most of you know that this is what i try to do anyway. i blog what’s on my heart. some of you might think that’s tmi. some of you may identify. but…at the end of the day, this blog is a journal of my life. a journal of my heart. and i love what this blog has become to me. these entries will be so precious to me one day.
i was touched by this post on ali’s blog yesterday. i admire ali for putting herself out there. for putting her HEART out there. i know how it feels. it’s scary. it makes you feel vulnerable.
but it’s authentic. and i’ll take that ANY day over the blogs that always present a perfect picture. i can’t identify with perfect. i can identify with real.
so today i have a bit of a challenge for you. blog YOUR heart. it can be 2 sentences or 2 paragraphs. it can be an essay. it can be funny, raw, serious, sarcastic…it can be whatever you want it to be, but it has to be real.
if you participate, link your blog in the comments so i can come read and comment.
here’s what’s on my heart today.
1.It’s surreal when J comes home. I wait months and months and then BAM! he’s home. It’s such a strange transition period. Half honeymoon, half frustration.
We have to get used to each other again. He has to learn how *I* have been doing things and I have to let *him* do things his way. It’s tense at times…I think I set my expectations too high and think it’s going to be some perfect dream world when he comes home.
Of course it NEVER is…that would be ridiculous. I don’t want that anyway.I have to breathe and relax. When I find myself getting uptight about the little things, I look at him and realize he’s HERE. And that puts it all in perspective.
2.I haven’t been doing great with the exercise since J came home. I let myself get lazy…that happens when I’m happy. Back to zumba today after FAR too long away from the gym.
3.I need to stop being so hard on myself.
4.The babies are HILARIOUS right now. They have taken to “fighting”. They will push each other down and pull hair…steal toys and shriek at one another. It’s seriously funny.
5.Harper loves school but it breaks my heart how her personality changes the minute she gets out of the car. She becomes TIMID. And she wants SO badly to do everything right. We worry about her. We don’t want her to be a “pleaser” to the point of not doing what makes her happy. We want her to be herself. We want her to be able to speak up and stand up.
6.I hate my hair. I’ve lost so much of it since I had the babies. It’s thin and I don’t know how to style it. I got an amazing cut and color right before J came home but I can’t ever make it look right. I need a hair transplant!
7. We are cooking more and eating out less. So many healthy, easy options…it’s amazing. We are grilling almost every night. My body feels so much better when it has healthful, whole foods in it. We are getting a “farm box” every 2 weeks. It has fresh,organic,local produce in it. I have never had peaches so good. And the zuchinni and corn we got yesterday was amazing. Why did it take us so long to do this?
8. I am happy right now. Happier than I’ve been in a long time. I’m worrying less, and I needed that.I was worrying too much, the gray hairs really multiplied this year.
I hope to see lots of links today. I look forward to reading what you all have to say.