Note:Make sure to check the crop winners I posted this morning, y’all!
This weekend,as I mentioned,it was just me and the babies.It was seriously weird. And quiet. But really fun. We blew LOTS of bubbles. And danced,and snuggled,and sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider 23428340283 times. And blew more bubbles.
I don’t think they knew what to do with themselves. I’m not sure if they wondered where the big girls were, or if they just LOVED having me all to themselves!
I decided it was time to get out my “real camera” and document how cute they are right now. Their facial expressions slay me.I mean really…the eyebrows. The mouths…I die.
Here are some of my favorite shots from the weekend. Lucy is in the left in all of the table shots,and Cate is on the right.
In the outside shots,Lucy is in the yellow and Cate is in the pink.
Love to you all!
The shot of them in the little onesies, taken from the back with the little pudgy legs….so so so cute!!!! Makes me long for the days when mine were that size. They will both be off to college in ten days (sniff). Enjoy them ~ although I can see that you do!
LOVE! Sounds/looks like a great weekend! BTW, loving the new blog look!
OMG Stephanie they are FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I love them in their little onesies running around on those adorable little legs! I just want to give em a bite!
love the rolly polly legs!! Oh, they are soooooo freaking cute!! And look like they are having so much fun – I love that age!!
i love your new blog layout. LOVE it! And your two sweet lovelies? so precious. hope you are enjoying your day!!
oh my!! these are adorable shots of the girls!!
Goodness, they are just so cute. And the kissing shot – swoon. I always find it so adorable when my daughter kisses her friend. Precious babies!
They are the most gorgeous babies in the whole world. So lovely!!!
Those juicy thighs, those onesies, those sweet kisses to each other! Girl, you are having a ball, aren’t you! Makes me want twins, kinda;)
Seeing these is making me wish my kids were this little again. My littlest is 7 mo. younger than Harper. I REALLY miss those days!!! They are so darn cute, Steph!!
AND you have a gorgeous hydrangrea bush!!! Lucky!
the one of them kissing by the hydrangea… MELT MY <3 .. oh my
I die. So so so so so cute!
They are just too, too cute! Love those photos.
whoa that last shot of Lucy I don’t know if she looks more like Sadie or Harper she is such a blend. Funny how that happens. cute cute cute:)
oh, baby tummies in onesies. i don’t know how you get anything at all done steph. i would just sit and soak up all their cuteness. i think it’s really special you had this “one-on-two” time with them!
OMG that pic of them running down the driveway!! LOVE it!! And I have to laugh because my twins ate waffles every single morning for seriously like 2 years straight.
Depending on their expressions, I see a strong resemblance to Sadie.
So sweet! Love those chubby little legs!
Love those eyebrows! :)i Your girls are right about the same age as my toddler. He sprints every time he sees an opening! LOL. Love the new yard….what a perfect backdrop!
ok the berry legs? delicious. they are little beauties. xo
thanks for posting these. i could look at at least 20 more. they are the cutest happiest little things.
The second to last shot…. I die.
So adorable! I seem to see a lot of Sadie in Lucy, especially in the profile of Lucy in the first pic of them at the table.
Absolutely adorable! They must have loved this special time with mom.
Cate sitting in the doorway … what an expression! LOL
Will Sadie be starting school this year, leaving you alone with these little ones?
In my Canadian province, children attend all-day Junior Kindergarten at age 4 (or 3 if they turn 4 before December 31).
she will be in 5 day 1/2 day preschool,yes! she would LOVE full day, but its too much $$$$ here. 🙁
The girls are so full of personality. So love to see that you all have settled in to your new home so well. Enjoy Rhode Island and enjoy your girls. My babies Haly (14) and Lily (11) go back to school tomorrow, H (Freshman) and L (Middle School). So glad I am a memory keeper otherwise I would not have any documentation of the season of my life that you are in right now. Savor it all, each and every moment, the good, the bad and the ugly. It it all beautiful and your girls are so lucky that their Mom is a memory keeper too.
A) The babies are just adorable, and your photography of them is beautiful. Love the kissing babies in front of the hydrangeas.
B) Love the new blog look.
C) Please do another virtual crop soon. I look forward to participating.
That’s all!
Oh my, I would love to squeeze those sweet little chunky baby thighs!!!!
Baby Jime? That just confuses me. Wait…is that a G? Baby Gime? That’s just more confusing. Last time I ever visit this blog again!
love you steaks
– missed you guys this weekend
Thanks for sharing these adorable pictures. They are so cute.
Truly and simply ADORABLE! You are many times blessed!
I am off to watch my little girl sleep, she is 4 soon, and it feels like yesterday she was the twins age. She still has the chubby legs and I love to kiss them! Ellie has been a difficult little bubba and sometimes the guilt I feel for being upset and frustrated by her is so overwhelming. I’m trying so hard to appreciate all the good things, thanks for helping me with that xx
These two are just too cute for words. Good grief. The strawberry legs! The kissing! The hai-er doooos! (Said with my pretend Southern drawl 😉 LOVE! Yes … how DO you get anything done?!
dont feel guilty. we ALL get frustrated and fed up with our kids. luckily,its an opportunity to teach them grace and how to say im sorry when we lose our tempers.xoxo
NOTHING cuter!! You just made my morning! I can see why you are so smitten with them! 😉 xo
These are adorable. I can’t believe how much hair they have. Mine were bald until they were 3. Glad you had some special time.
They are seriously precious!! What treasures.
omg, thanks for the smile, they have their daddy’s eyebrows, and so much lovely hair!!
WOW!!!!!!!!! How CUTE are they!
I hope you had a wonderful time together.
Pure gorgeous-ness! So adorable and sweet. I think the girls are getting to be even more similar. I used to be able to tell them apart easily but not as much now – it depends on the photo.
I’d love to meet you all in real life but as we live in Scotland that’s not going to happen! I really do enjoy all of your posts immensely. No such thing as too many baby photos – just sayin! 🙂 Is it too stalkerish to ask if you could post a video clip of them?
Blessings from the Shetland Isles in Scotland.
ive been meaning/needing to do this, so thanks for the reminder!
So adorable! :sigh: I miss that age 🙂
So adorable!!! Just me or in the second pic down Lucy ‘s expression is just like Sadie??? So cute.. one of my favorite ages. Thanks for sharing
The eyebrows? The mouths? What about that hair?! Adorable!!!!