**moxiemandie giveaway still open below!**
Sadie: knock, knock!
Harper: who’s there?
Sadie: POOP! (said with great glee)
Harper: EWWWWW! sadie caroline howell, that is NOT attractive!
Sadie: OW! someping hurts!
Harper: oh…i know what it is! hold on, let me check.yep, that’s it.
Sadie: WHAT????
Harper: you’re too big for your britches!
sidenote: does anyone really think your kids don’t listen to every word coming out of your mouth? harper kind of sounds like a mini stephanie in both of these examples. hehehehe!
On the Table:
I made the most delicious slow cooker chicken and turkey sausage gumbo yesterday.
It is a weight watchers recipe (5 points!!) and I can’t get over how seriously yummy it was!
Kickboxing last night for the first time. It was probably my least favorite class I’ve taken so far, but it definitely worked. My abs are super sore today. I need to try spin, but to say i’m scared would be an understatement. haha.
well, i say “reading” very loosely as it’s been sitting on my bedside table for a week. not much time for reading these days, but i am getting a paragraph or so in each night before i fall asleep out of sheer exhaustion. HA!
trying to make things using my july kit from SC. i got add-on one and though i love everything, you could say the exact same thing about crafting that i said about reading. no time these days.
summer+exercise=priorities shifting and much less time for creative play. i have to figure out how to fit it back in.
i do love the layout above, though!
being smarter about the ways i’m trying to save. learning it takes patience and smarts. i’m doing better and feeling less frustrated…and finally figured out about all of the “multiples coupons” that baby companies offer for moms of multiples!
it takes some time and phone calls, but almost all baby product companies will send you major coupons and vouchers for free products if you have multiples!
also scored a pretty good deal here the other day:
i saved hundreds of dollars (seriously, like 300) on a double stroller from phil&ted that i’ve been eyeing for ages.
if you haven’t joined zulily, you definitely should. the deals are incredible and shipping has gotten much faster lately!
miss h playing “princess kate” and miss h wearing her new hat,which she says is “SOOO savannah”.
sadie looking at me disdainfully…but gosh i love her green eyes. and lucy’s thighs of thunder.
sitting practice (they are SO proud of themselves!) with lucy on the left, fourth of july outfits from carter’s
modeling their new amy tangerine tees (lucy is in the green). these are some of my favorite all time photos of them. i can’t believe they will be SEVEN months old next week!
have a beautiful, blessed weekend!