we are here!!!
after many adventures along the way (can't WAIT to blog them!) we are now in the cutest house ever. we love it here. i have already become enchanted with RI and i know i will have lots and lots of photos and stories to share this year.
starting with this story. apparently there was a misunderstanding with transportation and our household goods won't be arriving for a week to 2 weeks.
yippee! luckily there are 5 targets in an hour radius. and i'm in the mood to accept this challenge. HA!
it's amazing here. 30 degrees cooler than GA and we live next door to a vineyard. TRUE STORY.
more pictures soon.
Welcome to New England! Hope you have as many wonderful memories here as you did in Savannah!
yeah! i’m glad you guys arrived safely, even though you have no belongings lol.
can’t wait to see pics & the house is awesome!
i want your house. the end.
Yay yay yay!!! AND a Target shopping spree!! Life IS good!
That house is GORGEOUS!
(Almost as cute as those little girls!)
Enjoy Target, and can’t wait to read about your exploits!
just adore that photo of the house + the girls. 🙂
and so hoping that when we move we find an amazing house, too!
stephanie, what part of RI are you in. I lived there for 55 years before retireing to NC. I am guessing maybe near Newport. RI is a great place with great beaches and you will not get sea food fresher than there.
You’ll love RI. I lived there for one year. The winters are milder than other parts of NE because of the ocean…so often when snow is forecast for Boston, RI will just get rain. Lots of fun unique shops, and you must try “coffee milk”. Enjoy and happy shopping until your stuff arrives! Oh, and hopefully you’ll get the chance to visit Boston..amazing children’s museum!
that house looks fabulous! I am from new england and have been to rhode island several times, such a wonderful place, so many things to see, I know you will have a great time there, so happy for you guys!! Be sure to visit the mansions (so sorry can’t remember the names of them, brain freeze…)
Yes we are in Newport!!
Sent from my iPhone
Welcome to New England! I think you all are going to love it here!!
next door to a vineyard? Do they do tastings? Who needs mommy juice boxes? 🙂
Welcome to the Northeast! I’m in CT but both of my parents were raised in RI and my daughter will be a junior (elementary/special ed major) at Salve Regina this fall. We love visiting her in Newport ~ so many wonderful shops and restaurants (The Red Parrot and Brick Alley Pub are a couple of favorites). Wishing you and your family all the best as you embark on your latest adventure!
(Also, be sure to visit the Christmas Tree Shop in Middletown ~ lots of fun, inexpensive decor items there. The name makes you think it’s Christmas-y but it’s not.)
So excited for you and your family! Sounds like an amazing place!!
SO exciting. Sounds like it will be a great place to spend a year together as a family. Enjoy it!
Loooooove the house, what a fun pic, can’t wait to see more!
What an absolutely beautiful house <3
Love the girls expressions! Looking forward to the many new adventures and memories you’ll make in your new home town:)
SO thrilled for you steph! this looks so picturesque and just charming. i’m quite envious! 🙂 but really, i can’t wait to read about your year as a family of six… so, so happy for you all. xo.
What is it with you and fabulous houses?
Enjoy your stay in New England!
This house is adorable
Ohhh I’m loving your house from afar- my dream home has always included a veranda and a porch swing, and some yummy lemonade to sip on while the kids play…lucky you!!
seriously? a vineyard? i’m coming to visit 😉 it’s beautiful steph. i’m so very excited for y’all to get settled…and hoping that your household goods delivery is moved up.
I think it it funny how happy I am for you and your family and I only know you through this blog! That is a fabulous house and I am looking forward to the many adventures you all will have!
The house looks beautiful – Can I come visit its 108 degrees here today in Texas!
You had me at the cute house and then… 30 degrees cooler??? may i come live with you and be your new best friend?
cant wait to hear all about your adventures and new life in RI/ sounds intriguing!
i missed the kind of school J is going to for a year…
can you tell us more?
best wishes!
Glad to see you all made it there safely…even if your goodies didn’t!
I hope you and the girls and J will enjoy your time in RI. Beautiful state.
Beautiful house for a beautiful family!!! Hope your year there is fabulous!
oh goodness…your houses are always soooo CUTE!!! excited to follow the new adventures!
you will love it there…the east coast is great! Wait until autumn…congrats!
Girl can i come stay with you that house is DIVINE and it has a porch, i have ALWAYS wanted a porch for the rocker i want to buy LOL honestly it looks amazing i can not wait to see what you do inside, enjoy your shopping 🙂
Cutest house. EVER!!!
Can’t wait to hear of your new adventure!
And you still amaze me .. posting while on the move!
You are one very special girl Stephanie,
Don’t EVER forget that!!
Hugs from Cindy in Canada!!
Welcome to New England! I’m just north of you up above Boston. The Roger Williams zoo over in Providence is a great place to take the kids. My girls like it better than the other local zoos.
sooooooo HAPPY for yOU!
can’t wait to see more pix of the house and hear all about the journey!
I wish you happy new adventures, this will be for sure an amazing year for al of you 🙂
Your new home looks amazing, I’d love to see it decorated (ahem, after your target adventures and your furniture arrive save)
xoxo, Bea
Stephanie! The house is beautiful. The perfect Howell House 😉
LOVELY! So beautiful, excited for the stories!! xx
Hooray! I would love to know where you live… I wonder if I know exactly where it is. LOL. :-p Did you have some coffee milk yet? 😉
And take the girls for Del’s Lemonade!!! 😀 Oh oh oh!!! AND Newport Creamery! My absolute FAVORITE hamburger/fries place. Miss it SOOOOO much. They have the best milkshakes too… called Awful Awfuls. 😉 PLEASE go there for me. 😀
p.s. When you sign up the girls for gymnastics, please tell Nina and Matt that I say hello. 🙂
Love the photo! Cannot wait to hear more. Have fun shopping at Target 🙂
Yay! That house is beautiful.
Thank goodness for Target….and a vineyard! Glad you arrived safely!
Congrats HOWELL family, love love the gorgeous house. Enjoy every new memory you will have and have fun shopping at Target,lol. I’m soooo happy for all of you!
Loved the post before of your layouts and mini. They are sooooo cute and fun. The collage one is my very favorite, great job on it.
Yay!!! Congrats on the move…can’t wait to see and share in your adventures. Thanks. Your blog is one of the highlights of my day.
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous house. beautiful flowers in front. I think (know) you are gonna love it. So happy for you.
welcome to new england! we are happy to have you! i live about 45m from newport and its my favorite area for beaches and watching boats and eating…. 🙂
Looks beautiful and glad you all arrived safely!
What a lovely house decorated by 2 cuties. You always get awesome houses. Camping in the livingroom can be called “vacation” lol. Wishing you all the best. Enjoy your new home. How hot does it get in Savannah? wow.
Oh! That reminds me of my senior year of college house in Providence! We had grape vines over the fence in our parking lot. I had a white car. Not a great combination!
Good luck in your new home. It looks beautiful! Talk about curb appeal! Hope the Northeast welcomes you with open arms! I am from Long Island and have been to RI on several occasions. The Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence is great for kids. You can also take a great boat ride down the river. My kids were H&S’ ages when we took them and the nice captain even let my sun steer the boat. I really should dig those pictures out and make a layout! A friend of mine who grew up in CT always vacationed at Watch Hill. She always said it was one of the nicest beaches around. Whatever you do, enjoy yourselves and your adventures in RI. Waving to you from across the LI Sound!
Welcome to the neighborhood!! I think you will love New England!!
Welcome to Rhode Island!! Make sure you try Johnny Cakes, Autocrat Coffee Milk and Del’s Lemondade to name a few local favs while you are here! I was born in Rhode Island (Warwick) and have lived here my entire life (all 57 years!)….we also seem to experience smaller “degrees of separation” in this state as you will find!! 🙂
{adore} the new digs!! 🙂 Have a blast up there!!!
So happy and excited for you! I miss living in the NE – Lived in CT for 3-1/2 years (where I met my USN hubby 🙂 ).
Enjoy shopping at Target!!! Can’t wait to see all the pictures and posts.
You have so many comments, I hesitate to add one more. Your house looks amazing! Can’t wait to hear about the area and your new adventures. It sounds like heaven!
Yay! I can’t wait to read about your adventures here in New England. If you ever want a Boston adventure I’d be happy to show you around my hometown. Okay, weird blog stalker moment over ;D
Wow, I love the outside of that house. Can’t wait to see a picture tour of the inside!
Glad you’re off to a good start. Love the house. The girls in front are adorable as usual.
Is it wrong that I’m a teeny bit jealous. I live in Wales uk and DREAM of New England! It’s just great that you will all be together, I always felt so sad when I could see you missing Jimmy and worrying, sending happy vibes for my small corner of the world to yours! C x
Well done, you make moving seem like a piece of cake! Hope you will make lots of happy memories here!
Cute house! It looks huge! 2 weeks is a long time to wait for your HHG especially when you aren’t moving from OCONUS. We are on week 4 of our wait and it sounds like it might finally get through customs next week. I am so ready for a bed. Good luck!
Gorgeous house!!! Best wishes and happy decorating!!!
New England..lobster…seashore…quaint towns…colored leaves..quilts and more quilts… I.am.so.jealous.
Your new home looks adorable & I wish you all love, health, joy & contentment there.
New England seems to be a gorgeous part of the USA. Enjoy every moment.
So excited to “see” you guys in New England!! That winery you speak of is nice! Check out second beach (good boogie boarding for the bigs without being too crazy,) just be careful of the attack seagulls – they carry away food! I think you will all love the Roger Williams Park Zoo too!!! they have great events for families! I’m excited to see your NE adventures unfold!
sounds absolutely heavenly 🙂 well, except for the whole transportation mix up!
Perfect New England house! Was just in Newport for the Folk Festival (seeing my favorite band Wilco) last weekend. You must take the ferry to Block Island. Will be fun for you and your whole family!
Love your home! Be happy!
Lucky you! A year TOGETHER, and an awesome house surrounded by hydrangeas (my favorite!) Enjoy your adventure. Can’t wait to witness it via your blog.
What a great picture! The house looks beautiful!
SO SO SO excited for you!!