clinging to the moments when we get to talk to him…or even better SEE him.
comforted by his voice, his handsome face…his familiar mannerisms. that clearing-his-throat-thing? that he does here? that drives me NUTS??? is music to my ears. his smile is a life preserver.
and the looks on those sweet little faces?
those are the things that get me through another day.
we've been very technilogically blessed this time. 2 skype dates (NEVER done those before this time), a few phone calls,and one gchat.
when harper typed "i wont too b wif u" during the gchat i had to go hide so i could cry. but she saw anyway and typed "mome is cryng!". hahaha!
thanking the Lord for technology. what a sweet gift it is.
wow, technology is amazing! I know my girls love talking to their Dad via Skype when he is away – seems more real. Love what Harper typed – so sweet but sad at the same time. Take care xx
I am so glad you were able to do the webcam!!! While it is hard to have him on the other side of the world, it has to be so nice to be able to see and talk to him. Yay for technological advances. Harper is so sweet. Hang in there, chickie. Been thinking of you. Hugs!
Gosh, that made me cry! Such sweetness and innocence from your kiddos.
This is so touching to read! Hope J will be back soon to be with you and your 4 fab girls! 🙂
thanks for putting it into for perspective for me. that picture makes it easy to see what’s really important. I’m so glad that technology is working for you. nothing better than seeing some one’s face or hearing their voice when they’re away.
It is so amazing! When my husband first started traveling for work, it was just phone calls. And he couldn’t even talk to Erin because she was too young. But those phone calls were precious.
Now we have the computer camera and it makes all the difference! So reassuring to “see” him and not just hear his voice. But I would take that, too! 🙂
Thinking of all of you.
technology has come a long way. Your girls look so sweet. 🙂
Such a sweet photo, and so wonderful that we’re in an age that they you guys can be together even while apart.
So so sweet. This one should be a canvas on the wall, those precious babies so excited to see their Daddy. I know you know how special it is, because it’s not always a possibility with this crazy military life. So glad you treasure what you have. Praying for all of you and wishing the days to whiz by!
Awww, I’m glad you get to see his face! And Mom crying is ok….
My heavens, the longer I look at them and their expressions the bigger the tears are that are filling my eyes. Bless all of you.
oh stephanie. you are the dearest soul. i am so glad you have been able to talk/see him more. thank you technology!
I’m so happy you guys got to talk!
Skype – one of those freebies that I would pay a zillion $ for. What a life saver!
goodness … i’m crying!! lol.
Thank you Howell girls. Thank you for the sacrifice you all make. This photo made me cry – the look on their faces is breathtaking. Praying for Jimmy & his men & you as you cope with all of this.
it’s awesome you can see him this time! hope it makes the time go by faster for all of you guys!
how wonderful that you and the kids can talk and see Jimmy, that’s great!!
this made me cry. like the ugly terrible lump in your throat. and made me so thankful that I get to see my man everyday. Tell Jimmy and yourself thank you for you sacrifice for our country. I don’t say it near enough. xo.
So happy that you have had this much contact! Harper is hysterical =)
how cute!
it looks like Cate(?) is trying to dive at the computer screen lol! tooo cute!!! they are all so precious and this just brings a smile to my face, but also a lump to my throat, beautiful beautiful family.
Technology is such a blessing for every military family! I smile and get excited every time my iPhone dings hoping it is an email from my guy. Take good care!
My heart breaks for you all. You are so strong and all I can think to say is thank you. So much.
That picture is so sweet. Those girls deserve a medal for having to be without that Dad while he is deployed.
Such a moving post and a sweet photo!
So sweet! Those girls are so lucky to have you! Such a wonderful example you set for them 🙂
How sweet! Thanks for sharing such a sweet moment with all of us!
What a beautiful moment!
That picture warms my heart! And, Harper typing to him!??! Melts me.
This is such a special moment for a military family. I LOVE this photo. It totally captures not just this phase of your life, but of our age as a civilization — the deployments, the technology, the pure bliss on the girls’ faces. The babies are cracking me up in this one.
That photo is priceless. So happy for all you girls to be able to communicate this way!
I can’t imagine only getting to see and talk to my hubs via computer let alone in the day when letter was your only contact! Love your pic!
So thankful for technology! It is definitely awesome when we get those few brief moments for a Skype chat. While I love a nice letter I’d much rather see my hubby’s face when he’s gone.
i love following your blog…i have 4 kids too all grown and blessing us with grandkids #11 due in july my kids are 7 years apart no twins though two boys, two girls i was visiting your posts and came across the one the day after christmas and you announced you are doing PL wow i would have loved to have that ‘back when’ am doing it now even though i don’t have kids at home 9 of the grandkids live in the same town as we i have lots of stuff for it.
am praying for the young soldier and his family that lost his life funny not really that we hear all about the celebrities in the media and not the heroes?? thanks for making it possible to pay tribute to this young person and the armed forces!
OMG! Hang in there, sweetie!!! The Lord is with you all!
You have a wonderful family and tons of fans like me that admire you incredibly!
So glad to see the 4 little princesses talking to their daddy! They are precious!!!! God bless you all!
Hugs from Puerto Rico! 😉
Children are so intuitive! I just read your last post…prayers to all you Service People at home and away.
Webcams are a marvelous invention. Love the look on your girl’s faces.
During my DH’s last deployment, my 93 year old neighbor told me a story about her husband in WWII on a ship in the South Pacific and how she got 2 letters in 18 months!! And I had been whining since it had been 2 days since I’d talked to DH via the webcam. That really changed my perspective.