thank you for your get well wishes over the past couple of days. i seem to be emerging from the fog, just very weak and tired!
harper has missed three days of school now, and sadie bug came in our room last night and threw up on the floor. she was so scared, bless her heart.
the baby chicks seem okay, just a bit warm. i’ve given them some tylenol and i’m keeping them up in my room, just as i did yesterday…hoping to keep them away from most of the germs.
speaking of the babies…
they are now (as of yesterday!!) officially three months old.
i can’t even believe it as i type it! a quarter of a year. sigh. no more newborn scrunchy legs and sleepy eyes. the fists are slowly coming unclenched.
although we are still finding lint in those little palms every day. ew. what is it with new babies and stinky, linty palms? hahah!
at three months,
lucy :
probably weighs in the 10-11 pound range…i haven’t had them weighed in a while.
oocee (as sadie used to say when i was pregnant with the babies)
lucy caboosie (this is a total sadie-ism. if l has my genes in that vicinity, this is NOT a name that needs to stick. ahaha!)
lucy claire- sometimes we call her this, sometimes just lucy
still has a full head of hair, although she’s getting a bit of a bald spot in the back.
happy go lucky
good eater
good sleeper, will fall asleep without any help
quieter than her sister
developing sweet little rolls in her thighs.
wants nothing to do with a binkie
smiles all the time
loves bath time
probably weighs around ten pounds or close to it
cate the great (a nickname her sissies call her)
still only has peach fuzz, and a big ole bald spot on the back of her head.
the talker of the two. always cooing, engaging mama, smiling
finicky eater. stops and starts on the bottle, takes AGES to drink a few ounces. still prefers to nurse over the bottle.
loves her binkie
lets us know when she is not happy with us (she’s usually annoyed with daddy 🙂
loves bath
getting SUPER chubby cheeks and belly,
totally catching up with her sister in the weight department.
and i’ve fallen in love with them.
it’s getting easier every day and i just could eat them up.
their chubby bellies
tiny toes
the way their little hands grip my finger, their smiles that i think are just for me, even though they really aren’t. 🙂
that picture of cate where she is just GRINNING? i took that yesterday, she was so happy to see me. she hadn’t seen me the entire day when i was so sick, and her face just lit up when i got her up the next day.
they are so beautiful. and i couldn’t love them more!
happy friday.