i've wanted red hair forever and now i can officially check that off my bucket list.
my friend jen did it…she's coming over this weekend to add some golden/caramel highlights. YAY!
i say life's too short to not experiment with your hair. i wore mine up every day and hated it anyway…so here's to red!
working again…check.
dye my hair…check.
what next? something wonderful, i just know it!
happy happy weekend.
hello hot momma! love it!
Love it!!!
Go Stephanie! It looks awesome! Mine is a pony tail every single day and I needed some motivation to do something fun to mine…Thanks!!! 🙂 Looking good girl!
you look awesome i LOVE it it is so nice to do things you really want to 🙂
Your hair looks great.
I love your new red hair! I hope the optimism is contagious!
Looks terriffic Stephanie.
Love it Stephanie!!!! You look good in red!
it looks great steph! i’m hoping i get a chance to go in for a cut before we leave in 12 days. (crazy) i am long overdue and you’re inspiring me to do something fun & different!
You look beauuuuuuuutiiiiiiiiiful! What a beautiful pic of you and the Bigs! Have a happy weekend 🙂
ooolaalaa! Very pretty. Congrats on making the change.
Its gorgeous! Love it!
Love it!! How FUN to get the highlights – can’t wait to see!
I LOVE it!
LOVE your hair!!!
Did you do it while Jimmy was away on purpose? ;D
It is beautiful!! Totally rocks!!!
look at you, hot army wife! looks great!!
i LOVE it! you are beautiful!!!
looks great.
Beautiful!!! You look gorgeous in red! Love it! You go girl!!!!!
Oh Stephanie, you look fabulous! Am looking forward to seeing your highlights.
You look wonderful! Beautiful photo!
You look fantasic in red! Got home to find both of my daughters are now redheads too! What’s going on with all of this red hair?
it looks gorgeous!!!
wow! Your hair looks beautiful! Can’t wait to see the highlights.
Love the red!!
you look so radiant and HAPPY!
so proud of you for working and getting the hair red, doing things you WANT to do!
go steph!
what’s next!
Love it Stephanie! How do your little girls like it?
It looks great!! you’ve got me thinking maybe I should try something with my hair…for years it was platinum blonde, natural…and then I had my third child and it seems like it gets darker all the time, I was thinking of lighting it…just a little scared, don’t want it to look fake…hmmm, nice pic of you and the girls 🙂
Love the hair! Have fun with it, I say! And thanks for the Savannah tips you passed along. We had a grand time and ended up doing lots of treasure shopping between there and Charleston. “Back in the Day” bakery was fabulous! We had to buy one of their cookbooks… and then returned to Nashville, only to find them at Costco! ha! Thanks again!
It looks amazing! I am in the same boat . . . . it’s only hair! I went dark a couple of months ago, but now it’s faded. Who knows what I’ll do next! The good news is, it grows out, sooner or later. (And if you really, really, really mess it up? It falls out. Which is like growing out. But faster!)
They say that blondes have more fun, but as a redhead, I saw pft! Redheads are feisty, funny and focused. Let’s hear it for red!