I’m long overdue for a BYH post, so today I decided to go for it.
Here are the rules, in case you are new:
1. blog whatever is authentic. whatever is truly on your mind and in your heart.
2. it can be serious, silly, short, long. note:no one said it has to be serious. but it should be authentic.
3. no judging allowed no snarky comments, no making fun, no passive agressive digs.if you are going to read the blogs linked below, don’t be mean. nothing here is whining. it’s me honestly sharing my feelings. if you feel that it’s whining, then you don’t have to read. 🙂
4. if you BYH, link back here. i’ll add an inlinkz tool at the end of the post. i always read and comment on every single post.
5. feel free to use the graphic above. just make sure to link back to me.
Here goes.
I still wear a maternity sweater. True story. It is the most comfortable and warm thing I’ve ever worn in my entire life. I use it like a robe and put it on over my pajamas until I’ve gotten dressed for the day. Embarassing. Heidi Klum…maybe you could make a sweater that’s the same, just not for Motherhood Maternity? Or I can just cut the tag out. I’ll go with that. Ignorance is bliss. 🙂
There is a really big chance that we are moving to another country this summer. Word won’t be official until April or so, but we are almost certain. But, to be honest,certainty is never certain with the Army. We are so nervous and excited. Tempo per una grande avventura. Hopefully.
I was on the “healthy eating bandwagon” for about a month and a half. And I felt so good. And then I fell off. And I’ve been beating myself up about it. But what I need to do is just start again. Why is it so easy to quit? Ugh.
I am so happy creatively right now. I love making pages again…it has really become a joy to me. For a long time it was a chore. And that’s no good. Right now…when I make something I am grinning the entire time. I love that and I don’t want it to ever go away.
I’ve spent a long time thinking about reintroducing sponsors. When I talked about it a few weeks ago, I caught some flak. Some of you said that I was compromising my integrity. I want to take a moment to explain that that will never ever happen.
Content will not change. I will continue to spotlight small businesses that I believe in and use regularly (with or without sponsoring me).Think of it as an extension of my “small business spotlight” series.
You know what happened when I put up the call for advertisers? I got a handful of emails from companies I love and have consistently talked about here for years.
For those of you who really know me…you know I would never change the authenticity of this blog. This blog is my happiness, my joy, and my therapy and will never become a flashing ad.
If that was going to happen, it probably would have already happened at some point in the past six years.
I just have to find a way to balance hobby and job.
There. Just had to get that off my chest. 🙂
As I type this post, the snow is swirling out side. Looks like we are getting our first true blizzard. We are well-stocked and prepared (water,wine,sleds,food) and actually very excited. Wish us luck! And Nemo?? Really? That conjures up images of a clown fish and Ellen DeGeneres. So weird.
Made the decision to start Project Life 2013. This time I am using a smaller format and going for easy and affordable.
I’m using the Simple Stories Sn@p page protectors and binders, and the cards are a mix of Paislee Press kits that I’ve purchased, cards I’ve accumulated in the past, and free downloads I’ve found online.
I simply could not do a 12×12 format anymore. Too cumbersome and we move too often to take all of those albums.
Here is my PL Pinterest board.
When Liz Tamanaha’s project life kit comes out this spring, I plan on purchasing it. But until then, I’m on my own. 🙂
When Harper was a baby she was always dressed flawlessly. Hair accessories down to her shoes and socks…she was the best dressed baby/toddler ever.
Sadie was similar. A fair amount of Hanna Andersson and Boden.
The babies? Uhhhh…not so much. They stay in their footsies most days. Why? Well, first of all, they have a propensity for taking off their close and hiding them or throwing them away.
Second…it’s just easier. True story.
Until the next size up (in the hand-me-down bins) comes out of the basement. Then it’s like Christmas morning. Right now Cate is in cute Garnet Hill pants and a CrewCuts top. HA!
Okay, that’s it for this month.
Hope lots of you will join in. And make sure to say hey in the comments! It’s always nice to connect via comments when you put yourself out there!
Happy Friday!
Oh, are you moving to Europe????? Italy. I would really try and come visit if you do!!!!!!
Meant “if you are!”
Thank you ! Stay safe and warm!
Stephanie, I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing photos of your adorable girls. Aside from my own children, they are seriously some of the cutest little things ever.
Love this challenge.
I used to blog about me, about my life, about my family, but then I stopped. It’s just layouts now.
I like that you are so honest and so you here. Some blogger’s “honesty” feels anything but honest, but you can tell that yours is real.
Ashley- Thank you so much for your sweet words. I am so happy that you are back in the scrapbooking world,Ive been a fan for years. 🙂 xoxo
Hopefully!! We must have a scrap date!!
Have a wonderful weekend,Diane!
I love your heart and when you blog what’s on your heart.
I had to make my blog private because I got totally FREAKED out
when I looked to see what someone had searched and up came a picture of Savannah!
scary! I am so sad because I don’t get to share or get comments from anyone anymore, but
it just totally scared the heck out of me!
I will definitely give you the password, if you wanted it though!
im so sorry that happened tara. it definitely pays to monitor your traffic very closely. 🙂
i hope you have a beautiful weekend and that there is some much-needed HAPPINESS this weekend.xo
Do you really think we’d get any scrapbooking done?
not at all. 🙂
thanks for sharing Stephanie, I love that you are making things that you love. I had to step down from a bunch of DT’s I was on, just sketch and challenge blogs, I found myself having to make things that they wanted and not really what I liked, now I can make what I like and it does feel good! My family is in Worcester Ma and expecting about three feet of snow!! enjoy your New England blizzard! be safe
I find it very funny that wine is #2 on the list of things that you have stocked up on. =)
It’s very snowy here in Ontario right now too!
Have a beautiful day!
How exciting about maybe moving to another country!! We lived in Germany for 3 years and we’ve always wanted to go back. You’ll love it!! I saw all your pins on Italy! Lucky lucky, if that’s where you get to go! 😀
Its an essential, yes? Xoxoxo
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Stay warm friend! Xoxoxo
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It rained here for two days straight and the sun is shining today most of our snow is gone. Hopefully spring is just around the corner. Hope the kids enjoy the snow. Wonderful to get to go abroad hope it all works out for you. I so enjoy watching your girls grow up we had two boys and have a grandson they all live two days drive from home so don’t see them more than once a year. Hugs Ann
I sure hope so!! Xox
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Spring!! That sounds like heaven. Im longing for spring. 🙂 have a great weekend!
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Stay safe and warm, and SO exciting about a potential year overseas!
Thank you Miriam!
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Stephanie, I have long enjoyed your blog and LOVE the blog your heart series you do. So very perfect! I am considering doing Project Life in a smaller format, too. Love the ease, yet still the fun. I know that, in some format [my current is baseball card holders], I will continue as my children love flipping through the pages.
baseball card holders are a great idea!! thanks so much for stopping by, sherry!
OMG!! Italy?!!! Oh how cool Steph!!!! It is on my bucket list of places to visit. My middle child’s too. I think maybe we should make it a mom-daughter trip?! 😉 I too chuckled at the wine on the list.. and yes, essential. 😉 Freezing rain in our forecast! Enjoy the snow!!!
fingers crossed! xo
Stephanie –
I admit that I still wear maternity clothes and my twins will be nine-years old this summer. They are just so much more comfy than my other clothes.
And would you please send some of that beautiful snow our way? It’s a little too toasty here in Texas right now. Thanks in advance. 😉
Ok I love the idea of a smaller PL album. I saw the Snap pages somewhere else too but I cannot figure out where I can buy them. Are they for sale to the public yet? Maybe I’m losing it but I didn’t see anywhere on your link where I can purchase. I’d love any help;) Just can’t keep up on 12×12 either:( but LOVE the concept! And I can’t BELIEVE you might head to Italy!! HOW FUN!!
I just blogged my heart. Thank you for always inspiring!
Italy? Oops, I thought your sentence was written in Spanish. LOL Sounds like a wonderful new adventure. Your children will soak up a new language. 😉
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It seems like each time you move it gets better than the last – Italy would be such an awesome adventure w/ your family for sure. BTW just my 2 cents but I have no problem w/ you taking sponsers. Especially if its a product you. love and believe it.
Also – PS we have tons of PJ days w/ our twins and my thought is if they are warm and happy and realtively clean then really what is the harm? don’t we all love PJ days? and aren’t hand-me-downs such a blessing? I think 75% of our clothes are handmedowns.
Thank you so much, Hanna! I hope you are having a fabulous Friday!
Weve got buckets to send! xoxo
go to scrapbook.com and search for snap page xoxo
Awesome! Just awesome! I love your blog and your honesty (on BYH posts and all your other posts). I don’t keep a blog, and don’t comment often, I’m a silent lurker (sorry). I think I would like to keep a blog if I could make time for it, but I have so many things pulling at my life right now, that blogging isn’t a possibility. I have 2 girls, my oldest, Madelyn, is Sadie’s age and my youngest, Lucy :), is a bit younger than your twins. I love seeing your girls and how you handle life with twice as many as me. You really are an inspiration! Keep up the awesome posts and I’ll try to comment more.
These are my favorite kinds of posts 🙂 Hopefully I can play along tonight after the babies are asleep and I’m caught up with work!
Regarding moving out of the country with the Army – so Chris is going to dental school through the Army, it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve made so we’re not a million dollars in debt (literally! USC is no joke in the tuition department!). Once Chris graduates in May we’re off to wherever the Army sends us for 4 years. Supposedly we’ll know in March, but like you say, certainty is never certain! We’re hoping to be stationed in Germany for the 4 years. It’d be a once in a lifetime opportunity! It’s just crazy to think that in a few months we’ll be ANYWHERE in the world! Maybe even your neighbors! Chris could be your dentist!
Anyway, I <3 you and your blog and all the pages you've been making lately and your honesty and personality and I really want to be a good mama like you!
Steph, I didn’t blog my heart on my blog b/c I have been scared to blog lately b/c there is so much in my head/heart I want to blog about that I’m afraid if I start writing I won’t stop and it will be a big long blob. Ha! Kind of like that sentence. Anyway, you know I love your blog. Don’t think a thing about you having sponsors. If it’s good for you, do it. If not, don’t. If you move to Italy I may have to invite myself to visit. I was supposed to go when I was studying opera in college, and I chickened out. One of my few regrets in life. So I could fly around the world to meet you! 🙂 Stay safe and warm this weekend.
Oh, and I still have a pair of maternity lounge pants I can’t part with. Have to keep pulling them up, but they’re so soft!
Thank you Thank you Thank YOU for starting Project Life in February in the smaller size and making me feel like less of a failure for being behind already! I’m determined to get January started this weekend! Also – thank you for being you and for blogging your heart 🙂
Wow, out of the country! That IS exciting 🙂 I laughed out loud about your admissions on dressing the girls because I was just saying to my husband that my youngest is still in his jammies… at 5 pm, from last night! In my defense, he flat out refuses to get out of them, even though I did get him to change his undies and socks 🙂 We’re also ready to be quite snowed in from Nemo up here in MA. Enjoy your first blizzard!! This is a good one!
this makes me feel SO much better. HA! xoxo
thank you for being a ray of sunshine miss em! xoxo
Yes. I know exactly what you speak of. Emotional vomit. HAHA! and yes, you can totally come see us!!
That would be such an AMAZING adventure for you guys. Thanks for being such a sweet,encouraging friend!xoxo
So nice to hear from you today, Jill! I hope your weekend is beautiful and blessed!
I always enjoy your blog and especially when you blog your heart. So excited for your possible new adventure! I would love to see Italy through your blog.
Thank you Linda! Id love to show it to you!! 🙂 xoxo
Another country! How exciting. I can’t wait until you can share where you may move too. How exciting. My husband lived in Spain for a bit as a child and it was fun for him. Love this thread! Don’t worry about the clothes the kids where. My first was dressed well too, but when my 2nd and 3rd came along, it was crazy! And toddlers look cute no matter what they are wearing, so you don’t have to worry about yours. All your kids are adorable! I went from always wearing stylish clothes, never leaving the house without perfect hair/nails/makeup. Then I had my first kid and I am lucky if I got out with a t-shirt that matches my capri sweats! Enjoy the snow! We got 3 ft. of snow a few years ago and it was a surprise! Fun!
Well hmmm, I replied earlier but don’t see it here now. I love the idea of a smaller PL – I can’t keep up on a 12×12 either:( But REALLY want to do it! I can’t figure out where to purchase the Sn@p products. I’ve seen them b4 and would really like to give that a whirl;) Maybe I’m losing it – but I don’t see a link or how to buy on your link. Any help for me? And WOW Italy?? HOW AWESOME:-)
oK SO it’s official. I AM losing it!! I see your reply up there. Sorry;) Have a good night!!! Thanks for blogging your heart. You are always so genuine. Love reading your blog!!
hey girlfriend! i saw your earlier comment and replied! do you see it in the comments? might have to click see more.
I so love your honesty…and all the stories you share! BTW just got home from seeing Menopause the Musical….OMG a MUST SEE! I am hurting from laughing so hard so if you get a chance (or make a chance) you HAVE to see it.
the PaperTem[tress
Hope you get Italy, I’ve only heard great things about that location. We’re working on our last year in Hawaii right now. Doubt we’ll ever be lucky enough to get to go to Italy too 🙂
to chime in… but you’d have awesome photos to sb later! ;0)
Me again 🙂 I played along – pretty much a longer version of what I commented here 🙂
You have a beautiful heart and I love your blog your heart series…it’s a keeper! Enjoy the snow in RI…I have a few suggestions of places to grab some good casual, your kids will love food before you leave Little Rhody if you are interested.
I loved this, all of it, today! You are honest and funny! We lived in Germany for 4 years and I loved it so much. We were able to do a lot of traveling since my girls were not in school yet. We moved back to the USA last summer just in time for my oldest to go to Kindergarten. Europe is awesome and I hope you get to experience it!
WOW!!! you’re moving overseas? That is going to be so amazing for the girls!! Do you know how long you’d be over there?
So, this weekend, as you know, is the ‘epic’ blizzard of the century or whatever they are calling it on the news…I just call it a typical
winter storm here in the Maritimes. 🙂 Haven’t lost power, knock on wood, though many have in the area.
Wishing I could get the scrapping bug again but I’ve been sick and sick and sick for what seems like forever – or at least since Christmas
and with getting a kitten, and then giving that same kitten to my sister because my allergies just became too bad to keep her – I haven’t made
the time to get any scrappin, painting or art of any kind done.
I am working on the flowers for the lanterns for my sister’s wedding so I guess that’s scrappy related. I have until aug. 24th to get them done – I really don’t want to be punching out red flowers and breakin out the glue gun on the 24th so I need to get busy. (I have 43 to do)
Met a new ‘friend’…taking it one day at a time but it’s good so far 🙂
Off to take bananas out of the freezer – tomorrow is baking day.
Have a warm and comfy weekend Steph!! xxoo
When that well of creativity is full again – that feeling is so satisfying. Love the smaller format Project Life. I’m working in digital, mostly because I am the worst about printing photos. Paislee Press is the best – ugh, so gorgeous.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Spero andate in Italia! Living there was one of the best experiences of my life. Best of luck to you all! The hot chocolate there is to.die.for. (Also the GIANT clothing sales in January and July/August. And the designer outlet mall outside of Florence!)
I feel you on the baby dressing – she has such cute clothes and I do try to make an effort, but there are the days the fleece pjs are so snuggly, why bother changing? I figure, if I’m not out of my leggings (maternity after seven months, comfiest pants I own) there’s no use dressing the little one.
LOVE this idea. I agree. My baby girl looks like a HOBO. lol No. Really. Sad…oh well.
OH MY ITALY!!!! that my friend would be awesome. I will take a trip there just to see you! 🙂
never a dull moment for all of you! Amsterdam is just around the corner:)
Are you okay, snowwise? How many centimeters did you get, enough to make a snowman? Over here it is 5 centimeters, quite unexpectedly, but not good enough to make a snow anything out of it.
I think you should put ads on your blog if you wish, to heck with what anyone else says. It’s your blog, it’s your words. Anyone who visits here, gets the benefit of your insights, life, etc. Why should you not benefit as well? Running a successful blog takes a lot of time. On another note, thanks for the prompt. I needed it.
So exciting for your girls and you to travel the world. such an experience for you all.
Take care in the snow and yes wine is essential!
So exciting about moving to a different country.
I live outside the US and have lived in New York City for a year.
We are back home now and have been back for 5 years, and I am itching to live somewhere exciting again.
On my dream list is Zanzibar (not sure how to make that work, my skill set does not really translate to Zanzibar) and Australia (which could work).
However, my boys are preteens now and are violently opposed to moving.
I saw a stunning house I wanted to move to and they refused, wanted to stay where they are.
It would be nice if we were just forced to move.
I moved when I was my son’s age to a different country (where I live now) and it is a difficult age to move and loose all your friends.
My children were 4 and 7 when we lived in New York and I am not sure that they benefitted or still carry the awesome memories with them, which is a pity.
But I do, and I will always remember my Manhattan apartment and that I was actually able to move my family halfway around the globe with almost no money and we were together and happy.
I love that you’re getting back into Project Life! I have always loved how you can turn it into so many little intricate scrapbook layouts. Your talent really shines with that format.
Wow….moving overseas. Scary, but so exciting! What an adventure for your girls….and you! As someone who barely gets to go much of anywhere, I must admit I’m a teeny bit jealous at the prospect of such incredible travel. But, I understand your circumstances are also significantly stressful. Honestly, girl. You have a real gift for being the glue of that family. I’m always in awe of you!
Ok, I had to laugh at the 1st one. I do the same thing 🙂 Sshhhh…don’t tell!! hehe
So often I read your blog and think of comments to write but never get that far. Life is so busy, and you definitely have your hands full. I can totally relate to the maternity sweater. I have a shirt I got when I was pregnant with my first…five years (and a few more babies) later I still wear it. I love your project life set up. The small size makes it seem so much more doable. I’ve thought about doing it, but I’m terrible at printing pictures and, as much as I want to do it, I don’t see myself taking the time to keep up with it. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Thank you for sharing your heart! I’m excited for you if you get to go to Italy! My best friend and her husband were stationed in Italy for two years with the Air Force. They loved it.
I can’t believe Sadie is 5! Woah! Time goes by so fast!
I only check into a few blogs anymore, yours is always at the top of the list. I hope you all are staying warm and enjoying the snow!
i’m so excited for y’all and the possibility of Italy! so so exciting! and while we’re confessing maternity related things? i have a pair of the coziest maternity lounge-y pants and i still love wearing them. and um…the twins are still little…madeleine is five. 😉
I love this series so much. It is such a relief to actually get all the things running through my head out. It makes everything seem a little less scary. Italy sounds amazing!