited when you guys moved to Savannah. However, I am now sad that you will be leaving us so soon. I am happy though that it has been a happy experience for you. xx
Dear Stephanie,
I’m a young, newly married farmwife in midwestern Canada. I do some scrapbooking (and am thankful for your reminder that you MAKE time to scrapbook) and some sewing. I like raspberries and rain and laughing and good food and a nice warm bath and tea and my life (most days). 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for years (maybe just after Sadie was born?) and I love ALL of it! I was initially drawn to your scrapbooking style and the stories you tell on the page, but I’ve kept reading for much more than just that. I love your honesty and your zest for life. I REALLY admire your love & support for your husband: you set a good example for me as I seek to love & support my love. I love the way you tell stories. I love how you get excited about pretty things and thrifting and scrapbooking just for fun. I like your blog because it’s real and it’s pretty and sometimes it’s an honest and beautiful mess. I like it because it’s about you! Your posts are usually the FIRST ones I look at in my reader.
This week I was reading Young House Love and Sherry was talking about blogging & reader comments. {} The thing I liked MOST about what she wrote was that it’s your blog and it’s about you. Bobbi, from Bobbi & Mike, talks about how when people are looking for a photographer, they are drawn to both the style and PERSONALITY of the photographer.
Okay. I had better stop. There are dishes & laundry waiting for me! And a bunch of animals that want to be fed.
Peace be with you.
And happy blogging!
Ha ha! I read your blog because… I don’t know why but I love it! That’s enough, no??
I’m a scrapbooker, a mom of 3 and I enjoy reading your words. I laugh, I cry, I snuggle, I pout… and every post is the better!
Hi Stephanie,
I’m also a crafter and a blogger and a mother of twin girls…. I read your blog for its honesty, inspiration and the fact that sometimes it makes me laugh out loud!!! And so I thank you for your posts 🙂 They make me realise that I am sane even though at times I think I’m losing the plot! I am not alone!!!
I look forward to your blog updates! Keep em coming!
Claire xxx
I know I don’t post much, but I do read your blog every chance I can get. It’s cheerful and inspiring! I actually stumbled upon it via G-Reader, it was a recommended blog in my feed. I love it! I keep coming back because I love the stories about you and your family, also the pictures are too adorable 🙂
I’m 26 going on 27, young professional living in Washington D.C., no children of my own, but I have a few adorable nieces and a nephew I love to hang out with.
Hi there! I am a 31 year old mama of 2 girls and I initially started reading your blog because you are a scrapbooker, but what keeps me reading is your wonderful “life” posts about your family and girls. I love the honesty of your blog, and that your priorities seem to line up with my own. 🙂 I love the balance of crafty posts with the serious, more emotional ones. Your blog is perfect…and your blog is the only one that I read on an (almost) daily basis. I love all of the photos…I know you always say that you are not a “photographer”, but coming from someone who is, your photos have such a beautiful, emotional quality to them that always make me tear up, and they are wonderful!! They evoke the same emotions I feel toward my own girls and family. So keep up the good work…love the photos, love the emotional, deep posts, as well as the fun, crafty stuff!!!!! 🙂
Hey Stephanie, I’m Elizabeth!! 🙂
I, like many others read daily. In fact, it is the first blog I click on daily!! LOL. I come to your blog to see what you post because I like to read what you post. I love the fact that you just post what you feel and talk about what you feel too. I love to see what you’ve created because its very different from how I create and that’s neat. I love how your blog is filled with you and your children’s lives. Sometimes I laugh, and other times for what you post I get a tear or two as well. I like the fact that you just share and are honest about it too.
I don’t comment a lot because others say what I am feeling so there is no need, or I just don’t feel like commenting! Ha. I don’t comment a lot because I just like to read and then go about my day too. But I do read daily. Most of the time I leave with a smile, I like that!!!
I read your blog because I am also an army wife, mom to a girl, and a scrapbooker. Admittedly I relate more to your personal army wife posts than any other. Your scrapbook style is very different than mine, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy seeing your layouts. I’ve actually been looking forward to your Feb posts because you said they would be Valentine’s related and I need some ideas.
I like your blog because you are honest and funny and real, and seem like the kind of person I could be friends with.
Keep up the good work!
I love reading your blog and have for a few years now, ever since you started getting published in Scrapbook Trends. I love how real and open you are as well as all of your inspirational creations. I have the same problem on my blog – I’m betting 90% of my readers are scrappers, but all my friends say they skip over the scrappy posts, and my scrappy posts get the fewest comments. But whatevs! I blog for me, even though sometimes I address my audience. Wish you were at CHA!!!
Hi Stephanie, I love your blog and read it every day! I love your mom stories, love seeing your girls, love reading about your scrapping challenges. You encourage me to scrap more. You have led me to think more about what the military does for us and what sacrifices they are making for us. I am also a Christian and feel blessed when you speak about God too. I guess, in a nutshell, I like pretty much everything you talk about! I get really mad when others make snarky comments at you!
I’m just a woman who hopes to be a mom someday soon. I love reading blogs with young kids, and even though I’m not a military wife, I really enjoy reading about women who are. You inspire me!
Hi there,
I love to read your blog!! Really!! I first found it last year because of your scrap booking layouts I really love as well!!But by now I just love to read about life with your four cuties!! I am all into it!! I love reading it even though I don´t have kids yet!! I personally live in Germany and do my masters in demography!! I love scrap booking and reading blogs!! Your family is just precious and I hope to have such a great family with my husband one day!! Thanks for sharing all your big and little stories, your challenges and feelings, it´s fun to read, encouraging and just lovely!!
Just stay like that!! 🙂
Hi Stephanie,
I found your blog through Shannanigans right before your twins were born. I am a Minnesota girl in my early 30s, no kids and not a scrapbooker. I just honestly enjoy reading about your life adventures with your adorable girls. Your blog is on my Google reader feed and it is usually the first one I click on each day!
Hi Stephanie, I’ve been reading your blog for so many years! I think it’s just perfect the way it is. I have two boys so I love to hear the stories about your girlies, I scrapbook so I love to see your layouts. I’ve laughed and I cried reading your posts many times. It always come from the heart, it’s real. I love that. I rarely comment. But I’m always here reading 🙂
I ready because I’m in awe of your creativity, stamina in keeping up with your amazing family, and your tender posts are just so touching. I don’t scrap book but I have used your ideas for burlap curtains. You’re an amazing woman that I aspire to be – please keep sharing, I am forever grateful for your open heart!
I’ve only been reading for the last few months….but, I read every one of your posts! I love that your blog is about your LIFE. Your kids, your creative side, yourself. I had been debating for a long time about blogging myself and YOU are the person who pushed me over the edge into finally starting. I’ve yet to include a lo post…although, I did one on project life. Anyhow, keep up the great work…you are inspiring many people including me! XOXO
I like reading about your life, but I also really really like your scrapbook pages…I don’t comment often because of my crazy schedule and the number of blogs I read (which sounds a little selfish, but true!) but I love your mix of home decor/life/crafty posts! Don’t get rid of any of it!!!…but maybe you could not list all the products on the crafty posts…I am familiar with a lot of them, and if I really wanted to know a specific thing you used, I would just ask?! Just a suggestion!! 🙂 Have a great day!
Well, I am a paper crafter, yes. I used to scrapbook, but I do more cards and other art now. I am a woman, I am a wife, and I am a daughter and sister. I am NOT a mother. But I still love my family, have two dogs, a house, and dinners to consider every night. I work full time, but my joy is in my art and crafting. I find myself there. As for YOUR blog…I read it because you are you. You share your life. You share your family. You share your smiles. So…go ahead and post whatever you want, because as long as it is YOU, it will be great!
I am a SAHM of two boys 7 and 13 and I am also a scrapbooker/paper crafter. I love reading your blog and seeing your latest LOs, but I also love reading about your family life, about you as a momma, about your life as a military wife. I love watching Harper’s videos which CRACK. ME. UP! I love looking at pics of the girls growing up. I love reading it all. In a small way, I kind of feel like I “know” your family from reading for all these years. So, whatever you decided to blog about…I’ll be reading it 🙂
Stephanie, I found your blog thru Studio Calico. I met April through Scarlett who started the company together. We all went to WKU and lived in Bowling Green. I am now in Louisville, KY but am in awe at how Studio Calico has grown. I am recently divorced and have no kids because my ex stressed he never wanted any, so now I’m living with regrets. I love photography and scrapbooking but am limited as I work full-time as a CPA. I review your blog a few times a week along with several other Studio Calico design team members. You guys are my therapy thru this dark time in my life. You always brighten my day. I love your scrapbook page posts. I’m in the process of getting motivated to scrap again. You are truly blessed and I wish the best for you and your family!!! (And if J has a single army buddie in his early 40s send him my way 🙂 he he
I am uilty…of reading much, but commenting little. I don’t comment much even on the giveaways, I have no idea why??
But I read your blog everyday, for a lot of reasons: I love your humor (really, I bet we wouldget along fabulously in real life), I really love seeing your layouts, I am a big SC fan, so I see your gallery every month, and I have a soft spots for funny little girls-and twins (I am aunt to both!). Lastly, I enjoy your ‘honest’ posts. I can totally relate to them. This month I promise to comment more and do a this is on my heart post!
I have a blog as well, so I know how good it feels when I know people are reading what I write.
Thanks for sharing your blog!
I hope that helps.
I found your blog through scrapbooking, but I love that you have a mix of crafts & personal stuff. I personally don’t like the blogs where it’s just a picture of a layout or card & the details. I like to get to know the person behind the creations, isn’t that why we scrapbook? To tell the stories of our lives. I have only commented a few times but have been following you for a couple of years now & love to hear your stories & see the pictures of your beautiful little girls. Thanks for all your hard work to give us all a smile every day!
I am a wife, mom and a long time scrapbooker (though not nearly as much as I would like now).
You blog inspires me with you layouts, vintage finds, humor and that you make being a stay at home mom of four look efortless and so much fun but also have a very real way of putting the tough times out there.
I read because I have love hearing the stories about your little girls and all the cute funny things they say 🙂 They remind me of my two girls. I’m also about to become an Army wife as my husband is going active in May and I love the insight you give into the hardships and joys of this life I’m about to start. Plus, I love how honest you are and your writing style! Just feels like I’m listening to a friend tell me about her day. 🙂 Thanks for giving me a bright spot in my days!
The moment I stumbled upon your blog I was smitten! Right away, I was drawn to your authentic, honest, down to earth self. I felt like the things you talk about I can relate to, except for the fact that we have three grown sons in college right now. So even though I do not have little ones anymore, I feel as though when I visit your blog I’m visiting a good friend. I love your scrapbooking, I love when you share your antiques, I love how you share about your man, I love how you share about your struggles (because don’t we all have them!), I love how you share about all your girlie girls! (remember all boys here) I just love how genuine you are. Better stop there because it sounds like I put it on a bit thick huh? But you asked, so I told you! I hope you continue to blog for quite some time!
Hey Stephanie,
I’m married with no kids and live in Waco. I started reading your blog b/c we met and you gave me your card. I kept reading it for two main reasons. 1. I love your scrapbooking style. You’ve stretched me to use unexpected color combinations, journal in new places, journal about whatever comes to mind and not my over-edited standard, mix up alphas, take photos from different angles and different subjects, etc., etc., etc., all without being uptight or stuck-up about the latest and greatest products. 2. You’re real. Your girls are so beautiful and J is so amazing that it’s easy to imagine that you must have a perfect life. But then you admit that you hide in the bathroom, that you have laundry piled up, that s & h fight over clothes, that all you need at the end of the day is a wine juice box. You give women permission to not be perfect. I love that you’re honest, open, snarky, smart, and so grateful for your family.
For my money (ha!), I love the scrapbooking/crafty posts. I get so much inspiration from them. I refer to you as “my scrapbooking friend Stephanie.” I hope that’s okay. ; )
Hey Stephanie….
I read it for all the reasons you and the commenters talk about. It is exciting to see your creativity and your busy girly life. I am a middle aged Mom of 3, Grammie to 2, a crafter, card maker and scrapbooker. Fellow wife and wanta be published scrapper/card maker.
Love your layouts and notice your layouts in magazine that I look through. I check on your little family daily and pray for you when J is out of town. A blog stalker?? I prefer to think friend. Have a great day! Don’t worry or change a thing about your blog. Just keep being real and we will keep checking in with you.
Ok, You brought me out! I am an army wife and find your posts about the military life so close to home. Until you have those fears and live that life you can’t possibly understand. Hubby has been gone four different years of our lives and another one is around the corner… Even when he is home his job is dangerous and he has very long hours. It changes him, it changes me, changes our son…we have to be very flexible and patient, have lots of trust, make the most of the time we do have together and above all else keep the love. So I get those posts. A few have brought tears to my eyes.
I also scrapbook so I enjoy those posts as well. I would hate to see that part of it go.
And to be honest the posts where you are talking about REAL life and little everyday moments are great too. I mean the post with J and his text, wow! That was a good one. I enjoy those too.
I scrapbook and I love to see your layouts. Our styles are a little different, but you have very unique ideas and I need that to jumpstart my own.
I also don’t craft as much as I want, so reading how you make time encourages me to do the same. That is CAN be done.
I also love hearing about your girls and your life as a military wife. It gives a perspective that is not my own and makes me aware of the home side of the military – something I think needs to be out there.
Even if our circumstances are different, our challenges to find the time to do all the things we need/want to do are the same. I may work full-time outside the home and you may work full-time inside the home, but I’ve only got two kiddos and you’ve got four to chase around. I see that as women and mothers, our circumstances may be different, but our challenges to balance things are the same. So I like the encouragement that there are other moms out there that think their kids are totally adorable…and that’s what encourages us to try to be patient when they’re driving us completely batty! Ha ha! You offer this, so I like to see it.
This is my take, anyway…
I started reading your blog when I won the page that turned into the BIG box of goodies before you had the twins! I am a scrapper, a mother of two girls,and a wife! I am a Jersey girl living in Morgantown, West Virginia, my hubby’s hometown. I love your blog for many reasons..
I love your your style, it’s so different from mine.
I love watching your girls grow and hearing about their latest antics.
I love that you are are not afraid to post what’s really on your mind! I love that!!
I work full time and then head to my ‘real’ job of wife and mother (which means, to quote you, resident cook, boogie wiper, fear slayer, dirt picker, etc etc). I scrapbook, but not as much as I would like to. I read your blog because you are honest — share the good and the bad about family, work and life in general. I don’t comment on your layout posts, but I do love looking/reading them. I also like your flea market finds which I have not seen a lot of lately.
Well, I am a scrapbooker. I am also a 41-year-old wife, mom to a 4.5 year-old girl and 2-year-old boy. I live in Washington (state). I am primarily a lurker, I guess. I comment on the giveaways that appeal to me, or on the posts that especially move me. I am not a big commenter in the blog world. I am more likely to comment on blogs with fewer people, because when you have hundreds of readers, it just seems like you’ll never get to me anyway, so I don’t take the time. And sometimes I just don’t have anything relevant to say. I have occasionally taken the time to leave a lengthy, thoughtful comment on a blog (not necessarily yours) and I guess it just feels like a waste of my time. It isn’t like a two-way conversation, so I never get anything back, and I just feel like my comment isn’t important. Does that make sense?
I subscribe to your blog via RSS. I came for the scrapbooking inspiration, but that isn’t why I stay. I am trying to cut back on blogs (and spend more time scrapbooking and less time reading about it). Your style is enough different from mine that I have thought about cutting yours, but I don’t. I love how authentic, honest, and funny you are. You help me laugh at some of the struggles of motherhood. And shed a tear from time to time over others. Your strength is inspirational (even as you admit your weaknesses). And to be honest, I have read your blog when J is gone, and counted my blessings that my husband comes home after work most of the time. I read because your personality really shines in your blog, and I like it. We have a few things in common. In real life, we might be friends.
Does that answer your questions?
Hi! I read every day because I think you’re an amazing Mom and your girls are adorable.
Also, because we have similar taste in lots of things… clothes, antiques, crafts, etc.
And also, because I think we’d be friends IRL. Ha.
Hope you’re having a good day!
I’m mom to 4, grandma to 5 and g.grandma to 1. I started reading your blog years ago because I’m a scrapbooker and I love your work. I’m still enjoying your artwork and also enjoying your family! I love the pictures of your girls and how much you enjoy them. Back in the day, I had three in just less than 5 years and 8 years later had another one. Our oldest one started college the day our youngest started kindergarten. Please keep on just the way you are, I love it! I don’t enter your drawings or comment, just lurk untill now…
I follow you because like you I am a military wife, and love to see other military wives.
I am a mommy of 2 sweet boys ages 7 and 3 and I am from Waco, too. =) I have been reading your blog for a couple years now mainly because it is refreshing to read a blog that is so honest and tells all sides of mommyhood, the good days with the not so good days. And you do it with such humor. Your blog is so fun to read! Your a great mother and I love your positive attitude on life.
Hello! I have commented before (usually I am buried- kinda like now.) When I first started reading I was a single scrapbooker. Now I am married and expecting my first little one in less than 30 days! I read now because I am a huge supporter of military families (have my husband to thank for that) and I enjoy reading about your fresh perspective on life- also I hope that someday you inspire my scrapbook desire/mojo to return, as I love your work 🙂 Visit my blog if you get a chance!!
Hi Stephanie! I’ve been reading for a few years but rarely comment. I usually read on my phone (via google reader) and rarely open the actually web page in Safari.
Nevertheless, I look forward to all of your posts. I love hearing about your adorable girls, wonderful husband and gorgeous layouts.
I’m married, 28 years old and live in Orange County, Ca. I have a 2 year old and am 7 months pregnant with a baby boy. 🙂
Let’s see – I am a paper scrapbooker, attorney, mom of two (pregnant with my third — son- 5, daughter- 2.5, expecting a boy in June), and I live in Oklahoma and telecommute to my part-time job in DC. I very much like stories of the girls, but I do really like the crafting part as well. I am fairly active over at SC these days so I often see your work there as well, but like that it is part of the blog too. I agree that I’m less likely to comment on those posts, but do still enjoy them as well as hearing about your parenting escapades. I like your thoughts on mothering girls in particular even though it looks like we’ll be a boy dominant house, as I think raising the next generation of women is an intricate and special thing. I do like the making a house a home and gooey relationship bits as well. Ok, so apparently I like everything!
Hi Steph,
I read your blog almost everyday. I don’t comment often.
Love your stories cuz you are real no sugar coating.
Found your blog via Studio Calico. Also find your LO inspiring. So please keep on doing what you are going and I will keep on coming back, everyday…almost.
I am single, love to scrapbook and make card and started project life this year. I live in Mississauga Canada.
No kids yet.
I actually read your blog every day, but due to lack of time I just can’t comment on everything – I wish I could! It’s absolutely no reflection on you or what you write 🙂 And I am a scrapbooker who loves your work – that’s why I began reading your blog and I love seeing all your layouts. I would be sad if you stopped sharing them!! I enjoy your blog as it is – a mixture of life and I hope you don’t make any drastic changes!!
WOW Steph, you asked for comments, and ye shall receive!!!
I’ve read for years, came aboard because you reminded me of how I felt when I was a young mom. I am a crafter, scrapbooker and sewer, and love LOVE love, to go to antique stores and flea markets to find vintage things.
I started reading when Sadie was a baby, and found your blog via a search for scrapbooking, when I was just getting started scrapping. I only comment every so often, because everyone else says it better than me…but I’ve read your blog almost daily, and kinda feel like you are my friend. Wierd huh? My own blog has gone stagnant, because of time constraints on my life, but I still keep up with my favorite blogs. and I still craft away – it’s SO very detrimental to WHO I AM!!!
When I started reading, I had one grandchild and by the end of this year I will have 9! lots of scrapping!
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years and commented a couple of times. I’m a laid-off scrapper 😉 Haven’t picked it up since my #3 was born almost 3 years ago :(. I love all that’s included in your blog: scrapping, crafting, mommy stories, and your wonderful personality that seems to shine through. Thanks for the motivation to pick scrapping back up in the near future!
Hi Stephanie!
I’m 24, pregnant with my first baby and married to my (super hot 😉 ) best friend! We live in Canada with our Golden Retriever. I’ve read your blog since Harper was a baby. I love it all! Originally I started reading for the scrapbooking inspiration- but now I feel like I’m “growing up” with your family! Your posts about motherhood inspire me, I got inspiration for my bridesmaid dresses from a ‘ashion post you did…. Keep it up! You are a great interruption in my day 🙂
Hi Stephanie! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, but rarely ever comment. I guess because I’m just bad at taking the time to comment. I’m a paper crafter, so what drew me in first of all was your scrapbooking. However, I love your mommy posts and the way you talk about your family. i’m a mommy too, so I guess I feel like I can relate to you a lot. So, it boils down to this: I love whatever you share here. I love your crafty posts and I love your mommy/family posts. I love your random posts about anything that’s on your mind. I’m a blogger too and I understand wanting to know where your blog readers are coming from. some people say you should keep the personal out of it. Others say you should let your readers get to know you. I agree with the latter. I like getting to know the person behind the blog. I really hope I get the chance to meet you someday. i think I;d like you in person as much as i like you here on your blog. Hugs!
I started reading because it was a scrapbook blog. Now I read for entertainment, inspiration and the pretty pictures. I’m a SAHM with three kids and a husband with a seasonally-awful job (tax accountant – Bye bye, honey! See you in May! Sorta.) I look at you and think, if she can do it with a deployed husband, I can do it with one I see 30 minutes a day. I like that your blog is about your life, just as our scrapbooks are about our lives. It all blends together – we parent, we create, we lose our minds, we love our kids, we try to capture every moment. And you do it very, very well.
Wife of 5 years.
Mother to a 2.5 year old.
Loves family time.
Not sure what i would do without my parents.
Internet surfer.
I LOVE your crafty posts, especially the LO’s. Please don’t change that!!!
holy tons of comments batman!
i read, but i dont think i have ever commented. i have probably been following you for about 4 years. I am a single female. i craft, but am in kind of a crafting funk right now. i dont comment… because i read all my blogs in google reader and is a pia to comment.
i follow because you are the sweetest, kindest most loving person on the internets. you are so.. ALIVE. its refreshing.
Hi Stephanie!
I’ve been reading for awhile now, but rarely comment. I have two girls that when I read your stories about Harper and Sadie- it reminds me of my girls(7 and 3) to a T! I am inspired by your beautiful crafting and your sweet open heart. I think if we were neighbors, we’d be friends:)
I am a regular reader, but have only commented once when you were wondering how many people followed your blog. I found you through scrapbooking about three years ago and have followed since then because I like your layouts, but also because you are so honest about life. I’m a grandmother living in Michigan and your twins are just a couple months older than my youngest granddaughter. I pay particular attention to Cate and Lucy’s milestones because I know that my GD will soon be experiencing the same things. You have a darling family and I wish you all the best.
I’m not a scrapbooking mama (I really actually hate scrapbooking, to be honest); not even much of a crafty mama.
I read here because I love your bold and beautiful take on life. Because I am inspired by your love for your family. Because you write about dailiness with a kind of honesty that I find incredibly real, refreshing, and encouraging.
And I read here because- honestly… who can get enough of Sadie? 😉
I AM A MOM, A FOSTER MOM, AND ADOPTIVE MOM. I have been reading your blog for years!!
I like that
the way you write and the
way you lay it out.
Easy to
and keeps me reading.
You share your true feelings, and i can relate to them. I am a paper crafter. Mostly people today like reality, that is why reality tv is so popular. So this is another look into someone elses life.
I look at your blog almost daily.
I get bummed if i look and there is not
a new post.
Yours is the first i am drawn to for some reason?? I ask myself that same question, why it is yours i go to??
I do not feel threatened, i feel relaxed after looking at your bog.
Some blogs can pull out a jealous feel, i hate that and stop looking at those blogs.
Yours is down to earth.
Although i am not always sure you have commented back to my questions — but i could be mistaken. But i understand because you are a busy lady. 😉
I never post on giveaways, because I have never one one yet and that just bugs me, (not just yours but others too) so i choose to move on on those post. I guess i like to be a winner! lol hehehe
I wish i could meet you in person. It is odd but you feel like a friend and you don’t even know me. weird. May be that is why i stick around.
I stopped blogging because i would see tons of hits and only one or two or NO comments. Hurt my feelings. lol. I want to start blogging again but think i cannot do it for some reason. ??
I love seeing your
things you have to say
and adore just you
thanks for all your hard work
Why do I read?
I love seeing that someone with such beautiful style and taste is a real person. Life’s not perfect and I appreciate that you, unlike so many bloggers, don’t maintain a facade that it is. Your stories make me laugh (Sadie. Oh my goodness), cry (every military post on this blog), and hope that my first child (coming this summer!) has as much personality and brings me as much joy as your girls bring you.
I like that you keep it real and share your triumphs and your challenges. And even though we don’t always comment, I still feel like your readers are part of your circle and you acknowledge that.
I’m a big fan of your layouts – and wasn’t surprised when I found a beautiful pinterest post that I couldn’t wait to share was one of yours – but I don’t comment frequently because I read from G-reader and don’t often click over. I’m not such a big fan of giveaway posts on ANY blog, I never enter them and kind of scroll past.
And while we do blog for ourselves – or write or whatever we do to express ourselves – creativity thrives on feedback and yes, even praise. Heaven knows I feel better when I post something I’ve spent time on and people let me know they read or enjoyed it.
So let me tell you again, I love your blog, Stephanie. Thanks for sharing your family and your life and your mind with us so freely, even when it’s hard. Even if we’re quiet, know that you have a vast network of people cheering you on and praying for you and (virtually) hugging you when life is hard.
Take care and have a beautiful Tuesday.
I love this mixture of life, stories, crafts, thoughts… everything! I think it is a nice balance. I am a 22 year old crafter and not a mom, but I greatly enjoy the posts about your kiddos as well as crafty things! I think if you blog what you feel is important, people will keep coming back for more:)
I love reading your blog each day. I started out reading because of scrapbooking but I love posts about your girls and your life. You are so kind and honest and I love that!
Hi Stephanie, I have never posted but I do read your blog during my morning “coffee and blog reading break”. I have a bunch of scrappy blogs that I read and found yours b/c we have a bunch of mutual friends in the industry. I enjoy both your crafty shares + stories and photos of your gorgeous girls. I also like your “pluck” as my grandma would say. I like that you’re not afraid to speak your mind :). I’m not afraid to speak mine either (which has probably prevented me from blogging myself) so I like that you are honest. Anyway, you asked for feedback, so there you go!
I’m a mom (which also makes me a woman). I live in Windsor, Ontario Canada and have been reading your blog for about 3-ish years now. I’m not sure which posts of yours I like the best…I haven’t scrapbooked in well over a year but I love seeing your layouts. You’ve been one of my top 5 fave scrapbookers for years. I am also doing project life so love seeing those spreads too. I like your personal posts cause so many times I think “Oh yes…been there” but have just never put it out there for the world to read! ha ha.
I’m a single gal, no kids, from the east coast of Canada. I originally found your blog through a friend a couple of years ago, and have been reading regularly ever since. As others have stated already, your honesty and humour in your posts is what keeps me coming back (and hey, I can live vicariously through you re: the kids, since I don’t have any of my own). I do love your layouts – I can spot them a mile away when flipping through magazines. 🙂 Please don’t stop sharing them with us!
Hi Stephanie, My name is Jaymie and I live in beautiful San Diego California. I read your blog almost daily and have been for about a year and a half now. I just love your style, scrapbook layouts, and humor. And your family is just SO DARN CUTE!!!! We were also both pregnant at the same time, you with your twins and me with my son. I keep coming back simply because I just enjoy reading your posts. You inspire me! 🙂
I am a wife, a Mom and a scrapbooker. My 3 children are older (19, 17 and 14) and I love being reminded of their younger years as I read about your family. I like every single post you write – no matter what the topic. Your writing style is honest and makes me laugh at times. I comment when I feel compelled to do so but sometimes stop myself because even though I would love to be your friend, I think “she doesn’t know me, it doesn’t matter what I think”. I admire so much how you handle your life as a military wife and mother and appreciate the sacrifices your family makes for all of us. I can’t thank your husband (and all the others) who do what they do enough. You should write your blog for you but I’m glad you share it with us!
Hi from Canada. I first found your blog a few years ago when I started to scrapbook, and you are my must read of the day and most favourite blog! I sometimes comment, sometimes I don’t, depending on how long nap time is. I am a SAHM and I have a little boy. I am a girlie girl, so I love hearing about your life in pink, bc my life is all about trucks, trains and cars. I think you are an extremely talented scrapper and I love everything about your style, but I have to admit it is the other aspects of your blog that speak to me on so many levels. I love your sense of style, and home decor(I collect milk glass too), I love how real and honest you are, I love how you put down so many things that all of us wives, mothers, women feel, and how we all face certain challenges, but in the end we are all so lucky to be living this beautiful life with our families. Although I do not have a husband who is in the military, I love hearing about your army wife life. My best friend’s husband is in the Canadian military and I love that your stories give me a different perspective, I feel like I can relate to some of the challenges that she faces when her husband is away when I hear about what you go thru. I often send her over to read your posts to let her know that she is not alone, and that she can do it. Your peek into military life has made me more grateful and appreciative to all of the service men and families that face time apart out there, all so many families can be safe and enjoy freedom in their own countries. I love your stories about family life, kid activities, your party planning ideas…everything really. I would not change a thing about how you post. I think you are an amazing person, mother and wife. It sounds so corny but I feel like I know you, after following your blog all these years. It is a nice feeling as all of my best girlfriends are scattered through out Canada. Thanks for years of inspiration, heart warming & funny stories and all of the love that you send out to your readers. My one wish is that you would publish a book on scrapping or have your own craft line. I am sure a lot of your followers feel the same way.All the best to you and your family
Hi Stephanie. I check your blog every day and I’m always a little disappointed if you don’t post! I believe I found your blog because of scrapbooking. I love your style and aspire to document my family stories some day as beautifully and heartfelt as you do. I love your sense of humor too.
For the record, I’m a 45 yo wife, mother of 2 beautiful adopted daughters and physician(formerly active duty Navy).
I am a lurker coming out of hiding. I am also a blog addict, so I am usually quickly reading my favorites on my lunch break…which leads to no commenting…
I am a crafter, who particularly enjoys scrapping and sewing. I think that is how I was first led to your blog. Then, I just hung around for the honest, witty writing and cute pics of your kiddos :). I seriously love the electic mix of your posts. I never know what I might find…and that is part of the fun :).
I read because I’m a military spouse. I read because I’m a mom of twins. I read because your girls are so damn hilarious. I read because I love how you write about your life and how you are a proud, strong, independent, honest military spouse. We’ve got things in common.
Hi Stephanie
I’ve commented before, but not often. I do enjoy your blog. I should comment more 🙂
I’m a SAH/Homeschooling mom of 2 in California. I originally came to your blog because of scrapbooking. However, I continue to read and enjoy your blog because I feel like you are kind and and true and honest. I love the stories of you and your family and tribe of girls. Scrabooking and crafts now have just become a bonus when I come here.
I came across your blog via SC as I am a scrapper! I’m a real lurker but always read your posts 🙂
I am a 26 year old, soon to be married teacher from Scotland! I love reading your posts, on anything, but I do love the scrappy posts the most!
It’s so refreshing to read your blog – so truthful, honest and from the heart! I hope when I am married and have kids that I can have the same attitude as yourself!
I am a married, 33 yr old scrapbooker & crafter. I have no kids yet and LOVE to hear/read/see pictures/videos of yours. I love your family stories the most. I love the way your blog is now. Lots of fun family posts with some scrapbook pages in there too. Your blog is at the top of my reader list every day and I read it first. I love how honest you write. Thank you so much for sharing your world with us! 🙂
I am a single woman who mostly scraps with Project Life now, but is very interested in mini books since I finished my first one this past fall. I read because you are real. You seem like someone I could truly be friends with. And, seriously, your girls are hilarious, especially that Sadie. I have a soft spot in my heart for those kids who are just a little “off”. (By “off” I mean they are really good kids, but just see things a little differently than most.)
I am 35, have read your blog for a few years and rarely comment. I originally started reading for scrapbook related posts, but now I enjoy reading everything. I have 4 girls too, but in a different phase than you…mine are ages 7-16.
Love the blog, it’s on my favourites for a reason.
We have little in common except a love for family and creative stuff. My kids are almost grown, i’m at the other end of your journey but so appreciate your stage, maybe i re-live a little of that part i miss so much that passed in a blink. i’ve got one in college, one on the way and another coming up quick…love this stage too, but it’s so different.Keep up the good work, you had me and my 20 year old laughing on the floor with ‘somewhere over the rainbow’ last week. Really miss those times here, love sharing yours.
I tried to post earlier this morning but I don’t think it went through… so I apologize if you have to read me twice LOL
I found your blog right when the twins were born. I was googling scrapbook layouts and found your site. I have read everyday since! I am a wife and mother to two girls (ages 4 and 2) and my oldest is a lot like your Sadie. I have found that since reading your blog my journaling on my layouts has become MORE more meaningful. I used to just jot down the quick facts and I was scrapping big milestones only. Now I’m IN LOVE with scrapping the little things in life and my journaling as much more heart and soul put into it.
I have also found that I am a more patient wife since I’ve started reading your blog. My husband travels A LOT for work. After seeing how you handle long deployments with such GRACE (and you have double the kids as me!) I have been much more understanding and supportive of my husbands traveling. I assure you he appreciates that as well 🙂 So carry on being you!
I started reading your blog when Harper was a baby. I worked for Tricia at Cocoa Daisy while I was in college. I love seeing your layouts and all the crafty things you do, but if I’m honest, what hooked me to your blog and keeps me reading are your family posts. I love keeping up with your kiddos. Now that I’m a mom and married to a retired Marine, I think I have an even greater appreciation for those posts! –And I’m still praying for twins! 🙂 I love to scrapbook, but lately feel like I’m not sure that I’m truly all that great at it. I’m trying to find more time for it, but sometimes it gets pushed aside when life gets in the way.
I found your blog through another military spouse blog- my husband is also in the military. I myself have no children and do not scrapbook, but I love your blog because of the beauty of your photographs, your philosophy on life and the charm of your scrapbooking. I rarely comment because I’m shy like that. 🙂
I can only aspire to write as well as you. And yes, I’m here every day even when I don’t comment. I’m a quieter person. And on some days everything I think comes out negative. I don’t do much commenting on those days. Menopause any day now, have two teen boys to keep track of, love scrapping and just playing with paper. Hoping to find a job next year. Hope you can keep doing what you are doing..but kids come first as does your health.
Hi, I have been reading your blog for the past year now. I am a mom of 4: (8yrs old, 6yrs old, and 10 months old twins). I love reading your postings because you are so honest and I can so relate to your stories. One of my friends had introduced me to your blog and ever since I have been reading it daily. I don’t make scrapbook nor am I crafty but I am a teacher.
Hello! I’m from Berks County, Pennsylvania. I’m a mother to two beautiful girls, Mikayla and Alexis AND stepmother to two older girls, Samantha and Casey. Four girls ranging from 14 to 5. I’m married to my laughing partner, Joe. I’m an avid scrapbooker, paper crafter, and love to photograph everything! I enjoy your blog because I am inspired by your creative layouts, photos, and home interior designs. I like how “real” your posts are…I’ve cried, I’ve sat here and nodded my head while I read, and I’ve cracked up laughing. Thanks for sharing {and I’m so glad you didn’t close your blog to the public.} I sercetly felt like a celebrity when you posted a comment on my blog! While I was at a recent crop event, I was bragging that you left a comment and they thought I was crazy! lol Well, I think you are a celebrity and my hubby knows who I’m talking about when I mention you.
Stephanie, I have no idea how long I’ve been reading but I typically comment when I’m actually at the computer (reading during lunch) and can type easily 🙂 I also think a lot about comments and blogs and am really trying this year to be more intentional about where I comment exactly for the reasons you listed, especially the community aspect.
I’m a 34, soon to be 35, year old mama of two boys, soon to be 3, and live in Dallas. I’m pretty sure I found you through Studio Calico and simply love your work. Which is funny because its not like my style at all. But, I sincerely believe sometimes we are inspired most by styles unlike our own. I love your crafty posts and while I don’t always comment I tend to pin layouts more to pinterest so they are definitely making an impact 🙂
I know that now matter what you choose to post I will come to read. I simply enjoy the pieces of your life that you choose to share and I walk away happy. Even though our lives are very different I connect with you as a Texas girl, a mama, a wife and someone who is simply trying to cultivate a good life for their family. The details, the rest, is gravy.
Funny, I’ve thought about turning off comments on my blog because I really don’t like the dialogue that starts in my head when I see the stats on visits and the lack of comments. But then, I think of the comments that I would miss, the ones that put a smile on my face & I decide not to. Hope you find your happy place.
I also read, but don’t comment. I found your blog because I scrapbook but subscribed to it cause I really enjoy reading your posts. I always find myself inspired to live better, do better, search for the truth that is me. CAuse I really think that’s what you do so well. About me, well I’m 35, mother of 1 (well technically 2, but my first daughter was stillborn), married, I scrapbook, make cards, paint and love horseback riding. Oh, and I live in Denmark. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your blog. Even though I’ve raerly said it, it’s truly appreciated.
I think you are going to have a ton of reading to do. LOL I love your blog. I am a scapbooker and find your layouts to be SO inspiring. I sincerely hope you will not eliminate those posts. Personally, I don’t use the product links. I am more interested in the design style of the layout and your journaling. That being said, I also love the posts where you share your life/thoughts/feelings/family! I feel like I know your girls. They are so cute and your stories about them are always so entertaining and heartwarming. Whatever changes you make I will still read. But I hope you continue to include the layouts. I do comment from time to time, but most often choose not to because I am either just echoing what so many others have already said or my phone is too slow to make the effort of commenting worth it. (it’s seriously slow!) I hope you get lots of positive comments.
I read your blog everyday! I am 28 year old mom of 2 (4 years old and 5 months old) I love craftiness and want to scrapbook, but don’t make time for it at the moment. I love every aspect of your blog….crafts, your beautiful scrapbook pages and mostly your everyday/family/kids/thoughts stuff! I don’t think you should change a thing unless you want to…I’ll continue to read no matter what! 🙂
Here I am! Love crafting – don’t do it enough. Loving PL! Would LOVE to see more your PL layouts. Love seeing all your layouts – sorry I don’t comment on them more:( I’m a wife – your army wife posts break my heart, make it wanna burst, make me think about how thankful I am for my own husband and this wonderful country and all the sacrifices you all make – you are wonderful!!! I’m a mommy to 4 also – 10 yo boy, 9 yo girl, 7yo girl and 2yo boy. Love them to bits – wish I knew how to be more patient and fun loving with them instead feelint like all I do is try to teach them how to pick up after themselves and do chores. I think it’s important to work with your kids – this is something they need to be taught. They learn how to play on their own. But dang nabbit I want to play more;)I love every single one of your posts so don’t change a thing;) Well unless you have time to post more PL:) Love your little family and all the inspiration you bring me Stephanie.
hi….i’ve read for years and just love the way you are able to put into words what you feel and think about everything. love reading about your girls (the bigs especially are so much like my 2 that are now 9 and 11) I’m a scrapper as well and love seeing your scrappy work. I guess I don’t comment as much because well, i’m a stanger, but I pretty much love everything, don’t stop the crafting posts, k? 😉
Hi Stephanie. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, but rarely comment. I’m a scrapbooker, but I haven’t touched any of my supplies since my baby was born in September. I read because, and you may find this weird, but I feel a connection to you. You pour out your heart in a way I am afraid to. I’m the awkward girl just trying to live my life. I am the oldest of four girls and I love reading about your life with four girls. Your honesty keeps me coming back. Thanks for your amazing blog.
Hi! I started reading your blog, because I liked some of your scrapbooking pages. I think the stories about your daughters are cute. Y’all seem like a great close family. I’m 23. Live in Texas. Am a mommy to two girls (5 & 7 months). I love scrapbooking and its one of the things my oldest daughter and I do together from time to time.
Hi Stephanie! I read for lots of reasons, but I originally came here for crafty posts when you guested at Scrappin Patch in New Zealand. I fell in love with your family (not in a creepy way lol) and your writing style. I love how open and honest you are. I think crafty posts are my favourite but are very closely followed by everything else 🙂
i promise i answer every question i get. 🙂 i reply directly to the comment and it shows up in the comment section attached to the question you asked. the problem is, the answers dont always get emailed to YOU (you as in the commenter who asks the question) for some reason, so they get missed if you dont check back. im copying your direct email address into the field on this one to make sure you get it. sorry if you feel that i ever ignored a question! thanks so much for your comment. xoxo
it does. thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment. and im sorry if ive ever made you feel that your comments are worthless. i am here. reading and savoring every single one. and if i could write back to every comment i get today, i would…but i dont even know where to begin. thanks for your honesty. 🙂 stephanie
yes…i havent quite figured out how to get all four to a flea market…HA! thank you so much for stopping by!
I’m defiantely a lurker… love the cute, honest stories of the kids and I love the scrapbook layouts. Thanks for being a part of my day :
I have been reading your blog for years and love it. I am nineteen years old and live in England. I am a scrapbooker but also a lover of God, a photographer and general crafter. I figure we have a bit in common then! I stumbled across your blog through scrapbooking but have since followed for all sorts of reasons not least because I really appreciate your honesty and openess. Thank you for posting, you make me laugh and give me so much inspiration! Abi x
Steph, I read your blog when ever you post. I try to comment often, but not every time. I love your honesty, your stories. I love the scrapbook LO’s, and posts about the girls. I have 3 boys, all over 15. No tiaras, tutus, or butterflies in my world. Football, ranch life, mud & trees make up my world.
I also love when you post your vintage finds, another love of mine. I love milk glass too, and have quite a collection my self.
Mostly, even when your posts are about sad subjects, missing J when he is away, or watching your littles grow up so fast, you write so honestly and from the heart, it inspires me! Thank you for your blog!
I check your blog almost every day to see if you have a new layout posted, so don’t stop! I also love your army posts (my brother-in-law died a couple years ago while serving overseas, so I feel a little bit connected when I read your army posts)and I love the posts about your girls because they are so similar to mine!
Well my name is Leah, I’m a wife and a mother of 2 children, My daughter is 6 and my son is 4. We live in Wisconsin. I fell upon your blog because I’m a scrapper. I started reading when you were pregnant with the twins. I loved your honesty and your humor. I was very inspired my your strength through your husbands deployment, and moving, I just seemed to fall in love with your family. I’m pretty sure if I ran into at the grocery store you would think I was some crazy lady as I came and said hello to you and your girls forgetting that I know you but you don’t know me. I feel like we are friends. You are very real and I love that about you. I’m inspired to be a better crafter but a better wife and mother also. I love everything about your blog. I love the crafting side and I think I would be sad to see that totally disappear from your blog.
oh sandi- im so very sorry for your loss.
Sent from my iPad
dont change anything!! seriously…i LOVE that you mix it up! i love that i can laugh at the kids, get all teary at J stories, and admire your scrap pages!! i like getting the “behind the scenes” scoop on your pages…dont take that away!! Dont change! oh and i LOVE your new look….i clicked over from reader to comment and was impressed with the fancy new style 🙂
I am a wife, a mom, and a crafter. I would have to honestly say that I love more than anything your ability to relate to your blog readers through your writing and posts. If I am struggling in my parenting or life issues, it seems you have blogged about it between my visits. I thoroughly enjoy your crafty posts and you ARE the one who convinced me I needed that brown box from Studio Calico every month. You are a breath of fresh, honest, creative, humorous, lovely air almost everyday and I think you for it. Please, if your time (not sure how you have any time) permits, would love to see the crafty posts continue.
Hi, I have been reading your blog for a while now. I have a look every couple of days (maybe more when the babies were small) I love all the stories and photos of the girls and also all your crafty projects. Some day I will figure out how you get so much time to blog, create and be a great mum to your four fab girls. Keep blogging, Fiona.
As I post this, you have 249 comments so far. You will be busy tonight!! Your Blog is my go to Blog — I come here first when I only have a bit of time. I love seeing what you and your family are up to but first came because of scrapbooking. Found you thru Studio Calico, love all you do scrapwise. I’ve followed you for a couple years now and appreciate your truthfulness, humor and the amazing mom and wife you are. I have commented now and then, especially when you (or your girls) are being attacked by “snarky” comments. Thanks for your Blog — Diana
i’m a mom, a sort of paper crafter (wish i had time for something other than greeting cards and gift tags), and a blog reader. i like yours! it seems genuine and it is entertaining. thanks! (and you have a great first name, haha)
gosh, girl that was a lot of comments to scroll through!
I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I really like the mix of topics. (I think my blog is very much the same) I don’t often comment on any blogs because I read them all in Google Reader. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Hi Stephanie,
I like it all! I’m a papercrafter/photographer/homeschooler of 2 girls/and was an AF wife for 10 years. I love seeing your scrapbook layouts, pictures of your cute girls, stories of motherhood and military life. I passed your blog on to a friend who is an army wife in your same town and she loved it. She also has 4 kids 5 and under! Thanks for sharing your life and talent with us! It always brightens my day!
I’m 29. I have a 9-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. I live in Connecticut, and I’m a freelance court reporter. I have buckets and buckets full of scrapbooking supplies…but I hardly ever put it to use. I don’t remember how I first came across your blog, but it was several years ago. I’ve been a loyal reader for years. I read and enjoy ALL your posts. I talk about you like you’re my friend in real life…which is so bizarre and makes me feel like a stalker! Ha! (I promise I’m not crazy.) 🙂
Hello… I am a French business controller, found of scrapbooking, I really appreciate your blog, your posts, seeing your daughters growing up..; even if I do not post anything most of the times, I have been reading your blog since 2 years, every week at least. I like your kindness, your weaknesses (I guess we have the same), whatever you do to love in acts your children and your husband.
You’re so nice, it’s a pleasure to read your blog!
I am a Mom and a paper crafter, therefore…I read your blog for inspiration and motivation {in both Mommy world and crafty world}. You are real and I love that about you. You absolutely amaze me and humor me with your life…and how you take it…day by day…moment by moment…and how you savor it {the good and the bad}.
Do not change a thing…be YOU!!!
I’ve been reading for quite a while and I read because your blog is a combination of it all. Mom, wife, crafty girl….I found your blog because of the crafty thing, but I enjoy reading the other parts too!
don’t stop your scrap posts. i love looking @ your creations!!!! I am a mom, wife, grandmom and i just love reading your blog and looking at your cute babies. oh and i do scrap. not as much as i would like to…somedays i don’t feel so creative and i don’t have all the up to date supplies. expensive. i do not have a blog, though i would really like to start one. scared. your blog is always the one i start with!!!
Hi, I am a looong time reader from New Zealand. I started reading when I was scrapbooking. I keep coming back because you are funny and REAL and seem like such a nice person. your girls are lovely to see grow. I likie seeing your pages even if i dont scrap anymore.
Hi Stephanie,
I’m a 25 year old from Australia who reads your blog religiously. I love reading about the kids, who i think are adorable, about the area you live in and seeing your scrapbook projects, which inspire me beyond belief.
I do read every post but am one of those who is often not commenting….i will try and comment more often!!
Thanks for such an inspiring, honest and beautiful blog.
Ok you asked for it:-) I’m a mom who is way older than you (I could be your mom). I have 4 sons that are 31, 28, 25 and 19 and 2 daughter in laws and a granddaughter 10 months and a grandson 2 months. I’ve been married to my husband for 33 years. I work part time now although I was a stay at home mom for 20 years and even though I felt trapped and isolated at times, I’m so happy I was able to stay at home with them even though it was tough financially. My family has been going through a rough time since my husband lost his job 3 years ago and we have now lost our dream home that we have lived in for 18 years and will be moving in March. TMI?
I love, love, love your blog! I have read it for years and it is the first blog I check every day. I love hearing about all of the adventures of your family. You crack me up and so do your girls. I have been scrapbooking since the early 90’s and I don’t know what I would do without that creative outlet. I love seeing your layots and I scraplift your pages all the time. You are my all time favorite scrapbooker. My bff and I talk about you and your layots as if we were your friends. We will say things like “can you believe what Sadie did?” and “This page is a total copy of Stephanie’s”. I also love hearing about life in the military because I was also a military wife while my husband was in the Air Force for the first 4 years of our marriage.
Thanks so much for sharing your life with us.
HI Stephanie! I am a 39 year old mom of 3 teenagers and a full time electrical engineer. I LOVE your blog. I love how honest you are-about being a mom and a wife. Being a mom with children who are so close in age is not easy (and I can’t even begin to imagine being an Army wife). And you remind me a lot of me when I was younger. I am also a scrapbooker/crafter/artist. And I love your scrapbook pages! Your pages are always inspiring! Thank you for blogging and sharing your story with us.
Hi Stephanie, I am a married mother of one son who has four children who all live with us. I love scrapbooking and photography. I started reading your blog I think after you did Paperclipping Roundtable. I love it all. I love your posts about your family, (your daughters are so adorable and are a hoot), your crafting, and your military life. You are a wonderful writer. A “real” life writer. That is what attacts me. I wouldn’t change a thing about your blog. I don’t comment, (I may have one or two times), because I honestly didn’t think you would have time to read your comments. You do great work! When I stop by, I will leave a comment from now on. You know….they say be careful what you wish for! LOL! Bless you and your little family. 🙂
Hi Stephanie,
I found your blog when I was looking for some new scrapbooking ideas. I actually don´t remeber when this was but is has to be before your pregnancy with the twins. I am a mom and a crafter. I love your blog. I love your crafty work but I also love your storys about your life and the kids. Your girls are so cute and so funny. I think your humor is great and I love that you are not perfect and that you don´t pretend to be perfect. I just know you from your blog ( and I am sure you don´t know me as I follow your blog from Germany every day and sometimes I also leave a comment) but I think you are a great, honest person!
I first came across your blog when I subscribed to SC. I later reached out to you when I lifted one of your layouts from CK and you encouraged me to submit my version to CK and Me. I became a follower at that moment. You were a somebody in the scrapbooking world yet you took the time to respond to an email from a fellow scrapper whom you had never met.
I am a working mom of 3…an avid scrapbooker, reader and photographer. I enjoy reading your daily, down to earth, antics. Your life represents my “what if” had I chosen a different path in my life. And your scrapbooking talent is a source of tremendous inspiration!
Former Two Peas addict who “knew” you way back when. I started scrapping before babes and scrap a whole lot less now. have followed for years. Love to share your mama woes and joys. Love to see your pretty babies grow and you gush about your hubby. Mama, wife, friend, crafter, baker, sahm, photographer and more. Keep on posting and write what MOVES you. People will read.
I return to your blog (for about 6 months now) daily because I like your upbeat but frank and honest commentary. I like how you try to make the best of hard situations, and I love your little girls (‘specially those babies!) I’m a twin also (to a boy) and I think I’ll always have a soft spot for twins.
I also love your pages. They are so unique, colourful, and they have something worth saying on each page. Plus…great pictures of your 4 little chicks! I don’t comment hardly ever, but I appreciate reading the comments of others. Often somebody else has expressed my thoughts so it seems redundant to say the same things over.
I’m in my mid fifties and I’m from Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I sure do enjoy it! Thanks for sharing your life Stephanie. Oh yeah, I think your Jimmy is the dearest thing. I love that you communicate him to us is such an honorable yet honest way. I’m very partial to my husband and I love that you’re very partial to yours too!
i read because you write the way i would if i ever did it. honest and vulnerable and funny. i like the mix. i’m crafy so i appreciate that stuff, but i dig the little bits and pieces of someone’s life just as much. i don’t comment often because i read through google and i scan through the bajillion things i have saved on there so it’s a bad habit to read and go. i do try to say something when it strikes me. i always appreciate that you put it out there. hugs!
I am a regular reader from the UK & have commented a few times, but tend just to read & enjoy :0 I am a mum of two (Jack, who will be 4 in April, & Abigail, who turned 1 in November) – Jack was born very close to Sadie, & Abigail very close to your littlies (I think I emailed you when I was pregnant with her, not sure so will blame baby brain if I meant to & then never did!). I love to make things, especially scrapbooking, although since my youngest have done a lot less than I would like. I love to take pictures of my kids doing pretty much anything, & I LOVE to see the pictures you take of your girls – sometimes I call my partner over so he can see them too if something is particularly cute!! I love your scrapbook style – am I allowed to say you have a ‘style’ in the minefield that sometimes is scrapbooking these days (!-shame) & sometimes steal ideas from you :0 And I love love love your seasonal decorating (christmas, birthday parties etc) – they give me a lot of inspiration when I do my own.
Your blog is honest, funny, heart-warming, creative & (most of all) real – I feel like I know you from your posts & if we lived in the same town (& country)we would likely be car-pooling & having regular crops!!! Plus, the way you cope so amazingly well with Jimmy being away so much just slays me – I don’t know how you do it & I admire you so much.
Hey 🙂 I’m Stacey, 20 year old student from the UK, no babies but my sister’s pregnant 🙂
I originally found your blog a longggggg while back when I needed some scrapbooking inspiration but stayed because I love the things you talk about. I love how honest you are, how much honest love and passion comes across in your writing and I know it sounds sad but I think you’ll know what I mean – when you check someones blog as often as you do (usually daily if not more), you kinda think of them as your friends or something. Not quite friends because we haven’t met/spoken but I’d be really sad if you decided that you needed a break from blogging.
What makes me tick.. hmm.. I’m not sure. I love reading about people and their days and their family and their style and their thoughts and their insecurities. I think being open in a blog makes you come across really honest and true to yourself, for me, I click with that and the person you are, others might not like it but then they don’t have to stick around do they?
I, like most others, have a blog list on my page that I check daily, and I’m always super happy when I can see you’ve posted something new, and I save it til last, because yours leaves the biggest smile on my face. I try and show people to share the love but then just look at me like, why are you showing me this?! So I guess it’s just me. I decided I wanted to tell you that today, odd that you write a post like this when I already thought about it!
Can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store for us, but please don’t lose your old stuff, or your layouts, because I really just love it all 🙂
Stacey xx
I personally love the craft posts:) The thing I love best about your blog though is that it cracks me up! I love the funny stories of your girls, and I love the emotional posts about J as well.
oops, sorry it’s so long! xx
I am one of your lurkers, been reading for years but never comment. I’m a mom, crafter, can’t really say i’m scrapbooker since i rarely do anything but shuffle my supplies from one side of the room to the other. But i love your style…it seems so effortless yet heartfelt-and the layering! Love your layering. I appreciate your honesty and openess with your life-tribulations and all.
Wow that was a great way to get everyone to comment, love it! I am a mum to three gorgeous girls who is quite new to scrapbooking but am completing my second year of project life which I love so much! I try and check your blog nearly everyday and love the variety that your post. I also love that your blog is ‘real’ and ‘you don’t pretend to be perfect’, as you can tell I LOVE YOUR BLOG and would say just keep doing what your doing! Oh and I live in New Zealand!
Well, I started reading your blog because I am a scrapper and I love your work. So I like those posts because who doesn’t like pretty? But I keep coming back because I really like what you say. I love the posts with stories of the girls because I’m sitting at my desk, nodding along, totally relating. You make me laugh and you make me think and you make me appreciate things more.
I am a mom to a daughter and twin boys, a full-time pharmacist, and married to a wonderful man who enables my scrapbooking obsession. I check out your blog daily because I love the scrapbook inspiration and all of the lovely stories you tell about your family. I love the honesty and it makes me remember when mine were little. I only worked part-time then and my husband was gone a lot too. My boys will be off to college in a short 2 years. It goes by in a flash! I enjoy your layouts and the product inspiration. I joined Studio Calico thanks to you. We also live in Savannah (10 years now) and have enjoyed your reviews of some of Savannah’s best. We went to the “Green Truck” based on your review and loved it! I will continue to read whatever you post because I enjoy all of it. Thank you.
I found your Blog after reading one of your posts over at 2 Peas. I love everything about your Blog. My kids are grown and away at college and I really enjoy reading about your life with your family. I also scrapbook and I like your style. Thanks for sharing your life.
your funny, your real, your post are always interesting, your children are adorable, you have a way with words. which i don’t. so i am always amazed when someone can write creatively.AND… i LOVE! did i say LOVE! looking at your scrapbook pages. please don’t quit posting them. you are so talented.
i’m a scrapbooker, a wife, a new mom, a homemaker, a Christian… i love the real-ness of your blog. i love your scrapbook pages and i am in awe that you manage to scrapbook while still being a fantastic mom to your beautiful girls. please don’t change a thing about your blog! 🙂
i love reading your blog for many reasons. i first found your blog right before s was born and i fell in love with your scrapbooking style. i was very new to scrapbooking and i loved your inspiration. i have stayed for many reasons, scrapbooking, your kids and the storeis (i have a 7 year old little girl who has jimmy’s birthday)and i love your and jimmy’s love story. i share the same beliefs about God and country as you. i swear we could be sisters…
i don’t know any one in real life who is still in the military. so maybe i see your family as my link to a personal connection to the people/families in the military and it is my reminder to pray for and think about them…
and yes, i love the crafts and the scrapbooking pages!
When I first stumbled across your blog you had just found out you were having twins. I thought to myself, “Stuff that! I hope it never happens to me!” (too much hard work, haha). And guess what? Now I’m 33 weeks with twins (a boy and a girl) and have two older boys, aged 4 and 2. HA! I read your blog because the way you handle your crazy busy life inspires me to treat my children with the same grace and humour you show throughout your posts. I also like your scrapbooking. 🙂
I came to your blog via Studio Calico more than 3.5 years ago (I think it was right around the time when J left for his very long deployment), mainly for the layouts and inspiration. I comment every now and then but not regularly to be honest – partly because I am generally a very quiet person and also because I read your blog in a feed reader and often the laziness gets the better of me so that I don’t click to open another window…
While I started coming to your blog because of scrapbooking, I also started reading the “everyday” posts and loved them. Would I still read your blog if you decided no longer to write about scrapbooking? Probably. Would I be sad to see the craftiness go completely? Yes, though I would understand it if you took this decision.
I am single, in my early 30ies and working in an office full time and love getting glimpses into your life which is so different from mine. The stories about your chickies, the photos of everyday moments and honest thoughts about your struggles, trials and triumphs make me come back again and again.
Hi Stephanie, I live in New Zealand, I am a proud happily married Mum of two girls (11 and almost 17)and I scrapbook. I love reading your blog because quite frankly you crack me up, you are so darn funny and I love how you are so honest. Being a mother is one the hardest things in the world to do in my opinion – somedays I struggle with two and you have four!! You are inspiring! Every single day I log on and check out what you have been up to and how your beautiful girls are doing. The photos of your girls with J literally bring tears to my eyes! As Deanna above stated “You remind me to appreciate all the good in the world”. Thank you
Sent from my iPad
Holy macaroni….that was a lot of scrolling down to here…LoL….I usually check your blog daily, and majority of the time I comment….I’m a full time mother to two handsome boys (hee!) and work part-time as an Early Childhood Educator….I can have up to 45 kids in one morning…with the parent/adult of course…(90 people!!), (it’s a free program for families to PLAY with their children in the setting that I provide and set up.) Anyways, I love your blog, you’re probably sick of hearing that but it’s so true. Your honesty and appreciation for your family is so inspiring. I think you’re fabulous to take the time out of your day to blog and share…I hope to set one up one day soon;) And of course, I love your layouts and all the crafty things you do! Thank you!
So this is me: 28, from little Austria, NOT a mother, BUT a crafter/scrapbooker…LOVING everything about your blog! Don’t you change a thing!! I really do love your scrapbooking style and adore each and every layout you post, but your personal posts about life and your family make the blog SO MUCH MORE! Your blog is one of the first I read everyday, I’m excited for new posts, well, I guess I’m a fan 😉
Hi Stephanie, Stephanie here….i am a 40 something year old mom of 2. One three year old daughter who reminds me so much of your Sadie, and an angel in heaven who would have been 21 this year. Yes, I know your looking at that age difference and going YIKES! My husband and I have been married for 23 years and had always wanted more children we were fine with one, and always said if it happens it happens… wasn’t until after our son passed away 6 years ago that we found ourselves pregnant with child two, truly a gift from heaven.
I have been reading your blog for about three years, every now and again i post a comment but not often.
I come to your blog for inspiration, not just of the craft kind. You are a kind soul who wears her heart on her sleeve and your not afraid to show (express) it. I find that refreshing when so many out there in blog land portray everyday life like a bowl full of cherries. It’s not and you don’t ever pretend it is. I like that….no I LOVE that in your blog.
Your pictures amaze me, make me laugh and have even brought tears to my eyes. I know what it’s like to loose a child. You so casually capture all the moments like they might be your last and I love that….
Thank you for giving so freely of yourself and your family.
I love reading your blog! I love to scrapbook, but I also like the “real life” stuff you write about.
I’m a scrapbooker, first time mom-to-be (due with our daughter on June 15, 2012), and I read to be inspired by your beautiful family and how you balance it all. I LOVE your scrapbook posts and, more importantly, love how you capture the ordinary family moments. Keep up with the great work – I read everyday, even though I don’t comment (I’ll change that!). Thanks for sharing your life with us 🙂
hi steph 🙂 well, you know i love your blog. for all the reasons you mentioned and more. i love the mom posts…love your fun stories. love your decorating posts. as a fellow military spouse, i love your heartfelt posts about that part of your life. and i DO love your crafty posts. crafty-scrapbooking. crafty-kids projects. don’t stop sharing the crafty. 🙂 but the reason i come back to your blog every day is because of the honesty that comes through in your words…no matter what the subject matter!
I’m a mom. Of girls. And a scrapbooker. I come here because I can relate to what you write. You inspire me — not to recreate your layouts or to buy the products you promote. But to look deeper than just the “we went here” and “we did this” journaling to think about what I really want to say about the experiences I have with my kids. You are a great storyteller, Stephanie. That’s why I come here. For the stories that remind me to savor every little moment. And if they have photos, that’s nice, but not required.
I’m a crafter. I bet people don’t comment on the scrapbook posts because we’re all so dang inspired and have to run off and create something. I love reading your blog and check every day. I probably should comment more, I just see so many comments already and wonder what could I say that hasn’t already been said. BAM BOOM BANANA WONKA CHEESE STICK. there, I bet I said something no one else has said. 🙂 Keep blogging and we’ll keep reading.
Sent from my iPhone
I can’t really remember how I found your blog several years ago and I don’t comment often because of the myth that it’s not read. But I check it every few days – I enjoy everything about it – the scrappy goodness, the posts on what it’s really like as a mom – I have 3 young children and I can relate – I like it when you post some of your faith. As a Christian woman, I feel the way you do sometimes about God and faith. I would love to see more of your crafty genius but please don’t lose your authentic voice – as readers, we certainly don’t want every detail of your life and you don’t want to share it but it makes us feel more real to read of your highs and lows. Thank you for posting so regularly. God bless you.
I read for all of the reasons you listed – but I found your blog through scrapbooking – I think maybe Studio Calico? Anyway, I love ALL of your posts. Please don’t stop posting crafty stuff!!
I follow your blog because well I stumbled across your scrapbook pages thought they were adorable. I was looking for scrapbook inspiration because I had fallen away from it and would only make cards.
It was way back when Sadie was just a baby and I had just had my little one and I really really wanted to name her Sadie (I went with Maizie instead) but kept seeing it pop up.
Your blog made me absolutly fall in love with you (not in a crazy stalker sort of way) and your family. You have a gift of sharing your hopes, dreams, fears, you have made me cry tears of joy, heartbreak, and laughter. I love that you share when you are geeking out, when you are angry, when you are hopeful. You share the ups and downs of being a mom, a wife, a crafter, you let us in when you are feeling insecure. You don’t come across as mememememememe me me me me. Your stories of love between your Jimmy and your girls get me every. single. time.
I took a class once on blogging and she said you have to share a little personal and a little crafty to make readers want to come back…let me tell you. I think you have a great balance.
I don’t think I would call me a lurker but I am not a super regular commenter. I have commented here and there over the years and have not ever gotten a reply but I have not felt neglected or discouraged as I know you don’t have time to reply to every post but you have mentioned several times that you do read comments which is nice.
So that is who I am a scrapbooker, mom, wife, who hapens to love your life story.
I found you though scrapbooking but I have stayed because I love your perspective and your voice! 🙂 I also think your kids are adorable (my 6 yo daughter loves watching Harper’s ‘ashion videos) and I love seeing your home decor and scrapbooking. Also you are funny!! 🙂
I check your blog a couple days ever week, but don’t always comment. I am not great in the word area, my New Year’s resolution is to work on journaling.
Why do I follow your blog? Not really sure how I found your blog but it was the pictures of your girls sitting the blue bonnets. I have pictures of my girls playing in blue bonnets from when we were stationed at Hood. Those pictures of my daughters when they were little are my favorite photos. After that I had to keep following your family’s story.
About me, I am an Army wife of 18 years, mother of 4( 2 girls17&16, 2boys 13&10),scrapbooker, and volunteer of the year(at least that is what my husband thinks). We are currently stationed in Belgium, and have been in Europe since 2006.
dawn- i read every single word. thank you so much for your comment!
amy- thank you so much for your kind words today. xo
Please don’t stop doing scrappy posts. I love your layouts, and have many of them pinned for future reference. They are very inspirational! I love your other posts too, but I found you because of your scrapbooking work, and I’d hate it if that went away!!
I came across your blog about 1 1/2 years ago. I have read every post and yes I am one that does not usually comment. I am a mom of 3 boys- almost 6, 3 year old and a 2 week old!!! I love reading your thoughts/feelings as a mom. So many times I feel that people judge us as moms and we have to “behave” a certain way. I love how you love your family but yet they can drive you batty. (I have hidden in the closet when I needed a few minutes of silence 🙂 I do scrapbook and love checking out your work, but more than anything I read your blog as a fellow mom. Keep sharing!
Hi Stephanie .. I am from Canada, married for 37 years, one daughter all grown up, working girl, love to read and scrapbook. My life is a bit isolated, I don’t have any friends that “get” my hobby, and you’ve kind of become my friend, odd as that sounds I guess. You’re like reading a book, that I love, and guess what .. it never ends! How good is that! I love to read about your family and seeing the pictures beause I loved being a Mom and you bring it all back and I enjoy getting those memories refreshed. I also love hearing about your crafting and what supplies you like etc. Like I said, I live in a somewhat isolated area, and have to do most shopping on line, so helps to get tips etc. on what products you like.
I just hope you keep doing what you do, I love your honesty, your sense of humour. I guess I just feel that if I knew you personally, I would just love you to bits. I think you are a very talented young woman and a great Mom. Perfect with your UN-perfectness!
PS – you answered an email a fews ago about a camera, I thought you were so kind to take the time. I’ll always remember the kindness of a stranger 🙂
Hi Stephanie 🙂 I’m definitely one of those who reads but never comments and I’m always kicking myself for not commenting… I really have no good excuse for why I don’t comment so I won’t bore you by making one up! I love your style of writing and your perspective and I think that’s what keeps me coming back to read your new posts. I’m a paper crafter and that is how I found you initially (I think… I really can’t remember! But it was probably through another blog!). And now that I’ve written a novel… 🙂 I’ll do my best to comment more and be less of a lurker!
Hi! I’m a mother of three, lives in Norway. I have followed your blog since Harper was a baby. I scrapbooked back then, don’t so much anymore but loves both your layout posts and your family posts. Your children all are so beautiful and your way of writing is so funny. Must admit that I have a soft spot for Sadie, she is so hilarius!
All the best from Trine
I enjoy everything about your blog. It is my favorite and i check it three times a day to see if you added anything new (I’m at work and that’s my between projects “treat” aka breather aka motivator – plus, i do not have a spare second to myself when i am at home so that’s why i check then). I would not change a thing. Maybe we don’t comment on the scrappy posts because you give us lots of detail, all the products and explain it really well so there’s really nothing left to comment about.
In answer to your other questions – I live in Erie, PA; i’m a mom of 2 boys (8 & 3); i’m married; i work full-time and when i do have time i love to scrap; make cards; do fun stuff for my kids b-days and school holidays; i like home decor stuff; i like to collect vintage coffee grinders, old school desks, lanterns, etc.
First, wow over 300 comments!! You’ll be reading for a while. 🙂 I live in Northeast Ohio, am a mom to 2, girl 13 boy 10, 43 and married for 23 years! I scrapbook, am a bit crafty and like making candles. Don’t remember how I found your blog but have been reading for a long time. I love your scrap style because it is so different from mine, don’t know anyone who has a spouse in the military so that is so interesting and of course the twins and all the girls, it is just so fun to read about your life. Plus I love how you decorate and call yourself a dork all the time because I am one too! I love your blog just how it is, I guess I don’t comment much because I just don’t take the time.
You are so honest and I love it! I’m a 30 y/o mom of one from Florida and my s/o is in the military. Thank you so much for talking about that life-it really helps!
I love reading all the crafty/home decor/fashion/family life posts! 🙂
I have read your blog for, um, a long time? Since you were in Texas and used to go to the flea market a lot with Harper?
I am 36, a former scrapbooker (but I want to start again!), have 3 kids(one boy-12, 2 girls- 9 and 7), have been a military wife (my husband was in the navy, he got out in 2001), used to post a ton at 2Peas, was strangely excited when you moved to Ft Bening as that is where my parents met, live in Northern Alabama and am now a photographer.
I like the way you write. I like your layouts, and I love the funny pics of your girls– My youngest LOVED watching H’s “ashion” videos!
Hi Stephanie –
I’ve been reading for a while and never commented (yes, I’m one of those). I found your blog through something Studio Calico, even though I’m not a scrapbooker and don’t subscribe to the kit. I’m an on and off card maker. More off now that since we moved to our new house and I think my mojo was in the one box that got lost along the way.
I’m not a mother, but I love reading about your adventures with your kids. I’m a wife, but my husband isn’t in the military, and I admire you for your strength while he’s gone. I don’t know that I would be able to have the same.
I read because I think, if we met in real life, we’d be friends. Because I love how real and candid you are about the good and the bad. It’s refreshing to find someone who accepts what they are feeling and can be so honest about it all.
So that’s me, and that’s why I’m here.
Hello! I have read your blog forever (back when you were pregnant with Sadie)!! I started reading because I’m a scrapbooker. I love your posts with layouts (I’m waiting for an update on project life) but I love most of your posts. I’m married and 28. My husband and I are hoping to start having kids soon.
I’ve been reading your blog for years and found you through the craft/scrapbooking world. While the connection includes your love of Washington state and your wicked sense of humor, I would miss your pages as it’s inspiration for me to use all that SC stuff I have everywhere! I love the current focus on everyday life in the Howell household and your babies. Keep it all coming! Terri from Kirkland
hi stephanie! i am a stay at home mom with a 16 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. i live in a suburb of chicago. i started reading your blog a few years ago, i know i found you through scrapbooking but not quite sure how. i enjoy reading your blog because it is such a nice mix of life and crafting. i have been enjoying your posts about savannah. a couple of years ago we were on our first road trip to amelia island and we stopped in savannah to just look around. we asked somebody where to get a really good seafood lunch and were directed to crab shack. lunch was fab and we drove around tybee and fell in love. fast forward 1 year and our daughter asked if we could drive to tybee again (of course we said yes knowing that our then 15 year old would soon rather be doing anything else besides driving across the country with her family!) anyway, its fun to hear about places we have already been 🙂
i guess i don’t comment because most times it seems everything i want to say has already been said. also, i am not a very clever writer and usually can’t think of anything to write! i should probably follow your advice and write from the heart.
please keep doing what you do, i really enjoy you and your family!
I am a 57 yr old wife, mother of 4, mother in law to 3, grandmother to 3,daughter to an elderly mom, aunt to many,friend,a nanny to twins and believer in Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour! Oh… and a scrapbooker, of course! I found your blog through scrapbooking before the twins were born and have been hooked ever since. Please continue to post about your scrapbooking pages. I love your style and can spot your work a mile away in magazines! I love your honesty about life and even when I read about your “bad” days , I realize how much I miss my children being little. They grow up way too quickly. I am looking forward to your Feb. blog posts! I have commented a few times but may have to start doing it more often. Keep being the great person you are and enjoy those girls.They are priceless in every way!!!
I found your blog via the Studio Calico message board.I follow you on Twitter, too! I just love seeing how the kiddos have grown and hearing how you cope being by yourself so much. I’m middle aged (YIKES!) so my kids are grown and out of the house. I scrapbook and make cards, so that was my first reason for coming by. And, I’m fascinated with your doily obsession and have a whole stack sitting on my scrap desk to use!!!!
Patty G in NJ
Hi! I am an almost 30 year old mom of a 3 year old girl and 1 year old boy. I started reading your blog several years ago pre-children when I had much more time to craft. Since then, my crafting has slowed down, but I still love everything about your blog!!! Crafty posts, fashion posts, girly posts, lovey posts … they’re all awesome! I have only commented a handful of times over the years, but just wanted to let you know that I’m saying ‘hi’ from Canada!
I’ve been trying to get 5 minutes to write all day, which is part of the reason I don’t comment often, additionally I tend to read this in my RSS feed rather than coming onto your blog.
I’m here mainly for the pages, it’s how I found your blog, it’s why I bookmarked it and it’s why I keep on reading. I have to confess a lot of times I look at the pictures and don’t really read (busy days), other days I skip past it because it’s not crafty, other days I read about your family, or your pages.
I’m a 30 something scrapper (and other crafts) in Scotland, with no kids, I’m not married but have a partner of 8 years who works in London (so can sympathise with the separation if not the situation). Andrew (my partner) and I are both university lecturers in chemistry. I read a lot of short stories (mainly science fiction – Analogue etc) and a lot of popular science. So that’s me… in a nutshell.
PS – I’m 54 and can’t wait to be a grandma! So I am getting a fix when I read about your babes. I raised 2 kids alone and know the challenges of doing it ALL with no breaks except screaming into a pillow in the bathroom or crying into it at night. Glad to see other older peeps are also loyal readers. Cant wait for the next city and thanks for sharing Savannah with us. It’s on my bucket list.
Prayers are sent your way often – Terri from Kirkland
Hi Stephanie,
I am a foster mom and my sister showed me your blog before you had your twins and I am now hooked! you are in my list of favorite pages to check everyday! haha! I don’t scrapbook, but i love you pages and your pictures. I am more into editing photos.. Hope you will visit my blog sometime =)
I love your family and your honesty! Wish we could meet in person, but a blog is 2nd best!
Hello! I feel like I’m all take, take take and no give now. I read all of your posts. They come to my blackberry via Google Reader. I never comment though because I can’t comment from my phone.
I am a mom of 2 kids. I first started reading your blog when I was scrapbooking more. I probably came here via Cathy Z’s blog. I have been reading since before you got pregnant with the littles.
For some reason I like to read blogs about families, scrapbooking, decorating. All that stuff. It inspires me in all sorts of ways and your blog is so positive.
When life seems kind of hard there you are posting away while parenting 4 little kids. Its pretty cool!!!
You are spreading good vibes far and wide. I live in Canada.
Thanks for your blog and sorry for not commenting. Keep on blogging! (please!) 🙂
Since you asked, I will answer! 🙂 I am Melissa. I’m a paper-crafter, and I read your blog because it interests me. I’m also a writer, and I love stories, so anyone’s story appeals to me. I live in Michigan, and I am not a Mom, but I take care of my elderly mother, who’s been living with me and my husband since last March, as well as my nephew, who came to live with us in October so he would have better opportunities for success than he did in his previous situation.
My life is busy and rewarding and scary and overwhelming and joyful and rich and full, and sometimes I can barely keep my head above water, but I believe what I’m doing is the right thing, that it matters.
I think the best things about blogs is sharing our stories. I really dig finding out what people do, what they think, how they live and love and make things work in their wide variety of situations. Thank you for sharing yours. I’ll keep reading.
*please read the following with a British accent*
Hi Steph…well, now I just feel bad for not commenting sooner. But I read my blogs in Google reader, and y’know, I guess I’m just too lazy to click through. Shame on me 🙁
Well, my name is Kate and I live in the UK. My life is totally different to yours – I’m 28, single, childless, an atheist, a cancer survivor and I work in an office. Our link is scrapbooking….that’s how I found your blog many years ago, before Sadie I believe. And somehow, despite our differences, I keep reading. Firstly, because I love your creative style. Secondly, because I love that you post from the heart. Just because our lives are different doesn’t mean that we can’t share our love for living, creating, seeing the positive and working through the hard times.
I guess, if I could choose a different life, I think yours would be wonderful. I know there are hard times, but I can see the joy in your family and I love it. For medical reasons I can’t have my own children, and I’ve deleted every other blog once they start talking about pregnancy and children. I keep reading yours now because I feel like I know you, and I would miss you if I stopped!
(plus, you are really funny).
Love, Kate x
Hi Stephanie,
I’m a crafter and scrapbooker (though I don’t scrap much anymore). I’m a single mom to a 17yo daughter and 12yo son. I work fulltime for the Navy in a civilian engineering group (I’m a technical writer). I read your blog because you’re real. You craft your heart. You share your heart. And you remind me to cherish every single moment with my children while they still want to hang out with their geeky, goofy mom. You also inspire me to play with my scrap supplies every now and then. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your life with us through your blog.
Hi Stephanie….I’m 56, married, but no children. I read your blog every. single. day. and love it! I am a scrapper and love seeing your posts, hearing about the girls and watching them grow and spread their wings. I read your blog because I feel part of your family, your struggles and your joys. I don’t comment often, but I definitely think you are an amazing wife and mother!! Keep up the good work.
I love your blog because you are honest and keep it real. You entertain me with the stories of your girlies. I too have 4 kids in my crew except I have 2 of each (all close in age 8, 7, 6 & almost 5). I love the way you handle life with and without J around and the constant changes it brings. I am a SAHM in Australia who makes cards and occasionally scrapbooks. I am also doing PL for the second year this year. If you are sharing, I’d love to see some more of your PL.
I’m a 26 year old NICU nurse. I started reading your blog when I was getting to scrapbooking as well as photography, and stayed around for the amazing stories and beautiful pictures! Don’t change a thing- I love when you post scrappy layouts 🙂
Hi Steph, Well, I read it everyday and I comment occasionally (ok seldom). I am a middle age married homemaker with no kids. I honestly don’t know how you and others do it because my days are jamm-packed full. I scrap and do card making. I get lots of ideas from your scrap pages. I love to look at pictures from your blog and anyones for that matter. I just am not a frequent commenter, again on anyone’s blog
I’m a mom, who occasionally has to be a single parent when my husband is gone on work trips. While our time apart isn’t nearly as long as yours and J’s, I still get lonely and that’s when your blog speaks to me. I have drawn such strength from reading about you and your girls and how you so gracefully raise such wonderful babies on your own much of the time. I read mostly for the personal stories, but also get inspiration from your home design.
Hi, I started reading your blog because my bestie has a major girl crush on you and I came over to see what the hype was all about. I have to say that I was hooked from the start. I love your layouts and then it evolved in reading your daily life as a mom, wife, and scrapbooker. Please continue because I really enjoy reading it. I pinky promise to leave you comments on your layout post too.
I’ve been a reader for a few years now. I found your blog on the Two Peas website and instantly fell in love with your honesty. I am a scrapbooker, photographer, mother, teacher, and probably lots of other things as well…procrastinator, etc. I do enjoy your layouts. I like seeing them. Are they the main reason I come here, no. But, I do really enjoy seeing them too. So I say keep things the way they are…
My friend got me onto blogs a few years ago. One day I was googling scrapbook layouts and found a layout you did and I thought it was so cute…..I went back and read all your blogs to “catch up” and now I read it every day. I enjoy reading all your blogs, although I never comment. I think you are hilarious! I like reading about your family life, I LOVE your layouts and I don’t think you need to change anything about your blog. I am a 32 year old mother of two boys, ages 5 and 3. I live in Ontario, Canada with my wonderful husband and children, work full time and love to decorate and scrapbook….when I can find the time! I was actually going to ask you a question….I am going to Port Charlotte, Florida in March (where my parents have bought a condo) and NEED to know where to go shopping for fun house items and scrapbooking things. I also love Dear Lizzy, can you buy her things in stores? I have read about stores like Hobby Lobby and Homegoods….what else would you suggest? Sorry for the long comment! Thanks!!!
I know I was sent here because your name kept popping up on other scrapbooking blogs I visit. And at the time you were in Texas like me. I now follow you through Google Reader. I love all of your posts. Please don’t stop posting scrapbooking here. I would miss it! I love your real life posts. They make me feel like I am not alone in my crazy life as a wife, mom, full time worker, etc.
It’s your fierce love of doilies that has me coming back post after post 🙂 No but seriously, your layouts are what had me subscribing on my google reader, but it’s the honest everyday stuff that has made you one of my faves.
I am from Brisbane Australia. I am a mother of 2 children girl(4) and boy(2). I am at the moment a stay at home mum who works casually and have my own little photography buisness so I can work my hours as my partner works away alot. I am a scrapbooker and also do lots and lots of other crafty stuff I am always creating something. I have been reading your blog for a number of years and sometimes comment when I have time to login to comment as usually I am looking at blogs in those few seconds spare you get with kids. I enjoy all of your psots and have become addicted to your blog.
I am a California mom of two little girls, 5 & 3 and one little boy, he will be 1 on Feb 10th! I love your blog. I love the stories of your children and your husband. I love how much you share about your life.
I found out I was pregnant shortly after you announced your last pregnancy. It was fun to be pregnant while you told stories of your pregnancy. Since my children are close in age to yours, I can relate to a lot of the stories you tell. Don’t change a thing!
Also, I am a scrapbooker/crafter and I love seeing your layouts!
i found your blog through crafting and i’ve stayed a reader now for oh probably 2 years? I think Sadie was just a baby when I started reading…anyway I love your blog, the personal/mom stuff is so great – i became a mom in the last year and even though we don’t “know” eachtoher I feel like i’ve learned a bit about being a mom from you…(strange – but true!) Re crafty posts – i LOVE your crafty shares – I have to admit, i never bother about the links etc – I just love that you are a crafter that crafts for the sake of documenting so love seeing your pages and ideas for journalling etc….please keep sharing!
I am a mother of three, wife, middle school special educator, and crafter! Sometimes paper crafts and sometimes other crafts. I read your blog for inspiration as both a mother and a crafter!
Hi Stephanie! I read your posts daily! I am a scrapbooker, and I am a subscriber to Studio Calico. I LOVE reading about your adventures with your family! You are a fantastic writer. I am a teacher, so I work with 10 year olds all day long. When I get home, I read blogs to relax for a little while. I am in my 40s and have 2 sons. I almost always “lift” your ideas from SC to do pages in my albums. LOVE your blog!! (and your scrapbooking style!) THANK YOU!!
I’m a paper crafter, and a mom. I like your writing style and love reading about your daughters and their different personalities. Not sure how I found your blog originally…I know I read it before I joined SC.
So, I guess I come back for the crafty stuff and the real life.
Harper and Sadie remind me of my daughters (mine are a couple years older) – how sisters can be SO different always boggles my mind. Alexa (chatty, but a sweet down to the bones girl, brown haired,) is very much like Harper, and Ava (bounce of the walls, loud, daring, and blond) is like Sadie.
I am a mom, wife, and scrapbooker.
I read your blog because I adore your girls. Oh my goodness….your twins are so dang cute.
I enjoy your sense of humor.
I enjoy your crafting too
Stephanie, I don’t remember how I found your blog but I read it nearly every day although I don’t always have a chance to comment since I’m…sshhh!…usually at work. As for who I am? Well, I’m an almost 56 yr. old woman who is single and childless, with a lot of nieces and nephews including boy/girl twins who has been scrapbooking since late 1995/early 1996. I enjoy your posts for their honesty, emotion, and humor…and the layouts, so I hope you keep posting those! And, like others have said, I feel as though we could be friends in real life.
Hi Stephanie – I read your blog just about every day. I love to scrapbook and antique shop/goodwill, etc… I’m in ATL not too far from you at the moment… so we have a few things in common. 🙂 I’m usually here to check out your crafts or to hear about the girls and J. I have two nieces ages 4 and 5 so I totally know where you are coming from with your 4 little chicks… ALWAYS!!! I think you are an amazing person and that you are so blessed just like me! Keep it coming!! xoxo
i originally started reading your blog when i first noticed your layouts on studio calico!(several years ago!) i loved your style and came here to “see more about you”. i have always loved to read your stories about your family life and struggles and triumphs you experience. i guess i feel like you would definitely be someone who i would really like “in real life”, lol, and just take pleasure at seeing peeks into your sweet girls lives! i hope that doesn’t sound corny or weird because it’s not, i prommise 🙂 anyway, i very seldom comment but felt i should now to let you know since you asked! also i think one day you should write a book about your family life!! you have quite a way with words!! love when you talked about when you and jimmy met and fell in love, literally made me cry! but maybe it’s just me, haha. i cry at those maxwell house coffee commercials where the son comes home from the service early and surprises his parents!! oiy!! anyway please continue to blog about both family and the scrapbook stuff. yea, i do scrapbook whenever i’m not reading blogs 😉
Hi Stephanie,
I’m a mother, a scrapper, an educator, and found your blog through the SC kit club. I read your blog regularly, but rarely post comments. I enjoy your blog because you’re a good writer. You are sincere, open, and witty, truly a pleasure to read. I laugh at your sweet girls, feel empathy with the struggles you face, and enjoy the beautiful scrapbooking and crafts you share. Thank you for sharing all of it with us!
Hi Stephanie! My name is Sarah and I’m from Newfoundland, Canada. I’ve commented a few times before, but I’ll admit, it’s seldom!
I’ve been reading since Sadie was tiny tiny, and here’s why it stuck: one of the first posts I read you were talking about how hard of a time you were having with Jimmy gone for work. You talked about how on that particular day about you had locked yourself in the bathroom and cried. And I remember thinking “that’s what I would do too!”
Bloggers seem to have this obsession with painting perfect lives, where they’re always happy and positive. That can get frustratingly fake after awhile. I come back for your honesty, your openness, and yes, your layouts. 🙂
Thanks for doing what you do, it’s appreciated!
I am a full time working mom with a boy at home and a girl in heaven. I used to scrapbook (but working 50 hr a week and then coming home to a one year old… had to give up something), but have been doing Project Life for the past 2 years. Even though I no longer do traditional scrapbooking, I still like to look at other people’s layouts. I find your blog entertaining regardless of the topic.
I read here when I can, because I always leave feeling a bit better, a bit more optomistic, a bit more ok that I’m kind of frazzled sometimes. And none of this says anything bad about you, just that it makes me feel better to relate to someone who understands motherhood, and I like seeing scrapbooking pages too. 🙂 I’ve been really sick this past year, and I haven’t been online much. I’ll try to be better about stopping by.
Hi Stepahnie,
Please don’t change a thing! The scrapbooking posts are what brought me here, but it’s the rest (& the grace with which you handle it all) that keeps me reading. Visiting here is comforting, like chatting with a good friend… and you don’t even care (or know) if my kids interrupt every 5 minutes. Thank you for what you do!
Please don’t change a thing! I am a wife and mommy to 3 including twin girls (4 mos old). I read your blog everyday. Its on my Google reader so I never miss a post. I love the posts about scrapbooking/crafts and the posts abt your everyday. It gives me encouragement that I can and will survive twins! LOL!
Hello 🙂
Your blog is honest in every way. That is why I read it.
Thank you for all the hours you have spent on your posts and for allowing the rest of us to read them.
All the best,
Ólöf (scrapbooker and a mom to a 4m old girl)
i used to comment every day. got away from that…shame on me. you know me. Retired Army wife, mom (almost grandma!), scrapbooker, reader….i read your blog every day. i enjoy all your posts. crafty, emotional, home decor, whatevs. makes no difference to me. i just enjoy reading about your life (does that sound weird? ha!) anyway, just keep doing what you do and i will read…and comment! xoxo K
I’m one of those blog lurkers that really comments Steph! I started reading your blog years ago because of your amazing scrapbooking talent, and needed inspiration. I’ve kept coming back because I love your writing, and personal style too. I love that you share your family life openly and honestly. You are the complete package lady. When I read your blog, I feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit.
Cheers, Lis. (Aussie gal and blogger)
Wellll….I’ve been a regular reader (and a kinda regular commenter….) for years now. I’m a mom, a crafty person….scrapbooking (although Project Life slowed down my scrapbooking a little) and quilting. I read because I love your honesty and gorgeous scrapbook pages, and I used to really love your thrifting adventures. I have a 12 year old girl and a 21 year old college boy, and I so enjoy the stories of your beautiful girls – no more babies around here, so I have to borrow them, lol. Sadie reminds me of my firecracker niece, Sam –
And thank YOU, for entertaining, inspiring, and sharing your sweet heart!!
Hi Stephanie
I am a mom of two girls and love to scrapbook. I love your blog and read it daily. I love that you keep it real. I have a sister who has a set of twins that are around the same age as your twins and she just had another baby 3 weeks ago. I tell her about your beautiful family and how sometimes your days are also hectic and crazy just like hers. Love your blog and your layouts you create. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
I really enjoy your wonderful stories and pictures.
I’m a 31 year old nurse and mother to an 8 year old….I read your blog because I think you are freakin hysterical. I live in Waco, can’t believe we wernt BFF when you were here, and a proud Baylor bear. I love your patriotism, and enjoy reading about your ups and downs as a wife, mother, and human!
Hi Stephanie! I have been reading your blog for almost 2 years now. I am a 25-year-old, scrapbooking, internationally-traveling, childfree (love kids, have lots of great ones in my life, the mom thing’s just not for me!), unmarried-but-not-single, book-loving college student completing a second degree.
I love that you’re honest. That you blog real life, the good and the bad. I like your voice, the way you blog like you’re talking to old friends. I think your girls are precious, and really lucky to have a mom like you. I really really admire good, strong mothers, and those qualities come across even in your blog. I have LOVED your layouts for a long time, ever since I saw one in a magazine ages ago. I like that your blog is a good mix of things. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Hope you have a great week!
Hi Steph,
I started reading your blog when SC first started. I feel bad that I don’t comment on your blog. Do I get any credit for having sent you some personal messages before? 🙂 I love reading your blog because it is real. You have taught me about the life & sacrifices of a military family. You have taught to love and appreciate anything vintage. I love your stories about your family life. I am a scrapbooker so I love your LOs too. I have 3 girls that are 14, 12, and 10. Your stories remind me of my girls and me when my girls were babies/toddlers/kinders. I totally can hear the “you have your hands full” and all the other like minded comments whenever you mention those. I could share what you’ll be hearing in the future too., lol! Anyway, I would love anything you post.
I started reading your blog as a scrapbooker around 3 years ago because I loved (and still do) your style and the honest way you scrap your life. I then became a mom and now check your blog every day because I love the way you write about your little ones and your lifestyle, being an army wife and include your followers in it….your mommy stories are hilarious. I’ve laughed with you and cried with you and cheered along with everyone else each and every time J came home safe! I follow along with you on twitter too (now I feel like a complete stalker! Lol)! I barely ever comment mostly because I suppose I think what I have to say can’t be all that important to you, but I suppose it’s nice for everyone to know what they are doing is important. You have a great sense of humor and I hope we get to follow along for a while yet! 😉
I first saw your work over at 2 peas, when Harper was small enough to be crawling:) I just identify with your points of view regarding life in general as well as crafting, which is why i follow your blog. I only have a few that i follow and yours is one of them.
It is comforting to know that someone else out there has the same struggles i have. That there is someone out there who does not have a perfect life and doesn’t care who knows it. That there is someone out there who worries that she makes mistakes as a mother. All these things and more i can identify with. I’m exhausted by the end of the day and look forward to sitting down and seeing how your day went. It inspires me to hang in there on the rough days and to wake with a renewed sense of energy to be the best mom i can be. I never knew being a mom was so tiring;) It makes me feel better that i am not the only one…
As far as crafting, i have always loved your layouts, esp. the journaling. I sure would miss it if you didn’t include it anymore. Lately, I have taken a very very long break from scrapping (something i never thought i would do) and it has been hard to get back into it. Some rough life experiences the last few years have drained my energy and made me feel like scrapping is a chore. I am just now finding my way back to it and am trying to scrap for the joy of it and not just to get it done. So your recent posts on this topic in January encouraged me to continue on…
I have never met you, and have never posted before, but i feel like you are a friend that i just don’t get to see very often. So, yes, your blog is a good thing. I think you have touched a lot of people. Sure wish we lived in the same city so we could scrap together one day!!
I am a mom with three young kids (with hopefully more on the way!), + a scrapbooker. I read your blog because you always make me laugh. I love, love, love your stories about your girls. You are one blessed woman! Everything you blog about is just perfect. Your pictures, your words – even the complaining! Your blog is real. And that is just want I need.
What makes me tick? I don’t know that I could completely articulate that, b/c it really changes so much. I do know that I’m a different person after becoming a believer…I know that my purpose on this earth is to glorify God in all that I do and to raise my boys to become godly men. Sometimes, the day to day cr** gets me down…mean people, thoughtless people, but I know a day will come when every, and I mean every knee, will bow and things will become crystal clear.
I first noticed your pages in CK and thought how does this woman know how I feel, b/c my hubby is gone, too? Part of my heart is missing, and no one can see that there is a void. People can try to understand the realities of military life, but it is too hard to put into words unless you’ve lived it. I don’t really scrapbook anymore, but I can appreciate those who do. Again, I’m evolving…my schedule has changed. My fourth baby started kindergarten this year, and I am still grieving.
This is turning out longer than I wanted to be, so I’ll close and let the next person tell their story.
I read your blogs because yours was one of the first military blogs I found. I am a working mother of 2 girls a little older than yours, married to a soldier and going through our 2nd deployment in 2 years. I would love to scrapbook if I had the time. I would love to blog more if I had the time. Some of the times I am very jealous of you (in a good way), you really are an encouragement to all your readers. I think you do a great job!
are you a paper crafter?
Yes!! I scrapbook and make cards and do random other projects involving pretty paper. 🙂
do you craft at all?
I also make quilts and whatever other crafty project happens to strike my fancy at any given time.
are you a mom?
Not yet, but hope to be soon.
are you a woman?
where do you live?
Tulsa, Oklahoma
why do you read this blog?
I don’t remember how I first found you but I identified with you as a military wife since my boyfriend at the time was in the army. I don’t have him anymore and am instead engaged to the love of my life but I’m still reading. I love your writing style. You’ve got the cutest little girls. I really love your layouts. PLEASE don’t stop sharing them!! I can see them at SC but I really like the little bit of background and tips/how-tos that you share here. I enjoy following along with your little family!
Hi Stephanie,
I stop by your blog each day…. don’t often comment, even on giveaways. (I feel like I have enough, unless I really love it, I’d rather let others have a shot at winning…) I love your scrappy posts and look forward to Sundays 🙂 Also, I can relate to lots of the kid stories as I am a mom to 3; ages 10, 8, and 5. I love how well you express your emotions in writing and it always inspires me to do a better job of it and try harder to express my true feelings. Also, I really enjoy generally crafty posts, like the birthday party ones. Last year when I was planning my daughter’s party I referenced a couple of your posts on Harper’s party and it was super helpful. I really appreciated it! Also, your honesty about parenting and life in general is refreshing. Keep up the awesome work!
i just like YOU! 🙂 i like your thoughts, your cheerfulness, your honesty, your mothering, your sense of humor, AND your crafts!!
Hi! I don’t think I’ve posted often before- I just enjoy reading your thoughts- you are a fascinating writer! I am soon-to-be a mum, a scrapbooker, and otherwise just someone who loves to read… the only reason I don’t post often is that I tend to assume that noone really wants to know what I have to say. 🙂
I read your blog every day because I can “relate” to you. You’re a military wife…I am a military wife. You’re a mother…I am a mother. You’re a scrapbooker…I am a scrapbooker. I used to live in Rhode Island…You are moving there. Even though we have never met or may never meet, I feel like your family and you are friends of my family. Please keep the blog just the way it is.
I found your blog as a scrapper. I keep coming back not only as a scrapper, but also as a mom of girls and a military wife. I identify with pretty much everything you post. I get each post emailed to me so I don’t miss a single one!
I am a mom of small children, a crafter, a blogger.. I come here constantly looking for more inspiration from you, because you are bursting with it! I originally started reading for the visual inspiration of layouts, crafts and the appealing photos but was soon overtaken by your incredible storytelling and openness with who you are and how you think and live. It has come to a point where I love to read what’s on your mind more but the visuals are the cherries on top! 🙂
Hi, Crystal from Asheville, NC here. I found you by clinking a comment post on Joanna Bolick’s blog several years ago and have been a reader since. I am kind of crafty, but not a scrapbooker- I tend to skim those posts… I feel like I have watched your children grow! I feel like you are often writing from my brain- as if we are experiencing the same things sometimes!!!
Hey! I’m Susan. I’m 33, engaged, no kids, and live in FL. Not sure how I orginally found your blog, but I read thru Google Reader which I fault for my lack of commenting. Crappy, I know. 🙂 I enjoy all of your posts – crafty, kids, heartfelt. And just my 2 cents, but I think you should continue to post your layouts.
I like scrapbooking, but my fiance calls me a scraplooker. lol. I love looking at other people’s layouts, but it’s another thing for me to actually make my own. I know, I know. I just need to do it… there’s no wrong or right way. 😉 I do make cards though.
I enjoy reading about your military life… I’m a retired military brat myself, and never had to do the whole moving around thing. I find it interesting. I think your kids are super cute and you and your husband are cute together. I’m always amazed of when you talk about people making rude comments to you about “all your kids”… And I find your reactions to be priceless. I would be replying in the same manner.
Anyway, a bit of rambling here, but you seem like a cool, genuine person. Keep doing what you do and know that you have a lot of people cheering you on. 🙂
I am a female crafter type, mostly cards, less (read: none) scrapbooking. I enjoy hearing about your life; it is so different than mine. I love the mix of family, home and craftiness. Don’t change a thing!!
~Denelle in MN
I am a regular reader of your blog … have been for years. I started following you for scrapbook inspiration but I became hooked because of your posts about day to day life with your girls. I can relate. I have 4 girls too but they are all pretty much grown up now ( ages 20 to 28). Your posts make me smile! We have a Sadie in our family too! She always made life more interesting (I can say that now in retrospect) but I will tell you that at her 4 year old check up her doctor told me she had the name of a good therapist if I needed one to get through HER teenage years! She was right… I could have used some help…haha. She’s 23 now and we all did survive!
I read your blog initially for the scrapbooking layouts but over time I love to read about your life and how cute and funny your girls are. It’s a must do everyday to read your blog to find out how your girls are doing. I also love how you motivate yourself to be a better person and hence motivating me to be more aware of myself more and to improve. Although we have never met and I am not a frequent commenter, I feel like you are a friend of mine.
I read your blog because i find you inspiring. i like reading about your real life stuff. I always read although i don’t often comment. 🙂
I’m a scrapbooker and that is how I found your blog. I love what you create but I absolutely love the stories about your family, you are real and you are honest and you are funny and I look forward to finding your blog in my inbox each night.
I have been a follower of yours for way over a year now. You are my favorite blog. I love how you write from your heart and have so enjoyed reading about your life – your true life. Your beauty shines from within and touches my heart and my life. I am a mom and a grandma and scrapbooking is my therapy and helps me forget about work each evening. Total relaxation comes over me when I am scrapping or enjoying reading blogs like yours. I am guilty of not commenting very often and will try to do better. Don’t change you say and what you do. I love you the way you are. Thank you.
I’m Krys. I’m 51, married, with 2 adult stepchildren. I am addicted to reading, to books, to the smell of them, the feel of them, the weight of them. I found scrapping when I lost my job (I don’t recommend picking this hobby up when money is tight!) I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been reading it for, oh, maybe a couple of years now, and I’ve commented before, usually about your beautiful girls, or one of your posts about your J, and I know I’ve commented when you’ve posted about some snarky comments you’ve received. I read your blog because you come across so real, a great mom, a fun woman, a wonderful wife, a happy mom/woman/wife. You write well, you are a talented scrapper, and well, as hokey as this sounds, I feel like we’d be friends in “real life.” Your faith, your strong believe in the good, that’s appealing, too – I don’t come hear to hear you whine about how lousy your life is. I come to hear you celebrate your girls, your husband, your life. Hope that explains it…
I read because I am a digital scrapbooker and I love your layouts. I love using your layouts to inspire my own. I also like the stories you post about your kids and the reality that your posts reflect.
Mainly, I just think you would be someone that I would like in real life, so I follow along, nodding my head at the good, bad, and crazy that you post.
Keep it up!
Steph-I read because I like your stuff—well, that, and the fact that you are an Army wife and I just love how good you make us look! You are sweet, your family is beautiful, and I just like hearing your ramblings. Keep it up–all of it.
I’m also waiting for the day you post that you are moving to MY installation–then I’ll stalk you til I find you and ask if we can be neighbors, and do crafts together and plan for my boys to marry your girls–stuff like that!! hee hee–and don’t worry, we’re not headed North like you
Hi Stephanie,
I’ve read your blog for a couple of years and this is only the second comment I have made – I’m sorry for that because I know that you do go to a lot of effort to post thoughtful and inspiring posts.
I think one of the reasons I don’t comment often is because you get so many great comments that it loses a little intimacy, and, that’s pity because I think part of the great thing about blogging is the conversation and connection it generates … I would say I feel that way about several of my favourite blog reads such as you, Ali E and CZ etcetera. I like to be able to reply or visit those who visit my blog, but, I most certainly understand that that is impossible when you have comments numbering in the hundreds.
In the future I am going to offer a few more words to you, comments are fun afterall!
I enjoy your blog a great deal, I like the mix of subject matter and your down to earth writing – keep it up!
I found your blog years ago through scrapbooking. I love all of your crafty posts and layouts! I’ve loved reading about your life as it has gone from two little chicks to four! I don’t comment because I figure you just have so many of them and someone has probably already said the same things I would ;), I live in California, am 27, married and a stay at home mom to a 19 month old girl. Please keep up your crafty posts! Have a great evening 🙂
Hi Stephanie! I am a deaf gal from Maryland who has a deaf family (hubby & daughter) and I also work with deaf children.I love your blog and think that your layouts are inspirational.I love reading about your kids! I usually only comment for giveaways. I am more of a rubber stamper than a scrapbooker but am trying to get back into scrapbooking again. Thanks for sharing your layouts with us and also for sharing your heart with us as well. I always look forward to reading your blog everyday.
I’m a mom and a scrapbooker. I found your blog through scrap booking aboutb1 year ago. I love all your posts. The stories you tell about your chicks, your scrappy posts, about your ups and downs. I enjoy it all! I would be sad if you didn’t do crafty poss, I love seeing your creations!
I found your blog through paper scrapbooking links. I am a married grad student with no kids. I read your blog mainly through google reader and it is at the top of my list. I always check daily to see if you or Ali Edwards have updated. I love the mix of posts on your blog from thoughts to layouts. I appreciate the time you put into your thoughts and posts. I’m often pinning your layouts.
You remind me to be honest.
I am a mother to three grown daughters, grandmother to nine and I’ve followed your blog for several years, even driving from McDonough down to Columbus for a class you taught at the local scrapbooking store. I was just looking at my photo with you from that trip last week. That is one of my very favorite layouts. I scrapbook and I love your layouts and all your posts. I am a stalker I guess — I can spot your beautiful girls in any scrapbooking magazine you’re in — and I love your spirit and your honesty. I get your posts in my inbox — the only one that I get that way. Usually don’t comment, but I will more — just know that I absolutely adore you and your family and appreciate J’s service to our country.
Vickey E aka sabbycat
I read for all of your content. I started following you after you where on PRT the first time. I love your layouts and how you aren’t a pro photographer and yet make AMAZING pages. I love how you write just how you talk (at least on PRT)! I love hearing the cute things your kiddos are doing!!!
Thanks for taking the time to not just post, but to care what I/we all think!
Hi! I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I remember you were about 7 months pregnant with the twins. I was either pregnant with my second or had just had her. I remember this because I would check in to see how big you’d gotten and the cute outfits you were able to put together in spite of your growing belly! I read every day because I love your attitude: This is hard, but I am blessed and will find the happiness in the little things. Harper reminds me so much of my oldest, Emma. I loved the ‘ashion videos, and would show them with her (but I totally get why you decided not to do them anymore!) Anyway, I don’t scrap book (I tried, really I did!) but I enjoy seeing what you put together, and I enjoy your other craft projects. Your banner made of ice cream cone covers inspired me to make one myself for Evie’s (baby #2) first birthday. Keep writing! And know you have a friend in Michigan!
Hi Stephanie,
I’m a mother, wife, homemaker, & scrapbooker, who loves your blog & reads each & every one of your posts! I’m not a huge commenter, sorry very slack…hehe you always have soooo many comments I wonder if you really need to hear from me 😉 I love your honesty, it’s so brilliant to read about those everyday things that we all go through, yet rarely talk about! I love your layouts, the designs are fabulous & I love seeing the products. Here in Australia, we are always a little behind on product, so it’s fab to see what’s coming. I love that you make me laugh & remind me not to take things so seriously & to ALWAYS appreciate what I’ve got! Can I say again…I love reading your blog & wouldn’t want you to change anything 🙂 A huge thank you for putting a smile on my face every couple of days 🙂
I am a crafter, but frankly i don’t read your blog for any scrapbooking stuff. Honestly your pages are not even my style! lol! I read PURELY for the sake of squealing at pictures of lucy and cate. they are totally {ADORBS} … I actually sigh cross-ly when the day’s post doesn’t have pictures/stories about them.
Please Miss Stephanie, can you have another set of twins?
love you lots. your family is so sweet.
miss vio
Hi Stephanie! I found your blog about a year ago and I’ve been reading ever since. I used to scrapbook before I got married and had kids and I got too busy but I am getting back into the swing of it with project life. My favorite craft right now is crochet. I love making baby blankets and beanies. I took that up this summer when I was on bed rest with my son. My kids are 11 1/2 months apart! It is so crazy and busy but I love it and I love reading about your family because your chaos reminds me of mine! 🙂 My husband is in the army too and he just got back from his first deployment.We are from Tennessee but at our first duty station in Fort Hood. Reading about your and J’s relationship helps me because there seems to be a lot more negative stories than positive when it comes to military families. I don’t comment a lot just because I am usually sneaking time to read a post in between naps and snacks but I love the variety that you have so please don’t stop posting Scrappy Sunday posts! Anyway, I love to read your blog and I enjoy your sense of humor and your honesty. I feel like I can relate to you and it is nice to get that feeling in the “mom world”.
Wow. Look how many comments you have!
Me? Well I’m not very interesting. I’m 23, live in Melbourne, Australia and have just recently gone through/ am going through an incredibly tough break-up. I can’t remember how I discovered your blog but I know that I’ve been reading it for a few years now. I used to be a mad crafter but after moving out of home about a year ago to move down here into a 1 bed apartment the masses of crafting stuff had to stay at home. I’m slowing getting back into it by getting my mum to post more and more things to me. (How can 1 person- a student at the time- accumulate so much crafting stuff?).
I love how your blog has both emotional and crafting. Your blog was the one that helped me relax a bit with my s/booking- still working on that. I suppose I would like to see a bit more craft but then after reading your blog for the past year or so its entirely reasonable that you might be just a bit busy. 🙂 Also, I can understand if you would want to keep some layouts just for you and your family.
I do that, I have an album of layouts that are incredibly personal but wonderful at the same time, I like to keep them just for me.
I hope this helps with the curiosity. Thanks for sharing.
Hi I am a grandma who doesn’t get to see her grandkids often because of distance. I enjoy your blog more because of your family than the crafting ( I am not a scrapbooker, card making is my forte).I have enjoyed watching your family grow in numbers and watching the girls grow. I enjoy your sharing your life (all the good and the scary parts). I smile reading your blog with my morning coffee and I have shed tears with you as well. You and your family have become part of my daily routine Thanks so much for sharing
Wow it is going to take you a while to get through the 394 posts before mine 🙂 you have a lot of love out here! Hi Stephanie. My name is Katie. I am a paper crafter, wanna be photographer who doesnt even know how to take her camera off auto (lol). I am married to a retired Navy Chief and have 4 kids (who are almost all grown). I have been reading your blog since right around when Sadie was born. Like you i have been known to lock myself in the bathroom while the little ones pounded on the door, not chsnged out of sweats for days and talked my husbands ear off for hours just to have grown up conversation. I am so proud of you and jimmy and your family. I know how hard it is. My husband never had to go to Afghanistan but deployments are hard no matter what. Your scrapping inspires me, i LOVED Harpers “ashion” advice and i kove when you show us your decorations. If you ever want any antique linens just say the word and they will be in the mail to you. I have more than i can fit into an apple box (coming from a very formal family in the hotel business). 🙂
Thank you for sharing your life. And thank you for being a proud military wife. I wish there were a lot more of you out there!
Katie bartlett
camarillo, Ca
I read your blog for every reason you posted about above and more. Don’t change a thing!! I love that your blog is a mix of craftiness, home decor, kids, husband, and opinions about life. I love your blog because it is honest and endearing. And because those 4 kids of yours are just so gosh darn cute and hilarious. But I began reading your blog because I am a scrapper myself and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your layouts. Don’t let this stop being a scrappy blog. I will be so sad. People probably don’t comment on your layout posts because they are so inspired they don’t know what to say! haha. Don’t change a thing. Just keep being you because we all love it!
Hi Stephanie! I read your blog everyday now for two years. At first it was to see what you do for paper crafting/ scrap booking. And while I was doing that I became so enamored by your girls and family. You are such a sweet family. It’s been a joy following you! Amy
I’ve been reading for a few months now. Love the crafty stuff but I also love your posts about the everyday too. I don’t always comment but I usually read your posts. I am a Mum of 2 girls – 9 and 11. I live in Australia. I struggle daily dealing with my daughter’s ASD and overthinking everything. Reading blogs is a form of escapism for me.
I started reading your blog about three years ago. A friend of mine read it..and one night when we were out for dinner she mentioned your blog. How you had two little girls and your husband was deployed and your scrapbook pages were BEAUTIFUL. So, I start ed following your blog. I am middle-aged, married, full-time working, mother of two wonderful kiddos who are 8 and 6. I also enjoy scrapbooking but I just do not have enough hours in the day to do it very often. I also am a blogger…but over the past year my posts have become few and far between.
I enjoy reading your blog and believe you are an wonderful person, mother, and wife! Your posts always make me smile!
I was sent your link by my sister because I was looking for a “different” style of scrap booking and she thought yours was just darling and look shes a army wife too. I love your blog not only for the layouts, your flea market finds and your Keeping it real telling of everyday life : )
Plus it was Hilarious when you guys got sent to GA around the same time as us, the Army is a really small world.
I really love your blog and have read it for a while now and I have never commented,sorry. I am a mom, my daughter just turned 5 in December. My husband and I feel so blessed. We were married 16 years before we had her. I was told I could not have kids.
I enjoy many crafts and scrap booking. I can’t even remember how I stumbled on your blog.. but glad I did. Love seeing your pics and hearing about your family and the scrap booking too. You have a beautiful family. Have a good night. Denise
Point blank…You make me laugh.. A LOT!!!! Your personality and humor is so contagious! Sometimes I’ll be having a crappy day and just read one of your posts and it makes me laugh out loud! Your girls are a riot and you write it in such a way that makes me want to come back for more 🙂 I enjoy everything that you write about. I myself am a scrapper, crafter…whatever they are calling these days. I love when you post layouts, I love when you pour your heart out for the world to read and I love when you tell quirky stories about yourself and I love your stories about J. Your blog contains a little bit of everything…and I think thats what I love about it so much 🙂 Thanks for all your beautiful posts! Keep them coming!
Dear Stephanie, I am a mom, a wife, a sister and a daughter. I am a scrapper and a crafted. I found your blog through Cathy Z and once I started reading I was hooked. You are honest, funny, sincere, passionate and down to earth. You’ve put into words things I’ve felt and could not put into words and some of your posts have brought me to tears ( in a good way). I like all of the types of posts, and like to learn new ways to do things or what type of products are out there. I will also comment more often, as a way to support you and your family. It is such a little thing to do compared to the sacrifice that J and his fellow soldiers and families make on a daily basis to protect me and my family. For this I will be forever grateful.
Found you because of scrapbooking. Stayed because I enjoy your style of writing and sharing. Enjoy all kinds of posts!
I am a grandma who loves scrapbooking! I love to see all of your layouts, but also love, love, love the darling pictures of your sweet girls. You have a beautiful family! I really never comment, but always make sure I read all of your posts. Like it all!
I am Ketena. I am a Mum, Grams, soon to be a 57 yr old great grams, paper crafter, potter, stain glass craftsman, quilter, drawer, beader, gardener, canner, homemaker, national & local Red Cross volunteer, and insatibley curious. I love, love your blog. I comment only rarely and it is probably on the personal days. I far away from my beloved family and love watching your grow. I find it easy to tell Lucy and Cate apart. I love S’s attitude and Miss H’s ashion. I love both yours and j’s dedication to life and work wonderful. I love how you know yourself and are not afraid to look and learn. I do no think you need to apologize so often for speaking your mind and about choice you make. There are many people you will never please no matter What!!!!! I know this for Truth!!!! You bring smiles and laughter to my sometimes lonely days and many extra smiles on days when I finally get to catch up on emails. I think almost all of us out in blog watching land would love to be your friend, helping take babies to the park or watching them so you could go shopping or out taking pics of favorite shops. You are truly loved and admire, and no, I do not thing admiration is what you were looking for on this blog!!!!!!! Hugs & Smiles, here’s loving you, Ketena
PS, sorry for not editing my post first!!!
Hi Stephanie! I wish I could come up with a response that is witty or amazing but I read your blog simply because you make me smile! I work full-time and am wife, a mother of two freshman (college and high school) and a crafter. I volunteer in my community and never seem to have enough time to just be (without feeling guilty!). I read your blog because you remind me of what really matters and that life isn’t always easy even with the everyday things. I relate to you even though our lives are very different and know that if we ever met, we would be good friends. I read because you are real…you cry when it isn’t easy and find humor and laugh (really laugh)at silly things. You seem like a wonderful person, terrific mother and tremendous partner to your husband. Your blog is good for my soul and….makes me smile!
I read the e-mails that come from your blog and enjoy them all. I delete many things in my inbox without opening them, but ALWAYS open your posts because they make me smile. The ones that really strike a chord with me in some way, I tend to reply to (you have always written back which I think is amazing given the number of people who follow your blog as well as the demands you have at home). I am mainly a scrapbooker who also likes to make handmade gifts for people…cards kind of scare my, but I am working on honing those skills.
I was a kid who loved having pen pals and this sort of takes me back to that kind of feeling…
Keep up the great work!
Hi Stephanie,
Love your blog! I am a mom of two girls (one is a spunky indepedent 4 year old), scrapbooker when I can and part-time preschool teacher. I love your honesty and look forward to your layouts.
Hi Stephanie
Yes I’m crafty, but I’m also a mum and to be honest, I read your blog for both reasons equally. I LOVE your honesty and humour. Your humility and your sense of worth (and lack of it too lol). I love that you make me feel normal (or at least, less weird!). I love how in love you are wtih your family. I am too (with mine I mean). I think in recent years so many people seem too busy to ‘be bothered’ wtih their kids (let alone actually LIKE their children!) that its so refreshing to see someone who really looks at her children as people and treats them accordingly (or at least, tries to! I know I try my best but dont always manage it)
One thing I would like to request, is if you could change your comment format so that a little pop-up window could appear when you want to leave a comment, so we dont have to scroll down past every other comment that’s been left in order to write one of our own! (you’re a popular girl ya know, sometimes my pointer finger gets sore from all that scrolling! haha)
I do NOT get why so many people seem to attack your blog for totally random things (like grammar etc) but I love that you address it–good on you!
I’d love to see some videos of how you do layouts/your thought processes in making them. I love your crafty style but I take F.O.R.E.V.E.R to do layouts so I’d love to know what you do to get yours done so quickly.
ok wow. Long comment. *sheepish grin*
im so sorry youve been sick danielle. i think of you often and wonder how you are…it made my day to see you back at sc. 🙂 xxo
hey alana! im not familiar with that town…where exactly is it? are you asking for savannah recommendations?? if so email me at harpersmama8(at)gmail(dot)com. id LOVE to help!
wow look 416 or so come out of the closet to post to this. I’m a mom, wife of a retired Marine who used to scrap but not as much as I would like to anymore. I found you/met you on 2Peas back when you only had Harper I think. I love reading your blog as you are so creative and I think while we might be so different in many ways you’re someone I could be friends with in real life.
I love your blog. I love you interaction. I love your truthfulness. It is real, not pretend. My father was military and I enjoy knowing as an adult what my mother faced with 3 daughters (each 2 years apart) when he was on assignment. My 8 yr old daughter loves to see Harper and her ‘ashion posts. Its a family event for me/us – thanks so much for sharing!
I love you blog for so many reasons. I love how honest and genuine you appear to be. I think that your love for life and your family just shines through. I try to comment as often as I can. I actually don’t participate in giveaways. I never win. 🙂 I am a working mom who like to get crafty in my spare moments. I live 20 min south of Houston and my Aggies will always love fighting your Bears. I’ve been subscribing to your blog since you found out about your twinners. lol. I love that your blog is kind of random and that there is not an obvious schedule. Sorry that this got long, just wanted you to know that you are loved for what you do as you do it. 🙂
Hi, Steph –
I read your blog religiously. I rarely comment, mostly because you get plenty of well-deserved love already. I tend to comment more on blogs that get fewer comments. I believe I “know” you from Studio Calico, although it may be earlier – I’ve been with SC for just over two years and I’m not sure exactly when I fell in love with your work – it may be earlier than that.
I love all of your posts – the topic doesn’t matter. I love seeing scrappy pages, I love photos of your girls, I love your rants about any topic. They all come from the heart.
I generally don’t comment on posts for give-aways as I am very blessed and I would rather see someone who really wants the item, and perhaps couldn’t purchase for themselves if they wanted to, to receive the item.
Hope that gave you a little understanding about who I am as your blog reader!
Stephanie…..I read your blog for many reasons. And I’m one of those subscribed for ages but rarely comments. I love your crafty work….I love your thoughts…..I love seeing your family through your eyes…..I am a mum. An American mum living in New Zealand raising 3 boys (12, 10, 8) as we start a new church. I’m a scrapbooker/mixed media artist. I am a best friend. I am so much more. Thank you for sharing your life. I will continue to read even if its not a crafty blog. 🙂
I am just a mom and I love your posts. I have a 4 1/2 yr old girl and 3 yr old girl. I am not a scrapbooker but I just like hearing about the funny things your girls do because it reminds me of mine and how you manage 4 of them by yourself a lot of the time is amazing. Love your Savannah posts. We used to live in Charleston and like to hear about restaurants in Savannah but I know you are moving.
I am guilty of reading but not commenting. I started reading your blog for scrapbooking about a year and a half ago. But, to be honest, I now mostly read it because I find you inspiring. I got pregnant just before you had the twins so I started finding all the baby-related posts quite interesting. The one post that really sticks in my head is when you had the pic of you doing groceries by yourself with all four girls– really incredible! Makes me feel silly now when I say I can’t go shopping alone with my six month old son– seriously, I think of you in those moments. I love the honesty and emotion in your blog. I like seeing a mishmash of all kinds of posts. Keep it up!
I don’t care a fig about scrapbooking- I just think you’re a pretty cool lady and I love reading your inspiring, honest posts about your sweet family.
Hola!!! 🙂 I am 37 years old, a mother of two handsome boys (the oldest is 10 years old and the baby is 20 months old!), and happily married to my high school sweetheart. I work full time in a global consumer products company and live in sunny and beautiful Puerto Rico! I LOVE scrapbooking and I dream of becoming a full-time Scrapbooker in the future! I read every post! Love to hear your family stories and see the photos of your adorable girls! I can relate to most of your personal stories and enjoy how real and genuine you are…I feel like I know you and we’ve been friends for ever!
I also love your layouts; that’s why I started following your blog so PLEASE keep them coming!!! If you are going to chance anything, I would encourage you to share MORE layouts but other than that, don’t change a thing! I enjoy every post!!!
Thanks for what you do!
God bless you and your beautiful family!!!
Hi Stephanie,
I found you through the scrapbooking community. I love your style and look forward to you sharing pages. I am a 60 yr old grandmother of 5, love hearing about the adventures of you and your children. Have great respect for your family’s sacrifice for love of our country. Throw in the occasional decorating pieces, travel around Savannah, etc, and the honest presentation of the life of military wife, and Mom of four wonderful girls, and I just have to come back to follow each post. Have commented on J’s iservice in the past, will be sure to comment more often! Thanks for keeping it real!
Hi Steph!
I’m Alissa (AlissaG at SC). You’re in my google reader, so while I always read your posts, I rarely comment. Your posts always make me smile. Your girls are hilarious. Your antics awesome. And sometimes you tug at my heartstrings. And I love those moments too.
It may sound crazy, but I feel like I know you because you have worn your heart on your sleve and been brave enough to share it with all of us. And for that I thank you.
Please continue to share all that you do 🙂
Hi Stephanie! I have you on my google reader, and pretty much read all of your posts….pretty much means I often skip the giveaway posts & sometimes the crafty stuff. hehe. I love your real life posts. Kids, husband, thoughts….the real stuff that I can relate to. And of course love that you have all girls, cuz you know, that rocks! 🙂
I’m a mom (to Nancy Nally) and a nana (to Bridget) and I found your blog through Nancy. I love hearing about the bigs and the littles and admire your strength and appreciate your candor when you share your frustrations. You are an incredible person and I get a lift just reading what you say. I’m from a family of 4 girls so I understand some of those dynamics, too. I love when you share photos of the girls and relate anecdotes about them. The twins are precious and look like they can get you going in two different directions at the same time. That always makes me smile. Continue being “you” in your blog. As far as I’m concerned, that’s what it’s all about.
I read your blog because of your amazing open heart, the gift you have with the written word, and of course your amazing craftiness. I am a mom of three young souls (ages 7, 4 and 16-months), and I love the way you put in to words the feelings I have in my heart for my own children and husband. Thank you for your honesty, your openness, and for sharing your life with me, a humble shy reader (who usually is a silent voyeur and doesn’t comment much.)
I’m one of those people that have read for years – but don’t always comment. I can remember back to when Sadie was born…maybe even a little before that. I am a single Mom, a paper crafter, mixed media artist. I think I enjoy your personal posts the most – the ones where you “put yourself out there” like we all do when we blog. You know, the vulnerable “us”. The imperfections that we all face as bravely as possible. I LOVE seeing photos of the girls. I feel like I know all of you. Watching the girls grow up is such a pleasure. I get a kick out of the times that you tell us people send you nasty messages when they “judge” and feel the “need” to tell you you’re doing something wrong – just makes me shake my head and giggle. They have nothing better to do. The “people in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones” always comes to mind. The nerve of some people! So happy that they don’t get to you though cause otherwise you may have quit blogging long ago and that would be a shame!
The stories you share, the pages you create, the photos you post – they all bring so much joy and laughter (and sometimes tears) to so many! You are so generous with your life story and for that, I thank you! xo
Hi Stephanie,
I’m one of the guilty of reading and following but not commenting. I guess I figured you must know how unbelievably inspiring your writing and layouts are as you have alot of followers but now I feel I owe you an explanation as to why I read your blog. I’ve been scrapping for about 5 years but just discovered online scrapping, classes, blogs ect. about a year ago. Your blog is the one I read for my heart inspiration. I’m an Air Force brat and lost my dad at 15. He was and is my hero and I’ve cried way more than I like to admit seeing how much J. loves his daughters. My dad was the same with me it is amazing how such strong men can also be so loving. Your posts about meeting J when he comes back, wow you put my own experience with this into beautiful words. I also laugh lots about your true experiences with kids. We all have those moments where we scream, and then just are in awe at the love we have for our children. I also totally love your scrapping style and would truly! miss it if you stop posting your layouts. I’ve learned so much from studying your style. So Thankyou thankyou thankyou
I’m a regular reader, sometime commenter. I’m a mom of twins, a wife, a paper crafter. I love your scrapbook style and in inspires me, but your mom of “4 kids under 5ish” stories make me laugh so hard. I like that you are authentic and that you are not afraid to be honest about your real life and your struggles. And I’ve enjoyed watching your babies grow up because it reminds me of when I was juggling two babies.
Hi Stephanie!! I too, have been a long time reader but, I don’t comment. I am a woman, wife, blogger (although I’m trying to get back into it), a crafter, a teacher….I love your blog and enjoy reading about your life, your family and all your scrappies!!
Hi Stephanie,
I love your blog! I read it every day because you and your
girls are just too cute! I love the videos, my favorite is
of Harper when she is on the phone. My daughter (15) and I
say to each other “Are you an older kid or somping?”
We have so many little quotes just from that video! So funny!!!!
I started reading because of your layouts…I always print them up and take them with me when I get away for a scrapbooking weekend, because they are better than any magazine I could buy. You were pg with Sadie when I started reading. Over the years I started reading more for your heartfelt posts, and to follow your family’s journey. You linked to one of my giveaways for orphans once, and it blew me away that you’d take the time to do that. I had asked other “big” bloggers to help, and lots didn’t…but you did. I love your heart, and I love your honesty. Hope you keep blogging for many years to come:)
Hi Stephanie! I found your blog a little over a year ago (I think) when I wanted to get back
into scrapbooking once I had our little girl who is just a few months older than your twins. I loved your layouts and comments and photography style. You amaze me as a mom of four girls when I sometimes feel burnt out with just one! But anyways, I subscribe and read every day, always a nice little break during my day 🙂 I’m a 34 year old mom to Lola June and live in Coronado, California. xo
i read your blog because you’re REAL. you’re honest about your flaws and your feelings, and you don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. i love that.
i’m no one special. not a mom, not a wife.. just a 20 year old girl living life to the fullest potential. i have a photography business named after my little sister with down syndrome, and i’m a barista at a local coffee shop. i read every single one of your posts (even the ones with the layouts!) and most times find myself laughing so hard i’m trying not to pee my pants 🙂
your girls are just precious, and i especially love your posts dedicated to j. NEVER STOP BLOGGING!
xo, kenzie
Why do I read…. well, I was first introduced to you through the scrappy world (not sure exactly how – some blog hop, or recommendation or something). I absolutely love your layouts! In fact I just lifted the one that you did recently that was a rainbow of doilies with Harper… And the coolest part is that I didn’t just save the picture or the link or jot down the idea… I actually scrapped the page. I have a page of my 2 girls with misted doily hearts behind the picture. (if I had a blog I would share a picture of it with you… I suppose I could email it to you if you would like to see it).
I love the mom parts of your blog. I find it funny that you have 4 girls, not funny in a mean way, more in a camaraderie kind of way. My sister has a step daughter and a daughter, my cousin has 4 girls, two of our very close friends have 2 girls and 3 girls, and we have 2 girls… Not many boys around aside from the husbands. Our kids are around the same ages and I have a Lucy too!
I like how real your posts are. You said that you were annoyed by old complainy you… I get that… I get annoyed with myself when I find that I am complaining too much too. I too try to see the good but still be authentic.
I guess I should just say that I can relate… maybe not to all of it. I’ve lived in the midwest my entire life (Illinois, then Minnesota, currently Wisconsin), I have very few ties to the armed forces, my husband is home and very hands on with our girls. But I sometimes feel alone… I work weird hours so that our girls don’t have to go to daycare, I am into a hobby that gathers during my work hours and I don’t really know anyone near me that scraps. I think yours is the only blog that I read through, not skim, actually read, but I don’t comment often and I’m sorry for that.
Anyway, I’m long winded – you are probably glad I don’t comment that much :0) I love everything you are doing. Keep up the good work, and share your scraps if it makes your heart happy! Continue to be authentic, sweet, honest and you!
I’ve read since Sadie was a baby. I’m 27 and a single woman. I have no clue why I read specifically, but I love your family! You remind me a lot of myself sometimes, which is probably where I find the connection. I think you have a beautiful family and love reading each day.
I read your blog alomost everyday. I use to comment a lot, but in the last year life is just very busy, and I only comment once in awhile. I personally like the craft/layouts posts. I like all your posts. There is just something so “real” about your blog, about you, and that is what I love. That is why I check the blog everyday. You make me feel like I know you, like you’re my friend, a neighbor. Oh, and I never comment on giveaways, so many people I feel my odds are slim! Anyway, you do a GREAT job…keep it just like it is…real!
I’m a mom who works full time and doesn’t get to spend all day with the kids, and while I wouldn’t change it for me, I do live a bit vicariously through the blogs of moms who get to spend all that time with their kids. I like the stories, and the crafts because I think you are very creative and have a different point of view. I love the pictures of the girls and the scrapbook posts are a great inspiration for me to get outside my comfort zone in my own memory keeping. I love that you are doing project life this year and look forward to seeing peaks at how you make that project your own.
I have LOVED your blog since I first read it over a year ago. I subscribe to it so I don’t miss a single post. I found your blog as a link of “blogs we like” on a friends scrapbook/womens clothing/accessories store site. I have enjoyed reading all of you adventures (I am the mother of a precious 20 month old, and former nanny of triplets) and can somewhat relate to them. I feel like if we met we would instantly be friends and that is why so many people LOVE your blog. You are the voice of things we are all thinking, and it is nice to hear that others are thinking the same things you are, so that you realize you aren’t going crazy. I have enjoyed being able to follow in your amazing journey. I do love the scrapbook pages as well as I am an avid scrapbooker. I will have to post on those more often!
I love your blog & read every post. I’m a mom 2 boys & I love reading about your girls. I often tell my hubby about them 🙂 I’m also a crafted/scrapbooker-I love seeing what you create! (I live in Mt Angel Oregon) 🙂
I’m Fontaine 🙂 I’m a Marine wife (for a tiny bit longer, anyways) and an on/off scrapbooker with one son.
I love your blog mostly for your voice. I love how God-loving you are, and how refreshingly honest you are through the high places and the low places. I feel that you are a ‘real’ person and I can relate a little bit to the mama/military wife stuff. Plus, you’re hecka funny 😉
As far as scrappy layouts, I love looking at your pages, but I’m not at all interested in product links (but that is for ANYONE’S blog- not a personal thing to you, I just am not interested in knowing where stuff came from lol). Your pages are beautiful, but my favorite part is your journaling. It is true, from-the-heart, and definitely what I want to get inspiration from.
Anyways, thanks for continuing to blog through the highs and lows of bloggy life. I’m happy you’re “here” for me to “visit” 🙂 Sometimes I want to send (((hugs))) your way, or laugh with you, or cry with you, or kick some tail on your behalf, or just see your girls run around the park (through your pictures- no creepy stalking, I promise! Besides, We live in CA), but I frequently don’t comment. No real reason, other than laziness, I suppose. But know that I enjoy my time here, and I frequently pray for you all whenever you randomly pop into my head (like when my son is having a crazy day and I say “well, at least there is only one of him!” lol).
Love, Fontaine
I’ve been reading your blog posts for years, but I must admit that I rarely comment. I love seeing your scrapbooking layouts (because I am a scrapbooker too), but I think my favorite posts are the ones where you share the details of your life. What it’s like to be a mom, what it’s like to be a woman in your 30s (because I’m also in my early 30s), what it’s like to be a wife. My husband of eight years and I just adopted a baby boy 15 days ago, so now I can relate to your “mom” posts even more. I love your sense of humor, your honesty, your realness. Thank you for sharing yourself with us through your blog.
All the best,
i confess i am a lurker and comment when i feel you need encouragement, am outraged by something done to you or yes a giveaway!!!!
i come from down under and i like to see what your girls are up to and things you create…..i teach kindergarten so love what under 5’s get up too!!!
and i am inspired by your style being different then mine….so all good from me!!! and yes i must try and comment more!!! and of course BLOG myself!!! lol!!
Hi Steph! I am 50 yrs. old. Wife, mom, friend, crafter, sewer, and all things Shabby Chic! My favorite morning routine is to pour a cup of coffee, sit on my couch and read your blog! My 3 boys are in college now, but my heart can still relate to your mommyhood antics! My oldest son is a Marine, so of course my heart relates to your patriotic hopes and fears. I was a kindergarten teacher for years, so my heart relates to Harper and her first year at school. So much of me remembers being so much of you! I love how real you are 🙂
Hi Stephanie, I am a 35 years old, married to my high school sweetheart, mom to 3, and a scrapbooking addict. I started reading your blog when Sadie was still a baby and J was away. My sister sent me the link. Our mutual love for scrapbooking was what first caught my attention. I love that you can really make me lol with one post and cry like a baby the next all while inspiring me to be crafty. It starts to feel like we are a part of your life(is that weird, ummmmm ya. hahaha) I love reading about you and your family, because you keep it real, even when you are having a bad day. I love that you love J and those beautiful girls so fiercly and can admit that at times they drive you crazy. It makes you normal. I’m kinda missing Harper’s ‘ashion advice though, it kills me. And I agree with the photos with each post:)
Hi Stephanie, I love everything about your blog, your projects, your decor, your travels, and your wonderful family, many a day you bring a smile to my face, a laugh from my mouth and sometimes a tear from my eyes and I love it all! I am a scrapbooker, mom to a 18 year old college freshman and I am going to be a new Gammie(grandma-to young to be called that-lol) in July and I have 5 cats inside and several strays outside that we feed too,married 25 years to my high school boyfriend! I visit your blog daily and some day would love to me you!
I found your blog because of Studio Calico. I continue to read because a lot of what you write about I can relate to. Much of what you say I totally agree with, and at times, feel like I could write out myself. I enjoy your layouts, but they aren’t why I read your blog. I often think of commenting, but usually I get your updates by e-mail and I don’t come to the actual blog to comment.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
I found you and your blog years ago through scrapbooking, and I have been hooked ever since. I love your layouts and craftiness. I love seeing your creativity and artistic flair. But what’s kept me reading your blog everyday is you as a mom and wife, and a very warm and funny person. I swear you make me laugh right out loud whether I am reading about the antics of your sweet girls or about your quirky thoughts or your goofiness. We have all been there. You are so real and your life is so relatable. I am a mom and scrapbooker, but most of all a woman who is living a full life with a full heart just like you. Keep it coming, whether it’s about life or a scrapbook tip. I would miss you so much if you didn’t.
Hi Stephanie
I look forward to your posts. I am a 56-year-old grandmother of twin granddaughters who will be 4 in June. They are Sadie Claire and Elena Nicole. I love the adventures of your girls. My daughter and the girls live with my husband and I. My husband was in the Navy when we met. He has been retired almost 16 years. We have been married over 26 years.
I love to craft, not so much time now, but getting better. I scrapbook. I have quilted, look forward to getting back into sewing when the girls are a little older. Elena could deal, Sadie would have to involved 🙂 Reminds me of your Sadie 🙂
Thanks, again, for sharing your life with us. I love it!
Im in love w your scrapping. When I scrap I pull up your blog and browse your pages for inspiration. I tell everyone I scrap w about u. I follow your life story and have since you worked for Cocoa Daisy ( my friend worked for the owner packing kits and told me to come see your beautiful Harper! ). My friends and I text each other excitedly, anxious to be the first to tell the others you were pregnant, and then to be the first to tell the other it was twins!! My husband mocks me b ecause I don’t know you and yet talk like i do! Ha! Don’t change a thing!
PS my sister is Naomi (a baby sent from the stars.blogspot) and she just text
Me “guess who just commented on my blog?!” 😉 see. You’re famous around here!
PPS. I have 4 kids under 5 (2 by birth, 2 by adoption). Sometimes
I stop by to see if your happen to be making you as crazy as mine! 🙂
Hi Stephanie! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now but only started commenting recently. I love everything about it! I’m a mom and a crafter (mostly scrapbooking and paper crafts with some sewing thrown in there too) so I love all of your posts. I say keep it just how it is! Oh, and I just heard you on paperclipping roundtable (I’m finally listening to it) and loved it. You were super genuine and inspiring like always. Thank you!
Hi Stephanie, I live in Singapore (a non-US reader, see!) and I’ve been following your blog regularly. Love reading about the antics of your four sweet girls and getting inspiration from the layouts you upload. Thanks for doing this.
Hi there-I am signed up to get your daily post…and I read and look at your posts all the time but rarely comment…I think I am one of those people that htinks you may not have time to read all of the comments…I did sign up and did participate in your Iheart post – a couple of months ago. and YEs you did respond. thanks for that…I love your L.O posts – I love to see your ideas and all – and I think I like that you are so real…and straight with us all…I have 4 kids too and three under 11—and boy life is crazy so I feel your insanity at times…but overall you do a great job and I read for ALL the content…keep up the great job.
I love your blog. I live in Australia and I love seeing what is different and what is the same in our daily lives. I feel connected to you as my “little’ family is almost identical to yours. My girls are nearly 9, nearly 7 and my fraternal twin girls are nearly 4. Oh and my hubby is younger and my bday is the same as Sadies. Your blog brings back lots of memories and I am always nodding my head in agreement at your “twin” posts. Good on you for sharing your “real” life. X
Hye i read your post since many years but don t let a lot of comment
I am french i am a mother i am a doctor i am a crafter and i love to read all your post
Please continue it s make me happy each Time i receive a new post of you.
Hi, I am Vicky from Greece. (so..not only US)
I am one of those who read daily but never comment…not even for giveaways(sorry).Your blog is the ONLY one that I get email notice and never miss a single post.I am a mother of two little girls just like Harper and Sandie who are so alike in many ways!
I am a scrapper and that’s how I first found your blog but it is not the reason I read it, since we don’t have the same style.
I read you because I love the way you write, your honesty, your feelings about your girls and about life as a mother and as a woman! You touch my heart, I find my self in your shoes most of the times. You make me think,reassess…you help me find my self, be a better person…thank you…
Hey girl, i LOVE your blog, and i look forward to reading the posts about your family, I was told by someone if you want to be on good DT’s you can’t have family pics on there, i think that is rubbish, i love to see pics. I also love seeing your layouts but i think im more about the family posts, i can see your layouts over at SC anyway 🙂
Hi, I am Rhian, 37, Married, Mum of one boy(6) stepmum to 2 boys (17,19). I am a Microbiologist and live in Cheshire, England. I am a scrapbooker, card maker, knitter and found your blog through SC. I love your mix of crafty and family posts.
i am from Israel and a crafter. I read your blog for the layouts
Hi Stephanie, Ive been following your blog for a few years now and love all your honest and crafty posts. Im a stay at home mama to 2 gorgeous kiddies and I have started Project Life this year and am very excited! I love to read your blog and I am nodding right along with you and know exactly how you feel, dont change a single thing! Your posts inspire me to be better xxx
I love your stories about motherhood, as a mum of 3 quite close together I really relate to those stories. I also love the layouts you make so please don’t change a thing
Hi Stephanie, I initially began reading your blog for the scrapbooking inspiration, and I still love reading and looking at your crafty posts, but I was soon drawn in though by your delightful, sometimes funny, sometimes serious stories about your family. I have four children also, my twins are in the middle of my 4 and almost 9yo (gosh that time has whizzed past) I love the posts about your twins, they bring back lots of memories of my boys at the same age. I can laugh about it now and think about how special it is raising twins but man o man I can empathise about how much hard work it was having 4 kids under 4. keep it up and take care. Leonie.
wow 465 comments, you’re more popular than Tim Holtz. This post has certainly warranted a comment, I like most people read your every post, in fact when I have 100 notifications I will always read yours first, I find you funny and down to earth and honest and I feel like I am there as your friend, playing and crying and cursing with you but you take it all in your stride and plod on. I love your babies, all four of them are so adorable. I also love how your layouts turn out, its like reading a book with pictures from the heart. Why dont I comment? Well its because sometimes I know you want to vent and I am here to lend an ear. I am a crafter and am unsure of how I stumbled upon your blog. I live in Australia. My husband is an ex US navy but I wasnt with him when he was in the navy, I empathize with you because he does go away for his job and I miss him terribly
HI! I have been reading our blog for years and never comment.. I am a mom to a 21 and 15 year old and am an avid scrapper. I read because our life is so different then mine with the moving all over the country and the 4 young girls, I miss the young years and love to hear about them. I love the shots you take of your scrap space! I also love to see pics of your current location. I was only in Savannah for 1 day one on the way to Disney. Loved it! Keep up the good work:)
Hi Steph!
i’m from Brazil and I started to read your blog because I like so much the scrapbook! But after that, I need to improve my english. As you post every day, I can pratice a lot my english!
And I love your Layouts!!!
I’m not a mother yet, but I’m trying!!!
Hi Stephanie,
I read your blog every day and have done for quite some while. I’m not quite sure, now, how I came across your blog……but it must be through the crafting fraternity. I live in England and have 3 sons who are all adults now. I love reading your family’s exploits and your candid openness about life with 4 young children and a husband who is often away. I admire your strength and upbeat take on it all. You are the first person I drop into every day so don’t ever think of giving up blogging!!
To start off, I found you through Studio Calico. I comment every once in a while, but I read every post. I am a single, thirty something former elementary school teacher who loves to create with paper. I read your blog posts because they’re interesting, give me a glimpse at a life so very different from mine, and makes me laugh when Sadie or Harper say something hilarious.
Longtime reader, initially for the crafty goodness of your scrapbooking. Love butterflies too. Really enjoy reading about your little ones, as we weren’t blessed ourselves. Love your attitude about life, appreciate the sacrifice your family makes by living the military life. I paper craft, draw, crochet and garden; work in a children’s hospital full time. Live in NYC and don’t enjoy my city nearly as much as I should, it’s one of my pals this year, to enjoy the touristy things and the little neighborhood things that make this city so wonderful.
I am a mom, a scrapbooker and a teacher! I read your blog becuase its inspirational and its NORMAL! Its just you and your live and your kids…… I like that i can relate to just Normal life! I live in Curacao, Carribean, and love that internet can bring me insiration all the time! So mainly I am here for scrapbooking BUT i do enjoy the stories and adventures you have….
G’day Stephanie!
As you can probably tell from that, I’m an Aussie (although also English by birth). I found your blog through scrapbooking. I’m a Studio Calico member. I read all your blog posts and enjoy all of them…the layouts, the posts about your gorgeous family, everything. I enjoy reading about a life so different from mine in many ways and how you cope with life as a military wife. I think your zest for life and it’s ups and downs shine through your blog posts. Sending you my best wishes from downunder 🙂
Dear Dear Stephanie,
I’m a Wife, Mother, Crafter and your blog stocker. I read because I feel like I have “adopted” your family. Love to see what you are up to. My favorite blogs are pictures of the girls (so fun to watch the littles grow) and you and j. and the stories that go with them. It is soooooo fun to hear about the bigs’ antics. Don’t change what you do, just keep doing it. I’ll keep reading!
I’m a 31 years old girl from Norway. Live with my boyfriend and our pug (dog). I’m a scrapbooker, and that’s how I started reading your blog. But I’ve kept reading it because you are such a nice person, and your family are super cute! Don’t change a thing, I love it all!
I like all your posts, Stephanie! I think it’s a great mix. I love your humor and your ability to express yourself and your crafts. I think it would lose something if you took out craft posts. Or changed it. It’s an expression of who you are and you don’t want to change that! I’ often curious too why some of my posts get more attention than others, but there are just so many factors involved…I don’t think it’s just one thing. Anyway, keep blogging and we’ll keep reading!
Hello Stephanie,
I love your blog and have only commented a few times because you get so many comments and I figure that’s enough for you to read. I’ve been following you for about a year? and even my hubby loves to see your photos. I found your blog thru Ali Edwards one day and can’t remember what it was about but your post that day made me love you and your girls so I signed up for your emails. I look and love each one no matter the topic.
I stay because of your honest, real life mom stories, the hard times and the ugly times, you make me laugh and cry sometimes at the same time, your crafts AMAZE me ( I’ve been waiting for Feb. to come and see what you will share with us) the way you write about your girls and your feelings goes straight to my heart, I’m in awe of how awesome you are and such a good mama to those babies, the love story between you and J warms my heart and makes me believe in true love outside of my own, that you have time to do all your awesome blogs and take care of your family is beyond me, you inspire me to be a better mom, wife, woman, person, grateful that your husband sacrifices so much for us and you share all that with us.
Ok I hope this loooong post made up for the lack of my comments over the year. I will make a point to comment more often even if it’s a HELLO!!!
Don’t change anything about your blog, love it just like this. Oh but please please spoil us with lots of Valentine love this month. So looking forward to it.
Oh and your blogging your heart once a month makes me love you even more. This was so thoughtful of you to do that when Ali announced her thoughts on her marriage. I knew even more that day that the world needs more of you. I was actually going to join in this month when you do it.
I know what you mean about the giveaways and I choose not to comment on those days so that your regular readers/commenters have that chance to win.
Have a great day and thanks for this post!!
You know what I would love to see? More stuff about what you do with the girls. Crafty projects or whatever. I am trying to do more art projects with AJ and sometimes I just draw a blank.
Hi, there,
I am a mum of 2, nana of 2. And I love your stories, they make me smile. Reminds me of when my girls were little–it all goes by so fast!!!! I check out your blog on occasion to see what you have been scrapbooking. I scrapbook, make cards, craft. Live in MT, but I love Savannah!!!
I have been following you since you were harpersmama – I think on SisTV perhaps? I love your style of crafting, your wit and your open heart. I too am a mom of 4 girls…only I also added in 3 boys. So I understand the drama and chaos in your life – totally resonates with me. Keep up what you’re doing. It’s interesting to come here, inspiring to see and at times awful funny to read. 🙂
Hi Stephanie! I’m a twenty year old scrapbooker living in Singapore, South East Asia. I love how real you are and love looking at your layouts. Thank you for being an inspiration!
I love your blog because you are genuine. I feel as if we would be friends if we met. We are in different places in life, but I find we tend to express ourselves the same way. I scrapbook, it is my therapy. I greatly admire you as a wife and mom.
I read your blog because you are real. I started following you simply for the scrapbooking back when you were in Waco, but fell off the scrapbooking wagon. Well I have continued to follow you because of your honesty. Sometimes I swear you peeked into my brain and stole the thoughts right out of them 🙂 That would be creepy though. I am back to scrapbooking and started PL 365 this year! I am a almost 35 year old wife and mother of 2 small kids (6 and almost 4) and I live in TX.
I am an Army wife, formerly a 1/75 Ranger wife. We are now at Fort Leavenworth for ILE. We lived on Miller while you lived on Rainbow. We did The Case For Christ Bible study together at PWOC while you were pregnant with the twins. I am the mother of 2 girls, ages 5 and 3. My third baby is due in April, but we do not know the gender. I am not very crafty, except kid stuff with my girls, and definitely do not scrapbook. I read all your blogs for the non crafty stuff, because I enjoy hearing about your adventures as an Army wife and mom. Oh, and in the short time I knew you at Benning, I thought you were a lot of fun….and I loved your snorty laugh! 🙂
I’m sooo bad about leaving comments 🙁 But I do read every single one of your blog posts and LOVE them all. For one thing I’ve made it convenient to read blogs by having them delivered to my email or using Google reader and so sometimes I just don’t think to click through to leave a comment. But it’s something I’ve been trying to do more lately as I have my own blog and sometimes it feels a bit lonely when there are no comments…
I first signed up for your blog to look at all the crafty/scrapbooking goodness. I’m a single 20-something southerner with no kids, so I wasn’t looking for a family heavy blog to try to connect with… BUT…I absolutely adore your family posts. I can’t imagine what you go through when Jimmy is gone and you’re by yourself for so long w/ the kids. And I ADORE your girls…so.stinkin.cute! LOL. If I’m with other people when reading your blogs, I’ll say “come look at these adorable kids on her blog!” And I love that you are not afraid to posts honestly…you aren’t sugar-coating it. It’s real, true honesty and I think that’s one thing that people admire most about you…Your blog posts are def in my top list of blogs I read…I’ll work more towards clicking on through to comment 😉
I am pretty new to your blog. I think I found you thru Pinterest. I am a scrapbooker and always look for blogs of fellow scrapbookers. But when I came across yours … your title of your blog really caught my attention. I am a veteran of the Army…and seeing as how your husband is serving I can totally relate to what you go through. I know it can be tough and stressful having to care for all the things on the homefront. But, you are doing a great job!!!!! I enjoy keeping up with your family. I usually don’t comment, because in the past on others blogs I have never gotten a reply. So this is my first comment for your blog. Thanks for your stories and inspiration!
Hi, I’m here because you crack my butt up! I am a mom of two (a 3 and 1 year old), scrapbooker, army wife (I just don’t move as much as you) and work full time (for now). Your sense of humor is just awesome and I always love to hear how other moms deal with life. it’s very therapeutic to know it’s not just me sometimes. I LOVE your work (follow you on SC – I think that’s how I found your blog) and LOVE to see your work where ever you post it. Really I come back because you I feel your blog is the perfect balance. I got SO overloaded with all the creative blogs that I finally said enough but because you actually talk to us – like a best friend just down the road – about it all. That’s why you are the few blogs I kept and the few I just LOVE. I don’t comment much because most of it has already been said but since you put out such an individual question I felt the need to answer you back since you have been so awesome to us the readers. Xoxo –Maria (aka blurcrazyuk on the SC boards)
Thank you so much for taking the time to say hi today. Xoxo
Sent from my iPhone
please don’t stop posting your crafty stuff! i only come and look at blogs like once or twice a month, so i don’t post because i don’t think that the person who posted is really going to notice it. or my comment won’t be relevant anymore since so much time has passed!
Hi Stephanie!
I first started to read your blog because I became a member of Studio Calico. I love your style of scrapbooking and you are one of my favorite DT members 🙂 I also love your little stories about every day life: motherhood, wife, scrapper. Your honesty is like a breath of fresh air 🙂 I don’t post to every one of your blogs but I will try and be better about that! Thanks for all the inspiration you’ve given me!
You are always relevant to me my friend!! Xxo
Sent from my iPhone
Okay, here goes … I found you because of scrapbooking, which is interesting because I don’t really scrapbook. Yet. But if/when I do I will be taking cues from your fab pages.
When I found you, the twins were on the way and your heartfelt (worried) posts were so sincere. Loved photos of the girls and hearing about them … Harper is like the little girl I was long ago, except 1000x prettier. (Reason #1 I don’t comment often: is she a wacko stalker?) Also just liked the variety of posts and a glimpse of life VERY different than mine. Love hearing about Savannah – now I want to visit there even more.
There are some interesting things I have learned from you by reading your blog. Too lengthy to go into in this comment, but valuable insights I didn’t have before.
Our lives couldn’t BE more different, yet I feel like we’d still get along great. Maybe it’s the unique attitude with a dash of snarky thrown in. 😉 I’m a (50+) wife, no kids, love papercrafts and creating, and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Ha! We are moving to a new city/county (in Florida) in 2 weeks. It’s a great opportunity and a welcome change at the perfect time, so I’m excited. And a bit nervous. And completely overwhelmed. Was recently thinking: I should ask SH if she has moving tips!
About blogging: I’m still learning the ropes. Sometimes it’s fun; sometimes it’s frustrating. What direction to go? More personal? More instructional? Ugh. YOUR blog? I’m learning from you in that dept. too. Thank you.
About Comments: I don’t think, for one second, that you are worried about praise or worthiness. It’s about FEEDBACK. Conversation. Simple acknowledgement. Helloooo … anyone out there?! Believe me – I GET IT. At least you GET comments, lol. But I will be more aware of my OWN commenting (or lack thereof). There are a bag of reasons I don’t comment often – anywhere. Among them would be fear of “stalkerism” (thanks to
commenter above!) and trying to be more productive in my own work/life.
Okay enough already. Love you and the blog just as is. But do what YOU want and have time for. It’s not your JOB right? So YOU get to make the rules. AND change them when you feel like it. Thanks for sharing YOU with all of us. Have a great day! xoxo
First- do not feel pressure to respond to all of us. That’s just crazy talk 🙂
I first came to your blog through SC several years ago and stayed because I identify with you and where you are in life. I am a paper crafter and sewer.
I love your honesty and outlook on life. You have an amazing gift for writing and keeping things in perspective. I respect you for finding a way to stay true to yourself while juggling life.
I think I’ve written this before. But I stumbled upon your blog the day you posted the photos of Harper in the white smocked dress with flags on it, saying goodbye to J. It broke my heart. I am forever in awe of the strength military families have. You and J both are heroes.
I read your blog for the crafty inspiration, the spin you put on raising girls (I am raising two little girls. 7 and 3), the funny little stories and the fun you place in a crazy world of a mama!
I am a mom of four, like you (but I have one boy in the mix), and I am mainly a scrapper (with a slight phobia when it comes to card-making and stamps). I am also a military spouse. I think it is these points of similarity that make your blog one that I find speaks to me more than some others. I love your scrap-style, your decorating style, and the pictures you take of your kids-they are beautiful…the kids and the pictures. And I like what you write about as well. And the way you write it. It feels like your personality shows in your words, and you have often made me cry as well as laugh. You inspire me to live each moment with my kids to the fullest, and to laugh more with them (and at them!). I think you have the perfect balance between words, pictures, and layouts….your blog is the ONLY one that I read daily. I’m so glad that you put yourself out there and are vulnerable with all of us, even though you haven’t even met most of us. Thanks!
Hi Stephanie!
I visit your blog on a regular basis, why, because you have a ‘nice’ blog!! I enjoy seeing your craft projects, they just seem to be very tastefully done.
I am a crafter, I would say much more of a stitcher than paper crafter. I am in my mid 40’s (ahhhh, I really don’t like to admit that). I am English but live in Greece. I am married, and I have a pre-teen son who is growing up way to fast.
I cannot remember a time when I have never crafted, it has helped me throughout my life, times when I felt alone
Why do I read?
You’re authentic & funny. I enjoy your family stories & “getting to know” all of you. Love your crafting & decorating style. I admire the fact that you’re a military family. The variety of posts, the randomness of some of your posts, and your authenticity! Oh, did I already mention that? 🙂
I guess I tend to go in streaks in terms of commenting, but always read.
Because you asked, I am the wife of a dairy farmer, mom to 3 (18, 11, 9), enjoy gardening, scrapbooking, crafting in general, photography, reading, spending time together as a family (besides just working together on our farm), and a good hot cup of coffee in the morning while reading blogs.
Glad you share your heart & family with us readers (and lurkers)! Looking forward to reading about your upcoming relocation adventures.
yeah I’m number 500! For the life of me I can’t remember how I ended up on your blog, I’ve been reading it for 2 years now, almost on a daily basis. I am a mom of twin girls aged 11 now, for me your blog brings back memories. I looked at the picture of you sitting holding on to two squirmish girls and it took me back down memory lane, a day on a sunny beach, hubby way ahead of us with pram and all the other things you seem to need when they’re 18 months old. They didn’t want to walk one more step so i had to grab their pants and tow them along, for what seemed like ages. There are fun pictures of that momemt, but honestly i wasn’t enjoying it all. that brings me to your honesty, it’s nice to know that i am not the only one who isn’t perfect or in control all the time. It makes me happy just reading your blog.
Gosh, let me think now, I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks before the twins were born. I find your openness and honesty quite refreshing. I absolutely love your scrapbooking style and I share your love of lace and doilies! I’m in the process of collecting all sorts of doilies, new or antique, to make a doily globe lamp I saw on pinterest. And yes, you got me hooked on pinterest. But I thank you for that because it’s amazing!
I am a young single mom and I love to scrapbook and craft every chance I get, which lately isn’t much but I get to sneak in time here and there. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I have a 3 year old boy who is my whole life. I guess I started reading your blog because of the scrapbooking but now I love everything about your blog. You are part of a beautiful community of strong woman that is truly inspiring to other woman out there.
My son is having surgery at the end of march to correct his relapsing club feet and is being casted for 4 weeks prior and 6 to 8 weeks post surgery. I only mention this because I have major anxiety and reading your blog and others like it helps take my mind off of the scariness for a brief moment and that helps a lot.
So thank you!
Hello, I am soon to be 27, I am a stay at home wife, no kids yet, but trying! I try to be crafty, any type:) I am in Denver CO. And I get your posts via email. Love reading your posts, you have such a unique point of view, and a cute family! Keep Blogging (:O (thats a monkey!)
I have been following your blog by happenstance for years now. I am a mom to three incredible kids that are middle, elementary and day school; an ADHD dog named Luna and we live in South Texas. I have been married for 21 years to a crazy and loving man that puts up with all my stubborn ways, including taking over his closet to have my “craft” place. I scrap, but not as much as I used to. I am attempted to do Project Life this year in the hopes that I will be able to keep up with it. We shall see. Don’t change a thing about your blog, I love it. I have gained inspiration from your designs, renewed spirtuality from your faith and most often I just smile, laugh and some times cry at the antics that you go through as a mom of four little girls and a husband that is in the military. I so look forward to receiving emails that you have updated your blog. For me its as if my bestie has sent me a message. I have enjoyed your time in Savannah and look forward to your journey to Rhode Island.
I can’t remember now how I found your blog but I love it.
Your kids are so cute and so is your husband! 😉 I’ve been a reader since before Sadie was born but I don’t think I’ve ever commented.
I like your outlook on life, your humor and your funny family. My husband and I don’t have kids (by choice) but I enjoy other peoples’! I am also thankful for your husband’s contribution to our safety. Good Wishes to you and your Family.
I am a mom to 4 boys. I live in Maine and am in my early 40’s. I have been following your blog for at least 5 years. I first found your blog through scrapbooking. I still love to paper craft but have less time to devote to it so I have been using Project Life for 3 years. It works for me and reminds me to enjoy the everyday moments, which is why I like your blog. You do a good job of finding joy in the everyday. I really appreciate your point of view …being a military family, mother and scrapbooker!! Love how you keep it real!!!!! 🙂
I love your blog! I’m a mom to 2 wonderful young kiddos, an Army wife, a scrapbooker and crafter. I enjoy all your posts – kids, scrapping, everything. I especially appreciate how open and honest you are. Thanks, and please keep it up – I know it’s not easy 🙂
I read b/c I love your crafty goodness and I love that you are so real about being a mom, day to day life, etc… =)
Hi Stephanie,
I am a woman
I am a mom
I am a homemaker
I am a scrapbooker/memory keeper
I am a crafter
I am from a military family
I initially came to your blog for the art. I find your work inspiring. However I come back for the whole package. I gain so much from what you share on so many levels. Maybe today its inspiration from your creations. Maybe today it is your home decor. Maybe today it is your fashion sense. Maybe today it is a story about your journey as a military wife/ family.
I can not think of a single time I have seen your blog and not taken something away from it. Sometimes I comment. Sometimes I just lurk. If I am especially pulled by something you have posted (most likely related to your military journey) I will comment. Otherwise I fear making more work and time drain on what I believe is your already busy life. So please don’t think that lack of comment is a lack of interest.
Not at all. Not in the slightest.
I am a 35-yr-old mom of three girls and Army wife, living down the road in Richmond Hill. (You once provided me great school advice via email, for which I am ever grateful.)
I love your honesty and humor and heart, like so many commenters above. I love the hodge podge nature of your blog — your layouts especially, updates on the kids, thoughts about Army life, snippets of home decor and party ideas, you name it. At the moment, quite selfishly, I love it when you blog about Savannah.
I wouldn’t change a thing!
Hugs from the Hill,
I think it should be clear by now that you are read, enjoyed, appreciated and respected around the world. There is little new I could add to the above comments. I am one more of many who reads your blog. KEEP IT UP!!
Hi Stepanie! I read your blog every day. I LOVE it. It inspires me. It makes me think. It reminds me to be grateful. It makes me laugh. It reminds me not to be too hard on myself. Many days it makes me smile and breathe a sigh of relief in that “thank goodness it’s not just me” frame of mind. I am a scrapbooker, former elem. school teacher and a stay at home mom to 2 boys, so maybe I come here for my “pink fix” too!! 🙂 I hardly ever comment. I guess I’m not one to really put myself out there so much (more private). But I really do love your blog and all of the time you put into it. You truly have a way with words (a gift!) that reaches out to people and draws them in. I have whittled my list of blogs to read down to just a few and (for me) yours is here to stay! Thank you so much!
Hi Stephanie,
Well, I’m a scrapbooker (and member of SC) and journaler, so I love any kind of posts you write, with or without LOs. I like that it’s always different. I love your creative voice, the way you look at things and tell your stories. I think it’s OK to keep everything in the same blog. Why compartmentalize? I also love your BYH challenge. So, please, share those funny posts!
Cheers and hugs from Bordeaux, FR.
I LOVE reading your blog and have read for years now. I don’t always comment thinking the same…that it won’t get read or that I don’t have any words of wisdom to share or any witty comments;) But I love reading about your life, you point of view. I love to read about your girls and see them grow in pics…and I LOVE to see your crafty/scrappy posts. I look forward to them and love your style:)Thanks so much for sharing your world:)
It’s kind of a trick question, my friend! I read because of YOU. Corny? Probably, but it’s true. I don’t really care what you’re talking about, I’ll still be here (I haven’t read any other comments, but I’m sure I’m not the first person who has said this). You can talk about J, the military, the girls, scrapbooking whatever. I’ll be reading regardless.
Stephanie…Where to start??? Well, I happened upon your blog through the Studio Calico Design Team work that you do so wonderfully! You are my go to inspiration for Studio Calico, and many other things. You see, I am a wife, mother, crafter of all sorts, and was a military wife for 7 years to a submariner in the Navy. I know all about deployments, sad faces on children, missed moments…but mostly the joy of homecomings and pride of being married to a soldier. I tune into your blog at least 1x per month for a bit of everything you bring, especially the reality of life & the challenges of parenting, etc. with a fun twist that reminds us to slow down and enjoy it. I LOVE that you scrap about everyday events, just like me, and that you are a resourceful scavenger…that’s me too! I love to repurpose furniture, scour my house for new items that I can use to organize, I recycle/reuse whenever possible, and I even buy & sell my family clothing at the local consignment shop. I like seeing REAL people, who live within their means, and are not caught up in the biggest and the best, or the newest things. Frankly, I like seeing people who thankful for what they have and find true happiness in what they do choose to splurge on…like the grand cupcakes in this post…what a great way to create an ‘experience’, not just ‘eat a snack’. You ground me and remind me of what I am so lucky to have. You remind me to be thankful, to give. I appreciate that…I appreciate you…and I don’t even truly know you. So I am thankful for all of the content you place on your blog from inspiring pins to your latest creation or flea market find. I love it all. So thank-you for sharing your life through your blog. Maybe one day, I’ll have one of my own to document with. Until then, happy crafting, and keep up the good work 🙂 P.S. I’ll try to comment more on your scrapping works of art!
Hi Stephanie,
I absolutely love reading your blog. I am currently a stay at home mom (but will eventually go back to teaching elementary school when my 2 boys 3 1/2 and 2 are in school full time). When I finally sit down at night you are the first thing I read. Your blog is well rounded – I love everything you post and mostly love how ‘real’ it is. Your honesty is refreshing and makes me feel that I’m not alone! Your layouts are inspriational as well as your beliefs in raising your family. I live in CT and am excited for your move to RI. I hope you like New England.
I love what you are doing on your blog and facebook (PL). I love how you show different projects you do with H & S, the places you go, things you do, etc.
Currently I am doing PL (very basic with occasional added flair if it fits in at the time I’m putting my week together), I’m very behind on scrapbooking books for my boys and family – I think I’m just going to do PL until I can manage more. I LOVE making cards and am hoping to get a DSLR camera for my birthday! I don’t do much decorating but maybe that will change when we move into our new house in a couple weeks! So keep it all coming on your blog. I LOVE it ALL.
OH, and I wish when people leave you snarky comments they wouldn’t. I find it rude and unnessesary – if they don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all – right?
I found you through a friend’s blog many months ago and continue to read your wonderful and inspirational blog almost daily. I say almost daily because my only blog-reading time is during my 45 minute lunch break at work. My 14 yr old son monopolizes the home computer at night doing his voluminous homework and with dinner to get on the table for an overtime working, hungry man and other household chores, there’s little time for me to leave comments but I occasionally do leave a comment on your blog.
I’m a 40-something, full-time working wife and mom but I’m also a scrapbooker and cross-stitcher. Crafting, in general, very much appeals to me. I immensely enjoy your blog for a variety of reasons. I love how you offer more than just a glimpse into worlds that are completely foreign to me. I’ve never “known” a military family and having only 1 child leaves me in awe of women like you who have 4. You openly share your life and heart with us and I find that amazing.
Please don’t change a thing about your blog. It always leaves me feeling happy when lunch is over and I have to go back to work. Thanks!
First, I just want to say Thank You for blogging! I love coming here and reading everything that you have to say…it always brings a smile to my face! I found your blog from scrapbooking. Since I first started reading this wonderful hobby that I LOVE has been put on the backburner b/c of life getting so busy but I still LOVE LOVE LOVE to visit your blog daily b/c I feel like I can relate to every post, being a mommy to young kids! I am looking forward to your Feb. series!
I LOVE your blog, but rarely comment. I love your craft posts bc I craft. I love your army wife posts bc my best friendly is an airman’s wife. I love your Mommy posts because I can’t wait to be a mom & you seem to have the best attitude and advice. Have I mentioned, I love this blog? I do. 🙂
Hi Steph,
I am a Canadian Army wife, a scrapbook store owner and a crafter in general. I truly enjoy your honesty, your emotion and your humour!! My husband and I are not able to have children so I live vicariously through yours…tehe!! Your children always bring a smile to my face and I imagine if I was a mom my parenting style would be similar to yours. To this day when I hear “moves like Jagger” I sing “moves like dragon”. I read your blog because you make me laugh, you make me cry and you remind me that everybody has struggles but your attitude will determine how you deal with them. Thank you for sharing your life with us!!!!
Hello, my name is Audrey and your blog opened me up to world of scrapbooker/craft bloggers. I also had my first daughter about the same time the twins were born. I really enjoy reading the family posts and equally the craft posts. I as well am married to my best friend, and I love how you capture the girls with their daddy. It truly gives me inspiration to try and capture my daughter with her daddy in the fun day to day stuff. I live in central Illinois.
I came for the scrap layouts, and have stayed (I subscribe via because of the stories and your authentic voice. I’ve shared your post about reacting to people saying “How do you have time for crafts?” with so many friends. I hope I commented, but I know I rarely do. For moms who give all day, blog reading can be a very one-sided opportunity to take and not give. Sorry about that. And thanks for sharing the good bad and beautiful!
I read for many reasons. Yes, I love your layouts and would miss them if you didn’t post them anymore. I also find myself to be a lot like you in many ways and so am drawn to your “realness” and have (in an weird online community sort of way) come to love your family and I think of you while J is gone and pray for your family and for his safety. I love your posts about your home as well. You have a gift for decor using fun vintage items and I love the inspiration. When my second child was born, I’ve really had to cut back on blog reading just with the busyness of life, but your’s was one of the very few blogs that I couldn’t give up. With the busyness, I don’t always read everyday and I often don’t comment (time/energy), but I always catch up after a few days. I love the photography (both perfect and imperfect), I love the silly things that your girls do and say and the occasional videos, your fun ideas for holidays with kids. (Love jars, great idea!)
Hi Stephanie. I am a scrapbooker, card maker, and mom to 2 spoiled pugs. I love reading your blog because you’re so open and honest about your feeling. And, I do love your layouts as well. I guess the everyday life post get more comments because many people relate to it. I enjoy reading it all, personal ones, the ones with layout, the random ones, read it all. 🙂
I got busy yesterday and forgot to come back & post. I am not sure how I found your blog but since I am a regular at 2Peas and read many blogs about scrapping that is probably it. I know it was still when it was 2 little chicks.
But your posts speak to me in other ways too. I am not a mama but am an early childhood educator, so sometimes I comment about your girls. I was a miltiary brat, so that part of your story touches me. I know how your girls feel when their dad leaves. It seems mine was gone about half of my childhood. I know what it means to move all the time, and to be the new kid. I had a very strong role model in my mom; you are that strong model for your girls.
You make me laugh, you make me cry, and the stories about your girls are the BEST!
Hi Steph! I read your posts because you are REAL and you are honest and thoughtful and a huge inspiration as a mother and a crafter! You inspire me to be better, to raise my children better and do just be myself. You teach me so much! Thank you!!! 🙂
hey steph! i am a crafty working mom of three from houston. i read your blog everyday usually on my lunch breaks. why? for the amazing inspiration that you provide from both the scrappy side and the mama home life side. and because you crack me up! i think that you are an amazing person even though i don’t know you personally. thx for all the fab inspo! smiles, m-
I really like your blog because you seem real and not afraid to have a bad day. I love your layout posts! One of my favorite layout posts ( and this was a while back) had to be when you showed several layouts that you had basically scrap lifted yourself. Well, I went and made a layout based on your pages! I don’t always comment, but I read your blog just about every day. Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Hi Stephanie, Ive been following your blog for a few years now and love all your honest and crafty posts. Im a stay at home mama to 2 gorgeous kiddies and I was scrapbooking but stopped for a while but have started Project Life this year and am very excited! I love to read your blog and I am nodding right along with you and know exactly how you feel, dont change a single thing! Your posts inspire me to be a better everything! xxx
I started following your blog because of your work in scrapbooking, but then I fell in love with your girls!! I can pick up a scrapbooking magazine and instantally know it’s your work that has been published because of the pictures of your girls. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing them with us!!
Hi Stephanie,
I’ve been coming here for such a long time, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented before. Sorry for that 😉
I came here initially for the crafting post, which are still some of my favorites (so please don’t drop those). But I came to love every aspect of your blog; You often just write down, what a lot of us (mothers with young children, wifes and women)are thinking and ever so often don’t always want to admit. Life isn’t a breeze, and you aren’t afraid of being true and authentic. I love your honesty, I only wish I was this brave. So please, don’t change a thing about this blog. I love it just the way it is 🙂
Els (from belgium).
I adore your blog, stephanie. i started reading when you first started blogging. my 2 are the same ages as harper and sadie and it was so comforting and encouraging to read your honest posts about motherhood. i still love those posts. i love how real you are, how much you love your family, and that you still manage to scrapbook (i haven’t scrapbooked in years). i could say so much more but i’ll just say thanks for being who you are and sharing that with us. 🙂
I’m a mom and a crafter and I’ve been reading your blog just a couple months. I love to see your scrapbook layouts and I enjoy glimpses into your everyday life with kids. My son is 3 1/2 and daughter is 19 months, so it’s always fun to see what other moms and kids are up to. Thanks for all you share!
well, you asked 😉 Honestly, I’ve read your blog for a while off and on – before you moved to Savannah, before you knew about your impending move to Savannah – I found you through Studio Calico which I found through my friend Monica who lives in Texas (near Dallas). Your layouts and humor grabbed me. I continued to watch your babies grow and see how you adapted to life with four. I continue to read because this is a mom blog, a scrappy blog, a blog that’s real and faces challenges head on. I know there’s no other way for you to deal with being an Army wife other than the fact that you do it. You love J and I admire that. So I come back. Most of the time, I don’t comment because I don’t really know what to say. My girl is almost 17 and a jr in high school. I have two boys 13 1/2 months – not twins – and the toddler years seem so long ago. I have no words of wisdom to share; but I read often every word you write. I often read from Blogger, and to make me go to your blog and comment, the post has to really make me feel I have something to add to the posts already there. I know there’s over 500 posts here . . . I’m sure something I said was very similar to someone else, if not identical . . . don’t feel like you have to respond, since I don’t always . . . but for me, just keep doing what you’re doing.
Hi Stephanie,
I read EVERY SINGLE post! I also just started following you on Twitter a few weeks ago.
I am a 23 year-old newlywed scrapbooker. 🙂 I first discovered your blog when I found out about Studio Calico. I LOVE your layouts because 1) they are creative and beautiful and 2) they don’t seem out of my reach. Does that make sense? I see them and I think, “I can make something beautiful like that!” When I see someone like Kinsey or KP or Wilna, I think, “Hey, that’s amazing, but I don’t think I could do it.” Yours seem approachable, which makes them even more inspiring than those other women (in my humble opinion!) So, PLEASE keep posting layouts!! Don’t stop!
I don’t have any kids yet, but I LOVE reading about your marriage and your kids. As a newlywed (approaching 2 yrs), your committment to your husband fills my heart with joy and hope. And your girls are adorable and hilarious. I just love reading about them.
Also, I have almost no experience with the military. My dad was in the Navy, but was never deployed anywhere and was out long before I was born. Everything you write about your experiences in this area has opened my eyes and given me a whole new appreciation and compassion for our troops and their families–and for that I am grateful.
Sorry to be so wordy, but basically I would say: just keep doing what you’re doing! Thanks for all your honesty, humility, and inspiration!
Okay, I am a few days behind on blog reading, but since you asked, I love reading your blog. Your girls are so cute and funny (love the videos). I am a 55 year old divorced mom of two grown sons, no grandchildren, I work full time in an attorney’s office as a bookkeeper, my social life mostly revolves around church friends and family. The rest of the time, I craft (paper, sewing, crochet, tatting, weaving, beading – you name it, I have tried it) I found your blog when you appeared on Paperclipping Roundtable and have ‘stalked’ it ever since. I don’t comment often but I enjoy every moment of reading about you and your wonderful family.
i read this blog because i love your style, your honestly and your inspiration. being a mom of a 2 yr old son, i love seeing how you dress your girls! hoping one day i can have a girl. 🙂
538 comments…woop! :}
I’ve been a long time reader…you might actually be the first blog I’ve come across before the whole blogging thing came to my life…
I comment every once in awhile…pretty sure I never comment when it’s a giveaway day…mainly when you’re going though your “single mother” struggles…(I am a single mother…) Although you’re not really a single mom, you are in a way when your sweet hubs is gone, I seem to relate to you in a lot of ways and I’m not going to lie…it’s refreshing to see even “married moms” stuggle in the same areas single moms struggle…weird right? I know…
To answer a few of your questions…
are you a paper crafter? Heck yes I am…when I have TIME!!!
do you craft at all? Scrapbooker, jewelry maker, I even have an etsy shop here:
are you a mom? I’m a momma to a sweet 16 month old…27 going through a divorce. After 11 yrs of being with my husband (5 yrs of marriage), he decided 2.5 months after she was born this wasn’t the life.
where do you live? Califorina… Bay Area
why do you read this blog? You’re so CUTE! You’re family, your style, personality…EVERYTHING!
Hi Stephanie,
I have read for years and have commented a couple of times. My name is Lisa, I live in Florida, I’m 49 years old and have 3 grown sons, one of whom is daddy to the light of my life – my almost-2 year old granddaughter. I read your blog because you have great artistic style (love all your layouts and flea market finds), love reading about your adorable children-they’re just so filled with cuteness and it’s strange how I’ve been reading so long I feel like I know them personally! I read your blog because doing so reminds me to pray for our troops and to appreciate all they sacrifice for our great country. I read your blog because while you are a young mommy and I am a young grandma, we are all the same at the end of the day — women who support each other, appreciate each other, and are there for each other…even if it is “just” through blogging.
Thank you – for sharing your words, your family, your art through your blog.
Lisa D
Hey Steph,
I just got around to catching up on my blog reading! I’m a Foods/Nutrition student at SDSU. I’m in my third year and hope to graduate June 2013. I have a boyfriend of 3 years now-he is the light of my life. I love the scrap-booking community and it makes me almost impatient about having my own little family someday. I loveee hearing about your girls. I shared that viedo of Harper singing somewhere over the rainbow with my boyfriend and he said “one day I hope our daughter is as cute as that.” It melted my heart.
Anyways, I come back because I love that you are true and consistent with your blogging. I love reading about the every day life as well as seeing your creating-you are pretty much a scrap crush of mine!
Anyways, please never stop doing what your dong-you keep me going 🙂
Reading through these comments I think we might need to set up a formal Singapore chapter of the Stephanie Howell fan club. I am another Singapore based fan. I am actually from New Zealand and am currently a SAHM to my almost two year old daughter.
I think I originally found your blog through Studio Calico and initially it was the crafting that lured me in but now I stay for the whole package. I love reading about your girls. The twins make me pine for what has passed for my daughter and the bigs excite me as to what lies in store. My husband travels a lot with his job. He is always home for weekends but some weeks I have no adult company. I use your experiences to inspire me to suck it up and get on with things. I have no clue how you do what you do with four girls and a husband at war. My admiration is enormous.
I really love the blog the way it is and your sense of humor often brightens my morning. Keep up the good work as ousNds of women can’t be wrong!
I am not sure how I found your blog, but it is a gem!
I scrapbook, read, and have some of the same craziness! Love that you are a military spouse, just as I am. Your inspiration and creativity get me back into my craft space. I even have your dress store bookmarked, but have not yet gotten the courage to order 🙂
Keep the blog on your interests, your thoughts, fun projects…
That is what makes it fun to hop into your life and take the inspiration.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your feelings, your struggles, and your laughter!
I read every post. Love your family posts and love your crafty posts… the details of the girls’ parties … it all!! Do not change a thing!! Sorry I do not comment more!
I like your blog exactly the way it is. I like the mix of scrapbook layouts, mom posts, more serious posts and crafty posts. I am a scrapbooker, which is why I first found your blog. I’m also a wife and a mom. Thanks for sharing your heart and pieces of yourself in your projects. I’ve been a reader for a couple years too. Becca 🙂
I started reading your blog 18 months ago (just before I had my son). My husband’s family is from Texas, and I think one of them knows some of your family. Anyway, they recommended your blog because you’re so sweet and funny and REAL. I liked you the first time I read your blog! I think we could be friends (in a totally non-creepy way) if we ever lived in the same place. Right after I started reading your blog, my son was born 14 weeks early. During some really dark days your blog was a happy distraction–you were pregnant with the twins then. Now, I just enjoy your take on things. I’m not crafty at all, but I appreciate that you are. Your life in many ways doesn’t look like mine on the surface, but in some ways I almost feel like you’re a kindred spirit, even though we’ve never met. So, I NEVER comment, but I always check in once or twice a week to see what you and the girls have been doing. And I still think of you on the really frustrating days (like today when my son discovered he could chew up his crib instead of taking a nap) and how in one blog you admitted that you had to take a few minutes to sip your coffee in the closet. That just makes me smile! Thank you for blogging, Stephanie.
Hi Stephanie. I’m a reader of your blog from Australia. I just love everything about your blog! I check it every day. Your stories are so funny, I love your girls and hearing about them and what they’re doing, I love seeing your layouts – they’re beautiful and inspiring. I love your honesty. I guess being a Mum (although to only two – a boy and a girl) I can relate to your experiences.
Hi Stephanie,
So I guess it is time for me to come out of hiding and comment. I have to admit I am one of your readers that has been following you for a couple years and has yet to comment. So here I am…and I am not going anywhere. I LOVE reading your blog. I check it everyday. What I appreciate most about you is that you are real in everything your write about. You are candid and honest and just put so much love and emotion into your posts. I am a mommy and scrapbooker. I look forward to every topic…so keep them coming.
I don’t read for the scrapbooking. I am not a scrapbooker at all. But, I am an army wife and I love your posts about your family and how you make it all work. It is inspiring and uplifting to read about people who go through what I go through. Makes me feel stronger to know I am not alone, even if I never meet you! I know you are out there, making it all work, keeping your family together and that gives me strength.
Gosh, I think all the good blog comments have likely been taken by now :))
I first read you because of your scrapbooking craftiness and I keep coming back for that, and your kid stories, and to see how you are coping with twins, and to support you(I guess vicariously!), especially when your DH is away. I appreciate that you take time to post often and that you share so much of yourself and your family. Oh, yeah – and now I want to visit Georgia someday too! You make it sound so cool.
Hello, I read your blog because you are fun and interesting. I am a mom of 2 small kids so it’s nice to read your accounts of times with your kids. I also scrapbook a little and I’m interested n seeing more of your project life pages because I just started project life myself. Thanks 🙂
I really miss harpers videos!! So does Claire! teehee! Although I am not scrappy I like to see layouts but its not my favorite posts anymore…when I first read your blog I was mesmorized. Now I read for the kiddos and mom stuff. Mostly I read because you are an old dear friend whom I will always love!!! I’d read about you in a paper sack if that’s all you wrote b/c you are a special friend.
Hi! I am about to turn 40 and I love your blog!! I am a mom of 2 girls, wife and second-grade teacher in PA. Thanks for your photos, stories, crafts and layouts. Fabulous!!!
Stephanie – I am a wife, mom, scrapbooker. I read your blog daily and love it. What I love the most – your honesty. It inspires me. It is refreshing and we all need reminders that real life is not perfection. We all need reminders that the important things are spending time with our family and who cares about the sink filled with dirty dishes! Also, my husband is a USMA grad, was on active duty and still active duty reserves so I love the army wife stories. I can relate to them And although my kids are 13, 11 and 7 so older than your girls I love the stories of your girls because they make me remember and treasure those days! You are so articulate about your emotions and feelings – you always hit just the right tone to make one think about the important things. Thank you!
I love your blog! I found it from Studio Calico. I comment now and then, but I never comment too much on anyone’s blog so I don’t come across as a stalker- I guess that’s not how it should be- I never really thought about it until now, the importance of feedback, that is. I love your blog since I’m also a mom of 4 girls, spend my summers near Savannah (Hilton Head Island) and lots of it just rings so true to me. Your pages are so cute and I get so many ideas here, all of the crafts you do so inspiring, and your commentary on life and all other things are funny and entertaining, not to mention heartfelt- love your honesty. If I ever had a blog (I won’t, I’m sure) I would hope it would have all of the elements that make your blog so much fun to read!
Oh and I forgot to mention, I never would have found Paris Market in Savannah without your blog!!! One of my very favorite summer “indulgence” outings now 🙂
I have been reading your blog since just before you found out you were pregnant with the twins. I’m not sure how I found you. I live in Australia, I have 4 kids (so, so lucky to have 2 girls and 2 boys), the boys have special needs. I am an Art journaler and scrapbooker and I also run a small online craft supply store. I love reading your blog because it’s just like catching up with a friend (btw your blog is the only one I make sure I read every day no matter how busy I am). I love your style of scrapbooking and I love that you don’t just do what everyone else is doing (put as much product on your page as possible). Your posts make me laugh and cry and sometimes both, I feel like I’m not alone in this crazy world of hiding in the wardrobe to make a phone call or just get some quiet time. You write from the heart and you write what we’re all thinking but can’t put it in words. But most of all you are REAL, you don’t hide behind a perfect blog world.
HI, I’m Karen I have been reading your blog for a few years – I think I only had 2 kids then now I have 3. I love your blog because your writing seems so real and honest. I am a paper scrapper who is learning digi (mostly due to time and space)the stories about your girls crack me up. Mine are getting older (10) and (7) and the cute chubby baby faces are only in pictures now. So reading blogs written by other moms helps me to appreciate the daily chaos of (1)bossy girl(1)sassy girl and (1)crazy toddler
Hi, a little late to the party on this one. Read the blog post yesterday, but hubby wanted the computer, so I couldn’t reply then. Me? Debra. Australia. Married 16 years. No kids (still want some). 38. Scrapbooker. Crafter. Lover of paper. Lover of colour. Dog owner. Blogger. Teacher (used to teach primary – 8/9 year olds) etc etc. Anyway, that’s me. Why do I read? Because I want to. You offer something. You offer your heart, that’s what it is. You offer it in your family photos, your words, your stories, your layouts…that’s why I read, because it’s a heart thing coming from you and that’s what life is all about. There you go!
I have to be honest and say that I can’t remember how I found your blog, only that I love it! I think your family is so beautiful, so fun and so brave! I’ve only commented a few times so I guess I’m a lurker:)
I’m a mom of 3 and had my youngest (our last and first girl after 2 boys) a month before you had the twins. I love to craft, mostly sewing and quilting, and I used to scrapbook until I got so far behind that I feel too overwhelmed. (any advice on how to start up again?!) I think your layouts are beautiful and I look at them with envy, wishing I had your talent or supplies to make scrapbooks like that.
I read because I love your honesty and your great sense of humor. It is so perfectly balanced. You often post things that I feel but it is put so much more elegantly here. Thanks for sharing your life with us!
I am a full-time working Mom, wife, blogger (on hiatus), scrapbooker, crafter,proud Texan, and a daydreamer! I love your blog because it is like a great book that never ends. I laugh at your stories, cried when Jimmy left as I know your life was turned up-side down, I have been angry- esp at the blog hacker-, stalked until the babies were born and waited with anticipation at the next SC reveal. Reading this blog makes me thankful to be an American. Our country could use a few more selfless people like you and Jimmy. My husband, a former Marine, was fortunate enough to serve during peace time and has a hard time calling himself a veteran. After 11 years together (9married) I have finally convinced him otherwise! All service men and thier familes are WAY under thanked and praised. I tell my Mom of stories you have shared- I talk about you like we have been friends for years! My mom just laughs at me 🙂
I keep coming back because your words always hit home. You have no problem sharing the good, bad and ugly. Your layouts have been lifted and placed in my albums. You kids are just as crazy as mine and I think they would get along great- even though I have boys, 4 and 2. I love what you have here! I wouldn’t change a thing 🙂
However, I do have one question. I am desperatly wanting to get on a design team or two. What suggestions do you have to someone wanting to break in the field? I have never been published. I have posted a couple layouts on my blog but don’t have enough followers tho get noticed (remember the above mentioned hiatus?!).
Keep up your amazing work!!!
I am from Montana, wife and mom of 2 teenage boys. My husband was in Iraq and a friend told me about your blog. I love seeing your cool house decorations and fun parties for your girls. Keep it up you make me laugh and cry! Lea
sarah- id love to chat about this. email me…harpersmama8(at)gmail(dot)com
Sent from my iPad
I am single, 29, and I scrapbook. I come here for layouts … I stay for the stories. I’d be crushed if you stopped the crafting stuff, but I love how much of YOU AND YOUR FAMILY are in the posts. But I have to admit, I get a little bit giddy every time you post a layout!!
Hi Stephanie! I am married for a year and a half, no children yet…but I have a 6yr old niece & 4yr old nephew. I love reading your blog. I am a paper crafter & that was what first brought me to your blog. I love your layouts & look forward to your next creation and I love seeing your adorable family. My first papercraft love is card making. I have wanted to get into scrapbooking for a long time but have been intimidated as I want my layouts to look just as gorgeous as all of these fabulous designer pages I adore. I actually just signed up for a SC subscription starting with this month & I am determined to dive in! I’m taking Amy’s class & hope to help get my feet wet 🙂 I have been following your blog for a few years now. I love to see your layouts, your vintage finds, hear your stories and see your pics of your gorgeous family. I really look forward to your posts everyday, I love checking in on you and I feel like I *know* you. I truly am inspired by your posts, both personal and crafty. I must jump out of my google reader & comment more so you know I am out here 🙂 Thank you for your daily inspiration. I wish I lived closer so we could be real life friends as you truly seem to be an amazing, fun person. 🙂
I have such fun reading your blog! I love the variety. As a Mom of three girls, I can relate to those posts and often find myself giggling. As a fellow crafter, I find those posts very inspirational. As a sister of an active duty-soon to deploy again- Navy Pilot, I like those posts too. I think they better equip me to support my sister-in-law during long deployments. I am quite excited about your series for February. Thank you for taking the time to share and know that many read and appreciate your efforts.
Hi Steph, I am a single girl who works full-time, likes all things crafty and I live in Adelaide, South Australia. My main passions are scrapbooking, card-making and photography. I love your scrapbooking/crafty style. I do like reading the stories about your family – occasionally stifling a giggle or two 🙂 Whatever you choose to post about I will read. Thanks to Google Reader, I don’t miss a post. Much love to your beautiful family 🙂 x
I usually read your posts in my email so I can be considered one of those people who only comment when something moves me so much that I have to click on over or a giveaway I’m interested in… yes I’m guilty of it (now that I have a new computer it is so much faster… so I shouldn’t have an excuse). I’m a papercrafter but I enjoy your everyday life posts too as a mom of grown sons with no grandbabies on the horizon I enjoy the escapades of the chicks each with their own personality… Sadie never fails to make me snort laugh she is such a character & Harper with all her confidence & *ashion sense is just something else. the littles are just adorable you have a wonderful family & I love how you share your time talents & blessings in life. Thanks for being you Stephanie… not a phony person trying to make others feel like everything is perfect with no problems but you share a messy life that is perfectly lovely in every way and uplifts the reader
I am a mom of 2 (3yrs and 4 months old), Navy wife, unemployed teacher, and scrapbooker. I originally found you via scrap booking but have enjoyed every single post you have made. I love your ability to be honest and tell it like it is and I admire your ability to keep it all going with four young girls while J is gone. I can relate to many of your posts and I look forward to your new blog posts whether they are family or scrapbook related.
I read your blog because you are REAL. No pretenses, no la-la. I appreciate that. As a crafter, I enjoy your crafty posts because you have a style that resonates with me. Not super fancy, not too simple, always a story to tell, and always unique. I’m a mom of 5 kiddos and totally relate to your motherhood voice. Your “heart” posts have inspired me to be a little more personal on my blog. And even though I am not as open as others, it has helped me see how sharing our feelings can help others feel there is someone else who can understand them. I appreciate reading about your DH’s service to our country and usually shed more than one tear when reading posts about him. Thanks for all that you do.
I wanted to make sure I commented today because I’m one of those that don’t. I’ve only commented once… and even if a giveaway is tempting I always think to myself that it would be rude to comment on one of them if I don’t comment on your other lovely posts! Haha. I started reading your blog almost three years ago and like many found you through your scrapbooking. I found your work to be completely unique, beautiful, and inspiring. I still love seeing it but I think what really makes me check your blog everyday is that I love hearing about your life and your family. When I first starting reading your blog I was a senior in college who was dating a boy training to be a Navy officer… now I’m a social worker who has been married for three months and is facing a 7-9 month deployment in a few weeks. So I’m currently adjusting to a new home, in a new state, around very new but nice people! Which I’ve seen you go through quite a few times since I started reading your blog. I’ve half thought about emailing you for tips a few times because something about reading your blog makes you feel like a friend! Thanks for sharing so much. I love reading every post no matter what the topic. I’m going to comment more often (which shouldn’t be too hard since I’ve been very lame in that department, hah!). You really do deserve to know how many people enjoy getting to read your posts and getting to know you.
Hi Stephanie. I think I’ve commented once maybe twice but read your blog all the time (I’m not a big commentor!!) I’m a scrapbooker & so this is how I found you but am also a mum (in Australia) to a boy (3) and girl (9 mths) & so relate to you in this way also. I love how honest & true your posts are & make me feel like I’m completely normal in the midst of my insanity!! I love your layouts, I love your style – which is funny because it’s not at all what I would say my style is but I find them so appealing & they inspire me. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of years now & so feel like I know you & your family. Keep doing what you’re doing, I love it.
Hi Steph!
I’m a Mum to two (ages almost-6 and 4), I live in Australia, am a scrapbooker/card-maker, part-time worker, wife, sister, daughter, Christian, and craft dabbler.
I love reading your blog because you are to-the-point, honest, and make me laugh. I must admit I like reading about your family life at home, the interesting and the mundane, seeing the pics of the girls and hearing what they’ve been up to! Your Sadie reminds me a lot of my daughter Alyssa, even in looks. 🙂
We lived overseas for 2 years in China away from family and friends and I love reading about other family’s adventures too. I also love your emotional posts also where you pour out your heart about something. And the silly funny posts! Everything really. 🙂
Hi Stephanie,
I am a mom, scrapbooker, girl scout leader and have a full time job. I have 2 little-ones Abby (5 in Kindergarten) and Everett 2. I started reading your blog before Sadie was born, primarily because we are about the same age had a daughter the same age and love to scrapbook, craft and go antiquing. I read everyday or every other day if I am too busy. I don’t comment much because I never know what to say or some else has already said it. (It’s ironic that I don’t like writing much considering in college I was a one point going to minor in writing). I love how words seam to come so easy to you and wish I could do that. I love hearing all your stories.
I read your blog everyday. I am from Keswick, Ontario and a mother of two kids. I read your blog for the crafts as I am a scrapbooker but I love the stories on your family and watching them grow. You make me a better mom.
I adore your blog, mainly when you write about your beautiful family & the goings-on in the lives of the Howells. I especially enjoy the amazing photos & the odd video you post.
I am card-maker & have never scrapbooked but I admire and am interested in your layouts.
I subscribe to a number of blogs but yours stands out because of your honesty & frankness, your humour & passion and overwhelming love of your family & life.
Blog on, with health, fun & love. X
Please don’t change a thing! I follow your blog regularly. I found you first through SC. I am a scrapbooker and love your style. Have lifted you more than once! And, as a mom, I love your stories and pics of your girls. You’ve made me laugh (and cry-that post where you were dropping H off at school, and she turned around and said she was proud of you. I read that one out to my co-worker and we both teared up!). Thank you for your honesty and humour about the challenges of motherhood.
you are one of two blogs i read religiously. no matter what you decide to do, i’ll still read. i happen to love seeing your work on the blog (your love jars for the girls are awesome). i enjoy reading about your daily life, seeing photos of all you do and your beautiful girls. Above all I enjoy your ability to share your struggles, strength, and happiness!
I found you through SC and read occassionally when blog surfing – especially near reveal time 🙂
Love how you tell it like it is and love your beautiful chicks – your pics often put a smile on my face and remind me of when my (now teens) were little and silly. I’m a mom, and scrapper and I want to thank you for keeping it “real”!
Hi Stephanie! I initially started following your blog (yrs ago) because I fell in love with your scrapbooking style. I thought it was so different and fresh I loved it… still think so! Then I found myself looking forward to the HONEST stories about you and your family. I for one would love to see you keep doing what you do. Layouts, stories, party planning, decor all of it! Have a blessed day! *E* 🙂
I LOVE your blog the way it is and have followed you for years now. I don’t scrap as much as I used to but adore seeing all your scrappy posts. They are so inspiring and it’s great to keep up with some new products and of course the SC kits (I used to subscribe and LOVE what they do). The only thing that could be improved on a little for me with those posts would be a little typed bit under your page telling what your journaling says! (Love your writing but sometimes find it hard to read, haha). I understand however that that would be more time-consuming and I know time is precious.
I’m from Scotland and so in many ways we a quite different but you have a great style of writing. I like your integrity, openness, humour, family and scrappy related posts. My DH knows a little about you too as I ocassionally share some photos or videos you’ve posted, with him. (He liked the one with Cate and Lucy on their b’day tucking into cake!) I rarely post comments (even on competitions) but I’m here and interested.
PS – Just tried joining Pinterest after thinking to for a while but you need an invite. Is it possible for you to invite me? I don’t know how it works. Maybe an idiots guide to Pinterest would be a good blog post! hehee
Hi Stephanie!
Let’s see- found you through Studio Calico. I love reading your blog, though I don’t always comment. I love every bit of it. I mostly look at scrappy blogs and that is the main purpose for reading here. That being said, I love what you share and reading about the girls. You are a fabulous writer and storyteller. Don’t change a thing on here. I may not comment all of the time, but I am reading. I am a SAHM to a 6 year old boy and a 3 year old girl.
I’m belatedly answering this post … I’m a mama of four, like you, I scrap, I love Jesus. I love how you are intentional with your kids which is what I try to be, too, and I appreciate your honesty about how hard it can be sometimes, too.
And, we share the same name, so I think that makes us a wee bit kindred. : )
I started reading because I admired your layouts, but I kept on reading because I admire you. I love how your blog is a peek into your life, ups and downs. And I love how you contemplate what this blog should be. Deep thoughts? Maybe, but worthwhile!
I am a scrapbooker, card maker, I guess a paper crafter. I love your blog. Your writings are always interesting whether it’s funny or on a serious note. I have so much respect for what your husband does and for you keeping the home life together. I feel like I have watch the girls grow up by just reading your blog.
A friend and I were at St Louis CKC last year and were in the Studio Calico Booth and both said, “There’s Harper on that layout”. I love your style of scrapping.
God Bless you and your family and thanks to J for keeping us safe and thanks to you for entertaining us.
I’m paper, from NYC, and I do my own version of project life, events in a regular layout style and lots of journaling mini’s. I want to say I heard about your blog on The Digi Show, not sure. I really enjoy your stories and the way you write. Thanks for sharing!
I am so bad at commenting… something I am resolving to fix, now! I love the mix of stuff you have on your blog… the stories, the crafty stuff (scrap pages), the antiques/home decor stuff you do. um, and stories about you doing spazzy things, because they make me feel less awkward about my own klutzy, spazz nature. 😉
I started orginally because of the scrapbooking. Now, your family has become part of my family and I can’t let a day go by without finding out that everyone is okay, and happy, and healthy. It’s a weird phenomenon that blogging has caused, but like it or not, you’re extended family is now HUGE. As for the writing; just be you. To paraphrase the movie – ” If you write it, they will come” ♥
Hi Stephanie, Ive been following your blog for a few years now and love all your honest and crafty posts. Im a stay at home mama to 2 gorgeous kiddies and I was scrapbooking but stopped for a while but have started Project Life this year and am very excited! I love to read your blog and I am nodding right along with you and know exactly how you feel, dont change a single thing! Your posts inspire me to be a better everything! xxx
Hi Steph,
I’m delurking today.. 🙂 I read your blog for everything you post here – the stories you tell about your family, the craft projects and little giveaways in between… I read them all… as I said during the SC chat yesterday, I come here everyday to see if there’s a new post up.. and I just enjoy looking at the photos of your beautiful family that you post.. 🙂
So I say, keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t change a thing… 🙂
I think that the craft posts don’t necessarily get that many comments because people may have commented on your gallery at SC.. and don’t feel the need to comment again? 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
I am a mom whose son is away at college. I scrapbook and first came to your blog because of your layouts – I love your scrapbooking style. I actually read your blog now because of your honesty, your humor, and because I was a bit of a “Sadie” when I was little. Your stories about her crack me up. When JImmy was overseas I found myself praying for your family all the time. I know you probably need just as much prayer now, but it really used to seem more urgent when he was gone. If the blog entries in my Google Reader list have piled up (I subscribe to a lot of blogs, mostly for the pretty pictures) I always read yours first. I am always hoping and praying the best for your amazing family.
Why do I read your blog? Well, mostly because I find it uplifting. Small children are not easy, and it is so good to read about someone who writes with honesty and humour and who doesn’t always make it seem as though their life is perfection. When I read your posts (usually in the chilly dawn before the littles awake) I always go away feeling more positive and happy about life. Yours is a lovely blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it and for your generosity in sharing your life.
hi steph,
I found your blog originally because I was a scrapbooker but I also relate in so many other ways. My favorite posts are the crazy mom ones – I have 3 kids and relate. Oh and btw I am in Melbourne, Australia 🙂
Hi Steph,
Holy moly, you might be sorry you asked! LOL I read most of my blogs in my Google Reader and don’t comment much on any of them. I actually comment on your’s more than average so that probably tells you how little I do it. I know that bloggers appreciate it but it’s really not my ‘blog’ thing, I am a consumer on the run with a blogroll in serious need of a haircut (think Crystal Gayle over here!). I love reading well written, often funny, sometimes touching blogs and that is yours. The fact that you are a paper crafter is a nice bonus for me because I am too. Our styles are very different but I really do love looking at your work and seeing the products. The beautiful girls, lovely momma and handsome, brave daddy are a lovely addition to my day too. Keep on keepin’ on my dear! Anything you do will keep your blog in my ‘favorites’ category on my reader. Hugs and happy love month!
Hi I have never commented here before so I am one of “those” tyoe of readers! I am a mom of three kids and a wife.
I love to make cards and am venturing into scrapping too!
I read your blog for both the warm personal stories as well as the scrapping you do!
Keep it ALL coming please!
I don’t even remember how I stumbled onto your blog…but I’m so glad I did! I’ve laughed, cried, thought oh-no-she-didn’t on some occasions :), felt humbled, speechless, grateful. I received pick me ups and other times you put me in my place. Were you actually thinking of me while writing But what you have said has spoken to me in some way or another. Your honesty about what life is day to day is what I like most. Nobody is perfect so don’t pretend to be. Thank you for that.
I failed to look beyond the men and women in the military. To who they leave at home while they fight for their country. I am one of those wives that are lost when my husband is gone for a week maybe two max. I now have 100% respect for the military and their families by reading your accounts being a wife of a soldier. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Love your scrapbook style…I love your style but most of all love your journaling. I need to do more of your style instead of the who what where style 🙂
Love Love your day to day life stories and love pictures of the girls. Don’t change a thing.
And no I do not comment often-not even sure why 🙂
Hi Stephanie 🙂 I love your blog and I read it a few times each week. I used to leave more comments but then I had a baby girl and as a working mom I don’t have as much free time anymore… I only have one and my hands are full!! LOL! BUT I love it. I have been reading your blog since you were on the Cocoa Daisy design team… I follow you here and on SC now and I find your posts and your scrappy layouts very inspiring. I absolutely LOVE LOVE to see your layouts and creative projects posted and I look forward to it each week… so please keep em coming!!!! I also love how real and honest you are. Thank you for opening your heart and helping us see the true beauty of our lives 🙂 xo
I’m from BC, Canada and I started reading your blog when I was looking for scrapbook inspiration…funny thing is, your style and my style are very different so I don’t come here for crafty ideas so much anymore…however, you did teach me much more important stuff over the years…to be brave…to be grateful…to face your fears…and to survive a few months husband-less with a smile on your face. Thank you sweet girl 🙂
I’m a crafter, newlywed, 33 year old. I love the variety of posts you post. I appreciate your honesty and ‘real’ness. I don’t comment much because I read blogs in Google Reader so have to pop over to your blog to post, and well, I’m lazy. 😉 But thanks for the reminder, I need to work on commenting more!
Im a 34 year old Mum of 3 from New Zealand and I love to scrapbook when I have the time. I found your blog because of scrapbooking but Ive stayed because of your humor, your honesty and your passion….. I appreciate that you post the good the bad and the ugly and you keep it real, and I love that you do all this and post layouts. Thanks for keeping it real…
Hey Steph I’m one of those that have read for ages but don’t often comment. I do it all in google reader now & well get a bit busy but always love reading your blog. I love it all including the scrapping & I have 3 girls so totally relate. You seem to be able to say I words what I have in my head. So wish I could write as interesting as you. I am an Aussie married to a firefighter, have moved from the beach to the outback & just love reading your blog. Being out here sometimes the only thing interesting happening is other peoples lives. Hee Hee.
So sorry if I don’t comment but love what you do share & wish I lived closer to have a coffee. (:
Take care.
Mel xxx
I am a mum. I am a wife. I am a scrapbooker. I am a cancer survivor. I am real, and I like coming here, because you are too. You inspire me, both about everyday things, and in your creativity. Thanks for asking!
I am a mom. a wife. sister. daughter. friend. I love to read your blog(one of 3 when I actually get into my check-each-blog-every-day crisisis) well, as is I’m trying not to devote each given minute to the computer and actually DO something. 🙂 One of those. Collecters. I also like to sew, scrapbook, make cards. So of course I like DIY projects/crafts. I also love reading about your life. It’s so thoughtfully written and tears me up all the time, which is a good feeling of course 🙂 so keep on doing what you’re doing. I love your scrapbook layouts too! Since I’ve just actually started getting into it, it’s a great source of inspiration!
I am a diy’er, crafter, scrapbooker but most importantly a Mom! I am blessed that i get to work as an educator at Me and My Big Ideas. great job for sure! i found your blog when i started working and wanted to see what was out there. I don’t read every day but i do get to your blog at least 2-3 times a week. What i love the most is your honesty about your life. You inspire me in so many ways…as a scrapbooker abd as a parent.
My very favorite memory of your blog is when you videotaped Harper singing the Taylor Swift song, well shoot i can’t remember the name of it. That isxwhen i became a T Swift fan. 🙂
Wow that was a long answer to your question!
Hi Louise from Essex in the south of the UK, graphic designer and scrapbooker, I read because I like the tone of your writing and its cool to live vicariously through someone else who has such a different life from your own.
Hi! I am Brandy and I have been reading your blog for a long time now. I like to read about your life because I find you very interesting and honest. I love that you aren’t afraid to admit you aren’t perfect (though I think you are, lol). My passion used to be scrapbooking so I think that is how I originally found you but I can’t remember. Oh wait, maybe your blog was recommended to me through Google reader? I think that is it. Anyhow, I think that you are an amazing person. You are an inspiration for me to be a better mother and wife. I love seeing your beautiful family and hearing about your adventures. Keep on blogging gal!
I read your blog for fun, for inspiration, for scrapbooking ideas and for your sense of humor and ability to genuinely admit how tough and how amazingly special motherhood is:) I have a 5 year old son and I long for more children so I always love to see the girly side of life with your four beautiful daughters. I also feel connected to you in that I too used to be an Army wife…my husband graduated from West Point in 1999 and he was a Kiowa Warrior pilot. I truly appreciate your Army life…always changing, sometimes solo and beaming with pride. I wish I lived close to you…I think you and I would get along great! And these are the reasons I love to read your blog.
Lemme chime in 🙂
1. I think you’re an awesome scrapper/general crafty person and I love what you make.
2. I think you have the cutest kids in the world, and I love following them through you.
3. Your kindness is incredibly infectious and its the one thing that always makes me more interested in anything you have to say.
3a. I also love that if something is making you sad/angry that you aren’t afraid to say it, and say it with a clear message and in an un-abrasive way.
So, I just think you’re really awesome 🙂 Hope you’re having a great day today.
I read your blog almost daily (but rarely comment). I am a mom of 4 and a scrapbooker. I am also a Web developer for our library, own a farm, and am involved with our family’s winery. I love seeing your scrappy posts and hope that you continue with them. They inspire me and keep me grounded to paper (i’m also dabbling in digital these days). Thanks for such a lovely blog!
Well, it looks like I am the 611th commenter (how in the world do you read ALL of these comments?! lol)
I classify myself as a crafty person, but really, I spend more time looking online at other people’s projects than I do actually doing my own.
I read your blog because it is a good mix. As a single person, sometimes it is hard to read married mothers’ blogs because it is story after story of their kids and it’s just not that interesting to me. Yours is a good mix of crafts, personal anecdotes, and random stuff.
Also, you are so open & friendly & honest. I feel like there is no one who could dislike you! I think everyone who reads your blog (myself included) wishes we could be friends with you in real life.
Going forward, I don’t think I would change a thing about your blog. I think that it would be great for you to keep the balance between crafts and family/personal stuff. Just my thoughts. 🙂
Stephanie, I found you blog through facebook,we were sorority sisters at Baylor!!! I have read your blog since Sadie was a baby and check it everyday. I love how real you are. I love that to see there are other mom’s out there that don’t take themselves so seriously and love their children to pieces. Your girls are adorable. I have loved watching them grow. I have a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I am not crafty or do I scrapbook. I scrapbook online. Shameful I know. I am completely amazed by your talent. I recommend you blog to all the mom’s I know.
I’m not even sure wear to start:)
You seem like a person that I could totally be friends with. Your funny, sarcastic, honest, and you wear your heart on your sleeve. I can totally relate to all of those things. I’m not a big commenter either but I do read.
And I have to say…that one of my favorite posts is when you shared that Sadie licked you from chin to forehead (LOL). That’s something my youngest did when she was little (she’s 9 now). I had shared that with her a while ago and to this day she will sometimes ask to see Sadie:) So funny.
Thank you for always sharing, inspiring, and being who are you to all of us who read your blog.
Happy Weekend!
hahaha!!! I just now noticed I wrote “wear” instead of “where”. totally laughing at myself. I can really write though in real life:)
This is my first comment ever… I am 33 and a full time working mother of a 4 (almost 5) year old daughter. I’m also a scrapbooker and discovered your blog because of that but enjoy reading all of your posts! I live in Quebec city and speak french so I guess that explains why I refrain from posting comments… 🙂
I’m a little late to the party, but whatever you do, please don’t stop the craft posts! I LOVE your pages and get tons of inspiration from them, and thanks to you, I now do all sorts of crafty stuff for my kids’ birthday parties. I also love your other posts too.
I am a big fan of your blog. When I have 300+ unread blog posts in my reader I will ALWAYS read yours (and Sasha Farina’s!) and then close my reader and go back to what I was doing.
I don’t comment very often because I have very little time & energy to comment on any blogs. But when you do a LO that I REALLY love I will say so.
And to your specific questions:
are you a paper crafter? Yes, I am a scrapbooker and I make cards.
are you a mom? are you a woman? Yes, I am a woman with three kids, a 6 year old daughter and 2 year old fraternal boy-girl twins.
where do you live? in Jamaica (the island in the Caribbean)
why do you read this blog? Because I love love love your scrapbook pages, and I love the way you express yourself and your photos are fun
what makes you tick? My kids, my family, my charity projects, photography
Hey…I read because I like your style and your attitude. You are real and it shows which I appreciate in a person’s blog. I’m a scrapbooker from Canada without her own kids but niece’s and a nephew who are the best substitues!! All the best 🙂
I’m a mother of three and love to scrapbook! I enjoy your blog and reading about your little chickies and all your fun and funny adventures, I love how honest you are. Please don’t change a thing!!!
I’m a little late in getting to this post, but I echo most of your non-commenting readers. Well, I do comment once in awhile when soemthing happens that pulls at my heartstrings & I want to add encouragement or virtual hugs. But I must admit that I dont comment on some of what I love most about your blog and that is the craftiness – especially the layouts. I’ve been reading since there was just Harper, and your scrapbooking style & especially the journaling have been and continue to be some of my most favorite layouts ever. I think you have a gift with words, and I just love your vintagy style. I’m a whole generation ahead of you – 55 and kids are raised (well mostly raised…) but I can still relate to what you are going through because I’ve been there too. So I dont think you have one demographic in your readers. I think you have all kinds of people who embrace you and your family, love hearing about your everyday life in your unique way, and LOVE your fabulous scrapbook layouts – so please dont change a thing! We love you out here i blogland.
Linda B
WOW! Thankyou Thank YOU. You took my very thoughts about blogging right out of my …ummm brain? (I think I’m like your “old self blogger” looking for comments on my own blog) But first, to ans. some of your questions. Who am I?
I’m an overworked, always tierd, 50-something woman who works as an RN at a VERY busy metro Atl. hospital. I am an “only” child, except for my brother who live too far away. When I’m not caring for the roller coaster,sometime train wrecks at work, I’m home taking care of the roller coaster problems of an elderly Mom with dementia. Did I mention I’m so VERY worn out???
And Why do I scrabook and read you blog??? Because you and many of the other bloggers are my REAL therapy, my one chance to get inspired in another realm (sp?) of my world that I REALLY enjoy. Now that MY “bigs” and “littles” have grown, I miss that time with them. I was a SAHM who was so very busy and so very worn out…but I many rewards of my children’s love,the sticky hugs and kisses AND the chest full of macarroni necklaces to keep me going. Today, my only rewards are memories of a better time that went by WAY too fast. Today,at this stage of my life there is Only work, only problems, only grief. Scrapbooking helps me to recapture a little joy.
My “one little word” of this year is “HOPE”…{looking for}. When I can tune into your blog, see your beautiful layouts, remember a times of a my own when I was a young mother, who also had a husband that was gone most of the time…a time that was sweet, loving and rewarding. “YOU” (and many of my other blog friends) are my hope. To keep my mind straight. To bring back joy…even for a moment. To encourage me to keep on scrapbooking my family of long ago and today. That maybe SoMEONE will be glad that I did…find hope and carry on.
Sorry to carry on so. I don’t usually. I worked until the wee hours of this day and I haven’t had alot of sleep. Thankyou Stephanie. I look forward to reading your blog as much as I can. It makes a difference in my little wornout life. You’re doing a GREAT job…with everything. Thank you SO much for sharing it with us.
Thanks Stephanie for stopping by my blog! Yes, I will certainy try!
Hey! I leave comments every once in a while and you have read my blog and left a comment on my blog your heart/lets be honest posts. 🙂 I am a mom, scrapbooker and crafter. I love reading your blog because you keep it real, I enjoy seeing the pages you scrapbook and because I enjoy reading about other moms lives who are in some ways similar to mine. Hope you are having a great weekend. Oh, I know what you mean, I wonder who reads my blog too, I see the stats and know people are reading, I just wonder who?
I am a mum, wife, sister, daughter and scrapbooker. I just love reading your everyday experiences and I do look up to you raising 4 children (sometimes on your own for long periods of time). Love your honesty, your scrapping (don’t know how you do it with 4 kids, I have one and can’t find time – that is probably the problem – she has noone to play with!!). Anyway, I do check back often, and do enter your draws, but I don’t have a lot to say. Just that I love your blog – it is only one of few i read.
I started following you when Sadie was a baby, I began because of your layouts but I stayed because of who you are. I was a Navy wife (he’s out of the military now, still in the line of service, a fireman) and my sis is a coast guard wife (4 kids), you are so much like her and I feel some days that maybe you are a part of our family and we don’t even know it. Yours is one of the few blogs that I READ every word. Your works are beautiful and so are you & your family inside & out. I don’t comment much due to limited technologies at home (no internet) thank gooodness for smart phones! 🙂 keep up the good work, you are inspiring as an artist but maybe more so as a wife & mother. Your girls will be proud and I’m sure J already is.
I have ready your blog since Sadie was a baby…and I love each entry. I scrapbook and craft, and thrift shop, like you. My five kids are grown, but I REMEMBER and relive some of those memories through your posts. I’ve come to love your heart, your faith, and the way everything you do shows your love. Thanks for sharing yourself and your family with the world. Doing so, makes my world a better place.
I’m super late to comment on this post – I read it in my e-mail but didn’t have a chance to respond, but since you wanted to know I figure better late than never! Anyway, I am a 30 yr old mother of 4 from Wyoming. I get your blog updates in my e-mail and always love to see what you post, even though I hardly comment (not enough time to comment on everything I like!) I love ALL crafts (thanks to my own crafty momma) and love all the inspiration out there these days. Thanks for all you share 😉
I love reading all of your posts. I’m a mama, crafter, photographer and you always seems to inspire me to be creative. I love your scrapbook pages and can’t wait for you to post new ones. I do not have the same crafty style that you do but you really inspire me to look at things in a new way. I also love to read about your adventures in mamahood. There are days when I’ve read your blog and I’ve been reminded that I’m not alone in so many of my struggles. So even though you have no idea who I am, I love that you share bits of your life with the world. Thank you for all of it. 🙂
are you a paper crafter? –paper Scrapper all the way, loooooove watching your pages pop up, am now hooked on knowing what your girls are up to also!
are you a mom? –not a mom by fertility but mom to many via home childcare I run 🙂
where do you live? –Iowa
why do you read this blog? –love reading your REAL life stories of army life, mommy-dom & scrappiness!!
I was flipping thru a magazine @ a crop recently & I found some things of yours & squeeled. then felt utterly silly b/c I felt like I knew you & was so excited for you to be published recently I then had to explain to those around me that I follow your blog religiously (even tho sometimes I am lazy & read it in reader instead of clicking over) the non bloggers just smiled @ me all sorts of confused 😉
I’m a mom and a crafter. I read because I love your honesty.
So first I started reading because of the scrapbooking, then I fell in love with you and your family, and your honesty when writing. Your blog is amazing, whenever I feel I’m slipping with the day to day I remember you and how you carry on often on your own. I live on the Dorset coast in England and have two lovely boys and a man who comes home every night. I need creativity to survive, thank you for asking about me.
I started to read your blog during my husband’s first deployment in AFG 2008. I was impressed (and still am) by your strength, faith and love. And I was so inspired by all your layouts. So I started to lift quite a few of them and coped meanwhile with those long and especially lonely Sunday afternoons during deployments.
At that point of my life I have had no clue that we would have the one in a lifetime chance to come to the US and that my husband, a German CPT, would serve for the US Army. During our time here I loved to read the posts about your daily life. About your pregnancy and I still remember this post where you had the doctor’s appointment and had forgotton your ID card. I had to lough hardly. I was exactly the same. With my little American guy in the back of the car.
Therefore I love your blog. For the inspiration. For being authentic in everything you do. For your pride of being a soldier’s spouse. For being a great mother. For being a lovely you.
I love your posts about scrapbooking. I love your posts about home decor and thrifting. I love your posts when you’re having a moan / letting it out. I love your posts about Jimmy and how hard life can be when he’s deployed and how great it is when he’s back. I love your posts about being a mummy (there’s one that always springs to mind about you giving yourself a timeout in the laundry room – great advice!). Your blog is perfect Stephanie. x