Watching // 30 Rock (Yes, I know – why in the WORLD did it take me so long? , The Theory of Everything (I think my eyes are still puffy) // Nashville (it’s so soapy and i LOVE it.) // Whiplash – watch it. NOW.
Reading // Sobbed my way through Tell the Wolves I’m Home and trying out a few things since but I haven’t been fully engaged yet.
Listening // Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift. Clearly I’ve turned into a 16 year old girl.
Making // Not much of anything, sadly. Making a baby I guess. HA!
Feeling //
TIRED. Exhausted. And I kind of hate everything I usually love. Reading, crafting, Italian food. Crazy right? My mom says that my babies steal my personality the first three months and that that’s why my kids have such big personalities. I kind of love this thought and that’s what I’m holding on to.
SCARED. I’m a lot older this pregnancy than I was for my others and that is scary to me. Trying to take care of myself (I hired a personal trainer the day I found out I was pregnant) and rest when I can.
Love you all. I miss sharing here. Hope I’ll be “back” soon.
Thank goodness you are finally watching “30 Rock” so I can quote it to you constantly from now on. Because I’ve only seen every episode like 15 times, embarrassingly enough. And then you can just follow up with Fey’s new show — “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!”
Hope you start to feel better soon. Love the idea of your babies taking your personality — it’s a good one to pass along 🙂
Katie <3
As the mother of a kid in his first year at an elite music school, Whiplash is still giving me nightmares 🙂 Amazing film. (I love listening to 16 year old girl music too!)
Just take care. All will be fine. ❤️❤️
Take good care of yourself. I hope Jimmy will be home to help. I understand everything said but not liking Italian food-no way. I was an older mom with Amanda. It was harder & I needed to take better care of myself. The doctor said don’t stand if you can sit & don’t sit if you can lie down. It was good advice.
I loved Tell the Wolves I’m Home too, really stayed with me! Congrats Steph on the baby news, love how your mom thinks of the first three months. 🙂
Take care of yourself!
I, too, have been rocking out to some Ed Sheeran & T.swift on spotify SO hard lately. Have you heard of The Piano Guys? My sister introduced me to them and that is also one of my current favorites. I hope you start feeling better and more like yourself again soon. I’m convinced my baby stole my “beauty” and replaced it with acne, bags & hair loss. Yippeeee!! Haha!
Glad you’re looking after yourself Stephanie. An afternoon nap is always a good thing. CJ xx
Take care of yourself. Percolating a new being is hard work. You mentioned a while back you were worried about loosing your hair. There is a webinar starting march 8th The way this works the webinar is free for 24 hours. I started watching health and nutrition webinars 2 years ago in my quest for better health. I started with one webinar and that led me to be on other mailing list. Some courses are ok others are not. Best of all they are free. I hope this help. Gela, RN
I love your mom’s theory. Be gentle with yourself and take care. You are blessed.
Take care of yourself sweet steph. I was 36 when I had Logan. He is the same age as the twins. Rest as much as you can I know is hard with 4. The big girls will be great help mare you feeling much different?? Could it be a mini jimmy. Xoxo. Lina
I love your mom’s thinking! Take care of your self. I had my last son at 39+, all went well.
Ahhh 30 rock!! So good!
I say that you’re older and wiser!
Take care of yourself Stephanie!
I love your mom’s thinking too. Is she coming for a visit soon?
Love Whiplash too! Have you seen Birdland? You must! Wishing you well; keep resting!
Making a baby is definitely making something!!! 🙂
Your mom’s theory is amazing-so cool.
I had my last baby at 36-he is actually my healthiest kid. Older just means wiser anyway, right? Good job taking care of yourself! 🙂
I agree with the person that posted about The Piano Guys. They have some fun videos on YouTube-great parodies. I like the Mission Impossible one, and the Frozen one the best.
Congrats and don’t worry about your age. If your healthy that’s all that matters. I was 38 when I had my 3rd (not by choice, just took a long time to get preggers!) and it was great. And because of that I also have a big age gap between her and the older 2 which, at first, I worried about. But I found it’s actually a blessing in more ways than one 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just finished reading the book ‘Tell the wolves I’m home’ & just had to say thanks for the recommendation. I loved it.