Last week we finally broke loose and headed off post for dinner at Aeolia in Longare.
Our friends came to get us and as we were driving through the hills, this was our view:

I started clapping I was so darn excited. GORGEOUS.
This was the outside of the restaurant. Harper said “Now THIS looks like I thought Italy would look like” and I had to agree.

We settled in for our first Italian dinner. Meaning it was long and late. First seatings for dinner in Italy aren’t until 7:30 at many places. And you can expect to have many courses and a lot of wine.
I tried several things but my favorite was the fagottini. It was delicate pasta pouches filled with smoked ham and pear. Y’ALL.
I can not even begin to describe how delicious it was.
There was also caprese. And limoncello. And gelato that they make on site. HEAVEN.
And…um…no big deal but Galileo’s bedroom was in the back of the restaurant. I’m serious.

It was the perfect first “real” meal for us. I will be back often, I can tell you that.
I have one more bit of news to share…we found an apartment!
I did NOT expect to find somewhere the first time I went out with a realtor. But we did. We found the perfect place.
It’s in the heart of downtown Vicenza:

It is a three story apartment (takes up the 2nd through 4th floors)

BUILT IN 1775!!!!

With the most gorgeous high ceilings and moldings and shutters:

and a little courtyard of our own:

It has five bedrooms, two full bathrooms, two half baths, a nice big kitchen, a dining room, living room, and extra room.
Best of all? Floor to ceiling built ins in almost every room. This is invaluable in Italy. The kitchen has floor to cieling food storage. YES please.
Our family will be so very happy here. It’s different, very different, than what we are used to. But it will be a beautiful experience right in the heart of the city center.
Gelato, bakeries, cafes, all within spitting distance.
So that’s where we are.
Dreaming, scheming, exploring, getting used to the tiny and strong coffees, and learning Italian bit by bit.
My new and most used word?
I hear and use that one a LOT.
The only thing I’m having a hard time with is the time difference with me and my US friends and family. I am six hours ahead of EST, Nine hours of PST.
I feel a bit isolated and cut off from my online friends. So say hi, if you have a chance. I miss all of you.
Hello from Iowa…congrats on your apartment! Italy looks heavenly!
Stephanie, so thrilled to know you have found such a fabulous place to make your Italian home! It was a joy to see you all before you left. Thinking of you often!
Love, Aunt Suzanne
I’m a bit of a lurker on your blog, for 6+ years. I do comment once in a while, and I could not resist commenting this time to tell you hello and wish you all the best on this amazing adventure. Enjoy every moment of it! and keep the photos coming…I’m seeing the world thru you!
Hi Steph! hey!! you are on MY side of the ocean!! can’t believe! I love Italy and you seem to be getting the best of it! this retaurant is gorgeous and reminds me of our stay in tuscany a while ago:) beautiful apartment!! lovely garden:) lucky you. I bet you must feel a bit isolated: the change of culture must be huge: I have never been to the US but from what I have read and experienced through my scrapbooking online adventures it seems very different from Europe!
I am not far away from the Italian border in savoie France if ever you need a friend!!
Hi stef, just shoot me an email or a message on FB. I am always up for a chat. Oh and I’m preparing DH that I’ll be off to Italy some time to visit you lot.
I am also a long time lurker, but I have been checking this blog all week hoping you had some time to update. I am so glad you found an apartment you love so quickly, that must be such a huge relief for you all! The apartment sounds lovely, and the courtyard will be so nice for the girls! What an amazing blessing this is for your entire family, Sadie and Harper are at such a great age right now to really understand and absorb all the wonders of Italy, and the Cate and Lucy will certainly be enjoying it now, but will be old enough to remember it all before you leave. Seriously, what an incredible gift for you all. I am anxious to hear if the girls pick up Italian pretty quickly, my cousin lived in Spain when he was 3-7 and would translate for his mother who took longer to learn Spanish than he did!
I look forward to living vicariously thorough your blog. When ever you feel homesick or lonely, go eat some gelato with the girls. I am confident that eating gelato in Italy could take away most of your heartaches!
Thank you for sharing with us all!
Hi Steph! So wonterful that you’ve fing so beutiful apartment! I looking foward to read more of vostra grande italiana adventures 🙂 I would do everything to be on your place:)
Kisses, kajmasala
Yes! Do keep the photos coming. I’m so thrilled for you and your precious family. These are memories that will be yours forever and ever! Loving all of your detailed explanations of food, city … everything.
Mollie was in Florence for a semester of college and we went over to see her … duh. It was fabulous. Ciao, bella!!
Bella Stephanie, it is Bella! I would love to savor all of the Italian experience with you so thanks for the postings and all the pictures. Harper was right, that is what Italy is supposed to look like. Enjoy!!!
It looks magical! So glad everything is falling into place.
The apartment looks amazing. Enjoy the Italian experience, I know you will. I’m glad you already have friends there to help you find your way. How far is the apartment from the base and schools? Living in the town the way you will sounds wonderful.
Hi Stephanie, Another long time reader here from The Netherlands. I’m so happy for you that you found your family a home that you love! I hope you have a wonderful time in Italy. And about that timedifference thing.. You will get used to it in no time 🙂
What a wonderful experience for you and your family!!! I wish you the best. You’ll adjust to the time difference—a.m. is afternoon here, etc. I used to update my blog at night so my family and friends would wake up to it in the a.m. You could try that.
So, that means it is almost 11pm your time now, almost 2pm for me! Hopefully your sweet little eyes are closed and you are peacefully dreaming of this new life you have embarked upon. I am so jealous (in a good way, not the little green monster with horns kind of way), I love the updates and getting to experience this through your eyes!
Hello from the UK, you’re a bit more in sync with your UK friends now 🙂 Love your first Italian meal and your apartment is gorgeous beyond gorgeousness. I can’t wait to see you and the rest of the Howells all settled in – great start to an amazing adventure xxx
SO excited for you! Everything looks amazing! What a wonderful, amazing, beautiful adventure for you all. I’m only one hour behind you, so if you ever want to chat, let me know!
Long time lurker here too but based in the UK so only 1 hour time difference.
You are going to have an amazing adventure and I can’t wait to see how you document it through scrapbooking.
Yay! Excited that you guys are settling in! Equally excited to hear of your new adventures! Since google reader is gone and I haven’t really adjusted to the other readers out there, fb is how I stay connected! Love seeing your posts show up!
So pleased you’ve managed to find somewhere quickly. Looks wonderful. I live in the UK to and normally lurk because of the time difference. That won’t be so much of a problem any more. x
If I could dance and sing in Italian, I would be doing the Italian Happy Dance for YOU! WOO HOO! The photos, I swear, look like they aren’t real. Like something from a book or a postcard. Do you have bruises on your arms from pinching yourself so much? We sign for our English quarters one month from today. Hold baggage left last Tuesday. Storage people come tomorrow. Oh and Steph, are you a Downton Abbey fan? I just found out we’ll be living 30 miles from the real Highclere Castle! So if you need a “jump off” place in England, I’m your gal! In the meantime, keep living the dream baby!
Steph, I’m so excited for you and your family. My dad spent 2 years in Italy on a church mission and still talks about how much he loves it. A few years ago I did a mission scrapbook for him and I just long to go there. Seeing your family on this adventure, is inspiring me to think about moving internationally when my husband graduates next year. Best of luck and I’ve loving all your pictures!
I am so happy and excited for y’all! I visited Rome in college and I have to say that I’m a bit jealous of your 3 year stay. Looks gorgeous! As always, the Lynches love the Howells and we look forward to more pictures and stories of adventures.
So glad you found a home right away! It sounds perfect. You are in my thoughts and my heart because you are a part of my life!So you are not far. I am looking forward to witnessing your Italian adventures. I am sure lots of people are sending you ton of positive thoughts.
PS : I still miss so much Miss Harper ‘ashion advice!
Stephanie I’m thrilled its going so well for you. I’ve been checking to see how you are all getting on.
Louise xx
Hi Stephanie from South Dakota! I’m so looking forward to going along with you on this Italian adventure! So far it’s beautiful and everything I thought it would be. Enjoy!!
So happy and excited for y’all!
What an awesome experience!
I love it steph!
Hello from California, Stephanie! I am so excited to read your blog each day and see your adventures! Thank you for making the effort to keep us all in the loop with you! You are such a blessing! So glad you found such an amazing apartment!!! Sending prayers your way that you will feel less isolated and make some good friends and find a good church. . . .
So glad you were able to find a home (and something you really liked) so quickly! Enjoy your new adventures!! Thanks for sharing your experience with us! 🙂
Oh my word, if I were going to move to Italy, that is exactly where I’d want live!
oh my heart! You’re going to take Italy by storm. I can’t wait to watch your blog as your Italian life unfolds!
Oh my! What a dream, girl! The time difference would be difficult for me too. Thank you for sharing so we can all live through you 😉
I have been reading your blog for a few years and am really enjoying getting glimpses of your newest journey! Thanks for sharing!
Hello from Iowa! I am drooling over you pictures! LOVING How much you are loving it!Congrats on finding a place so Perfect & so quickly!
HEy Stephanie, sounds like it going great for you guys and that makes my heart happy <3
Godetevi la vostra nuova casa! Gosh, I hope that means enjoy your new home! The apartment looks wonderful & if you’re going to live in Italy, you should live like an Italian. I’m enjoying all the photos, please keep them coming. What kind of school calendar will the girls have? I hope you have lots of time for exploring! Enjoy exploring your new home!
Hello from Texas! I’m so excited for y’all! Sounds like your new apartment is perfect and you’ll have it home in no time! Love reading about everything you are seeing and doing! And your excitement, it comes through the computer screen loud and clear!! Thank you so much for taking the time to blog.
Love that apartment! I love Italy too! Heading to Sicily this summer once again and was in Venice last Easter to celebrate 25 yrs of marriage. Love Italy!
That meal sounds AmAzing!
So excited that you found a place and right smack dab in the middle of the city, wow! I cannot see how cute you make it!
Jealous muchly enjoy your adventure I’m sure you’ll settle in no time love from Down Under xxx
Great choice to be in Vicenza centro! We live out near Longare and love everything about it, but there are times that I wish we were right in the middle of the action of the centro storico. I’m sure you have a great team of folks guiding you in your transition, but I’d be happy to help if you have specific questions.
Steph, I am SO PROUD of you for embracing the culture! You will enjoy your time more by doing just what you are doing, LIVING the life. When you get settled, you are going to have to start a scrapbooking school with all of these Euro-friends! I’ll come stay with the girlies so you can travel to teach!
Hi Stephanie! We had Vicenza on our wish list from ILE but we got assigned to Fort Lewis instead (which is not so bad since it’s our no. 2 choice). So needless to say, I’ll be living vicariously through you. I’m so happy that you got an apartment so quickly. Now hopefully you can get your household goods pretty quickly too! I’m looking forward to hearing about your European adventures!
Just gorgeous…all of it!! So exciting for you guys!!
well it all looks gorgeous!! and magical as another poster said!! i can’t even imagine the memories you all will make there. enjoy every little minute of it. y’all are so blessed to experience such a beautiful place. keep those pictures coming. i love seeing all the sights!!
The apartment looks & sounds amazing! So awesome!
so happy you found a place, and it looks PERFECT for your family! love that you have your own little courtyard and that it’s right in the city center!
also, i LOVE that you clapped as you saw the views. that is totally something i do when i get excited. i clapped A LOT when we traveled in iceland this winter 🙂
Did you feel like you were on “House Hunters”? What a great experience!!! blessings!
Lurkers unite! Ciao from Massachusetts.
Soak it all in…the time will fly by! You and your girls will be speaking like natives in no time. There will be lots of people with offers of assistance, especially with 4 beautiful little ladies. Best of luck – keep the updates coming! Most of all, enjoy!
The time difference will be hard but we will work it out!
Now, an apartment question. If you are on the 2nd-4th floor, what is on the first floor? Shops? And if there is stuff on the first floor, how do you have a courtyard? Just trying to understand how beautiful Italian apartment living really works.
XOXOXO my dear!
Oh Steph, thank you for sharing these wonderful photos. I can live vicariously through you. I am so very excited for you, and have been thinking about you, wondering how you were.
We just came back from Door County, WI. Stayed close to home for this week long get away. There was a little place in Egg Harbor that had some gelato. Probably not near as good as there, but I definitely enjoyed it. I got some of the lemon.. yum. There was also an olive oil store. Sold nothing but different oils and balsamic vinegar. I use both at home, but not the flavors they had there. OMG!! So good!! I can imagine things like that being even better in Italy. 🙂
And if you are up late, I am up early. 🙂 I have a friend in Wales and we sometimes chat online. Or during her evenings and my afternoons.
Italy looks magical! So do you have to wait for a couple of months for your home stuff?
it is so beautiful, both the city and the apartment! i’m sure you will have many wonderful memories there. you could use the extra room for a guest room for all of your friends who i’m sure want to come visit! including me!
Hello hello from the East Coast of Canada. I’m in the province of New Brunswick which puts me in the AST time zone meaning I’m only 5 hours behind you. Booyah! I’m so excited for you guys and just a teensy bit jealous that you are going to have such an amazing experience in the next few years. Enjoy every single minute of it and I shall live vicariously through your blog. Ciao!
Hello from Michigan! I’ve been following your story since you were pregnant with the twins. Thank you for sharing your Italian adventure with us!
Greetings from sunny (and rainy) Florida! What good luck to find a home on your first outing! Thank you for letting us all experience Italy with you! 🙂
Wow. All I can say is WOW! (but I’ll say more too). What a cool place to live, to visit, to spend some time as a little kid… so cool. I am so excited for you and your family! God’s blessings on your adventure!
Its looks BEAUTIFUL Steph! Its always a good thing when you have somewhere to call home…enjoy it!
I just wonder if you pinch yourself every now and then just to make sure that you aren’t in the middle of an AMAZING dream?????? OMG if only I could go to Italy!
the PaperTemptress
That’s an awesome apartment. You’ll be getting plenty of exercise running up and down those stairs!
Hello from MD! 😉
I am so jealous! Can’t wait to see more updates – my best friend from childhood just moved to Seoul, South Korea (her DH is Navy) so I am loving these worldly updates!!!!
Hey Stephanie! Your apt. looks fabulous & the views there seem divine!!! I’m sure you all will be very happy-I mean, how could ou not?! Can’t wait to read more about the adventure!
So beautiful! I can hear the gratitude and wonder in your words. I am so excited you and your family! And again I thank you for sharing with us.
i am so excited for you!!!! everything looks amazing. so loving watching your italian adventure unfold! xo
Ciao Stephanie! Harper’s remark makes me grin. So happy to hear you found an apartment already! That’s awesome. Loving the updates, keep ’em coming!
Hey steph, so glad you found an apartment so quickly. It looks awesome! You take care and enjoy! Love from OKC
It’s so hard feeling disconnected through time zones. even just with my family being EST and us being PST i really have to remember to connect with them or it’s too late/early. so enjoying seeing your instagrams and posts! keep it up!
So exciting! I can’t wait to see Italy through you eyes or ummmm lens. I hope to go there one day… Sounds like you found the perfect home for your family:)
That all sounds so wonderful. My dream is to one day visit Italy. For now I am going to live vicariously through you! ♥
everything looks so gorgeous!
What a great place! So happy you found something so soon. Thanks for sharing.
Amen to Kim’s comments. I so enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for taking the time to share.
Hi Steph, I too am a long time fan(lurker!) but I just HAD to comment to say Congrats on your move and I will be dropping in for lunch soon lol I wish!
How breath takingly (thats a word right?!!) beautiful it looks. my heart breaks for you a little being so far from your mum & other family I hope it comforts you a tiny bit to know we are all thinking of you and sending love! we are like the nosey family who want photos of every single step while you are there lol
So happy for you all to have this wonderful experience it couldn’t have happened to a sweeter more lovely family!
Wow. These pictures are like something out of a movie. Your apartment sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us! It’s 11:00 PM EST as I type this, so somewhere in Italy a little girl is rolling over . . . go back to sleep little one! 🙂
I am so excited for you! You are living the dream!
I’m living vicariously through your blog and loving every minute of it – your new apartment looks awesome! Congratulations on finding it so quickly!
Congrats on your apartment!! Sounds glorious!! =)
so happy for you and your family! looks like such a great place!
Hi Stephanie,
It all looks just so gorgeous – like surreal gorgeous! Glad you to hear you found an apartment on your first time out..what a blessing and it sounds perfect. Hope you get all settled in soon!
Am loving following your adventures with your family!
Beautiful!! You are so lucky to have found such a beautiful apartment for you. Don’t forget you are closer to your European friends and readers for a while 🙂
ooohhh, you can grow fresh herbs in that flower box off your little balcony in the photo!
Sounds like things are going well. Your amazing Italian adventure is in full swing! Keep smiling!
I am just in awe……….such an amazing experience for you and your family. The apartment looks gorgeous
Hi! Welcome to Italy! Is it hot over there on that side? We are sweltering here in Pisa….but maybe since you’re from places where you say “Y’all” you’re used to the heat 🙂 So fun that you found such a gorgeous place! I’ll let you know if we’re up near you and maybe we can all have some gelato and the best pizza ever (I’m sure you’ll have your favorite by then!). And if you’re ever up near Ramstein in Germany let me know, because that’s where we are normally.
Oh, and if you’re in the mood to drive 3 hours to see a certain precariously leaning tower….we’ll be here for about two more weeks 🙂
Congrats on the new place! The 6 of you are just beginning what will be an unforgettable experience! I’m a military brat who was lucky enough to live most of my childhood in Euprope…your girls are in for a life education that just can’t be topped!
It’s so exciting to follow your travels. Can’t wait to see more of your apartment!
Hello from Michigan! I’m a long time reader, but only have commented a handful of times. Your pictures look beautiful already! Looking forward to hearing your adventures – the good and the bad 🙂
Hi Cutie Pie’s x5! Lovin’ all the photo’s, excitement and blow-by-blow action. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of takers for the extra bedroom in no time at all.
Another Amen to Kim. My kids say I am a stalker on Facebook but I just enjoy reading about others experiences. I love seeing Italy through your family–someday I might get to go and bring my girls–dream!
Happy to hear you + your family found this little corner of heaven.
Giuli in Trento… not so far from you!
Finding a place right away is awesome! We were in Army lodging in Germany for nearly 5 weeks before we were able to find a place and we were right in the German countryside about 30 mins from post so I am envious of your city center location. You will be so very happy there and it will be an amazing experience for your girls. My girls loved living overseas and tell me all the time that they miss Germany and we have been state side for a year now. They are 5 and 6 and all of their earliest memories are of our life there.
Enjoy your time and thanks for sharing your photos. We traveled extensively but only visited Venice while we were over there (a super long train ride, btw). My husband deployed twice while we were there so that took away a big chunk of time and we focused on other countries.
Another lurker here who occasionally comments. So excited for you! What an amazing experience for the girls. I am also moving our family of 5 this month and after all you have talked about my move will be a breeze. Can’t wait to here more about Italy!
Your apartment sounds fantastic! So happy for you and – I admit it – a little jealous! Enjoy and – please keep allowing us to be part of your journey!
A feeling of isolation is definitely part of the whole culture shock thing going on. Certainly not easy. But part of the adventure. There is always a trade off. It will be interesting how you deal with it. Fortunately you are not living there in the 1700’s. lol. I say go get one of those gelatos and befriend the owner of the shop.
Oh what gorgeousness. I am totally living vicariously through your experience. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos and stories. Your apartment is amazing. It is going to be so fun to see how you put your lovely decorating magic to work in it!
I am so happy you found a place Steph. YAY! Italy is looking even better through your eyes and narration. I am definitely living vicariously through you all until I can scrimp and save enough moooolah to send myself and my family over there 🙂
I am not even on instagram but I still check yours daily for pics, so thank you! Big hugs and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!
I’m adding a third Amen to Kim. 🙂 The apartment looks and sounds fabulous – congratulations on finding it so fast! I am loving seeing Italy through your eyes! Fingers crossed that we can take our kids there and to Malta (where my in-laws are from) next summer.
Stephanie, I am another long time lurker as well. Six months ago my family and I uprooted to Hungary–Air Force. It has been the most magical times in our lives. I understand the isolation. But it is temporary. The Italians will love you and your beautiful girls–you’ll be locals in no time! You will constantly be amazed at the beauty around you and your girls are going to absorb the language. Best wishes the best is yet to come!
We are here! Waiting and watching for photos. I can’t wait to see more of the apartment. We took a whirlwind 17 day trip through Italy and it was so fast I don’t remember much. Soak it all up – 3 years there and the girls will be more Italian than American…haha…
wow, I am so thrilled for you! Would it be too forward to ask how much the apartment rents for? I would love to live in Italy someday 🙂 Thank you!
Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy!!! So happy for you and your family! Thanks for sharing all the you did and the gorgeous photos!
Hello from Napa, California. I am so enjoying this experience through your eyes. Yours is the first blog I check every morning, I’m so excited for you. You are doing a great job with this Big change & making it a wonderful experience for your daughters. Enjoy it all. Diana
wow those photos are beautiful! this post has made me hungry…ha…your place looks great!!
How many times can I say ” you are living our dream”. I am so extremely happy for you in every way. Your apartment Ina’s amazing and perfect in looks and location. (Need company?). :). I am so happy for you to be all together for so long in the perfect place. All my love, Ketena
So glad you found a perfect apartment! You are going to have so many incredible experiences the next three years. Thank you for sharing with us!
Hi, I’m a long time lurker but wanted to say that I am thinking of your beautiful family and praying for you as you start this new adventure. Also loving that your time zone is nearer to the UK! Abi x
Wow, wow, wow! That apartment sounds wonderful. A bit like France the outside of the building hides the glory of the interior. Have you had pizza yet? See how the originals taste. Sounds like you are getting acclimatised slowly but surely. Soak it all in. Look forward to more tales .
Hi Stephanie!! SO happy you found a place and that you are ENJOYING your adventure!!
I agree so lovely for your UK followers to have some
updates from a favourite US blogger before lunch time-such a treat! Love hearing about the girls and of course Italy, hope the Italians have been welcoming to the little cherubs. I lived abroad for some time when I was sadie’s age and treasure those memories – what a wonderful mum being brave enough to embark on this adventure for all your sakes. Good luck, big hugs and keep the piccies coming xxx
Hi Stephanie and family!!!!!!!! I am here hanging on your every word and seeing Italy through your eyes. Oh, bestill my heart, the views you posted, absolutely to die for!! AND, the apartment sounds wonderful.
Can’t wait for your upcoming posts once you get settled in and are able to share your life in Vicenzo with all of us in cyberland. Take care, hope you got caught up on your sleep and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
Hugs to you,
Julie Williams
Arlington, Tx.
What fun! I can’t believe you have a 3 story apt.! It sounds huge. I thought that you would have a smaller space here, but it sounds like you will have so much room. And how nice that you found it so quickly. I love seeing all of your beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing Italy with us!
What a great apartment! I can’t wait to see what you do with it. You and your family are on an amazing adventure. Thank you for sharing it .
What an amazing adventure!! The pictures are just gorgeous!
Your trip has sounded incredible this whole journey, I feel lucky to be able to monitor everything with you, I hope it is everything you want it to be and more! You helped me out on facebook a little while ago – I said I was struggling to figure out how to not worry about my boyfriend deploying and you gave me some good advice – well he’s home on his R&R and we’re having a ball! Thank you for your kind words 🙂 Big love to all of you <3 xx
I cannot begin to describe how stinkin’ excited I am to be able to “follow” along with you guys on this fabulous adventure!!! Italy is a place that I dream of visiting someday, but will live vicariously thru you until then!!!
Awww, hi from Canada 🙂
So glad you have found a home. As I was reading about the restaurant in Longare and you wrote about the little pasta purses with ham and pears, I knew I had been there. Had to pull out my scrapbook of our trip to Italy in 2004. I had the bill. Same restaurant. Same pasta dish. The owner, Luca, took us on a tour of the cellar and upper rooms. Gorgeous. One of our favorite meals in Italy. Enjoy your time!
It all looks amazing Stephanie, I am so so happy for you all and enjoying seeing your amazing journey. I loved the last post with the picture of carbonara on their, this is how I make it too, my uncle is Italian and i was blessed to grow up on his DELISH food. Oh and I have been in NZ 5 years now and I don’t think I will ever get used to the 12 hour time difference, that is hard as when i am up they are in bed and vice verca. Thanks goodness for FB and Skype is all I say.
Your new apartment looks wonderful! How fabulous that you found one so grand already. My niece spent part of a semester in Italy 2 years ago, and she so loves it there. Please keep us up to date on all your adventures. I love living vicariously through you.
Amazing photos! So exciting that you found a place, can’t wait to see it once you get in and settled and put your touches on it!
Miss you beautiful girl! I am so happy to see you found a place, and are exploring. How divine, that restaurant is! Take care honey!! XOXOXO
Hi Stephanie!
I am loving reading about your grand Italian adventure. I, too, have a strong love affair with Italy. I studied abroad there in the fall of 2007 in a small town north of Venice, called Paderno del Grappa. It’s not far from Vicenza. I miss Italy greatly. I love living vicariously through you. It takes me back to some of my happiest memories of my life, living in Italy for 4 months. Enjoy! Drink in every moment ,and drink in all that wine while you’re at it! I can’t wait to see all your adventures unfold. Ciao Bella!
Hello Stephanie, no different timezones here since i live in Holland. I love looking at your pictures. We love to go to Italy on summerholidays. I am so happy for you that you already found a home for your family. A place of your own to make your own. And i can’t wait to read more about your Italian life. Maybe with some great ideas for our summerholiday next year.
And if you want to visit Holland some day, i will be happy to give you some ideas or places you can visit.
People always go to Amsterdam, but we are living in the north of the Netherlands and i love it here.
I’m so very excited for you and your beautiful family. The apartment sounds like nothing short of a God-send for you all. Enjoy this amazing experience. I know you will. 🙂
i’m so excited for you Steph…and praying for new friendships for you and for the girls. i’m feeling a bit lonely too (despite still being in the US), as i find the first month or two of a new station always makes me feel a little out of place. 🙂 can i tell you how happy i am though that you are still blogging and instagramming all the way from italy?!? very thankful for technology!! hugs!
Gorgeous. I can’t wait to see and hear more about your Italian adventure. The apartment sounds amazing.
My sister live in Hawaii and I’m in Michigan (5 to 6 hours time diff. depending on daylight savings). It makes it hard to connect with her sometimes too.
hello from CT! i am so happy to hear that you made it to italy safely and are settling in. i can’t wait to see photos from your new home. cheers to this amazing adventure! 🙂 *
GIRL, this rocks!!!! Your pics are gorgeous–the lighting in Italy is perfect (and your phone apps!). Embrace, embrace this journey.
How insanely wonderful! Congrats and enjoy every single second of it! I am so going to enjoy living vicariously through you while you are on this adventure!
Wow, what a wonderful apartment, so glad you have found somewhere that will be perfect for you all. And what a fantastic spot. The restaurant looks amazing too. So glad you are starting to be immersed in the real Italy, I am so very envious! Such a thrilling adventure.
Everything looks so beautiful! Such history you, J, and the girls will experience. You will get a hang of the local routine in no time, especially once you are settled in that lovely apartment. It is already tomorrow for you as I post here from N California. Have a Bella day 🙂
It’s so terrific that you found such a perfect apartment right in the middle of everything so you can get a real Italian experience. I confess I am just a bit jealous. I am so excited for you and your girls. I lived in Ireland, England and Belgium from the age of 2 through 14 when my Dad worked overseas for Citibank and it was such a fantastic experience. Your girls will never be the same. We moved back to the States when I was 14 — my Dad had to choose between going home to Baltimore, Maryland and taking a job in Milan, Italy. He chose Baltimore and I still wish he had chosen Milan!!!
G’day from Australia! I am a long time reader of your blog. I feel like I know you and the family. It’s a pleasure to see the girls grow up (all of whom are gorgeous) and to experience your day-to-day life.
So happy for you and the family that you found a place so quickly. It looks great! I’m even more excited that you are living in my family’s country of origin.
The bestest of wishes to you all – enjoy! Buon divertimento! (Have fun!)
Hi!!!!! That is wonderful news, so happy you all found a gem of a place, it all looks so exciting, my sister and family are there right now and I am loving all the photos I am seeing.. Makes me want to hop in and be adventurous myself. Take care xx
Beautiful apartment! Congratulations!!
Ciao! Sorry to comment on such an old blog today. I inadvertantly found you via Google and I’m so glad I did. We will be arriving in Vicenza in 1-2 weeks and really want to live in the downtown adrea like y’all. I know you got lucky and found a place within about a week, but how long did it actually take to move in to your apartment? Our departure keeps getting delayed due to some wonderful government bureaucracy, so we will be pushing it with our reservation at the inn on post expires 30 May (and no wiggle room due to PCS season). We just want a place for us and our dogs before that and it seems impossible! Can’t wait to read more about your adventure!
… P.S. — Did you go through an agent or the housing office? I’m not loving anything I see on but love some on
Thanks for any help or info you might share!