this is a status cloud of my most used words in my status updates on facebook in the last year.
made at status cloud.
i LOVE this. love the words i see there. and i think it sums me up pretty well.
another look at the past two years,
a mosaic of my “photo booth” photos:
(from big huge labs)
both of these things are making me smile today.
and a cool story for the day:
i was in the hourly “tot town” day care drop off with the girls yesterday. it was their first time there (for 2 hours so i could do a maaajjjor grocery store run- they LOVED it). i was talking to the two fabulous ladies that run the front desk.
they are so nice when i called to make a reservation and i told them that and told them thank you.
they told me that they love that i walked in the door with a smile on my face and said good morning and looked them in the eye when i dropped my girls off. they said that lots of times people aren’t very nice to them and that it makes a difference.
see? it does matter. it matters if you say thank you. if you LOOK at people when they help you (get off that phone if you are on it!!). say please. say merry christmas, happy holidays, say something.
and smile smile smile.
sorry for the tangent, but it’s something that i really believe in.
eta: speaking of kindness, thank you all so much for your sweet words and congratulations on my last post. you are all just lovely. thank yoiu.
happy tuesday, sweet friends.