How in the world are they almost a year and a half old?
Y’all…I know I am biased but they are so so precious. They giggle and kiss and dance all day long. I am just absolutely in love with them. Their favorite thing to do right now is kiss.
They start about a foot away from me and say “nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnUH!” and on the UH they give me a big smackeroo on the mouth. They smooch and hug each other all day long.
Also they pull hair and slap each other all day long. That’s not so nice. We are working on “BEING SOFT”.
They make a mess everywhere. Anything they can reach they WILL pick up and move. I just found a box of quinoa in the bathtub.
The other day i found one of my flats in my shower. They hide in one of the kitchen cabinets and think it is hilarous.
Baby proofing? Has taken on a WHOLE new meaning with these two.
They also love bath time. The splashing and giggling is out of control during baths. I swear I’m going to have to start wearing a raincoat. HA!
Is hilarious. She is tiny (but she has quite the belly) and her hair is curly. She is the quieter of the two,but she loves to interact. If anyone smiles in her direction, she is SO engaged.
She loves making exaggerated facial expressions. Her favorite is her “OH!” face (see above). She makes it any time she is excited, or any time she does something wrong. It makes me laugh every single time.
She doesn’t take a binkie but she does this thing we call “monkey mouth”. She sucks on her tongue when she’s tired or doesn’t feel well.
She loves bananas,crackers,and sweet potatoes. She runs really fast with one arm swinging and she dances by not moving her body,but holding her arms up in the air and making her “oh” face.
Is about 3 lbs bigger than Cate. She loves to eat and moans the whole time she does (AHAHA). She loves blueberries,cheese,strawberries,crackers and whatever I am eating. She is such a beggar!
She gets DOWN when she dances. Literally. Girlfriend bounces so deep her diaper hits the floor.
She says “UH OH” in the most perfect way when she makes a mess or does something naughty.
If i don’t put her hair in a top pony she can’t see a thing through her mop top and will run into walls.
She talks a LOT. She is the verbal one. Her favorite words right now are: UH OH, Sadie, cracker,cheese,cookie,ni night,mama,dada,harper,car,bye bye bath
She still loves her binkie.
The other thing that they are way into right now is saying “cheeeeeeese!”. Here’s a video of them right now.Y’all I love them so much I can’t take it. Twins are just so much fun.
Happy Tuesday friends. Hope it’s beautiful and blessed.
cheese from stephanie howell on Vimeo.
They are seriously just so beautiful and I love how you capture the details of who they are right NOW. That will be such a treasure in the years to come. You are one blessed Mama!
Such cuties!! I can not believe how siimilar each big looks compared to the little they are holding…wow!!! You are very blessed Steph!!!
Oh, how cute! My twin nieces are 18 months old, but they don’t talk much yet. I can’t wait until they can! So much fun! Your girls are just adorable! Love their hair. 🙂
So cute and beautiful girls!
What a joy they must be! and so so precious!
They are sooooooo CUTE I can’t even stand it!
I LOVE how one has curly hair and one has straight and that they are so different from each other, yet they look alike! soooo adorable! they are at such a FUN age!
by the way, do you think Cate looks like Sadie ? and Lucy looks like Harper? I totally do!!! and I LOVE how Sadie has to be different and say “Banana”!!!
The 4 girls are just too cute and adorable! 😀
Adorable! Sadie & Cate look so much alike! I love how Sadie is such an individual. I don’t know how you keep up with them all. You & Jimmy are so blessed.
Oh my gosh Steph!!!! They are just so cute! And at such a fun age. I love their moppy top. Ben had one for a long time. I finally cut his hair at a year. His bangs were down to his chin, I kid you not! Shortly after that he lost his curls. 🙁 I just love your posts. Thanks for sharing your girls’. 🙂
They are just prescious! I’m grinning from ear to ear! It must be a whole lot of fun along with just collapsing at night! LOL!
i can’t believe how fast they are growing!! such beautiful girls (all of them!)
SO cute! “eeeeees!”
Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. All your girls are SO beautiful.
I love those girls!!! My goodness I am just grinning at the photos!!! ((HUGS))
oh my goodness Steph, you are sooo very blessed, they are gorgeous, all of them…Harper and the babies are a spitting image of you and Sadie looks like her handsome dad, beautiful family!! the twins have more hair than me…lol…!
Twins really are a blessing! My two are such best friends! I think the bond that they share is untouchable and will be a lifelong thing. Your two cuties are just precious and I laugh every single time out loud at your descriptions!! LOL!!
you just described my 17mo old! except she is so ‘busy’ that she answers to the word ‘naughty’ … for reals.. adorable pics stephanie
um… Sadie is holding “mini sadie” and Harper is holding “mini harper”!!! THAT IS SO FUNNY!!! All 4 are cute and sweet as can be. And by the way – when Sadie says “bananas” instead of “cheese” I busted out laughing because my oldest (4.5 yrs) does the same. exact. thing. Love it. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful girls! I just love the photo of them with their faces touching, so sweet!
Can’t believe how big they’re getting! Your girls (all 4) are so sweet!
My day just got 150% better reading your blog and watching the video of the girls. Seriously, what a gorgeous family…thank you so much for sharing all of the love that is SO very apparent!
LOVE it.
Stephanie, they are really beautiful and fun! It’s so beautiful for me to read and see your 4 girls growing and your experiences as a mother (a real one!) I think as a reader I must thank you to share all of this 🙂
And yes, it looks amazing and really fun having twins!
xoxo, Bea
So cute!! I love it when you add a video!!!
Lucy’s faces are the best and I love the “Banana!”
So so so cute!!! love ‘banana’ LOL
Thank you for sharing! Of course, with something that cute, how could you not spread that joy around?
They are soooo precious! And when Sadie says banana, the look Cate gives her cracks me up! Too funny.
Now this is why I do not need cable. You have just entertained me with your wonderful writing and photos of your girls! 🙂
Have a wonderful evening!!!
Oh that video!!!!!!! Divine!!! No wonder you adore them so much; they {& the ‘bigs’} are TOTALLY FABULOUS!!!
I’ve always, always thought my 2 1/2 year old, Sullivan is the boy version of your Sadie. Makes the same funny faces, spunky personality, makes me cry snd laugh in the samd breath. I made him watch the video and said “Sully, this is thd girl I want you to marry.” he was too concerned with the Nuk Cate had because he thought it was his!
well i just have to say that sullivan and sadie are the cutest names EVER together. 🙂
Absolutely adorable! Makes me want my kids to be little again! I also watch Somewhere Over the Rainbow – that girl has some talent 🙂 Very sweet! I am so glad you shared this today. I hope this sweet post means you are feeling a little better. Still praying for strength and comfort for you all! Hugs!
Oh my heart, this is the absolutely sweetest post. Adorable video too! It’s such a joy to read about your family and watch your girls growing up.
OMG! Beautiful, adorable, precious. And I had to watch several times to see the look on Cate’s face when Sadie says “banana!” I can’t tell if it’s a “what’s the matter with you, mom said to say cheese” look or a “why didn’t I think of that” look. It is too, too cute.
SO SO sweet! I can’t get over how much they look like Harper!
And little Sadie, waiting patiently for them to say Cheese. SUCH a sweetheart.
you really are blessed Stephanie! How wonderful that even though Jimmy is far away (physically), you have these 4 to keep you company 🙂
what a beautiful family you have xxx
Happy 17 months babies!
I cannot believe how big they are!!! I remember when you were thinking about having another baby and commenting on your post way back when. I also can’t believe that you have two girls that look like one of each…Sadie and Harper. What an amazing blessing!
Four little cuties! I love how the twins are each individuals with their own quirks and identities. Thanks for sharing your girls with all of us 🙂
Oh my goodness. They are all the cutest. Bananas!
How do you get anything done? I would spend the whole day watching them! Totally adorable!
Stephanie, your kids are so cute!! I get up every morning to read my scrapbook blogs and your just plain out makes me feel good. It also makes me remember the days when my kids were that age and a little part of me wishes I could relive those days again. They were so much fun.
Love,love, love the pictures. All four girls are drop dead gorgeous. The video cracked me up! You are a GREAT mama.
They are so gorgeous! I love the pic of them holdong hands in the stroller!
Loved This! Too cute. Make that FOUR cute!!
What a blessing children are! Beautiful post as always.
they are DOLLS.
love them.
for seriously.
oh, it is hard to believe that they are that old already! i’ve been following your blog for a few years now. they are soooooooo adorable!
Thank you sharing your beautiful girls with us. They are beyond precious.
OMG! Adorable!!!
A whole family with theatrical genes… should be interesting. My son did not speak anything until 3 years. He is an accomplished teen ready for college and still rarely speaks. But boy can he write! Clearly your life will never be dull.
too cute! 🙂
Sadie’s “banana!” was the best! Hope you’ve had a good day!
This is soooo cute, loved it all. How lucky you are to have these sweeties brighten your day and give you good laughs and kisses. I’ve always wanted twins, even with all the work you get double the love.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful little family with us!! Makes me smile each time I see them.
They are just precious precious precious! I LOVE this age!!! 🙂 All the pictures and video made me smile!
i have no idea what took me so long to notice, but your girls and our Caroline Elsabeth, who we just brought home 5 days ago from Ethiopia are just about the same age! Carly’s bday is November 27 🙂
oh my gosh, they are just so precious. how did they get so big??
BANANAS! BWWAHHHAAAHHAAAAHHAAA… she is so my favorite 😉 LOL Seriously, the four of them are so adorable together. What a great family you are raising!
Oh my. Aren’t they just too adorable for words? I love how Lucy looks just like Harper, and Cate is looking more and more like Sadie all the time! 🙂
And I just ADORE that photo of the two of them in the shopping cart! Heeeee! 🙂